Part 2
Part 2:
Cedric hopped to his feet with butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He marched to the right, past the male holding area to the far door by the loading dock. He looked out and saw a lineup of patrol cars, each carrying the bounty from the night. Cedric was giddy and excited to start so he retrieved his ring of keys from his Sam Browne belt and opened the metal door with a *click*. He greeted the first officer who was escorting two scantily clad young women in handcuffs. The women looked defeated and powerless as they brushed past. Cedric noted the intoxicating scent of cheap perfume and desperation. He closed the door behind the officer and they nodded to one another before beginning their journey to the metal table. Cedric had known this veteran officer for a long while.
"Good night?" Cedric asked plainly, trying to keep his emotions in check.
"Yeah, pretty good haul." The Veteran replied coldly.
As they walked back, Cedric couldn't help but stare at the ass of the young woman in front of him. Her pink skirt was ridiculously short and Cedric was barely able to walk straight with the uncomfortable pressure in his pants. Her long brown hair bounced lightly as she clicked along in her high heels.
As they neared the desk, the veteran officer looked around then shook his head, "Sarge, are you the only one here again?"
Cedric sat down at the desk and stayed as professional as he could, "Yep, it looks like it'll be just me tonight."
The Veteran scoffed, "I'm guessing the camera system is suspiciously down again. I honestly don't know how you keep getting away with this shit, Sarge."
Cedric raised his eyebrows, "I don't know what you're talking about, Kevin."
Kevin pushed the first girl forward. She was a blonde with a plain looking face that was smeared with makeup. Cedric took her name, date of birth, height, weight, address, phone number, social security number and identifying marks (scars, tattoos, etc.) He entered her info into the computer and noticed she already had a file with previous prostitution charges. He used the small machine to his left to print off a laminated wristband with her prisoner number and identifying information.
"Welcome back, Miss Reynolds." Cedric told her as he beckoned for her arm and secured the newly printed wristband.
She examined her wrist before hanging her head and nodding. The second girl in the pink skirt stepped forward.
Cedric completed the same process with the second girl whose mascara was running in black lines down her face. She was a first timer.
"Miss Singleton, welcome to your first jail experience."
She sniffled a few times and tears ran anew when she saw her name printed on the new wristband adorning her arm. Cedric drank in the moment, relishing in the power he held over this girl. Did she know about his reputation? He was very excited to meet her again for the subsequent search and inventory.
Once the paperwork was straightened out, Cedric led Kevin and the ladies to the female holding area. Cedric unlocked the clear door and Kevin shuffled his two arrestees inside. The inside of the holding area was a series of metal benches that the prisoners were affixed to by their handcuffs. On the far wall was a solid metal door that lead to the property room. Cedric shot it a wide eyed, lustful glance. All his preparation would lead him to that room with each of these fine young ladies for some much deserved personal time.
As Cedric tightened the sobbing brunette's cuffs to the bench and the waterworks were really starting to flow, he put his hand on top of her head gently while whispering, "Shhhh, don't worry sweetheart, we'll see each other again real soon."
She trembled beneath his hand.
Kevin cleared his throat and Cedric turned to him with a smile.
They made their way back to the desk with the clear door closing and locking behind them with a light *click*. Cedric craned his neck to see the two ladies chained on opposite sides of the room. There were a lot of of seats left to fill!
He led Kevin back to the loading dock door and unlocked it for him.
Kevin turned and pointed to him, "Look, Sarge. Just don't hurt any of these girls, okay? They may technically be criminals but they don't deserve what you do to them."
Cedric ushered him out and shrugged his shoulder as he slammed the door, "I don't know what you're talking about."
Once Kevin had stormed back to his patrol car and peeled out, Cedric opened the door again to accept the next group. The line of patrol cars stretched out of the loading dock and beyond. He grinned, the menu for tonight was going to be extensive!