Part 12

Part 12

Glen entered the room and noticed it was similar to the hallway he had entered from. It was dimly lit and felt like the basement of a tavern. There was sports memorabilia, beer signs and pictures of naked women all over the walls. There was also a bar to the side, a couple of couches, some TVs hanging on the walls, and a refrigerator. In the center of the room was a comfortable looking leather recliner.

Glen's eyes circled around the room and took everything in. He still felt conflicted when he saw the women, unsure if he was attracted to them or not. He shivered. Without any clothing, and with the heat from Doctor Frank's serum running out, Glen was starting to feel chilly.

Sophia procured a cloth sheet from a nearby drawer and laid it over the recliner. She then put her hands on the head rest and spoke with a cheery smile, "Come on and take a seat Mr. Olmsted!" Her smile turned sly and her voice became a soft coo as she added, "You'll love it, I promise!"

Glen felt a pang of guilt at his recent infidelity, but resigned himself to whatever Sophia had in store for him. He laid on the sheet and reclined in the chair. It was even more comfortable than it looked. He let out a contented sigh as the exhaustion from the last few hours finally caught up to him. His body felt like it melted into the sheet.

"There we go, just relax." She whispered.

Glen's eyelids felt heavy as he watched Sophia walk to a nearby table and procure a bottle. She squirted an oily substance from the bottle onto her hands and rubbed them together. Glen rested his head back as Sophia re-approached him. She kneeled down at his feet and smiled up. Glen weakly returned the smile before Sophia reached forward and began massaging his tiny, hairy feet. Her soft hands felt heavenly and her oiled fingers squeezed and pulled. Glen let out a contented *hmm* as he fell deeper into relaxation. The faint squelching sound of Sophia's hands worked to calm and relax Glen even more. His heavy eyelids closed and the world around him began to fade away.

Just as he was about to go unconscious, however, a prickling tingle pulled him back from the brink and he looked down to see his feet changing beneath Sophia's touch. As she squeezed, his nails grew dirtier and rougher and as she pulled, their overall size became longer and flatter. Sophia noticed his curious gaze and gave him a reassuring nod. The tingling wasn't unpleasant like some of the other changes, so Glen simply remained still and watched. He was too fatigued to resist, even if he'd wanted to. Sophia pinched the top of his increasingly masculine feet causing veins to push out beneath a sparse layer of coarse hair. When she finally lifted her hands away, Glen was left with flat, hairy, veiny, size 14 feet. They looked perfectly suited for his 6"4 body.

Glen wriggled his toes and noticed they were dirty, rough and gnarled. These feet were anything but pretty! With the change finished, Glen's body felt sleepy once again. He yawned and rested his head back. Sophia stood and walked to the drawer. She wiped her hands on a towel and returned with a black sleeping mask.

Her voice was sweet and quiet, "Here, Mr. Olmsted, put this on. I think you've earned a little nap. I'll find you some clothes and come get you when your wife is done."

Glen yawned again and took the mask. It felt a little heavier than he expected. He figured it must have been weighted. He slipped it over his eyes and sighed deeply. The sheet around him felt warm and soft against his bare skin. As Glen drifted off, a minor electric shock zapped his closed eyes which his semi-conscious mind attributed to static shock. Moments later, when he was finally on the cusp of sleep, Glen's brain was invaded by a stream of images.

He saw his husband, Mike, as he was just a few hours prior. Mike was rather macho with his sexy, big muscles-


Glen's thoughts recoiled with pain and confusion as the mask jolted him.

His thoughts quickly returned and the same image appeared. He saw his husband, Mike. He flexed his big, sexy biceps and-


Glen's face contorted with pain and he groaned quietly.

The image of Mike swirled again. This time, it focused on Mike's hard, hairy chest. Glen wanted to rest his head against it and-


The manly scent filling Glen's nostrils-


Being held by strong arms-


Hearing a deep voice calling for him-


Glen's brain was swiftly learning to associate attraction to manly attributes with displeasure.

A new image swirled simultaneously to the manly Mike. This one showed Shelly as she was now. Her long blonde hair felt silky in his hands.


A wave of euphoric pleasure cascaded warmly across Glen's semi-conscious body.

Feeling her soft breast in his hand-


Glen sighed happily as another wave crashed.

Her cute, girly face and thick lips calling his name-


Glen felt wonderful as the mask reinforced that attraction to feminine attributes was pleasurable.

Mike's swinging cock-


Glen grunted in pain.

Shelly's inviting pussy-


Back to pleasure.

Being a pregnant woman-


Making a woman pregnant.Sucking a penis.Eating out a vagina.Shopping spree with the girls.Getting drunk with the boys.






Glen's face jumped from pleasure to pain, from contented sigh to pained grunt. Soon the image of Mike turned into other men. It focused on their big muscles, penises, facial hair, strong arms, hairy legs, large feet, deep voices, everything associated with attraction to maleness and masculinity caused pain. Similarly, the image of Shelly became random women. These images focused on breasts, thighs, asses, vaginas, long hair, nipples, high-pitched voices. Everything associated with attraction to femaleness and femininity gave him pleasure. Being in control, being dominant gave him pleasure while being controlled or being submissive gave him pain.





Glen didn't know how long he laid in that state as time seemed to stand still. The mask brutally reinforced its agenda and he was powerless to stop it. Eventually, Glen felt a gentle touch on his arm and he sprang up. He tore the mask from his face and launched it across the room. His heart was pounding and he his breaths came in heaving gasps as sweat poured down his naked body.

Sophia looked on with concern as she pulled her hand back and spoke, "It looked like you were having a nasty nightmare, Mr. Olmsted. I should have woken you earlier, I'm sorry."

Glen bolted upright and stared at Sophia. He first noticed the curve of her breasts pushing into the blue scrubs and her feminine stance with one hand on her hips. He examined her long, black hair, her plump lips, the way her wide, brown eyes watched him. His bare penis twitched when he imagined what her body looked like under her scrubs: her tits, her hips, her snatch. She'd already blown him once, but Glen wanted Sophia's lips wrapped around him again.

Sophia looked between his legs and smirked, "Looks like somebody is happy to see me!"

Glen's hand wrapped around his erection and he pointed it towards Sophia as he asked, "You ready for another round?"

Sophia shook her head and responded, "Sorry, stud, but it's time you met up with your wife. Something tells me she'd be [i]very[/i] interested if you asked! Now, let me get you those clothes."

Glen looked down at the black metal wedding ring on his finger. Shelly's curvy body flashed through his mind alongside a warm, vibrating buzz. He replayed the recent sex he'd had with her in his head and longed for her gushing pussy wrapped around his cock. His heart soared at the prospect of creaming [i]his[/i] wife again and again until she swelled with [i]his[/i] child. The pleasurable buzz reinforced his positive feelings about his masculine role.

Sophia turned towards the bar area and Glen admired her ass as she walked away. He wanted to see that thing bouncing without the scrubs! He glanced around the room and admired the naked women. His manhood twitched. How had he overlooked the sexy chicks displayed all around him?

Sophia returned holding a pile of clothes. She offered them towards Glen while apologizing, "I'm sorry, but this is all I could find. I thought we had a lot more. I'm sure you'll look good in them."

Glen appreciated the compliment and accepted the clothes. He stood from the chair and felt the increasingly familiar weight of his external genitalia. Having a penis and testicles between his legs was becoming more normal to him. Every second spent with his masculine body further cemented being a man as his default identity. Once fully on his feet, Glen made sure to flex his impressive muscles. There was an attractive woman watching, after all! He waved his dick and floppy balls towards Sophia and chuckled when her cheeks turned red. He could practically feel the heat between her legs.

Glen stepped into a pair of tiny white shorts. They felt more like underwear and hugged him like a second skin. The shorts were particularly tight in the crotch and the outline of his cock and balls were clearly visible. His manly ass and muscular thighs were also highlighted in the shorts which reached mid-thigh. The rest of his hairy legs were left uncovered. Next, he strapped his newly altered feet into size 14 men's tennis shoes with short black socks. The last item was a black lifting tank top that he pulled onto his torso. It barely contained his pecs and left his bulging arms out in the open. The tank said 'MILF MAKER' in bold, red letters with an arrow pointing towards his groin.

With his outfit officially donned, Sophia handed Glen one final item: a brown, leather wallet. Glen took the wallet and opened it. Inside he saw a license.

He examined it closer:

NAME: Glendale Michael Olmsted

AGE: 27




There was also a social security card, a debit card and two credit cards with his name on it. He closed the wallet and secured it inside a hidden pock in the back of his bike shorts. It bulged out a little, but it felt right to have a wallet in his back pocket.

Sophia moved towards the door and stopped. She placed her hands on the wall, bent over slightly, and stuck her ass out while looking suggestively over her shoulder. She spoke sweetly, "Give me a lil' spank, handsome, and I'll show you out."

Glen didn't need to be told twice! A pleasurable buzz reverberated in the back of his head as he surged forward and swatted her ass with an open hand. She yelped but kept her cheeks pushed out and presented. Glen took it as an invitation and moved his hand back onto Sophia's rump. He kneaded and squeezed, feeling her feminine fat squishing in his hand. She bit her lower lip and fluttered her eyes. The bulge in Glen's bike shorts throbbed and elongated as he swelled with confidence. He snaked his hand up and over the waistband of Sophia's scrubs. He wanted to slide his fingers inside and see how wet she truly was!

The second his hand entered her waistband, however, Sophia gently removed it and wagged her finger in his face. Her voice was playful, "You can touch all you want, but you can't go in and sample! That's what your wife's pussy is for, save it for her!"

Glen released an agonized grunt and chuckled, "You're quite the little tease, aren't you?"

Sophia nodded her head demurely and moved towards the door to the hallway. Glen followed behind with his gaze fixed on her butt. She hit a small black button near the handle, causing the electronic lock to disengage and the door to swing open. The journey through the hallway was a bit different as Glen's eyes suddenly found the posters much more interesting. His horny gaze was constantly reinforced by the residual buzz in his brain. He was not only getting used to his body, but his newly implanted desires and preferences as well. He may have been conflicted before, but now everything was clear: He was a ladies man, through and through!

The pair made it back to the family planning center. When they entered, Glen's eyes immediately fixated on his wife who was squatting in the middle of the room. His mouth fell open and his voice asked shakily, "S-Shelly?"



Part 13


Part 11