Part 7
Part 7
Now that Ava had come back to her senses, she needed to leave before losing control again. She quickly found a pair of stretchy, gray yoga pants and a yellow, spaghetti tank top. These clothes weren't ideal, but, compared to the other, much filthier or more scandalous outfits laying about, they would have to do. Ava couldn't find a single bra that fit her. Each and every one was too small. She tried to cram her tits into the largest of the bras, but it was too painful.
Ava looked down at her flat crotch and felt determined. She was going to set everything right, she just needed to get dressed and get out of here! Ava hoisted the yoga pants up her legs. She was forced to jump when the pants neared her hips as they got stuck without assistance; her expanded hips and ass were just too damn big! When the pants were in place, she saw that they were tight and pushed to their very limit. Finally, she poked her head through the top, carefully threading her loose, ass length, blonde hair around the collar. Ava made a mental note: as soon as she was free she had to cut her hair, it was so difficult to manage!
Ava checked the mirror.
The outline of her breasts were clearly visible in the top. It was a damn shame she couldn't find a bra, these things were heavy!
The pants caressed her butt cheeks so tightly that anybody looking at her could see the exact shape of her ass. Ava turned and examined at her butt. She gave it a quick smack. Damn...what she would've given to smack an ass like this just an hour ago!
Ava's legs began to shake and she noticed her body was changing again. Apparently the clothes weren't done with her. She began tugging the pants down but stopped short. What was the point? It was already too late. She watched in the mirror as her legs grew longer and her torso shrank. When the change was finished, she wasn't any shorter, but her legs comprised a higher percentage of her total height giving her more feminine proportions. It made her already diminished upper body even tinier. Despite all the changes, Ava was still over six feet tall. If she had to be a woman for a bit longer, at least she would get to be a tall one. She posed in the mirror once more, her legs were long, thick and sexy!
Ava removed the heart choker. She rubbed her long nails across her flat neck. She gulped; not even her Adam's apple was left to indicate she had ever been a man. She dropped the girly bracelets from her arms. Ava's wrists were so thin and tiny now that she could slip the bracelets right off. She left the gaudy, golden hoop earrings in, still unable to find their clasp. Ava took a deep breath and exited the bedroom. The tight pants and shirt felt different. Ava wasn't used to the cut and shape of women's clothes. She ignored the feeling and located the pink tennis shoes that she'd previously thrown onto the floor and slipped them on.
Ava headed to the front door and attempted to locate her giant key ring. The giant key ring she'd dropped on the kitchen counter when she first arrived. The same key ring that held the keys to her Bentley, her house and her real estate empire. Where was the key ring? It had the keys to EVERY property she owned! They must be here somewhere! Ava frantically searched the counter and the floor multiple times. There was only disgusting, low quality food and garbage!
Sitting in the corner was a frilled pink purse that Ava could have sworn wasn't there just a second ago.
She examined the bag from a distance before approaching it. A small bubble of hope flowered in Ava's chest. Was her massive key ring in this mysterious pink purse? She rubbed her hand across its frill. The bag felt cheap, it definitely wasn't real leather. She carefully unzipped the purse and checked its contents. Inside were the exact items Ava expected to be in a typical woman's purse: makeup, tampons, hairbrush, a long zip wallet, hand mirror, pepper spray, sunglasses, expired lotto tickets, tissues, a roll of condoms and a tiny ring of keys. She flipped through the keys and pouted when none of them were for a Bentley. There was one familiar key on the small ring. It was brass and labelled in a bubbly, feminine script, surrounded by a heart, 'Ava's Key'. Also located in the purse was her pink and purple sparkly cell phone. It was still cracked in the front. Ava opened the wallet. Inside was a worn out gift card to Starbucks, a handful of wrinkled bills, multiple credit cards bearing the name "AVA MARIE BOWEN" and an ID.
Ava checked the ID.
[u]LICENSE:[/u]....................Name: Ava Marie Bowen
Age: 28......................Height: 5"0
Weight: 125................Hair: BLN
Eyes: BLU...................Sex: F
The ID also listed this shitty apartment as her home address.
Ava stared at the license. Her heavily made up, girly girl face smiled back. The signature on the license was in a bubbly, feminine script and the 'I' in Marie had a heart over it. Ava shuddered, was she really only 28 years old? Had over a decade of her life been stripped away? She examined her picture again. Her youthful face and excited smile definitely made her look a lot younger. Ava squinted at the plastic card. What gives? she was much taller than 5"0!
But, as Ava's attention was fixed on the ID, her comfortable, pink, women's athletic shoes started changing. Ava's heels slowly rose up as her tennis shoes turned to high heels. While the heels rose, Ava's body shrank. She didn't initially notice the change because her eye level didn't move.
The heels stopped at five inches. Ava finally noticed something was amiss when her feet started to hurt. She crouched down and tugged weakly at the shoes. They were secured around her ankles though the visible clasp wasn't real. She pulled at it listlessly and didn't see a way to remove them. She wouldn't be taking these off anytime soon. Ava's delicate feet looked downright cute in the pink heels. She had to leave NOW!
Ava checked her new ID one final time. She decided to carry it around for now. She might need a license for something.
Ava slipped [i]her[/i] license back into [i]her[/i] wallet. She tossed [i]her[/i] wallet into [i]her[/i] purse and snatched it up, tossing the strap around her shoulder. Carrying the bag felt strangely normal. Ava approached the door. Her heels clicked on the linoleum floor while her hips swayed enticingly. She stopped in front of the door.
Butterflies fluttered in her tight belly. She had nowhere to go. [i]Ava[/i] didn't have the keys to Adam's vehicles or his properties. [i]Ava[/i] didn't have Adam's money. [i]Ava[/i] didn't have Adam's body. Fuck, [i]Ava[/i] didn't even have Adam's gender! The license in [i]her[/i] purse had the name "Ava Marie Bowen". The license had [i]her[/i] picture. The "F" distinction behind "Sex" described the slit between her legs better than any license with "M" ever could.
Ava's eye level slid down as her body slowly shrank.
Right now? Adam's wallet wasn't in her pocket. His clothes weren't on her body. His blood wasn't in her veins. She had the ID, purse, apartment, clothes, tits, legs, ass, hips, vagina, hair, hormones, bone structure, DNA- the entire LIFE of Ava Marie Bowen...Ava glanced around. Maybe she could just stay in her apartment for awhile and lay low- try to figure this situation out and get Adam's- her old life back.
Another shift downward and Ava's height now matched her license. She had become a very short girl. But, Ava didn't notice her height change as she was lost in thought.
Yeah...that made sense... She just had to spend some time finding out how to reverse this process. Staying in her apartment was probably the best option. Before Ava could leave she had to find [i]Adam's[/i] keys, [i]Adam's[/i] wallet, [i]Adam's[/i] clothes and turn herself back into [i]Adam.[/i]
Besides, how would she EVER even BEGIN to convince somebody she was actually Adam Mark Bonatz with this body? Adam Mark Bonatz was a MALE forty something real estate magnate worth millions. Adam Mark Bonatz drove expensive cars, visited exotic locales and threw money around like it was nothing. Adam Mark Bonatz was a ladies man with a hairy, masculine body and an impressive cock.
Ava looked down at herself. The outline of her vagina was showing through the yoga pants.
Ava gingerly traced her finger between the protruding lips. Her pussy was still damp and aroused. Ava sure didn't feel like a real estate magnate. in fact, she couldn't fathom herself being any further from Adam. Her eyes fluttered and her cheeks became flush. She felt much more like a poor, over-sexed, horny slut. Ava bit her lip. She could use a nice hard...
Ava's heart nearly leapt out of her chest as somebody pounded on the door in front of her.
Through the door, a young man's voice yelled, "'Ello?"
It was Roger!