Part 3

Part 3

Adam awoke with a groan. His head was pounding. He slowly opened his eyes and found his bearings. He was laying on the floor of the bathroom, the shower was still on. He flipped his wet, medium length blonde hair from his face. He clutched the side of the sink and hoisted himself up. When his face found the mirror, Adam gasped. His girly hands had been busy while he was unconscious. Not only had his lipstick been reapplied, but he now had a thick layer of powder, blush, mascara and eye shadow. His face was totally dolled up! Adam's lips were still thick and pronounced, while the rest of his face, barring the makeup, was the same shape. He noticed his facial hair was gone. Adam quickly realized: It wasn't just his facial hair, his body hair was gone too! His once hairy, manly chest was now smooth as silk. His legs, arms, arm pits, and back were all hairless.

Adam reached his delicate little hand to his longer, blonde hair and growled.

He didn't want any of this! He slammed his fist down on the sink with a loud crack. A shooting pain flared up Adam's arm. It seemed his new arms and hands were not built for such violent things. He shook it off and searched the sink area for anything that could help him.

Adam found a faded aerosol bottle labelled with a pen, "Makeup remover". He didn't want to risk getting in the shower again so he pointed the spray at his face, clenched his eyes shut, and applied a liberal spritz. He waited a few seconds before slowly opening his eyes. The makeup was still there. Adam figured it needed water to activate. He put his hand in the shower and wiped water onto his face. His hand, and the water, slid right off. He tried it again, same result. The can hadn't removed the makeup, it made it more durable!

Adam angrily threw the can to the floor and turned around. He checked in the mirror again, his facial features were more...rounded? He still looked like a man wearing makeup, but he was definitely shifting closer to androgynous with increasingly softer features. In real time, he could see the makeup warping his face, shifting and changing him. Adam had to get to the doctor before it was too late!

He searched the ground for his clothes. Behind the door? No. Under the sink? No. Outside the door? No. in the shower? No! Where were his damn clothes? His phone and wallet were missing too! His stomach dropped. With his phone gone, he couldn't call somebody to come help him.

Adam took a second to breathe. He just needed to think. Panicking wouldn't solve any issues. Okay, he had shorter, thinner arms, wrists and his hands looked very feminine with long acrylic nails. He had hoop earrings dangling beneath his medium blonde hair. His face, complete with puffy lips, was slowly becoming softer and more feminine due to the thick, durable makeup slathered on his face. Adam's mind raced, he needed to get to a doctor to make everything right! But, first, he needed to find suitable clothes. Adam wanted to leave ASAP, but didn't fancy getting arrested for public indecency on the way back to his Bentley.

Adam headed to the bedroom, intent of finding some clothing that fit him. He figured the slut had a few sets of men's clothes from boyfriends that spent the night.

Adam tore through the bedroom. He searched every drawer and every inch of closet space but found only the girliest, sluttiest clothes imaginable. Everything was flashy, sparkly and left very little to the imagination. The woman who owned this wardrobe was easy and loose, no doubt about it. Thankfully, the last possible drawer revealed exactly what Adam had been looking for! Inside a small Nike bag was a sleeveless, gray men's tank top, black basketball shorts and gray tennis shoes. The clothes were perfectly in his size, too!

What were the odds?

Adam pulled the tank over his head. Without sleeves, the top would leave his weak, short arms out in the open. His girly bracelets and hands were also uncovered.

Next he pulled the shorts up his legs. Without any underwear, he would just have to free ball it. He certainly wasn't putting on any of the other clothes in this room. The shorts slid up his smooth, hairless legs, causing a chill to creep up his spine.

Finally, he slipped on some gray athletic shoes. He still couldn't believe how lucky he was that these shoes were exactly his size.

Now that he was properly dressed, Adam ran to the front door and reached for the handle. As he did, however, the door opened and a man stuck his head inside.

"Hello?" The man asked.

Adam sprinted to the far end of the room and jumped for the couch, hoping the man hadn't seen him.

"G-go away!" Adam shouted into the frayed couch cushion. The cushion distorted his voice effectively making him sound androgynous.

"Look Lady," The man started, "I don't want to sit here and judge your..." The man stared at the piles of dishes and food before continuing, "...Lifestyle...but there are people trying to live quietly and you're making a lot of banging and yelling noises; and these walls are paper thin. Could you please tone it down?"

How dare he tell Adam what to do! Adam OWNED this place!

Adam yelled into the cushion, determined to continue hiding his face, "Hey, I own this damn apartment! You can't just barge in here and tell me what to do, [i]Pal[/i]!"

"Ah, you must be Chrissi, then. I thought you were kicked out? You know what? I don't even want to know how you convinced our skeevy landlord to let you stay. On a side note, if one of your boyfriends comes over again to...have relations...please try to keep your noises to a minimum. Paper thin walls and all that. Nice meetin' ya. "

With that, the man carefully shut the door before Adam could say another word.

Adam's mind raced. That idiot thought he was Chrissi! That, wretched, low-life, insignificant little maggot of a man thought he was some drug addled slut. Adam sprang off the couch and stomped towards the door. He would burst out and kick that shit for brains to the curb. He was no woman!

As Adam walked across the room he noticed his body was moving very strangely. His chest was...jiggling and his hips were heavy. He paid the feeling no mind. He was mad.


Part 4


Part 2