Part 4

Part 4

Adam flung the door open, determined to put the man in his place. He noticed the man was descending the stairs.

"Hey, get back here!" Adam hollered in his deep voice.

The man turned and looked back. He initially glossed right over Adam. Was he...was he searching for the sound of the deep voice? The man didn't think Adam's masculine voice was coming from him!

"Asshole, I'm talking to you!" Adam yelled.

The man, appearing surprised, answered dryly, "I think we got off on the wrong foot, miss-"

"I'm not a 'Miss' okay? I'm a man!" Adam declared while putting his hands on his wide, jutting hips.


His...what kind of hips?

"Well, [i]Sir,[/i]" The man sarcastically stated while rolling his eyes, "I can't say I've seen many men wearing a [b]sports bra, short shorts[/b] and [b]pink tennis shoes[/b] to a workout, so please forgive my ignorance."

Adam cocked his head to the side. What the hell was this crazy loser talking about? He casually looked down at himself and gasped. Adam immediately turned and sprinted back into the dirty apartment. He could hear the man roaring with laughter as he slammed the door behind him. He flicked the lock and looked down at himself once again.

His clothes were completely different! Gone was the men's tank top, replaced with a tiny sports bra!

He could see two tiny mounds of fat filling the bra. The mounds were visibly expanding as he watched. It was very slow, but definitely [i]noticeable[/i]. While his chest expanded, Adam noticed his shoulders diminished. Each passing second, his shoulders became thinner and less broad. To Adam, it looked like one part of his body was converting itself to another.

His large, masculine basketball shorts were now women's short shorts!

His hips were growing wider and his thighs were becoming less defined. His muscle was turning to fat! He touched between his legs and let out a sigh of relief, his penis was still there.

Finally, his shoes had also changed. His gray, men's athletic shoes were replaced with pink, women's athletic shoes. They were also so much smaller. He'd gone from a men's size twelve to a women's size [b]seven.[/b] These shoes were absolutely tiny! Adam gulped. If he was wearing these shoes, that meant his feet were just as small on the inside!

Adam ripped the clothing off and chucked them across the living room with a frustrated grunt. He sprinted to the bathroom to survey the damage. While moving, he noticed his hips swayed from side to side in a feminine way that he couldn't control. His breasts and earrings also jiggled as he ran.

He stopped in front of the mirror. The person standing in front of him was- it was-

A woman.

The girl in the mirror touched her cheek with long fingernails. Her face was layered with makeup turning her femininity up to 11. She had high cheekbones; a slight chin; a weak brow; a rounded hairline; high, well-managed eyebrows; a small and slightly upturned nose; glistening, innocent, blue eyes and a puffy, kissable set of red lips. She had rather wide shoulders for a woman and what looked to be B-cup breasts. She focused on her breasts for a quick second.

The woman in the mirror gave each tit a squeeze. These were unquestionably female tits; complete with wide areola and nipples that were standing at attention from the coolness of the room. Her belly was a little flabby and her waist was a bit wide. Her womanly hips, thick thighs and chubby ass were anything but masculine. Adam watched the young woman rub her hands down her figure before stopping at her ass. Between her legs was a medium sized, hairless cock. Her neck also had the bump of an Adam's apple.

Adam's fears were confirmed when he checked his feet. They were small, cute and hairless. They were even painted light blue!

Aside from a handful of out-of-place body parts, the person in the mirror looked like a relatively pretty young woman. The young lady stared at her cock and took a reassuring breath. It was slightly smaller and hairless, but mostly intact.

Adam was speechless. The woman in the mirror...that was [i]HIM[/i]! He flipped his medium blonde hair away from his eyes.

Adam felt dazed, his body was changing so quickly and his brain was having trouble keeping up. He didn't know what to do next. He staggered from the bathroom and out to the kitchen, still noticing how he [i]moved differently[/i]. He didn't do it purposefully, but his feminized proportions required it. The stench of rotten, stale food and dirty dishes assailed his senses. Adam anchored himself against the counter, too overwhelmed to care about what was on it. He was completely nude (except for his earrings) and officially freaking out.

Adam closed his eyes and tried to slow his breathing. He rested his weight on the counter. He just had to get control of himself and calm down! He opened his mouth and took a nice, calming breath. As he did, Adam's hand shoved a scrap of rotten steak into his open mouth. He choked on the vile food scrap, but quickly swallowed it. He felt the meat slide down his esophagus like a freezing lump. He yelped and nearly doubled over, clutching his belly. His insides had begun to burn!

The rancid meat was eating him from the inside! Adam looked down. His waistline was receding and folding in on itself. His paunch of belly fat melted and disappeared before his eyes. When the pain finally subsided, Adam saw his waistline was tiny and flat. His hips and ass still jutted out and he now sported an hourglass figure.

Adam threw his hands up. He needed to get away from anything that his traitorous hands could get a hold of! He wasn't about to risk putting on different clothes, and wouldn't risk going out naked. He would have to wait for the effects of...whatever was changing him to subside. He hoped that his affliction was temporary, that everything would return to the way it was. He just had to give it some time. He certainly didn't want any further changes to occur. Adam ensured the apartment door was locked. He just wouldn't answer when Roger came. He couldn't allow anybody to see him until he reversed whatever was happening!

Adam stood in the middle of the kitchen, naked, and away from everything. He folded his hands under his hairless armpits where they couldn't do any further harm. He ignored the softness of his breasts. He closed his eyes and recited a soft prayer. He prayed everything would return to normal when he opened his eyes back up. But, each time he opened them, his body was just as warped and just as feminine. If he was going to return to normal, it would take more than just a few seconds. After a few, uneventful minutes of silence, Adam's cellphone ringtone began sounding off loudly from somewhere near the couch. It was definitely Adam's ringtone, one he had heard a million times before. Someone was calling him. Adam hesitated before making a quick pros and cons in his head. He had to decide if he should attempt to locate his missing phone.


1. He could ask whoever was calling for help.

2. Maybe he could get a call out to the police, a doctor or ANYBODY.

3. He would have his expensive cell phone back.

4. It would feel good to get some piece of his former self back.

5. Maybe his wallet (With ID, money and credit cards) was with his phone.


1. This was almost certainly another trick and seemed way too good to be true.

Adam sighed. What choice did he have? He couldn't just stand here forever hoping something would change for the better. He had always been a doer. Besides, how much worse could it realistically get?

He listened to the ringtone and followed it to the couch. The last time he saw his phone was in the bathroom. This was certainly starting to feel more like a 'cons list' situation. The sound was coming from inside the cushions.

Adam examined his girlish arms. At this point, it wasn't like the couch could make them any worse. He slipped his hand under the cushion and fished for the ringing phone. He found it plucked it out.

This definitely wasn't his cell phone! Adam's phone was cutting edge with a tasteful, professional cover. This phone was very outdated with a pink and purple sparkly cover. Adam was disturbed by how natural the girly phone looked in his feminized hand.

He checked the screen which had a branching crack down the center. The caller ID read, "ZeeZee"

Adam sat on the couch, his bare ass rubbing against the rough, frayed material. He swiped to accept the call and put the phone up to his ear. He felt an electric jolt followed by an immediate numbness in his neck.

Adam opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, his vocal chords were thinning and changing.

"Hello?" A female voice on the other end of the line asked.


Part 5


Part 3