Part 2
So...I know it's only been 2 days, but I'm going to be out of town tomorrow so I decided to post a day early instead of late. Enjoy!
Part 2
"Very funny, doc" Mike mused.
Doctor Frank sighed, "You're not Michael and Giselle, I take it. I apologize, folks, I must have the wrong room."
As he turned to leave, Mike spoke again, "I mean, we just spoke to you. Everything was fine."
Doctor Frank's brow furrowed, " [b]ARE[/b] Giselle and Michael? You're my 2 o'clock? I understand we're checking dilation, position..." He read quickly off a clipboard in his left hand, "...And answering some questions about hormone imbalances." He looked up to confirm, "Does that sound right?"
Giselle pressed herself closer to Mike and spoke in a low voice, "You're scaring me Doctor Frank. I don't know why you're doing this."
Mike blurted a question quickly, "What do you mean 'hormone imbalances'?"
Mike rubbed his chin without noticing his stubble had slowly receded back into his skin, leaving it completely smooth. A chill ran through his body as all hair below his eyebrows receded as well. He felt something was off when his clothes rubbed strangely against his smooth skin, but he was so focused on Doctor Frank that he didn't think to check.
Doctor Frank looked over his shoulder and stepped into the room. He gently closed the door behind him. He sprayed his hands with sanitizer and spoke in a whisper after his gaze turned to Giselle, "Unusual body hair," His voice attempted to be reassuring, "It's not unusual to have hormonal imbalances, even this late into the pregnancy, you know."
Giselle shivered as she felt an intense itchiness all over. Her face, chest, back, arms, legs, underarms- everywhere was on fire! She had the mental fortitude and bodily control to avoid reacting, but it took every ounce of self control that she possessed. Thankfully, the itching was gone just as quickly as it appeared.
"What do you mean unusual body ha-" Giselle started before stopping mid sentence. Her eyes went wide as she stared down at herself in horror. A smattering of chest hair greeted her from the plunging collar of her dress. Her arms were shaking as the sparse, light hairs they normally sported had noticeably darkened and thickened. She also became acutely aware of a hefty mustache hanging above her pouty lips.
Giselle screamed and ran towards the bed. She crouched and hid behind it as her breath quickened and panic set in. She couldn't bear the thought of being seen like this! She wrapped her shaking arms around her torso.Tears welled in her eyes and she whimpered as she noticed a coarse tuft of hair under each armpit and a carpet of dark hairs covering her legs. Her long nails scratched at her scruffy face which looked utterly ridiculous with its feminine proportions and masculine hair. Giselle sobbed when the realization struck her: she looked like a freak!
Mike watched Giselle scurry away and began following her. He stopped as he approached and stared at her with confusion and awe. She tried to hide herself, but Mike could see the new body hair that had sprouted all over. The mustache and stubble on her face was particularly strange as it was caked with makeup.
"What did you- How is this- What happened!?" Mike shouted over Giselle's sobbing.
Doctor Frank stepped over to the bed and spoke calmly, "It looks like the hormone imbalance is worse than I thought. It's unusual, but not unheard of." He moved towards the pregnant woman on the floor, "Don't worry, ma'am, this is fixable."
She kept her head down but managed to sputter, "H-how!? I'm hideous!!"
Doctor Frank patted the examination bed as he said, "Let's get the exam done and we can start working on it."
Giselle stayed where she was and hesitated for a few seconds before talking down to the floor, "O-okay...But Mike, I need you to turn away. I c-can't let you see me like this."
"Giselle..." Mike whispered somberly.
"Please...Please...." She pleaded back.
Mike gave a dejected sigh and turned towards the wall, opting to obey his wife's request. He folded his powerful arms and finally noticed the hair on them was completely gone. His mind raced as his hands searched in vain all around his body. His black wedding ring scraped desperately across his chest. Despite his realization, Mike stayed where he was. He was worried turning around and looking at his wife would upset her. She was emotional, hormonal and pregnant after all.
After a little more convincing, Giselle slowly made it onto the bed. She was horribly embarrassed but Doctor Frank's kind eyes were reassuring. She checked multiple times to ensure Mike was not looking. She twitched her upper lip and cringed at the completely alien feeling of mustache hair rubbing against her nose.
The examination proceeded in nearly the same way as last time. Neither Giselle nor Mike cared that Doctor Frank was conducting the same tests. When Giselle tried to tell him it had already been done, Doctor Frank gave her a confused expression and asked if she wanted another doctor to examine her. Of course, Giselle was mortified at the thought of yet ANOTHER person seeing her like this so she declined, opting to let Doctor Frank do whatever he thought was necessary. Doctor Frank first had Giselle change into the pink gown as he reminded her that patients are required to wear it. He also reminded her that the pink gown she donned was specifically designed for expectant mothers. Doctor Frank respectfully turned away to allow Giselle some privacy. She tried her best to ignore the hair on her body by closing her eyes to dress herself. Despite that, however, she could feel her protruding stomach was covered in hair just as her breasts were. Mike tapped his foot impatiently as he listened to the doctor do and say nearly the same things as before.
Giselle cringed as she parted her hairy legs. Doctor Frank rolled up his little stool and let out a 'hm' sound. With his gloves on, Doctor Frank once again probed inside Giselle and declared that she was 1cm. He confirmed the baby was in a head down position and asked her about any sensitivity in her breasts. He was surprised when Giselle was able to free her C-cup, hairy breasts from the gown without prompting. Mike's head was absolutely swimming. What was happening? Was he being pranked? Why would a doctor prank somebody like this?
When the standard examination had been completed, Doctor Frank took a deep breathe and spoke, "Mrs. Baker, would you feel comfortable removing the gown completely? I need to get a full view of the problem."
Mike had just about had enough! He started to turn around with an angry 'hmf' sound.
As he did so, Giselle squealed, "Mike! Don't turn around, please!"
He paused, contemplating going against her wishes, before growling and returning to the wall. This was insane!
Giselle removed the pink gown completely and sat naked on the bed. She had a strange feeling that he was the only one that could help her reverse whatever was happening. She snapped her eyes shut and pushed away tears, ashamed to look at herself.
Doctor Frank let out a few 'hm' sounds and Giselle felt his presence move around her. When he was done, he returned to the foot of the bed and said aloud after clearing his throat, "I have some good news. The hormone treatment for this is very simple and we have it here at the office."
Giselle's heart soared and her voice fluttered as she responded cheerily, "That's amazing! Can we do it right now?"
Doctor Frank nodded his head, "Of course! Might I suggest wearing some items from the lost and found beneath the cabinet over there? You can put your dress back on it you want, but I imagine you'd feel more comfortable interacting with your husband if you covered up a bit."
Mike listened as his wife agreed. She fumbled through a cardboard box that Doctor Frank procured.
"Let me go get that treatment then." Doctor Frank stated as he reached for the door.
"Thank you, Doctor Frank." Giselle said sincerely as she pulled a hoodie over her head.
With that, Doctor Frank tossed his gloves away and left the room with his clipboard.
"Can I turn around yet?" Mike asked impatiently.
"Yes, I'm ready." Giselle answered.
Mike turned and saw Giselle had completely changed her clothing. She wore a bulky black sweatshirt and gray sweatpants alongside some sort of form fitting black face/neck mask. Her pregnant belly, medium tits, wide hips and womanly ass were noticeable, but muted in the clothing. The clothing covered everything except the top of her face and hair. Giselle's bright green eyes locked onto her husband's brown ones and they met in the middle of the room for a hug.
"I'm scared." Giselle admitted as she pressed her head into her husband's chest. Her long, brunette hair swished down her shoulders and back as she did so.
Mike placed a reassuring hand on her head and held her close as he offered some reassurance, "I know, baby. I am too. Doctor Frank should be back soon and we can get this sorted out."
Giselle nodded, "I sure hope so because I-"
*Knock* *Knock*
The door opened with a metallic *click* and Doctor Frank stepped in with his clipboard and a smile.
"Giselle and Michael Baker I presume? I'm Doctor Frank. It's a pleasure to meet you both."