Part 13
Part 13
Shelly groggily stepped through the threshold with the horrible taste of vomit in her mouth. What was wrong with her? Fatigue was one thing, but nausea and throwing up was another. She glanced around the room and saw it looked like some sort of spa. There was a babbling fountain in the corner, potted plants and fragrant flowers strewn about, and a seating area with wicker chairs and women's magazines on a coffee table. A comfortable looking, black-leather chair sat in the dead center of the room. The lighting was soft and room was warm.
The space made Shelly feel happy and at ease, but the cold spunk coating her thighs, the concern over her mysterious sickness, and the makeup running down her tear-soaked, puffy cheeks threatened to ruin it.
Mrs. Kraft retrieved a blanket from a corner cabinet and draped it over the leather chair. She stared at Shelly coldly while tapping the headrest.
"Sit, girl." She ordered.
Shelly immediately obeyed by stepping forward with one hand clutching her stomach. She winced as a pocket of gas gurgled inside her and her large feet slapped against the floor as she shuffled forward.
When she reached the chair, Shelly braced herself and bent over. A pained moan escaped her lips as the gurgling intensified and a stinging heartburn blazed in her chest.
Mrs. Kraft aggressively tapped the headrest once again and Shelly pushed through the pain to obey. The last thing she needed was Mrs. Kraft hitting her again! She struggled onto the chair, particularly with her long, hot pink acrylics getting in the way, and relaxed once she was in position. The blanket was surprisingly soft and warm against her skin. The fatigue from the last few hours set in and Shelly's body collapsed against the chair. Whether it was from her sickness or general fatigue or a combination; Shelly wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and sleep.
Mrs. Kraft fiddled with the bottom of the chair before extending two metal poles with stirrups on the end. She moved them up and out then collected Shelly's large, veiny feet and set them inside. They didn't fit well as the stirrups were clearly designed for much smaller feet. Shelly was far too fatigued to be embarrassed about her thighs being parted and her sticky genitals being bared. Besides, Mrs. Kraft had already inserted and removed a dildo from Shelly's snatch and been queefed on, what more was there to be embarrassed about?
Mrs. Kraft walked back to the cabinet and returned with a small handheld device. Shelly watched her lazily and with heavy eyelids. She was quite comfortable, even with the gas and heart burn bubbling and scorching in her chest.
Mrs. Kraft looked down and spoke bluntly to Shelly with an icy snap, "When was the last time a man ejaculated in your vagina unprotected?"
Shelly squinted her eyes in confusion and responded slowly in her high pitch, "Um...Ten minutes ago?"
Mrs. Kraft nodded her head before suddenly pushing the handheld device into Shelly's arm. A small prick caused her to squeal and reflexively pull her arm away. Mrs. Kraft then stared at a small display on the device for a few seconds before reporting, "Well, hopefully you know who the father is because you're almost three months along."
Shelly's stomach dropped and her surroundings seemed to dim. Her breath caught in her throat and her shining green eyes bulged while her mouth wordlessly opened and closed. Her brain tried to make sense of the situation. A new wave of nausea and vertigo suddenly swept through Shelly and her stomach heaved. Without any warning, she turned her head to the side and a stream of vomit erupted forth. It landed safely in a trash can held by Mrs. Kraft who had clearly been ready for Shelly's morning sickness to strike again.
When she was finished and the nausea abated, Shelly spit a few times into the basket and weakly thanked Mrs. Kraft. As she laid back onto the headrest, a pricking tingle began in her feet. She looked down at her large, vascular feet in the stirrups and watched them begin to shrink. With each passing second they became daintier and smaller transitioning from a men's size 12.5 to something much different. Shelly's arches rose, her nails and cuticles cleaned while her toes shortened and her feet thinned. Her toenails slowly filled in with hot pink paint to match her fingers. Finally, her prominent veins receded leaving only silky smoothness. When it was finally done, Shelly's delicate, size 5 feet with hot pink nails rested comfortably in the stirrups. Her new, girly feet fit much better with the rest of her body.
Shelly wasn't the least bit interested in her feet, however, as her focus was squarely on Mrs. Kraft. She gasped, "But...I can't- I can't get pregnant!"
Mrs. Kraft placed the trash can on the floor and her hands found her hips as she responded, "You can and you are."
"I'm a man, damnit!" Shelly yelled angrily.
Mrs. Kraft rolled her eyes and scoffed as she pulled a pack of wet wipes from the pocket of her pink scrubs. She got between Shelly's legs and started to wipe. Shelly took a sharp breath as the cold wipes cleaned around her nethers.
Mrs. Kraft spoke harshly and her wiping increased in intensity when she put emphasis on certain words, "Well [b]SIR[/b] this is the most [b]FEMALE[/b] looking [b]PENIS[/b] I've ever seen. You're a [b]FEAT[/b] of [b]SCIENCE[/b]; the first [b]MALE[/b] to ever be [b]PREGNANT[/b]."
Shelly stayed quiet as Mrs. Kraft finished up. There was no reason to make her even angrier. She tossed the defiled wet wipe into the nearby trash can and shook her head.
A gurgling sound caused Shelly to reach for her stomach once again. She felt a bloating sensation before her belly expanded by half an inch. She could actually feel herself get bigger! It was the most terrifying half inch imaginable and Shelly's chest fluttered as she panicked. She rubbed her belly as it pushed out another half inch.
Mrs. Kraft recognized Shelly's terror and spoke to her solemnly, "It's insane the things we allow men to do to us. Mother Nature is a beautiful, wonderful, stone-cold [b]bitch[/b], isn't she?"
Shelly was too panicked, too terrified to speak. Her whole body shook and her mind reeled. She couldn't get pregnant! She just couldn't! [i]HE[/i] just couldn't! [i]MIKE[/i] just couldn't!
Walking to the cabinet, Mrs. Kraft secured a large wooden box. She returned holding the box and snapping her fingers while ordering, "Close your eyes, girl, and stop shaking!"
Shelly's hands remained on her belly as it grew a little more. Her left hand felt a sudden pressure and she looked down to see it had become swollen and her ornate diamond wedding ring felt tight. Her other hand and both feet followed suit, swelling up and throbbing with dull pain.
Mrs. Kraft flicked one of Shelly's incredibly sensitive, dark nipple eliciting a yelp before scolding, "I told you to close your eyes, girl!"
Shelly quickly did as instructed. She heard the wooden box open and multiple items being retrieved. She wanted to look but feared the repercussions. A soft ripping sounded before another wet wipe touched Shelly. This time, Mrs. Kraft was scrubbing Shelly's face. While the situation was generally overwhelming, it definitely felt good to get her smudged, running makeup removed.
Shelly focused on the babbling fountain in the corner, trying to ignore her belly which was, once again, expanding. It was becoming more noticeable by the second. At this point, she looked like a woman that was bloated, but Shelly knew that would change very soon. She felt powerless but too intimidated and controlled by her pudgy captor to protest.
Mrs. Kraft blotted Shelly's eyes with a dry towel after clearing every trace of makeup. It was refreshing for Shelly to finally be rid of all the gunk and mess. With a dry, clean base, Mrs. Kraft applied a layer of expensive cream that absorbed into Shelly's skin within a few seconds.
A soreness brewed in Shelly's hips and she winced as her belly churned and expanded a full inch. She now looked like a woman that was VERY bloated. If she wore clothing that fit at the start they would feel very tight by now.
Mrs. Kraft began applying liquids and powders of all kinds around Shelly's face. Foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, blush, Shelly tried her best to keep everything still as layer upon layer was piled on. If she had to wear makeup, she wanted it to look competent, at least! Another half inch expansion heralded a petrifying development as Shelly felt a surge of movement beneath her hand.
"It- It kicked!" Shelly sputtered with astonishment as she tried to sit up.
Mrs. Kraft pinched Shelly's nipple again, [b]HARD[/b]. Shelly howled in pain and her eyes threatened to tear up. Her nipples were even more sensitive than last time and the pain she felt was deeper and longer lasting.
"Don't even think about crying! Your baby is supposed to move. You aren't! Now sit still!" Mrs. Kraft instructed harshly.
Shelly sighed and ignored the throbbing in her nipple as she attempted to calm herself.
"Pucker your lips." Mrs. Kraft ordered.
Shelly pushed her thick lips forward and Mrs. Kraft began working on them. The faster she obeyed the faster she would be done! Liner, lipstick and gloss were all applied and Shelly felt her lips begin tingling. Another full inch of belly lurched forward alongside another kick. This time it was directly against Shelly's bladder and she squirmed as a strong urge to urinate flared.
"Bed pan is already in place." Mrs. Kraft stated plainly as she continued her work.
Shelly's brain started firing rapidly. She'd never even urinated as a woman, how did Mrs. Kraft expect her to do it with an audience!?
The size of Shelly's pregnant belly had become unmistakable. With her small frame and generally thin structure, it was increasingly obvious that her size was not due to weight or bloat. Another strike was delivered to Shelly's bladder forcing her to squeeze her legs together. She couldn't take much more of this!
When her lips had become heavy with makeup, Mrs. Kraft started working on her eyes. Primer, liner, shadow and mascara were applied liberally. Another half inch surged forward and Shelly took a sharp breath as it felt like the air was squeezed from her lungs. Her expanding belly ached and she drew several shallow breaths in quick succession. Her uterus and baby were now taking up enough space that her lungs were struggling to find room. Thankfully, something shifted inside and she felt instant relief. Her body was adapting! It took a few breaths for her mild panic to pass and her regular respiration to return.
Mrs. Kraft busied herself applying false lashes as Shelly squeezed her legs even tighter. The urge to pee was starting to become overwhelming, she needed this to be done soon! When Mrs. Kraft was finished her eyes, and Shelly felt the weight of the false lashes, she collected Shelly's long, blonde hair and draped it over the back of the headrest. Mrs. Kraft began combing it and fighting through any snags. Shelly's hair was generally very silky so there weren't many issues. Another full inch and a *POP* sounded. Shelly's belly button pushed outwards becoming noticeably 'outie'. There was absolutely no mistaking that Shelly was approaching the mid/late stages of pregnancy. She felt a pressure in her nipples and they became
Shelly's entire focus turned to her bladder. She was determined to avoid urinating under these conditions. Meanwhile, Mrs. Kraft pulled Shelly's hair into two long strands which she secured into pigtails with lacy pink ribbons. When Mrs. Kraft was finished she removed her hands and a final full inch of belly propelled outward. Without any warning, the most powerful kick yet wracked Shelly's bladder and her legs immediately split open. Despite her best efforts, a rush of urine squirted out of her. Shelly's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and she opened her eyes to look down. She saw a protruding belly between her tits and a deluge of golden liquid erupting between her splayed legs.
Mrs. Kraft screamed, "Squat over the bed pan you stupid girl!"
Shelly clenched her pelvic floor muscles to stop her stream. She lasted just long enough to struggle her way off the chair while ignoring the feeling of heavy, false lashes and makeup layered on her face. She saw the dry bed pan stationed in front of a line of urine coating the floor. She winced and squatted over it before letting her pelvic muscles relax once again. Her stream resumed with a feminine *frush*, but it was more akin to a fire-hose spraying randomly. Parts of Shelly's stream continued to miss the bed pan so she was forced to squat even lower until her vagina was almost touching the pan itself. Her legs started to fatigue and shake as her bladder emptied and her stream slowed. The stench of urine assaulted Shelly's nose while she used the nearby chair to pull herself back onto her feet. The odor of urine was strong and likely due to god-knows-what kind of pregnancy hormones she had coursing through her veins. Mrs. Kraft sighed as she looked down at the mess. She shot Shelly an angry scowl before offering her a tissue. Shelly felt wetness between her legs so she accepted the tissue and carefully wiped her dripping vulva.
Now on her feet, Shelly was able to gauge how her body had changed. She placed her hands on her pregnant belly which protruded a full 6.5 inches from its original start point. Her long nails rubbed along its outer boundaries and scraped against her new 'outie' belly button. heavy and weighed on her shoulders and back. Shelly's entire stance and center of gravity had shifted. Her makeup felt thick on her face. Her eyelids also felt heavy with the fake lashes. She didn't have a mirror available but she knew her makeup was way over-the-top. Her blond pigtails fluttered down her back and the lacy pink ribbons tickled around her face. The string of pearls hanging from her ears had become pink and shiny as well.
As Shelly looked over her new body, Mrs. Kraft approached and shoved some clothing towards her. The first item was a pink, lace bra that matched her ribbons, earrings and nails. Shelly had no real experience wearing a bra so Mrs. Kraft was kind enough to assist her. The cups of the bra gently caressed her sensitive breasts and, once secured, instantly relieved some of the weight from her shoulders and back. The tight straps would certainly take some getting used to, but Shelly welcomed any relief she could get.
The second garment was a matching pink, lace thong. The thong was little more than a flowery, lace belt shaped into a 'V' with a wafer thin, nearly transparent mesh below it. Shelly stepped into the skimpy underwear and slid it up her legs. The flowery 'V' nestled just above her vagina and looked like it was designed to point directly at it. The eye of any onlooker was immediately drawn to the transparent mesh tightly hugging Shelly's vulva. It left nothing whatsoever to the imagination.
The third item was a pair of women's size 5, pink heels. The heel was only about an inch. They were open toe with a trail of glittery flowers down the sides. Shelly hesitated when presented with the heels. Mrs. Kraft didn't really expect her to walk in heels for the first time while pregnant, right!? But, when Mrs. Kraft's demeanor noticeably worsened at her hesitation, Shelly got her answer. She sighed lightly and stepped into them. Her feet fit perfectly and her pretty, painted toenails poked out from the opening. Her feet looked perfectly natural in heeled, women's shoes!
The next thing Mrs. Kraft handed over was a small, glittery, pink purse that said 'Girly Girl' on the side in a big, flowery script. It had a thin pink strap. Shelly opened the purse and discovered some random makeup essentials, moisturizer, tissues, a tampon, a small bottle of pepper spray called 'girl's best friend' and a matching wallet that said 'Girly Girl' in the top corner. Inside the wallet was a license.
She examined it closer:
NAME: Shelly Giselle Olmsted (Baker)
AGE: 24
There was also a social security card, a debit card and four credit cards with her name on them. She closed the wallet and slipped it back into the purse which she zipped. She placed the strap on her shoulder and let the bag hang at her hip. She was left wearing a lace bra, thong, heels and a purse.
Shelly stared at Mrs. Kraft and Mrs. Kraft stared back.
"What?" Mrs. Kraft spat.
"Where's the rest of the clothes?" Shelly asked innocently.
Mrs. Kraft cackled, "That's it, girl. Go, your hubby is waiting."
Shelly looked down at herself. There was NO WAY she was going to go out without more clothes. Her outfit was insanely skimpy! There had to be something in one of the nearby cabinets or drawers or-
Shelly doubled over as her stomach deeply gurgled. She looked up and her green eyes met Mrs. Kraft's dark, angry stare. Her voice was low and menacing, "Better find that husband of yours, girl. Tik. Tok."
Shelly felt fear grip her as the gurgling turned to expansion. Her hands caressed her stomach and pushed outward as she grew. She had to find Glen!
Shelly's heels clacked along the floor and she gripped her purse strap as she made her way to the metal door. Her pigtails swished and swooped alongside her earrings and ribbons. Luckily the bra held her largest weights in place as she moved. Her hips displayed their normal roll albeit with a slightly modified sway thanks to her growing belly and low heels. She made it to the door as another round of changes wracked her. A loud *RIP* sounded as her belly pushed further and stretch marks carved into her skin. She grunted and pulled at the heavy door which refused to budge.
"Tik. Tok." Mrs. Kraft repeated wickedly.
Shelly pulled at the door with all her strength. Strain filled her face and she grunted angrily. The door didn't budge an inch. The filigree diamond wedding ring on her finger hurt terribly as the swelling worsened. She pounded her little fist against the metal and it barely registered.
Shelly turned to Mrs. Kraft and begged in her soprano, "P-please help me! I can't get it open, I'm too weak!"
Mrs. Kraft threw her head back and cackled. Her white hair knot stayed cemented in place and her pink scrubs flowed around her as she began slowly walking towards the door.
"I coooould assist a helpless little preggo like you, but I want something in return." Mrs. Kraft offered.
Shelly felt a change in her feet and she looked down to see the heels of her shoes had gotten an inch taller. She tried to kick the shoes off but they were too tight now that her feet had gotten so swollen. She attempted to bend over and reach the toes, but her expanding pregnancy didn't allow her the mobility.
She nodded her head, "Anything you want. I'll do it."
Mrs. Kraft grinned, "I want you to say 'I have mommy milkers' five times in a row."
Shelly winced as a tingling started in her throat. She grabbed at her neck and the muscles recoiled for a second before relaxing. Shelly instantly recognized her gag reflex had been eliminated. She uselessly tugged on the door once again.
Seeing no other option, Shelly took a breath and kept her voice low, "I have mommy milkers."
A pressure quickly formed behind Shelly's nipples. Mrs. Kraft's grin widened.
"I have mommy milkers." Shelly repeated.
The pressure intensified significantly and her once comfortable nipples felt suddenly uncomfortable in the lace bra. Shelly looked down and noticed a clasp on the cups of her bra as it changed into a lace maternity bra. Mrs. Kraft was slowly closed in on Shelly while watching her intensely.
Shelly hesitated until another gurgling noise rumbled within.
"I have mommy milkers." She stated louder.
Shelly squealed when the pressure increased yet again. It felt like her breasts were about to explode! She didn't want to endure the pain any longer, she had to get to Glen, NOW!
Mrs. Kraft reached up and tore the patches of Shelly's nursing bra away causing her tits to gush through the empty, lace holes. She groaned as they swelled larger and surged forward. Shelly's nipples lengthened and her milk ducts opened. The pressure was incredible!
Mrs. Kraft cackled once more, "Let's see these milk jugs become [b]REAL[b] milk jugs!"
Her bony hands hefted Shelly's breasts and squeezed them towards her teats. A white stream of milk surged outward and Shelly felt instant relief. She pushed her chest forward, resigning herself to getting milked. Mrs. Kraft swiftly coaxed more and more milk out of Shelly's engorged teats until the pressure had lessened significantly.
When Mrs. Kraft finally stopped, there was a tiny white puddle pooled on the floor near Shelly's two inch, pink heels. Mrs. Kraft attempted to re-attach the cups but found Shelly's breasts were simply too big. Shelly attempted to remove the tight bra but couldn't reach the clasp and Mrs. Kraft was not willing to help. She was left with a cup-less lace bra that simply provided window dressing for her fat, heavy, lactating jugs.
Shelly began speaking while nervously gripping the strap of her purse, "O-okay, I did your sick, twisted-"
She stopped as her lips became numb. She reached up and her acrylic nails felt her already pouty, thick lips were juicing up even more. When they finished, her lips had become ridiculous dick pillows that looked perfectly suited for one thing only.
Shelly tried to speak again, "It'th time to- It'th- It'th-"
Her expanded lips were causing her problems and a slight lisp had formed. Before she could attempt it again, a sharp sting poked into her tongue as a shiny pink stud attached itself.
Shelly's hands shot to her belly as it expanded even further. She felt a shift as the baby flipped in her womb to a head down position and one step closer to delivery.
"Pleasth openth the thdoor" Shelly moaned while rubbing her belly.
Mrs. Kraft nodded and approached the pink, metal door. She hit a small black button near the handle and the electronic lock disengaged. She then easily swung the door open with a smug smile and motioned for Shelly to exit while giving her a mocking bow.
"You bithchs!" Shelly screamed.
Her rumbling stomach, however, wouldn't allow her to standby and enact vengeance. She staggered towards the pastel colored, flower lined hallway with a pregnant waddle while clutching her purse. She made sure to avoid the pile of semen and vomit still sitting there from her earlier episode. Her heels increased in size once again giving her a solid three inches while her milky breasts jiggled and swayed wildly in the cupless, lace bra. She was almost halfway when an ache wracked her hips. This ache was deeper and stronger than anything she had experienced before. Shelly fell against the wall and panted. Her legs didn't want to move. She was immobilized until whatever was happening had subsided. Pressure grew in her hips which felt like they were stretching and softening to better birth a child. It culminated with an audible *CRACK* as Shelly's hip bones reformed to be wider set. When the pain subsided, Shelly immediately noticed her legs were significantly different. Her stance was much wider and more open. Combined with the rest of her body, Shelly's new legs and hips gave her a stereotypical late-third-trimester pregnant waddle. She leaned into the stereotype even further when she placed one hand below her deeply stretch-marked belly to support it from below while the other hand went behind her back. Her 'Girly Girl' brand purse dangled down by her side. But the picture was complete with her heavy tits and dark areola laying directly on her belly.
Shelly waddled to the far door and burst through it. She was back in the family planning center. There was nobody there. She staggered to the center of the room when yet another rumble heralded a blow to her bladder. She yelped as her bladder filled and she felt the need to pee once again. She pressed her wider set thighs together as the wafer-thin mesh covering her vagina moistened. She hopped back and forth on heels which increased to four inches before locating a trash can next to Doctor Frank's desk. She was determined not to soak the floor again like an animal!
She waddled over and struggled to reach down and grab the basket. When she finally managed it, Shelly returning to the center of the room and winced as the anticipation of another kick mounted. She placed the basket beneath her and pulled her wet thong to the side while letting her purse drop to the carpet. She ensured her long pigtails were out of the way and squatted down. A strong, sudden pressure formed behind her nipples and Shelly reached up to milk her own teats. Streams of white liquid splashed onto the floor just as another kick forced the urine stream to erupt from Shelly's labia and begin battering the wastebasket with a *FRUSH*. Shelly's pierced tongue fell from her mouth and she moaned as multiple sources of relief washed over her.
The door to the family planning center opened and Glen and Sophia walked into the room from the first door. Glen's eyes immediately fixated on his wife who was squatting in the middle of the room. His mouth fell open when his voice asked shakily, "S-Shelly?"