Part 3
Part 3:
It wasn't long before the female holding area was full of women ranging in age from barely legal to dangerously cougar. They wore generally slutty outfits of all descriptions: dresses, skirts, pants, shorts; there were blondes, brunettes, red heads, heavy makeup, no makeup, no bras, no panties, visible thongs, body glitter- Cedric had hit the whore MOTHERLODE with girls of all shapes and sizes. Each girl sported a laminated, white wristband containing their information which indicated that they were an inmate.
There were plenty of returning customers. He had personally dealt with over half of the girls and knew at least a third of their first names. Cedric had the suspected that every woman present knew who he was, knew what he was capable of and knew who was in charge. He was power tripping throughout the entire booking sequence. The officers he dealt with were generally respectful but there were a few that obviously didn't approve of his antics. However, none of the officers made a move against him and the only one that verbalized any discontent was Kevin.
Once the last two empty metal seats were filled with a twenty something Thai beauty and a methed out white woman, Cedric quickly escorted the last officer back to the loading bay. He was extremely excited to get the party started and needed all the other men cleared out. Once he heard the loading bay door *click* closed, he felt the extreme power and gravity of his situation. He had dozens of playthings for the night with nobody to get in the way. He practically skipped back to the female holding area and unlocked the clear door. It shut behind him and locked with a *click*. The room was all but silent. He turned and examined the sea of femininity before him. He didn't even bother to hide his hardon at this point. The females were handcuffed to the metal benches they were seated in and completely at Cedric's mercy. They were dressed to arouse men just like him. Cedric was ready to show them just how successful they were!
As his eyes trailed around the room, Cedric noticed none of the women would meet his gaze until he fixated on one particular lady in the far corner.
She was probably the oldest woman in the room and she was dressed rather conservatively. Separated from the situation, Cedric would not have guessed this woman was a prostitute. If she had been 'around the block' Cedric would have recognized her. Maybe she was new in town? She had a cold, calculating stare that made Cedric feel uneasy. He felt as if the woman was judging him. As he looked her up and down, Cedric honestly didn't remember booking her in. He figured he must have just forgotten because he was in a frenzy of arousal and focused primarily on ass and titties. In fact, he was so focused on the woman's expression of disgust and clothing that he failed to notice she wasn't wearing a laminated wristband like the others. She wasn't even handcuffed to the bench.
He turned his attention from the old woman's cold stare to a fresh-faced, young prostitute with a terrified expression. She was one of the newbies. He usually liked to go easy on the new girls and felt like starting slow with a fresh piece of meat was the right idea.
He pointed to the young woman while ordering, "You, let's go."
The young woman's breathing immediately quickened and she was visibly on the verge of hyperventilating. Her eyes nervously darted around the room, looking for comfort, but none of the other women gave it to her. Cedric stood in front of her and looked down his nose with a smirk. He enjoyed seeing the effect of his influence and felt like a giant. She gulped, met his gaze, and tried putting on a brave face.
Cedric unlocked her handcuffs using a handcuff key he kept in his uniform shirt. He pointed towards the solid metal door to the property room and ushered her to move. He was eager to see how long her false bravery would last. She began walking down the row of shackled women who each held as little control and power as she did. She was no longer handcuffed. She could have tried to turn and attack or she could have tried to run...but both she and Cedric knew it would be futile. He was much stronger and had training, size and weapons at his disposal. She had to do whatever he wanted and everybody knew it.
She stopped in front of the door. Cedric took a second to admire his first choice from afar. She had rather large breasts contained in a lowcut, pink tank top. She had a short skirt and flats while her laminated wristband wrapped around her wrist. Her golden blonde hair framed her makeup free, freckled face. Cedric pushed towards the door, intentionally walking into the path of the seated women, forcing them to move their legs out of his way. He retrieved his keys from his belt and unlocked the door. He led the frightened newbie through the metal threshold and into his infamous property room.
She followed nervously, no doubt having heard the reputation of this place. He closed the door and heard a secure *click*. There was no way anybody could enter without a key. They were totally alone. Cedric examined the room he had been in a million times. It was rather small with solid, dark walls all the way around. There were crates containing sealed bags of female inmate property lining the walls. in the center was a metal island counter with a machine that vacuum sealed belongings in thick plastic bags. Opening a vacuum sealed bag would require a pair of sharp scissors at least.
Normally, protocol dictated that arrestee's needed to be handcuffed after removing them from the bench and at any time they weren't locked in a cell. But...Cedric didn't want to restrict his girls movement in case he wanted to get frisky with them. As a result, he had removed the scissors from the room to prevent the possibility of a bad decision by one of the whores. It wasn't as if Cedric was worried one of the females could get the better of him with access to the scissors, but he didn't want an uppity slut threatening him and ruining the vibe.
Beneath the vacuum machine and metal island were boxes with green female jail jumpsuits. They came in multiple sizes and were cut for females specifically. The males had orange jumpsuits so there was no confusion. There were also green colored flip flops that he would be issuing. Cedric's basic job was to collect and document the female inmates property, seal it into bags and give her a jumpsuit and flip flops. That was it. However, Cedric glanced at the broken camera in the corner and grinned, that wasn't the ONLY thing he planned to do.
He smiled at the young woman whose bravery instantly evaporated when the door slammed shut and she saw the interior of the property room.
"Now, why don't you let me help you strip down, hun?" Cedric whispered while walking towards her.
Her body trembled as his gruff hands wrapped her in a hug. He wasn't a giant of a man, but he easily dwarfed the young girl. He felt her shaking beneath his touch and felt her soft chest pressing against his. He was glad to have left his bulletproof vest at home, he wouldn't want to miss the feeling of tits squishing against him! Her thin arms wrapped around his back. Cedric's penis pressed into his boxers and painfully into his uniform pants. He pulled his hands to her front and hefted her chest while dipping his head and burying his face in her flesh. Cedric gave her a good motorboat while chuckling to himself. She turned her head away in fear and disgust, but didn't move, as there was simply nowhere to go. He gave each breast a squeeze before stepping back and turning to the table with a grin.
"Go ahead and strip down, leave everything on the table. Piercings, bags, makeup, everything needs to go." He playfully ordered.
She slowly followed his order. Her pink tank top, skirt, white thong panties and flats were soon on the table as was a belly button piercing she carefully removed. Cedric gave her long glances while completing his intake paperwork. She had very slight curves which tapered into smooth, thin legs. She was clearly creeped out and felt violated at his stare, but she continued regardless. Cedric grabbed her wrist and read information off her wristband while she stripped.
"Go ahead and find yourself a green jumpsuit and sandals, Erin." He stated.
Erin shakily dug into the tote filled with jumpsuits and looked at a few tags before retrieving one in her size.
She turned to look at Cedric while standing naked, holding the jumpsuit. Her voice was soft and shaky, "Can I- Can I [i]please[/i] have my underwear back?"
Cedric put his pen down and stuck out his lower lip while speaking to her like he would a child, "Oh, I'm sorry, Sweetie! I've [i]just[/i] deemed your thong contraband which means it needs to stay here with me. Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll be issued some fresh panties when you get to your cell."
Erin's cheeks became flush as she hung her head in disappointment. She struggled her way into the jumpsuit and slipped on a pair of small flip flops. Her cute little painted toes stuck out the front of the shoes. Cedric watched Erin as she pulled her long hair through the suit and let it fall down her back. The arms of the suit were just short enough to allow her wristband to be visible. It was not an overtly flattering outfit by any means, but it was cut in a feminine way and allowed her chest and slight curves to show.
"Off you go, Honey." Cedric told her as he admired her clothed form one last time, trying to commit her naked body to memory. "And call me Sarge."
She turned with blazing cheeks and opened the door to the waiting area. The door could open from this side without a key. Cedric was normally supposed to seal the prisoner's items while they were present and escort them back to the benches to secure them in place. But...Cedric wasn't really worried. Erin wasn't going anywhere as the holding area contained two locked doors and he wasn't concerned about her having an altercation with any of the other girls. He would lock her up when he got back out.
Once alone, Cedric looked over Erin's clothes. He picked up her white thong panties and gave them a hearty sniff.
They were still warm against his nose and he detected Erin's intoxicating young odor. He considered pocketing her panties. In the past he'd taken plenty of inmates personal belongings including a large collection of female underwear. He shrugged his shoulders and stuffed the thong into his uniform pants pocket. He could always throw them away if he didn't end up wanting them. He looked to his paperwork and crossed off any mention of her thong being in property.
He began stuffing the rest of her clothing into a bag. He craned his neck to the door and turned his attention outward as he picked up her pink tank top. He still had so many ladies to sample! But, as Cedric's mind wandered to the adjoining room, something felt strangely wrong with Erin's top. He looked down and froze. He was holding his jail uniform shirt! His long sleeve brown shirt complete with handcuff key, nameplate, badge and uniform patches was between his fingers.
But if he was holding his shirt that meant...
He glanced down and saw he was wearing Erin's pink tank top! As soon as he saw it he felt it constricting his muscled body. It's smooth femininity rubbed against his chest hair. It dipped low enough that he could see his small, masculine nipples. His gut bulged and stretched the pink top as well. Cedric's brain felt like it was about to break as it tried to reason how this was possible. After a few frantic seconds, He shook his head and thought. Erin must have somehow removed his shirt while they were hugging? Then...maybe she somehow slipped her top on him while he was distracted with paperwork? It barely made any sense but he otherwise had no explanation. It was the only possible explanation because he didn't remember putting it on himself! Maybe she was some sort of street magician?
Regardless, Cedric moved to swiftly remove the top. He pulled at the strap. It didn't budge. He tried curling his hand beneath his stomach and into the bottom of the tank top, just above his Sam Browne belt. But, no matter how hard he tried, his fingers wouldn't slip beneath it. He could literally see his nipples and chest hair how was this possible!? Cedric frantically attempted to force his finger beneath the material once again to find it seemed to be stuck somehow. Did Erin use some sort of glue? He didn't smell any glue. It looked like the top was gently resting on his skin, why couldn't he get it off? Cedric could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He buttoned his uniform shirt back around his torso and tucked it into his Sam Browne belt. He could feel the pink, feminine top rubbing beneath his uniform shirt but it was completely obscured. He sealed Erin's belongings while continuing to try working out what had just happened.
He tossed the sealed bag into one of the bins. Cedric hesitated before walking outside. Would he confront her about it? Would he bring her back inside and demand she tell him what she had done? He mulled it over for a few seconds. He could always get in the shower when he got home and scrape off whatever glue she had placed on the top. He definitely didn't want to give her the satisfaction having pulled one over on him. He nonchalantly itched at his chest as he thought about his next move.
He decided to ignore this slight. He didn't want to give her the satisfaction and it was completely covered by his uniform shirt anyway. He wouldn't let one street magician whore's antics ruin his perfect night!
Cedric opened the door to the holding area while scratching at his chest. Who would be his next victim?