Part 3

Part 3

When he was met with blank stares, Doctor Frank looked down at his clipboard and his smile faltered, "So, you're not my 2 o'clock? I must have the wrong room, I apologize, folks."

"Where's the treatment?" Mike barked angrily.

Doctor Frank was taken aback as the door closed behind him. He looked at his clipboard and appeared to be reading from a list, "Dilation, position check, unusual hair and muscle growth..." His voice trailed off as he re-read his list. He finally looked up, "I imagine you're yelling at me about treatment for a hormone imbalance? We can get to that, but first I have to see what we're dealing with."

"Muscle growth?" Both Giselle and Mike stated together.

Mike gasped as a feeling of immense weakness dragged through his entire body. His heavy, muscled thighs softened and lost all definition while his sculpted abdominal muscles melted away. Giselle watched as Mike's bulky upper body began to diminish before her eyes. His hairless arms thinned and began losing their definition while his barrel chest shrank in the lifting top. After a few short seconds he had gone from built to average to rather small. He shouted and grabbed at his diminishing arms as they thinned even further become little more than hairless rails with skin. He had virtually no muscle definition and looked like he couldn't lift more than a few paperweights. He was swimming in the lifting top with a wide but, ultimately, muscle free chest. Mike's Jeans looked bigger, but his smooth, weak legs were not immediately visible. When it was done, Mike's body was weaker that Giselle's had ever been.

While Mike's face was rife with confusion and panic, the complete opposite process began on Giselle.

A surge of strength burst into Giselle and she took a few fast breaths. Beneath her sweatshirt, Giselle's toned, feminine arms started bulking. Layer upon layer of new muscle grew and expanded out while rippling veins carved into her hairy skin. Her torso expanded alongside her arms and the sweatshirt covering her upper body stretched to accommodate. Her toned legs became bulkier and well defined beneath her sweatpants while her abdominal muscles around her heavily pregnant belly strengthened and hardened. When it was done, nearly every part of Giselle's body was larger and stronger than Mike's had ever been. Giselle's biceps stretched even the generous sleeves of the sweatshirt, but they weren't otherwise immediately visible.

With her short stature, madeup eyes, long brunette hair, girly hands/fingers, medium breasts, wide hips and noticeable ass alongside her pregnant belly there was no mistaking Giselle was female, but if the clothes weren't covering her the obviously masculine musculature and body hair would give any onlooker a second thought. Meanwhile, Mike looked like a pathetically scrawny man with no body hair.

While Giselle's changes weren't very visible, she knew her body had completely changed and she felt strong and scared and confused and angry all at the same time. Mike's upper body was unmistakably out in the open and he felt immediately embarrassed. The lifting tank on his body was once a source of pride, intimidation and peacocking, but now it served only as a source of shame and self-consciousness.

Doctor Frank cleared his throat, "Uhm...yes...muscle growth."

Mike and Giselle stared at each other shell shocked.

"M-Mike-" Giselle stuttered in her high pitch, "Your muscles! You're so skinny!"

Mike wrapped his hairless, rail thin arms around his diminished torso in embarrassment.

Doctor Frank cleared his throat again, "Now, if you'll allow me to-"

"Get the fuck out!" Mike shouted in frustration, "GET THE FUCK OUT!" He repeated even louder.

Doctor Frank threw his hands up in surrender and opened the door which he quickly slipped through. He mumbled as the door closed behind him, "You're still getting charged for this..."

When he was gone, Mike and Giselle continued their shell-shocked stare down. Mike felt his wife's eyes on him and he felt his cheeks flush.

He pleaded pitifully, "Please turn away, baby, I can't- I can't let you see me looking like a fucking WIMP!"

"It's okay, Mike. We'll figure this out." Giselle responded with hollow reassurance.

Mike shook his head, "No, no, I don't know what the FUCK is happening here, but I'm covering up with something then we are fucking LEAVING!"

Mike took a shaky step towards the cabinet and almost fell as his new muscles were not nearly as strong as he was used to. His face felt red with embarrassment as he tugged on the cabinet door and failed to get it open. Even his large, manly hands felt like heavy weights! He was weaker than Giselle ever was! He grinded his teeth and heaved the door one more time and it squeaked open. Once inside, Mike discovered that the lost and found box he'd heard Giselle rifling through was completely empty! It was just an empty cardboard box! Mike angrily snatched the box and attempted to rip it in half, only for his arms to shake and the box to remain intact. He tossed the box to the bottom of the cabinet and turned back to Giselle who watched her panicking husband with concern.

"Just wear what you have on, Mike, we need to get out of here." She offered.

Mike shook his head wildly, "No, no, what if somebody sees me? What if somebody I KNOW sees me? Give me your sweatshirt, babe."

Giselle took a step back and braced herself against the bed, "I...I can't do that. Let's just leave, right now, together."

Mike took a step towards Giselle. He could feel her eyes burning holes in his skinny little BITCH arms. An ocean of negative emotion bubbled up in him.

"Give it to me." He snapped.

"No!" She replied.

Mike's breathing quickened and he balled his fists. Completely distraught at his missing sense of self, his damaged pride, his bruised ego and what he perceived as his value as a man: his missing muscles, Mike did something he thought he'd never do. He reached down and grabbed the shoulders of the sweatshirt, intending to pull it from his wife's body. His hands touched the bulky, muscled shoulders of Giselle and she simply moved her arm up and flicked Mike away like a bug. He tried once again and Giselle pushed her arms forward this time, causing Mike to fly across the room and crash into the chair. Giselle looked down at her delicate hands in amazement and fear. She'd never dreamed of being this strong. She waddled over to Mike who had collapsed on the floor, feeling her steps were light and effortless. She tried to help him up, but he shooed her away. He attempted to complete a singular pushup to get back on his feet, but stayed squarely on the floor as his hairless arms shook with strain. He eventually gave up and used the nearby chair to struggle back upright. He turned to look down at Giselle with a glint of despair his eyes. In all their years together, Giselle had never seen Mike look at anybody like this.

He took a few deep breaths and hung his head as the unusual glint faded, "I'm sorry about that, baby. I just- I don't know what came over me. I'll just use your gown there to cover up if you don't mind."

Giselle nodded and Mike proceeded to step into the pink gown which successfully covered most of his diminished upper body. His thin forearms and comparatively oversized hands were still visible, but it was better than the lifting tank alone. His jeans managed to cover his wimpy legs without much issue.

"Are you sure you'd rather be seen in this than just the tank top?" Giselle asked incredulously.

Mike snapped back quickly, "I'm sure." He then sighed, "At least with the gown my upper body is ambiguous. Let's get out of here. Hopefully, we can figure out how to fix all this when we get home."

They walked side-by-side to the door, still trying to adjust to their new muscles, when a familiar

*Knock* *Knock*

heralded a metallic click and the smiling face of Doctor Frank.

"Giselle and Michael Baker I presume? I'm Doctor Frank. It's a pleasure to meet you both."



Part 4


Part 2