Part 11
Part 11
Shelly limped behind Mrs. Kraft through the threshold and back into the family planning center. She glanced around for her husband, but didn't see him or the tramp he was following. She wondered where they went. She shook off another wave of nausea and fatigue by bracing herself against the nearby wall.
Mrs. Kraft swatted Shelly's butt cheek and chided her for letting her mind wander with thought. Shelly winced and rubbed her stinging cheeks. She would have protested just a few hours prior. She would have used her superior size and strength as a man to defend herself and teach the plump, old nurse a lesson. But Shelly wasn't that person any longer. Mrs. Kraft was now bigger, stronger and smarter than Shelly was. Mrs. Kraft was the one using her size and strength to her advantage. Shelly's intimidated brain figured she was better off obeying Mrs. Kraft's orders. She didn't want to invoke any further wrath as she had already run out of butt cheeks. She kept her head down submissively as she followed Mrs. Kraft's direction. She turned to the left at Mrs. Kraft's direction and towards the third door.
When she opened it, Shelly was met with a clean hallway lined with pretty flowers and pastel colors. She paused at the threshold as her eyes warily examined the hallway. What exactly was she walking into? When Mrs. Kraft cleared her throat aggressively, however, Shelly's large feet began moving and she made her way down the hall. The sweet, earthy scent of flowers wafted to her nose as her eyes moved along the walls. She found herself admiring the clean decor and ignoring the dildo she had nestled inside. Each step reminded Shelly that her body had changed. Her hips rolled, chest jiggled, earrings shook, hair tossed and vagina ached.
When they reached the end of the hallway, Mrs. Kraft turned to face her. She was standing next to a metal door painted pink. Bold, black letters on the door read: FEMALES ONLY. Near the handle was some sort of finger print scanner.
"Put your finger on the scanner, girl." Mrs. Kraft ordered sternly.
Shelly did as she was told, though her long acrylics made it difficult for her finger to fit. After a small prick, the scanner made a grinding beep that Shelly instinctively knew was bad. The reader displayed the message: XY MALE DETECTED XY. ACCESS DENIED.
Mrs. Kraft pushed Shelly to the side and stared down at the reader in confusion before turning towards Shelly.
Her stare was piercing and her tone was ice cold, "This reader shouldn't make mistakes. What are you hiding?"
Shelly scrunched towards the wall and looked down at the floor as she murmured, "I'm- well, I [i]was[/i] a man and Glen is- well, [i]was[/i] my wife..." Her voice trailed off when Mrs. Kraft took a step forward with her hands balled on her hips. Fear and anxiety grew in Shelly's chest as Mrs. Kraft's larger body towered over her. She continued speaking towards the floor with her voice quiet and quivering, "I- I- guess I'm still...I'm still partly a male at th-this point...I'm sorry..."
Mrs. Kraft's balled up hands suddenly sprang towards Shelly. She recoiled against the nearby wall with a *thud*. Mrs. Kraft's first hand went to Shelly's bare breasts and pinched one of her dark, pointed nipples. Shelly squealed. The sensitivity of her nipples had been dialed up to eleven! They were somehow even more sensitive than before! In fact, her whole breast seemed extra sensitive. When she squeezed it another time, Shelly squealed again and threw her hands forward to knock Mrs. Kraft away. However, her short, rail thin arms and tiny stature did little to stop or even slow the old nurses groping. Mrs. Kraft's second hand dug between Shelly's legs and ripped the dildo out by its base in one fluid motion. Shelly's sore vagina contracted as the toy was removed and she was left feeling remarkably empty. The purple dildo in Mrs. Kraft's hand gleamed in the light as a torrent of cold semen dribbled to the floor. Shelly felt tears welling in her eyes and she began to sob. The helplessness she felt at the violation of her body was scarring with her mind. She shouldn't be in this situation! She should be in a body that can defend itself! Shelly subtly opened her legs wider to let the cold liquid drip without getting it on herself. The only sound in the hallway was Shelly's soft sobs and the *splat* of cum dripping into a puddle on the floor.
Mrs. Kraft crouched and stared intently at Shelly's leaking slit. Shelly could feel her intense, knowing eyes just inches away. There was no doubt that her recently fertilized pussy was quite the female sight. No matter how she tried to frame it there was nothing left between her legs of the man she once was. A gurgling sound rumbled in Shelly's groin as an air bubble rushed out. Her cheeks blazed red as an audible queef *poofed* from between her labia and towards Mrs. Kraft's face.
Mrs. Kraft stood up with a furrowed nose and scoffed, "I've been an OBGYN nurse for almost forty years. Your vagina looks like the thousands of other vaginas I've seen. I think I know the female reproductive system when I see it. You lied to me, didn't you, girl?"
Shelly nodded her head in response as hot tears streaked down her cheeks. She couldn't figure out where her weirdly strong emotions were coming from, but she could hardly control herself. It seemed like her body wanted her to cry. She didn't even want to think about how her makeup was faring.
Mrs. Kraft raised her voice, "Speak up! Are you female or aren't you!?"
Shelly's voice cracked as she sputtered, "Y-yes of course I'm female!"
Burning pinpricks erupted all over Shelly's body. She cried out in fear and pain while her tears accelerated. She uselessly beat at her arms, chest, and legs as if she were putting out an imaginary fire. Her bones shifted and thinned until she was left with an anatomically distinct female bone structure. Her chromosomes, DNA, blood and many other internal, biological indicators were also completely restructured. When the burning finally abated, Shelly was left standing with her arms wrapped beneath her breasts. She sniffled and quickly wiped away her tears. A sudden, overwhelming nausea hit her like a truck and caused her to brace against the wall. She turned her head and bent over as her stomach churned. Why was she feeling so nauseous?
Mrs. Kraft surged forward and swiftly collected Shelly's hair behind her shoulders as a growl erupted from her and a flood of vomit splashed to the floor.
"You're okay, honey." Mrs. Kraft said softly, "Let it out, you're okay."
Shelly dry heaved a few times before the feeling finally lessened.
Mrs. Kraft patted Shelly's back gently and released her hair. She procured a tissue from the pocket of her pink scrubs which Shelly used to clean her lips.
"Th-thank you." Shelly managed to struggle out through the viscous bile coating her mouth.
Mrs. Kraft gave Shelly a warm-ish smile before nodding towards the fingerprint scanner. Shelly placed her finger on the scanner, once again, and felt the same tiny prick. This time, there was a happy *ding* and a disengaging of a mechanical lock. The scanner displayed XX FEMALE DETECTED XX. ACCESS GRANTED.
Shelly carefully avoided the piles of semen and vomit as she stepped to the door and followed Mrs. Kraft inside.