Part 14
Part 14
Shelly's eyes widened and her hands shifted to cover her face in embarrassment as she realized Glen and Sophia were staring at her. She kept her fingers about an inch away when she noticed they were coated with milk. Despite everything, she didn't want to mess up her makeup! Glen's masculine, hairy face was frozen in shock alongside Sophia who seemed relatively calm and nonchalant. The stream of urine gushing from Shelly's vulva slowed to an eventual stop without anybody speaking.
Shelly's cheeks blazed and her milky fingers continued covering her face as she stood upright on her heels. She quickly pulled the mesh thong back over her slit. The transparent mesh was already moist but became downright wet as she hadn't wiped herself.
Shelly lisped between her fingers, "Glen, I can exthplain."
Glen stared at his wife with his mouth agape. He barely recognized her! First and foremost she looked to be seven or eight months pregnant complete with an 'outie' belly button and stretch marks. Second, her breasts were larger than ever and lactated freely in a lacy "bra" that he could, at best, call pointless. Third, her lips had thickened beyond belief, her makeup was exaggerated and slutty, her ass length hair was tied into pigtails with lace ribbons and he could have sworn he saw a piercing in her tongue. Fourth, her hips were noticeably fuller and her stance was wider while a lace and mesh thong somehow seemed to enhance the shape of her puffy vulva. Fifth, he'd walked in on her squatted down in tall heels and pissing in a trash can while milking herself. The gears in Glen's brain grinded away as he came to grips with the reality of the situation. How long had he been asleep in the 'Males Only' room? It looked like his wife had gone through months of body and attitude changes in a matter of minutes!
But, as Glen's brain continued to churn, he felt his heart race and his penis spring to life in his bike shorts. He couldn't help himself! He thought Shelly was fucking gorgeous! His brown eyes lustfully drank in every part of her feminine body and he imagined both her upper and lower lips wrapped around his dick.
Sophia pulled Glen by his strong jaw and turned his head towards her. Their eyes met and she whispered to him, "That's your child growing inside her. Your cum forced her to become like this. She needs a real man. Go and claim her."
Glen's brain flooded his system with endorphins at Sophia's words. He nodded aggressively and bared a hungry, toothy grin in Shelly's direction. He felt masculine pride welling in his chest. She was weak, vulnerable and dependent. His erection twitched. He made her this way. She belonged to him.
Shelly watched Sophia whisper something to Glen and step back with a sly smile. Glen then turned towards Shelly and bared his teeth. He looked like a wild predator eyeing up wounded prey! She clutched her pink purse and her chest fluttered as fear mixed with...lust? Shelly knew SHE was the prey! Glen's voracious, dark eyes revealed to Shelly that her ultra-masculine husband wanted nothing more than to dominate her; to take hold of her and do with her as he will. And, as she stood there in the late stages of pregnancy with all her sexual parts displayed for his viewing pleasure, Shelly wanted nothing more than to BE dominated. She focused on the nearly foot long bulge in Glen's tights. The memory of his cock ramming into her pussy and his balls slapping against her asshole flashed through Shelly's mind and she felt a familiar emptiness coalesce in her groin.
An energetic stillness hung in the air as husband and wife fantasized about one another from across the room. Each second swelled their respective desires for the other. Quietly, the white coat of Doctor Frank slipped into the room. He grinned and approached Sophia. He whispered something to her and she bowed her head towards him before entering one of the nearby doors and closing it behind her. It seemed her work was complete. Doctor Frank folded his arms and rested against the wall as he watched the scene unfold.
With his self control fully depleted, Glen stomped forward. His size 14 tennis shoes crashed like thunder and his chest was puffed up confidently beneath his 'Milf Maker' tank top.
The second Glen's iron grip wrapped around Shelly's arm she felt a burning, shooting pain erupt in her lower body. She groaned and rubbed her protruding belly as Glen shoved her towards Doctor Frank's desk. Her heeled foot knocked over the trash can and the stench of her pregnant, hormone-riddled piss wafted into the room. When she stopped to exhale sharply and double over in pain, Glen squeezed her arm again, and the burning flared as he manhandled his lazy wife forward. Yet another expansion ballooned against Shelly's acrylic nails as her pregnancy lurched forward. The baby, which was already in a head-down position, suddenly dropped directly onto her cervix. Shelly's 'lightning crotch' indicated she was one step closer to delivery and her body knew it. Thankfully, by the time she reached the desk, the change was finished and the burning ceased. However, with the increased size and new position of the fetus, a lingering pressure remained.
A constant buzzing hummed in Glen's head as the intense conditioning took its toll. He felt tough and manly compared to his feeble, womanly wife as he shoved her along with virtually no effort. He was the husband. She belonged to him and he could do whatever he wanted to her! When Shelly finally reached the desk, she stared up at him with her big green eyes. He unceremoniously secured her narrow shoulders and flipped her around before bending her over the desk. Shelly's pigtails, earrings and milky tits jiggled wildly as she was forcibly turned. She caught herself on the desk and Glen pulled her ass back until she had it presented outwards. He parted her legs wider and swiped his finger down her mesh covered cameltoe. Shelly took a quick breath and bit her lip as her husband's thick finger teased her through the thong. She shimmied her hips as horny electricity arced up her spine. The crotch area of her thong had already been wet, but now it was positively dripping as his touch continued. She threw her head back and thrust her hips backward, desperate for her husband's cock. The image of it flashed in her head like a turn signal.
When Glen pulled his teasing hand away, Shelly opened her mouth to protest before a booming *WHACK* exploded from his hand colliding with her presented flesh. He wound up and struck her again *WHACK* causing a high-pitched yelp to escape her puffy lips. She braced against the desk but stayed in place. Her heels were firmly planted beneath her open legs and she didn't intend to go against her baby daddy's directive.
Glen's brain jolted him with a *bzzzt* as he opened his mouth. It caused his words to come out angrier and more insulting than intended, "You're an ugly fucking slut, you know that?"
Shelly's shoulders drooped and she looked down at her heavily pregnant body. What more did he want from her?
"You're lucky your cunt is so fuckable because nobody else would put up with your dumbass!" He chided.
Shelly attempted to turn around and defend herself, but Glen grunted and forced her back into position. Her breathing increased and her wet pussy quivered. Why was this making her so hot?
Shelly felt her ass cheeks pulsating with pain. There were dark red hand marks on her skin where she had been struck. Glen's brain jolted once again and he growled.
His deep voice raised in intensity, "There's going to be some fucking changes in our relationship! I'm tired of acting like a bitch! I'm the man in and you're going to show me some goddamned respect!"
Shelly yelped as the stinging in her ass intensified. Glen rubbed his hand across her girly rump and gave it a few small swats.
He belittled her, "Your ass is way too small, it looks like it belongs to a man. It's fucking EMBARASSING that I have to put my dick in you! You should be ashamed that you aren't willing to change for me."
Shelly felt tears welling in her eyes as her brain reeled. She DID want to change for him! He was her baby daddy! She pressed her hips back and shook her butt up and down. To both Shelly and Glen's delight, it started to fatten! Glen's hand squeezed her red ass cheek as fat gushed beneath it. Her cheeks grew rounder and protruded further out with each passing second. Glen's hand kneaded and swatted at her inflating cheeks, seeming to encourage their growth. When it was done, Shelly's thong had been almost completely gobbled up. While it had been girly before, her new, monstrous peach was as juicy and thick as any woman either had ever seen. It easily eclipsed Giselle's booty by at least double and protruded behind Shelly like a fleshy shelf. Her new heinie begged to be touched. Glen gave his wife's ghetto booty a smack and watched as it jiggled. Shelly felt elated when Glen's hand rubbed and squeezed her. Her vagina tingled and a rush of hormones were injected into her brain. She wanted to please him in any way she could!
Doctor Frank monitored the couples progress from across the room. He subtly interfered with their interaction via suggestion and minor change. He knew he had a little more pushing to do, but they were almost on autopilot.
Glen tore Shelly's 'Girly Girl' purse from her arm and ripped it open. He procured her wallet.
"Why would you need any of these cards? Do you have secret accounts? I fucking knew it! You disgusting fucking skank, you're cheating on me! What's your boyfriend's name?" He shouted while gritting his teeth.
Shelly turned her head to the side shook it, "No, no, Glen. Thosth are not a from a thsecret accounth! There'th no boyfriend! There'th only you!"
His brain buzzed, while she let out a high-pitched yelp and a flood of hormones surged to her brain.
He growled, "A likely fucking story! Well, it stops here, slut! I'm taking your cards. If you want money you can beg ME for it."
Glen proceeded to take every debit and credit card from Shelly's wallet and stow them in his pocket. Shelly stayed quiet as Glen threw her purse to the floor and claimed a large chunk of her independence. Without access to money she would be stuck relying on him for everything!
Glen looked down at Shelly's license just as her name shifted.
NAME: Ellie Giselle Olmstead
AGE: 24
Glen slapped her license onto the desk in front of her.
"What's your name? Read it." He ordered.
"Ellie Giselle Olmstead." She replied quickly.
"That's right! You have MY name. You belong to ME!" He screamed.
Ellie's brain was foggy. She nodded and stayed in position as her mind swirled. It was true, her smiling face was on the license and it clearly said 'Ellie Giselle Olmstead'. She tried to push back against the fuzziness and imagine the man she used to be, but it was becoming more and more difficult to see herself as anything but Ellie.
Glen picked up the license and looked at it closer, "You're so damn old. How'd I land a geriatric pregnancy? You should have let me knock you up in high school like a proper slut."
Ellie's brain fog parted and she remembered parts her relatively recent high school experience. Tests, friends, after school activities, they were all easily recalled. However, the memories were swiftly corrupted and changed as Ellie's desire to conform to Glen's parameters infected and warped her. Her recollection dimmed, then became clear once again. She'd never finished high school, of course! She'd dropped out after learning she was pregnant!
Glen's recollection of events was swiftly deleted and replaced as well. He remembered meeting Ellie online. He found out she was in high school...their first time meeting in person...systematically degrading and belittling her to decimate her self worth...slowly chipping away at her relationships and replacing them with himself...her friends abandoning her...her family throwing her out...their court house marriage....these new memories surged in him like an unstoppable river. His brain did its usual buzzing and zapping as it reconfigured his personality.
The information on the card in Glen's hand changed.
NAME: Ellie Gigi Baker
...[i]LET THEM HEAR YOU ROAR!![/i]...
He glanced down and watched Ellie's presented body change in response. Her face shifted beneath the slutty makeup to look younger and more innocent while her breasts shrank a few cup sizes before stopping at around a DD cup. The didn't just shrink, but they tightened and became youthful and perky. Her fat tits now hung 'on' her chest, not 'down' her chest.
Glen was relieved to see that Ellie's lower body didn't move an inch leaving her with a proverbial teenage dump-truck. Neural links and bright spots of wisdom and ingenuity within Ellie's brain darkened and dimmed as she changed from a college graduate to a sixteen-year-old sophomore dropout. Her understanding of the world simplified and her dependence on Glen deepened significantly. Ellie's history of systematic degradation at Glen's hands took its toll on her personality and she became driven by self loathing and unquestioned submission to her husband. Glen's happiness became her #1 priority and his approval was paramount.
As years of age drained from Ellie, they infused into Glen. His face gained maturity and the slightest beginnings of wrinkles while his body cracked with minor aches and pains. A layer of fat gushed beneath his skin, but particularly around his stomach. He was by no means fat, but he had definitely gained a few pounds and could easily be considered husky. When it finished, he appeared to be around 35. The eight years he had gained further entrenched him physically as a man as his body now had eight more years spent as a male.
His brain was next to change and quickly filled with a decade of life experience. With the careful intervention of Doctor Frank, however, these new experiences and skills were anything but normal. Manipulation, grooming, misogyny and degeneracy were amongst other negative traits he was inundated with. Alongside the barrage of negativity was a decade of normal male socialization and social entrenchment that railroaded him further along masculine tracks. The memories, experiences and skills obtained and honed over the decade weaved and shaped his personality in sick, perverted ways.
These new, dreadful pillars of his personality, combined with the intense shock therapy, warped Glen's worldview and his outlook on Ellie and women in general. He no longer had to be pushed or zapped to be abusive, it was an intrinsic part of his character. He had become so proficient at controlling and gaslighting his poor, vulnerable, teenage wife both physically and mentally that she had virtually no chance of escape. She didn't have the knowledge or understanding to even recognize his actions as abuse.
Glen shook his head as his brain finished absorbing the new information. He suddenly had an aura of sleaze that most people could instantly recognize. The suspicion about Glen as a slimeball was quickly confirmed by any onlooker when he interacted with his wife who was less than half his age.
Ellie turned her head to check on her husband who was in a daze. She asked softly with concern, "Hubby, are you okay? I was hoping that-"
A flood of anger surged through Glen as his [i]idiotic, bitch[/i] wife, once again, didn't do as she was told. He cut off her disrespectful voice by yanking on her pigtails and forcing her head back. He then bent forward and delivered an open hand smack to her face. Her legs nearly buckled at the impact, but she got the message and shut her mouth. Glen could even hear Ellie starting to whimper. He shook his head. The spoiled, ungrateful girl had to learn to listen!
Glen paused a second to drink in the sight of his whimpering, teenage wife bent over the desk and presenting herself to him. He tore Ellie's mesh thong to her knees and her pained whimpers were replaced with excitement.
Ellie shook her meaty lower body towards her husband and ignored the ringing in her ear. She could feel her pregnant slit was slick and ready to be mounted. She felt awful about disobeying him and knew surrendering her pussy was the best way to get back on his good side. Glen crouched and spread Ellie's cheeks. With their recent expansion, there was quite a lot of fat for him to displace. He revealed her tight, pink asshole nestled above her wet snatch and inside her cheeks. He bent forward and poked his tongue inside eliciting a girlish squeal. The scant stench of feces and the tangy odor of Ellie's arousal mixed together providing Glen with the quintessential smell of 'female lower body'. He pressed his face forward and forced his tongue deeper while moving it in a circle and working to open her up.
Ellie's legs quivered and she held onto the side of the desk for support as her husband's tongue explored her bowels. His bumpy tongue sent tiny jolts of pleasure through her hips. She smiled and positive thoughts ran through her mind: Glen was such a giving lover! He was willing to pleasure her anally without asking for anything in return! What did she ever do to deserve such a good man?
Glen stretched her cheeks wider before hocking a loogie and spitting inside. He did it a few more times and Ellie could feel a cool wetness in a place she wasn't used to. Glen stood upright and lowered his bike shorts. Ellie sensed Glen's monstrous dick prowling near her exposed holes and her vagina gushed in anticipation. His tongue probing her asshole was all well and good, but Ellie knew her main goal was having her pussy stuffed with cock! He held his erection and thrust forward, sliding his length against Ellie's dripping labia, but without venturing inside. She pressed her hips back and whined as he continued hotdogging her slick folds at different angles. She wanted him inside!
When his prick was sufficiently lubed, Glen lifted it until his flared head wedged between Ellie's cheeks. Ellie's eyes widened when she felt him pressed against her pink starfish. She realized what he was about to do and bent down further until she was laying on her perky tits to better anchor herself. Glen had always used her front door and she was nervous about her first experience getting it in the back. Her pregnant belly brushed against the side of the desk and she laid her face on its side, feeling the coolness of the desk against her stinging cheek. Glen slipped himself inside Ellie's rectum and met with immediate resistance. He forced his penis forward and pulled her hips back against him. Inch by inch he delved deeper and deeper, meeting increased resistance all the while.
Ellie squinted her eyes and cringed with pain. She felt every centimeter of Glen forcing and tearing his way inside. Anal sex hurt! Any positive feelings she felt were replaced with disappointment and embarrassment that she was not sufficiently lubed for his pleasure. Glen, on the other hand, knew he was causing Ellie pain and it spurred him to continue. Her pitiful, ained whimpers further incentivized him and he managed to stay hard despite the uncomfortably tight, dry conditions. Glen finally bottomed out and all nine inches of his manhood were buried within the anus of his sixteen-year-old slave-bride.
He started thrusting lightly, feeling like his prick was being massaged with sand paper. Ellie's whimpers increased in volume as the pain became difficult to manage.
His thrusting increased and she turned her head to plead, "It-It h-hurts hubby, I need to-"
He ripped on her long pigtails and walloped her face once again. Ellie sobbed into the desk as he dropped her back down and the ringing in her ears and stinging in her face worsened. Each thrust caused her sob to momentarily intensify, but she kept her head down submissively as he continued. She didn't need a third reminder.
Glen withdrew then pushed himself inside once again, noticing a light layer of red coated his entire length. Glen purposefully thrust harder to cause Ellie's cries to increase. The red color staining his cock was darker and darker the harder he pushed. It wasn't long before he felt an orgasm mounting. Glen noticed Ellie's exposed vagina had seemingly dried up and the realization that she was willing to accommodate him despite receiving no pleasure pushed him over the edge. He drew a fast breath and hissed as his heavy sack contracted and he deposited his wad deep into her asshole.
Ellie felt relief when Glen's hand dug into her hips and she felt cum spurting deep inside. She continued to feel angry with herself but relieved that her husband was able to get himself off. The intense, fiery pain pulsating in her rectum was not nearly as important as Glen's pleasure.
As she endured the tail end of hubby's orgasm, Ellie felt pinpricks in her pubic area. Hundreds of quick, intense pokes dotted the area above her vagina. She couldn't see what was happening, but knew something was changing. The burgeoning swelling in her face reminded her that she needed to stay still so she avoided any reaction to the poking in her pubic mound and simply let the pain run its course.
Glen took a heavy breath and withdrew his softening cock. It shined with blood and looked like a sword being removed from a wound. Ellie's once tight, pink asshole was now blown out and beat red surrounded by bruises from spanking. As Glen watched, a dribble of cum mixed with blood lazily beaded in her gaped anus. It flowed down her short perineum and against her labia.
Glen tugged Ellie's pigtails once again, forcing her to her feet with pain compliance. She winced as her pigtails frayed in his hands and she twisted to conform to his will. Once upright, Ellie's ass began to leak much quicker with the assistance of gravity. The combination of semen and blood ran down her thighs. She sniffled a few times at the intense, stinging pain in her butt, waiting for her next instruction. She could smell her husbands manly musk and saw his bloody penis softening between his muscular, hairy thighs.
Glen looked at his pouting wife. The right side of her face was noticeably beginning to swell beneath her slutty makeup. He saw a blood vessel had ruptured in one eye and half of it was blood red. They both believed it was her fault. Her perky DD tits hung above her very late stage pregnant belly. Below her belly was something new. A tattoo had etched in an arc of bold, black letters around her pussy. Glen grinned wickedly when he saw what the words said: GLEN'S SPERM BANK. It was painted below her engorged, pregnant belly, and the 'S' in 'SPERM' was a white sperm cell.
Glen scoffed, "I'm glad you have a permanent reminder of what you are because it's the only thing you're good for."
Ellie nodded and internalized his insult. She knew she was only good for her holes.
He lifted her chin, met her innocent, swollen eyes, and motioned to his blood, cum and shit coated penis. Ellie nodded slowly and sank to her knees. Glen grabbed her frayed pigtails and used them like handlebars as his wife licked him clean. He particularly enjoyed when she deepthroated him and his length slid against her tongue stud and down her throat without the slightest hint of a gag reflex. The taste of multiple body fluids washed into Ellie's mouth and she swallowed it all down. Her hands rested on her belly while her tired head bobbed back and forth. Glen allowed her to do as she pleased but kept his hands on her 'handlebars' to ensure she knew who was in charge. When he was satisfied, Glen pulled Ellie away from his groin. He thrust forward and wiped his spit covered penis on her face, drying himself against her makeup. Ellie could feel her makeup beginning to run once again and cursed herself for not requesting Mrs. Kraft use something that was waterproof.
With his penis clean and dry, Glen picked Ellie up by her hairless armpits and lifted her onto her feet. He saw a flash of her slutty crotch tattoo and smiled. He then pulled his bike shorts up and it tightened against his package once again. Ellie shakily covered herself with the thong and it sank into her vulva. On one side, Glen had a clear moose knuckle poking out and on the other Ellie had a clear cameltoe sucking in.
Glen wiped his hand on his 'Milf Maker' tank top and reached forward to roughly flick his wife's dark, pointed nipple. She yelped and her clawed hand instinctively rushed to cover it. A slight dribble of milk wet her fingers as she did. She looked down and winced, these things were beyond sensitive at this point! Visible blue blood vessels ran from her nipples to the rest of her tits drawing attention to them and making them look 'active'.
While Ellie was distracted, Doctor Frank approached from the side of the room. He silently got behind Ellie and snapped a black and pink collar around her neck. Ellie reached up and pulled, only for the collar to stay staunchly in place. Two metal prongs pressed into her flat, smooth neck from a small box on the collar that read "Bitch Breaker" in a design that looked like lightening bolt. The collar was incredibly tight and Ellie felt for a clasp but could not find one.
She turned her swollen face to Doctor Frank and chirped at him while pulling at the collar in vain. Her fat lips and tongue piercing continued to cause a lisp, "Whatths thisth?"
Doctor Frank dangled a remote control in his hands with the corresponding lightning bolt on the front. Ellie gulped and felt her heart rate quicken. She tore at the collar like an animal, but it served only to irritate her skin.
Doctor Frank squeezed the remote and Ellie screamed as the prongs sent a stream of electricity surging through her body. She dropped to one knee and shook, even after the electricity had ceased.
"Pleasthe, pleasthe! I'll go anyfing!" Ellie squealed.
Glen watched Doctor Frank collar and shock his wife. He laughed down at her when she fell to one knee. She was so damn weak! There were winners and losers in this world and his wife deserved to be treated like the loser she was! Doctor Frank approached and gave Glen a knowing head nod while holding the remote towards him. Glen returned the nod and accepted the remote. He licked his thin lips and smirked as his attention turned back to the naked, bleeding, pregnant teen struggling to her feet. Doctor Frank stepped back to his original location and watched the pair darkly.
Ellie looked up through bleary, swollen eyes and saw Glen was in control of the remote. She instantly felt relieved! She knew her hubby would only shock her if she deserved it!
Glen pointed to the door leading out of the family planning center and back to the hospital proper. He commanded his wife, "Let's go. It's time for us to leave."
Glen watched Ellie follow his order. She moved with a slow limp due to the combination of pain and pregnancy. Her thighs were coated with red and white liquid beneath her GLEN'S SPERM BANK tattoo. He decided to give her a little incentive to move faster with a steady shock of the collar. She wailed in pain and forced her tiny, heeled feet to shuffle faster. She shouldn't have moved so slowly! Her frayed pigtails, pink earrings, bruised dump-truck and milky tits jiggled as she hoofed it across the floor. Glen followed behind with his powerful strides. His eyes leered his tiny wife's fat ass and he provided further incentive if she got lazy and slowed her pace.
They made it to the short door. Glen opened it and Ellie walked through. He ducked under the threshold and they moved back into the clinic.