Part 5
Part 5
Adam coughed a few times into the phone. To his relief, his voice suddenly returned, and the numbness in his neck subsided. But, he could feel that the pitch of his voice was different. it reverberated strangely in his throat. Adam didn't have time to worry about it, though, this unknown woman could be the help he was praying for!
Adam sputtered, "Hello? Please- please call a doctor!"
His voice was no longer booming, deep, and masculine. It was now androgynous with a medium pitch.
The woman responded, "Ava, is that you? You sound terrible! Are you okay?"
"No, it isn't Ava! I need you to- I need you to listen-"
"Don't fuck with me Ava! I call after all this time and you're still trying to jerk me around?"
Adam groaned and cleared his throat again. He would have to try a different approach. The pitch of his voice raised another few steps, "Y-yeah it's me ZeeZee, I need you to get an ambulance to my apartment. It's urgent!"
"Don't you 'ZeeZee' me! What type of shit does that drug dealing prick have you fucked up on now? I thought you'd gotten clean!"
Adam yelled frantically, "No, no, you don't understand, I'm not high! I'm a man and- and- I keep [i]changing[/i]!" Adam looked down and jumped off the couch before screaming, "My ass is getting bigger as we speak! Aghhh!"
Adam spoke the truth. Sitting on the couch was slowly widened his hips and pluming his ass.
"Oh yeah, Ava? You're a [i]man[/i] now, huh? Such a [i]manly man[/i] now. Doesn't matter that I've seen your naked tits dozens of times and I've literally had my tongue in your [i]pussy[/i] and watched it bounce on a cock. Nope, you're real [i]manly[/i] alright." The woman sighed, "Whatever Ava. You clearly don't want to change and don't give a fuck about me."
Adam pleaded in a smoky alto, "Please, just listen to me!"
ZeeZee's voice softened, "I'm done listening to you, Ava. I love you too much to watch you go through this again."
"No, please! L-Listen, I-"
Adam was standing naked near the couch. He tried unlocking the phone to make a call, but didn't know the pass-code. He grunted in his new, feminine pitch and angrily threw the phone down in a fit of frustration. In front of the couch was a old-school television.
Adam approached the television and crouched down. He looked at his reflection in the screen. He still couldn't believe how much he'd changed. He touched his girly hand to his feminine face. He had to beat this somehow, but what was he going to do? What was his next step? How could he-
The television suddenly lit up.
Adam's eyes were immediately glued to the screen which began rapidly flashing images and subliminal messages. He tried to pull his gaze away, but he'd already been ensnared. Adam's eyes were open wide and he couldn't move. He couldn't think. He couldn't blink. His brain was absorbing the messaging of the flashing images like a sponge. Adam whispered to himself as he backpedaled and plopped his naked ass down onto the couch.
The images flashed rapidly:
"Femininity is my strength...femininity is my strength"
"Stupid is sexy...I want to be sexy...Stupid is sexy...I want to be sexy..."
"I want cock...I crave cock...I need cock...I want cock...I crave cock...I need cock..."
"Girly is good...I am girly....girly is good...I am girly..."
The sofa expanded his ass slowly, but all of Adam's focus was squarely on the screen. After being completely lost in hypnosis for an unknown length of time, the images ceased, and the screen turned black. Ava was left staring with his mouth agape. A trickle of spit dribbled down his chin.
Ava sat for a few minutes, his thoughts seemingly lost in a fog. He stood up. His already fat ass was absolutely huge now. He had a ghetto booty with a shelf of fat behind him and definite thunder thighs.
Ava's expression was completely blank. He blinked a few times, but the fogginess in his head refused to dissipate. He staggered from the living room to his bedroom. His giant ass wobbled with each step. His thoughts were slow and labored. He absentmindedly shifted his gaze from one pile of clothes to the next.
Unknown to Ava, his brain was being rewired piece by piece, connection by connection. His desires, his dreams, his expertise, general knowledge, relationships, orientation, everything was changing and shifting. One thing Ava knew was that he needed to get out of [i]his[/i] apartment. He didn't quite remember why, but he knew it was very important.
Ava poked his head out the open window and leaned out. Maybe he could find what his foggy brain found so important out there. He could see an expensive Bentley in the distance. It looked so familiar...did that car belong to him? Ava shook his head. Not a chance, there was no way he could ever afford a car like that!
As Ava stared at the expensive car, he heard a male voice coming from the street. Ava looked down and saw a group of high school aged boys pointing and laughing at him. He realized his b-cup tits were hanging down and jiggling for the boys to see. Ava saw they were enjoying the show and it made him feel...good...
Ava shook his shoulders, allowing his boobs and earrings to shake back and forth. The boys were clapping and cheering.
One of the boys yelled up, "Hey, baby, why don't you come down here so we can get to know you better!?"
Ava felt himself blushing. He yelled back playfully in his smoky alto, "In your dreams! I don't date little boys!"
Ava smirked and began shutting the window, but heard one final shout from below, "I'll date those tits with my jizz, biiiiiitch!"
Ava secured the window and shook his head, boys will be boys! Ava's brain was still foggy but, he was still pretty positive he had to get outside and looking out didn't really help. He would have to go out.
But first, he would have to get dressed properly!