Part 6

Part 6

Ava rifled through the piles of clothes strewn all over the room. He just needed to find something simple that he could leave the apartment in. He still couldn't remember why he wanted to leave, but he continued searching anyway. Unfortunately, the majority of the clothing was stained, wrinkled and crusty. He found a pair of cute, white panties and a matching push up bra. He sniffed the panties, they were clean enough.

Ava secured the bra around his tits and they immediately began to expand. Meanwhile, his penis became progressively shorter and thinner as he pulled the panties around his massive hips. Massive hips which began widening further, pushing his hourglass figure to an even more extreme proportion. Ava giggled at his tingling assets. His foggy, altered brain left little room for concern about his situation.

Ava grabbed a comb from the vanity and examined himself as he brushed his hair. If he was going out, his hair had to look somewhat presentable! With each stroke, his medium blonde locks were pulled longer and longer. He brushed and tugged until his hair was below mid back. After it was the proper length, each stroke thickened and added volume. When he was satisfied, Ava tossed his long blonde hair behind his shoulders and admired his work. The blonde woman in the mirror was so pretty!

Ava looked down at his crotch and saw the pitiful remnants of his shrinking bulge. It had become a limp, pinkie sized noodle. He was barely registering what was happening. Ava's gaze moved to his fattening tits. He scooped one out of the bra and hefted it up before squeezing it lightly. It certainly felt and looked like every other boob he'd ever touched. Ava released his breast and it flopped and jiggled back into place. They were at least a c-cup now and getting heavier by the second!

Ava snatched a nearby black, heart shaped choker and tightened it around his neck. He would look pretty in this...

A dopey grin crossed his face while the bump from his Adam's apple was absorbed into his neck, leaving nothing but flat, smooth skin. Ava giggled again. The pitch of his voice was creeping up, ending on a sweet, warm soprano.

Ava's shoulders were narrowing and weakening; they looked fragile and downright cute. He parted his tits to see the last little bump of his manhood slip away leaving a smooth, barren patch of skin.

Ava's hands found a cheap bottle of perfume on the vanity and they spritzed it on. Ava's skin became warm as the perfume went to work. The sweet, feminine aroma did more than just make Ava smell better, it was absorbed into their skin and recoded their DNA. XY chromosomes were converted to XX. Ava felt a momentary aching in their bones as they lost mass and shifted into positions more befitting of a female. They were slowly becoming less and less recognizable as a male; not only in their outward appearance, but in their biological makeup as well.

Ava took stock. They had underwear and a bra, now they needed an outfit!

They searched around the room for a 'going out' outfit. Along the way, Ava stumbled upon a bottle labelled, "Multivitamin." They wanted to be healthy, right? They popped in the pink pill and swallowed it. The pill which was, of course, not an actual multi vitamin. Instead, it disrupted Ava's male hormone production and switch it to female. The testosterone in Ava's veins became scarce while their estrogen skyrocketed. Their endocrine system would now be biologically indistinguishable from any average female.

Ava's hips widened in the panties even more before finally coming to a stop. Coupled with their tiny waist, Ava's hips gave them an exaggerated hourglass. There was absolutely no mistaking these wide hips for anything but those belonging to a woman with an extremely high amount of femininity coursing through her veins. No man could ever have anything even approaching these matronly monsters. They were hips perfectly evolved for birthing a child. The reorganization of Ava's bones only added to the effect as the bones were flared and wide. Ava smacked their hairless thigh which jiggled. There was barely any muscle left in there.

Ava's breasts pushed out and out and out. They could already feel the strain on their back. Without a bra, Ava would really have a tough time hauling these cantaloupes around with their diminished musculature. A final surge of fat gushed in and ballooned Ava's tits one final time. Ava pulled off their bra, which was far too tight, and tossed it to the floor. These breasts were unmistakable as anything but fat, hyper-feminine fun bags. Men would come from miles around to cop a feel of these! The areola were large, reddish-pink and complete with thin little veins that danced across their smooth, hairless surface. Tiny milk ducts formed as Ava traced their fragile little fingers around their nipples. Thankfully, Ava never had any aspirations to compete in sports. These sensitive headlights would make that all but impossible; even with multiple sports bras.

Ava looked down between their pendulous tits and their chubby thighs. The smooth area between their legs was being defiant. Ava could feel their evolving body pushing against the area, but unable to make it budge. There was a tension between their legs. Ava cocked their foggy head to the side. They just needed to give it a little push. Yes, a little push would help to relieve some of the tension!

Ava searched the immediate area, looking for something to help move the process along. Ava reasoned that the faster they relieved the tension between their legs, the faster their thoughts would become clear. Maybe Ava could remember why they needed to leave.

After kicking over a nearby dirty piles of clothes, Ava found a towel wrapped around something long and hard. They carried it to the center of the room and unwrapped it. A sly little smile crossed Ava's dopey, blank face. Inside the dirty towel was a collection of veiny dildos and sex toys.

Ava bit their puffy lower lip and reached out their trembling hand to grab the smallest of the toys. Having the rod in their hand felt...right. They removed their tight panties (which was made much more difficult with their newly expanded assets) and bent their knees so the smooth, tension filled area between their legs was accessible and open.

Ava moved the toy between their thighs and felt the tightness there ramping up. The final vestiges of Adam's masculinity fought tooth and nail but were betrayed by his brain, whose allegiance had changed, while lost in the fog of hypnosis and mental conditioning. Ava pressed the toy to their skin and felt the tension raise to its highest level yet. Ava pressed the dildo harder, eager for the last bit of resistance to fall away.

With a soft *RIP*, Ava's hypnotized brain got what it wanted and a long, thin slit opened beneath the head of the dildo. The position of the slit was much lower, and closer to her asshole, than Ava was used to. Adam's penis had been much higher up on the pelvis. The male genitals need to be high up to leave room for the balls, Ava reasoned. She looked down at her thin, narrow cleft. She wouldn't need to worry about that anymore.

Ava plopped down onto her chubby ass and opened her legs wide. She circled the rod around her slit and it began to widen. The pressure that once resisted the change coalesced into puffy labia which nestled on opposite ends of the opening. Ava gripped the toy and began slowly thrusting it inside. Each push was deeper and longer, digging a path into her guts. It was far from painful, in fact, Ava found herself quickly becoming aroused. Her skin was flushed while her hand pumped the dildo faster and faster. Soon, she was taking its entire length inside.

The pressure in her pussy coalesced again, this time into a new clitoris which migrated just above her vaginal opening, becoming the proverbial pearl to her newly minted clam. Ava's pussy began to leak slippery, clear fluid. She bucked her child rearing hips against the dildo, fully enveloping it, and bit her lip. She released a feminine moan while her free hand twisted the hard nipples of her fat tits.

Ava threw the glistening dildo to the side and grabbed a bigger one. She began working it in. Again, it pressed into her vaginal walls and expanded them. She instinctively flexed muscles inside her vagina that she had never felt before, tightening herself around the rod. Her breathing came in quick bursts and she grunted. She felt [i]AMAZING![/i] Ava pounded the dildo into her pussy with a consistent *Squealch*.

Ava knew her climax was approaching and she doubled down, grinding her hips and tightening her vaginal walls like a vice around the toy which she slammed inside. She loved getting her pussy pounded! Her skin was hot, her head was swimming and she was ready to feel good! Ava tugged on her nipples one final time and screamed as she crested her orgasm.

A pulse of warmth and pleasure washed over Ava centering from her kitty. It became more intense and hit her again and again and again. With each pulse, Ava moaned deeply and clamped her vaginal walls tightly around the dildo. Ava's eyes fluttered rapidly, her body quivered uncontrollably and she rode the toy for all she was worth, basking in the ecstasy of orgasm. She sat down on the dildo, enveloping it fully inside her. Having a long, hard rod in her cunt felt incredible! Ava fell back and sobbed from an overload of pleasure. Her long hair rubbed along the stained carpet. Her breathing came in heavy gulps and sweat pooled on her forehead. The dildo slipped from her quivering pussy. When Ava thought it was over, one final pulse centered on her lower abdomen and felt much more concentrated. She held her hands on this this area and the pulse turned to a warm tingle. Ovaries, eggs, fallopian tubes, and a womb formed inside. With her current hormones, DNA, sexual organs and physical characteristics, Ava was biologically female in almost every way.

As her breathing slowed, and the afterglow of her first female orgasm drifted away, the fog in Ava's mind lifted.

Ava quickly stood and nearly toppled over. Her entire center of gravity was shifted. She felt like crying. She didn't belong here! Everything was wrong! She was a man! She was Adam, not Ava! Ava turned to the mirror and looked at herself. She saw the cleft of her new genitals and a thin strip of pubic hair just above it. She was in awe. She couldn't imagine a less masculine lower half. Nobody on planet Earth would think she was male.

Ava shook her head and brushed her ass length, sweaty blonde hair behind her shoulders. The realization hit her like a truck. She had just turned herself into a woman by fucking herself with some unknown dildo on the disgusting, stained floor of the cheapest property she owned while swimming in a pool of stinking, dirty laundry. She had to get out of here before she lost control of her mind again! So long as she stayed away from that damn hypnotic television, she might be safe. Ava needed to get out of this horrible apartment and find a way to reverse this whole process. There was something about this place. If she left, maybe things would return to normal.

She hoped...

Ava sighed and wiped her damp crotch with a nearby towel. The room reeked of sex, yet again. But, more specifically, the scent of female arousal. She searched for a clean set of clothes that would fit, intent on finally leaving this horrible place. It didn't really matter if she wore the clothes now. How could she possibly change any more?


Part 7


Part 5