Part 1

Part 1

"It would be easy, I'm the toughest son-of-a-bitch that ever lived." Mike grunted deeply while flexing his rippling biceps.

He grinned towards his tiny, heavily pregnant wife scowling at him from atop her hospital bed. Giselle crossed her toned arms over her protruding belly and below her medium breasts. She winced as her finger brushed against her sensitive nipples which responded by hardening and poking through her pink hospital gown. Mike laughed heartily and Giselle's cheeks flushed when she realized that her husband's dark eyes were fixed squarely on her tits.

"You're adorable." He mused.

"S-shut up," Giselle squeaked in her high pitch while caressing her belly, "I bet you'd fall apart immediately! I swear, sometimes guys are so stupid. This is so much harder than it looks!"

Mike stood up from the chair he was sitting in while shaking his head. He glanced around the examination room. There was a small sink in one corner, a television screen in another, a cabinet with medical supplies, a chair, a hospital bed, and an ultrasound machine. He returned his gaze to his wife and contemplated her words. He ran his eyes down her body. Giselle's long, shiny brunette hair framed her beautifully feminine face with bee-stung lips and innocent, crystal blue eyes. Even in the latest stages of pregnancy she maintained heavy makeup which gave her puffy lips a glossy shine and her skin a flawless, youthful glow. A diamond heart necklace graced her smooth neck and dangling pearl earrings pulled on the lobes of her tiny ears.

Mike's focus shifted back to Giselle's chest where his brain proceeded to undress her. While her erect nipples left little to the imagination in the pink gown, Mike managed to picture the entirety of his wife's curvy body divorced from the garment which caused a stirring in his dirty blue jeans. There was no way Giselle's frail little body could handle something he couldn't. There was just no way!

"I'm sorry, babe," Mike stated, "But chicks need to calm down about this pregnancy thing. So you get some cravings and feel horny all the time. Big whoop, sounds like me on a daily basis."

Mike shrugged his shoulders and sniggered when Giselle responded to him with a scowl. His lifting tank bared his arms and allowed dark chest hair to peek out from the scooping collar. His muscles were bulky and his dark body hair was everywhere. His prominent Adam's apple stuck out proudly amidst a manly sea of dark stubble which climbed up and around his hard, square features. Mike's nose was flared and pronounced while his eyes were mysterious and calculating. His hair was buzzed and his imposing stature dominated the room. He gently grabbed his wife's hand and held it against his own. His rugged, calloused, dirty skin brushed against hers which was dainty, smooth, and clean. Mike's simple, black, tungsten wedding ring clanked against Giselle's white-gold and diamond, filigree wedding ring. His hand closed around hers like a baseball glove and he held her tightly. His nostrils were filled with the faintly floral scent of his wife's perfume as they locked eyes.

Giselle's painted lips frowned as she sighed, "I love you, Mike. You're the man of my dreams, the one I chose to spend my life with. Arguing about this doesn't get us anywhere. I'm the woman, you're the man, and there's no way either of us can really understand how the other half feels."

Mike cracked a smile while scratching his stubble, "Yeah, I guess we can't know for sure...but I'm 99% sure bitches are just being dramatic. Let me tell you: I sat on my balls once and it was the worst thing imaginable. Can't top that!"

Giselle swatted Mikes hand away playfully and the couple laughed quietly together.

"But seriously, where is this guy?" Mike groaned.

*Knock* *Knock*

The door opened with a *click* and a middle-aged man shuffled into the room, carefully closing the door behind him. He squirted a dollop of sanitizer from the nearby table and rubbed his hands together as his eyes traced up from the floor and fixed onto Giselle.

He adopted a friendly smile before acknowledging the couple with a nod of his head, "Giselle and Michael Baker I presume? I'm Doctor Frank. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Giselle nodded, "Good to meet you doctor." She pointed to herself, "I'm Giselle," She then waved her hand towards Mike, "And this is my husband, Mike. "

Doctor Frank retrieved a pair of gloves from the wall dispenser and pulled them onto his hands. "I'll be checking everything one final time before the big day. Are you both excited to finally meet your baby?"

Mike and Giselle made eye contact, trying to decide who should speak before Mike cleared his throat and answered, "Yes, yes we are both very excited. Nervous, but excited."

Doctor Frank nodded as he responded, "It's totally normal to feel that way, especially for first time parents. While it's impossible to say there won't be any challenges, believe me when I say doctors and hospitals are pretty darn good when it comes to delivery. You'll be just fine."

Reassured by his words, Mike stepped next to Giselle's bed and grabbed her hand as he joked down to her, "You see, it's practically routine at this point. I bet you could kick your feet up and take a nap while they do everything."

Giselle rolled her eyes and used her free hand to curl an errant strand of brunette hair from her face while Doctor Frank chuckled and extended stirrups from the end of the bed. They were basically two metal hooks that extended wider and higher than the bed itself.

"Speaking of kicking your feet up." Doctor Frank said, tapping the metal stirrups and staring at Giselle, "If you wouldn't mind hiking your gown to your waist and stepping in, we'll start with your vagina."

Giselle hesitated. While Doctor Frank didn't give off any real 'creeper' vibes, hearing a male doctor say the word 'vagina' was strangely off-putting. Mike felt the same way and communicated it through a slight tightening of his grip.

Doctor Frank, sensing a change in the vibes, lowered his voice and apologized, "Mrs. Baker, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I always try use simple medical terminology to avoid miscommunication. I usually have a female nurse in the room with me during examinations. I can go get her if you'd like. I just figured with your husband here it wasn't a problem and-"

"It's okay, Doctor." Giselle interrupted sweetly, "I'm just nervous about next week. That's all."

She scooched her butt towards the end of the bed and reached beneath the gown to dislodge her panties. Giselle tugged her frilly underwear down her legs and around her feet. She kept her legs tightly shut while folding her panties and setting them next to her on the bed. Afterwards, she slid the pink gown up her legs, bunching it at the waist. Doctor Frank stood between the stirrups and waited patiently for her to finish. Giselle's eyes flicked towards Doctor Frank one final time before she turned her head to the side and parted her thighs, baring herself fully. She widened her legs further until her dainty feet were resting in the stirrups.

Doctor Frank collected a rolling stool beneath the table and moved it to the foot of the bed. Sitting in it put his eye level directly between Giselle's legs. Giselle kept her head turned away and shut her eyes.

Mike's expression was stoic. He held his wife's hand tightly and moved even closer to the bed. Their wedding rings clanked together once again. He quickly thought about the situation. He definitely didn't like another man's eyes staring at his wife's genitals, but the man was a doctor. It was different. And, besides, Doctor Frank was basically staring at Giselle's heavily pregnant belly which was direct evidence that her vagina had been tamed by her husband. Mike stifled a grin as a rush of masculine pride swelled in his chest at the thought of another man recognizing his conquest.

After explaining dilation and the test used to check it, Doctor Frank's gloved finger was carefully slipped between Giselle's labia. She winced as his finger pressed inside. It was over in a few seconds.

"You're already over 1cm, Mrs. Baker." Doctor Frank reported, "You're definitely getting closer to delivery." Doctor Frank replaced his gloves before continuing, "I'm going to check your baby's position now via ultrasound. So, if you'd please lift your gown up, just below your breasts."

Giselle had much less issue with lifting her gown now that the 'cat was out of the bag' as it were. She slid the gown further and fully exposed her belly. She felt self conscious of the long stretch marks torn in her flesh. She pouted. It wasn't her fault that she was so tiny and skinny before pregnancy!

Doctor Frank squirted warm gel on Giselle's belly and spread it around with his handheld transducer. The screen in the corner of the room flickered to life and images of a very scrunched looking baby appeared.

"Not a lot of room left in there." Doctor Frank stated cheerfully. He moved the transducer back and forth a few times before exclaiming, "Good news! It looks like baby is in the cephalic presentation meaning their head is down and ready for birth."

Mike and Giselle beamed at one another as the reality of imminent parentage became all the more clear. Giselle yelped as a sudden kick bashed against her bladder. Both Mike and Doctor Frank sniggered after exchanging a glance.

"I'm glad you boys think it's funny!" Giselle huffed, serving only to elevate Mike's subdued laugh to a full blown chuckle.

Doctor Frank brought a towel for Giselle to wipe herself while muttering a half-hearted apology. She shifted her panties and gown back into place while Doctor Frank packed away the stirrups.

"Any issue with your breasts? Any leaking, sensitivity?" Doctor Frank asked nonchalantly.

"No leaking, but they sure are sensitive." Giselle advised.

Doctor Frank nodded, "Totally normal. If you could open the top flaps of your gown I can check to make sure your milk ducts are engaging properly."

Giselle looked down and her face scrunched in confusion. She let go of Mike's hand and fiddled with the top. She let out a surprised 'Oh' as she popped a button that was hidden beneath a flap.

Noticing Giselle's surprise, Doctor Frank grinned, "You'd be surprised how few people know about those flaps until they're told about them. There's a reason you've got the pink gown on! It's made specifically for mothers or mothers-to-be."

She maneuvered the top until each of her breasts gushed through hidden holes. Again, now that the floodgates were open, Giselle wasn't feeling as embarrassed about exposing parts of her body. Mike stared down at his wife's exposed chest and felt a stirring in his jeans. Her jugs were even better than he remembered! Her areola were wider and darker while her nipples were thicker and longer. Mike observed that Giselle's teats looked exactly like the nipple of a baby bottle. He altered his stance ever-so-slightly in an attempt to mitigate the impact of his growing erection. Mike, once again, felt a rush of masculine pride as the organ responsible for his wife's pregnancy was pointing at its own handiwork.

Doctor Frank cupped Giselle's breasts carefully and crouched down to examine them closely.

After a few seconds Doctor Frank stood upright, "Looks perfectly normal to me. You are definitely ready to produce. If the sensitivity gets to be too much, there are a few topical creams I could suggest."

Giselle thanked the doctor as she closed the flaps on the gown and covered herself back up. Doctor Frank returned the rolling stool to the table and threw his gloves into a nearby trash can.

He moved towards the door and turned as he asked, "Is there anything else I can do for you folks? Everything looks great, I have no concerns. I'm very happy for both of you and I'm looking forward to seeing you back here in a week or so."

When neither Giselle nor Mike had any questions, they thanked the Doctor for his time and he departed with a nod of his head and a smile. The door closed with a soft *click*.

Mike smiled and reached for Giselle's yellow, floral maternity dress laying on a nearby chair. He handed the ultra feminine garment to her outstretched hand.

Giselle stepped down from the bed, careful not to move too quickly. Her eye level barely reached Mike's Adams apple.

He looked down and watched his wife struggle to dress herself. Her belly proved to be quite the challenge. Mike knew he would have personally struggled with the long, acrylic nails on the ends of Giselle's fingers; but he also knew she'd worn some form of girly nails for nearly her entire life and they didn't slow her down at all.

"He seemed like he knew what he was doing. I wonder if he'll be on the delivery team." Mike pondered.

Giselle pulled her brunette hair through the dress and let it hang down her back while nodding, "I hope so.

Mike approached Giselle as she was finishing some final adjustments on her outfit. He locked eyes with her and curled an errant, brunette strand behind her ear. Her dangling pearl earrings quivered with the movement.

"I'm ready to do this with you," Mike whispered, "I love you so much."

Giselle felt her heart soar and a grin widened on her madeup face. She got onto her tiptoes and puckered her pouty lips. Mike pressed forward and locked Giselle into a kiss while simultaneously pulling her forwards from around her back. Giselle practically melted in her husband's arms. They exchanged a series of heavy kisses with Mike taking the lead and Giselle following his direction.

When they finally parted, Giselle whispered, "I love you too, Mike."

Mike playfully squeezed Giselle's breast causing her to yelp. He joked, "Can't wait 'til I can knock you up again."

Giselle rolled her eyes and chided him playfully, "Way to ruin the moment, Mike!" She then ran her fingers through her hair and bit her lower lip before continuing, " neither."

With their feelings expressed, Giselle stepped into her pretty white flats and followed Mike's powerful strides towards the door with her awkward, pregnant waddle. Her flowery dress swished around her wide hips and protruding belly.

But, when Mike reached for the handle, he pulled his hand away quickly. A familiar *knock* *knock* suddenly thudded and the door clicked as it opened.

Poking his head into the room was Doctor Frank. He grew a friendly smile as he stepped inside and spoke, "Giselle and Michael Baker I presume? I'm Doctor Frank. It's a pleasure to meet you both."



Part 2