Part 1
Part 1:
Sergeant Cedric Baxter whistled to himself as he carried his steaming cup of coffee through the reinforced cell block door and into the holding area. He knew every square inch of these interconnected rooms. He was practically responsible for the whole damn place himself- short of pouring the concrete. He fiddled with his Sam Browne belt, noticing it was starting to catch on his ever expanding belly. He made a mental note to send the outfitting sergeant an email to get a bigger size. It wasn't his fault that he was getting older and he couldn't maintain his physique! It wasn't like he needed to be in immaculate physical shape for the duties he performed anyway.
He twirled the heavy metal cell block key ring in his hands while making his way down the hall. He turned to look through the clear glass walls to the female holding area. Well, it wasn't really glass, it was more like clear, strengthened polymer. Either way, he felt a pang of disappointment as he noticed it was empty. There were no pieces of fresh meat waiting for him. Beyond a solid concrete wall from the female holding area was the male holding area. He didn't bother to look through their glass walls facing the hallway. He didn't really care about the males. He stopped before a metal desk situated on the end of the hallway opposite the transparent holding cell walls. A tired-looking, young corrections officer half-heartedly plucked away at a keyboard while staring at a computer. The Officer took notice of Cedric and sat up straight in his chair.
"G-good e-evening, Sarge." The Officer stammered while averting his gaze.
Cedric relished being one of the most senior, respected jail employees. He ran this place and everybody knew it. Cedric placed his coffee cup on the desk in front of the man while making a dismissing gesture towards him.
"Get out of my seat, [i]Rook[/i]." Cedric replied gruffly.
The Officer jumped up quickly and shuffled some papers on the desk nervously. Cedric gave him an annoyed sigh while crossing his arms. They may have worn the same long-sleeved, brown uniform, but Cedric was clearly far superior to this walking travesty. Maybe in ten years or so the kid would be useful but now...not so much. It wasn't as if he was bad for his experience level, but Cedric had to make a point to lord his position of power over others. Hell, Cedric even made it a point to talk down to some of the experienced guys, too. He felt it was his job to keep everybody in their proper place.
As if to illustrate his point, the young Officer knocked his frantically moving hands into Cedric's coffee, spilling its steaming contents all over the desk.
Cedric stifled a laugh and shook his head, "Holy shit, Rook! You're a real fuck up, you know that?"
"I-I'm so s-sorry, sir!" The frazzled rookie croaked while his face drained of all color.
Cedric swiped a callous hand through his thin, graying hair while he yelled, "Lot of good your fucking sorry will do! Go get a me a towel and a new goddamn cup of coffee, you klutz!"
The rookie turned and ran in the direction Cedric had just entered from. He scurried past the reinforced glass wall of the female holding area. Cedric watched him sprint away with a chuckle. He sat in the rolling office chair and took a deep breath. He stared ahead, above the computer, at the two holding areas. The left one the female, the right one the male. Cedric usually complained about having to work but Saturday nights were different. He always tried to pick up the Saturday night shift and it wasn't for the money. Though, even if he missed a Saturday here and there, he would NEVER miss this particular Saturday night.
Cedric looked down at the clock on bottom of the computer screen. 2256 hours. Just a few more minutes for the fireworks to start flying! Cedric adjusted his long brown pants to accommodate the discomfort of his growing erection.
His gaze shot left. Where was that lazy rookie with his coffee!?
When the slam of the heavy cell block door echoed down the hall, Cedric knew the rookie officer was almost back. Out of breath, the rookie came into view holding a Styrofoam cup in one hand and a fistful of paper towels in the other. When he stopped in front of the desk, Cedric angrily motioned at the puddle in front of him and the young officer jumped forward and began to wipe it up.
"I'm so s-sorry about th-that, sir." He stammered as he wiped.
"Just be more careful, kid." Cedric ordered while sipping his coffee, "Where's all our customer's tonight?"
The Rookie officer finished wiping and shrugged his shoulders, "S-slow night, I guess. I know they were doing a prostitution sting over on the- on the Strip. I'm surprised they aren't asking me to st-stay to help you process."
Cedric sat back in his chair. The kid was right, the vice team was working a big prostitution ring on the Strip and they'd be bringing in their haul at 2300 hours sharp. Usually there were at least two intake deputies to process the high amount of female detainees brought in on suspicion of prostitution....but Cedric had accessed the schedule and ensured he was the only one working. There was usually a female officer that was assigned to conduct searches and inventory inmate property, but Cedric had convinced the only female member of his unit to take a vacation this week.
The Rookie folded the soaking papers and reluctantly slipped them into his pants pocket. He hefted his Sam Browne belt and fiddled with his sleeves.
The young man sniffled as he remarked, "Oh, just so you know, the c-cameras are still down in this w-wing. Maintenance hasn't had a ch-chance to get up here yet and I assume they aren't back until t-tomorrow morning."
Cedric had to fight a grin from crossing his lips. This was the hardest part of his plan to execute but with enough online research and careful planning he managed to temporarily take down the cameras monitoring the area.
"Well that's a real shame. Looks like I'll have to be on my best behavior then." Cedric joked.
The Officer forced a smile. Everybody suspected what Cedric was up to, but they couldn't touch him. Cedric sat back in his chair with a feeling of satisfaction, he was just too damn good and he deserved the night he was about to have.
"Good luck, S-sarge, have a s-safe shift. Sorry again about the c-coffee." The Rookie stated as he turned to walk past the female holding area.
"You better not do it again, kid." Cedric responded coldly.
The young deputy's shoulders drooped as his senior officer denigrated him. He probably figured Cedric didn't even know his name- which was true of course. Cedric didn't bother to learn another officer's name until several years into their career.
Cedric looked back down at the computer clock and watched it rollover to 2300 hours.