Part 2
Part 2
Inside the apartment, Adam quickly realized something was very wrong. There were personal belongings everywhere! He'd just been there a few days prior, throwing out that Chrissi girl. How the hell had she moved everything back in so quickly? Even more alarming, how could his building manager have allowed it to happen?
The dingy, outdated kitchen had dishes and food everywhere. A small cloud of fruit flies swarmed around rancid leftovers on the countertop.
The bathroom was filled with toiletries, towels and feminine hygiene products. The stained sink dripped water.
The bedroom floor was covered in cheap female clothing, shopping bags and dirty laundry. The bed was messy and grody. Only a shameless slob could have caused disorganization like this in just a few days. The room reeked of marijuana and sex.
And the was brimming with cheap clothes!
Every room Adam entered made him angrier. That fucking bitch! She had clearly not learned her lesson. This time, he wouldn't give her the items back, he would find the nearest trash compactor and destroy EVERYTHING! There was no other way she was going to learn her place.
Adam felt a twitch of panic in his chest, Roger was coming in less than thirty minutes! He had to clear the garbage out before then.
Adam thought about starting in the kitchen, but cringed at the sight of a cold, dried out piece of steak on a filthy plate resting on the counter. He would come back to the kitchen. He tossed his key ring by the door. He had so much work to do!
He ran into the bedroom and quickly opened the nearby window. He had to clear out the odor of drugs and fucking. He looked for the first thing to throw out. In the corner, he spied a small wooden jewelry box. Score! Anything left in here belonged to him now. Maybe he could pawn some jewels off to make up for lost rent. Adam rubbed his hands together and tripped over a pile of laundry before opening the box. Inside was all manner of gaudy, flashy jewelry. It was all plastic, fake garbage! This shit wasn't worth more than a few dollars! Adam fished out a pair of golden hoop earrings that caught his eye.
These didn't look like the rest. Maybe these were worth something? He slammed the box shut and absentmindedly slipped the hoops into his ears.
Adam stood and stopped. He felt the weight of the hoops pulling down his earlobes. He reached his hand up and felt the earrings dangling. It took a second for his mind to process what had just occurred.
He didn't even have pierced ears.
Sure enough, each earlobe now had a hole. Also, he had never really made it a point to touch his own ears, but they definitely felt tiny. Were his ears always this small? Why had he put the hoops in? He tried pulling the earrings apart but found that they didn't have any sort of clasp! They were welded shut! He didn't have any equipment to cut them and wasn't about to rip his own earlobes off. He would have to worry about it later.
Adam paid the jiggling hoops no mind. He did another quick search and saw a purse sitting beneath the bed. He knelt onto the floor and reached under to pull the purse out. Maybe he could find an ID or, hell, some easy folding money. His hand slipped into the bag and he found that it was stuck. A momentary constriction of his fingers gave Adam a quick jolt of panic. He calmed down when he reasoned his finger must have gotten wedged between the bag and the bed. He withdrew his hand and shoved his other one under, hoping to have a better angle to pull. Again, the same constriction occurred. After pulling for a few seconds, the bag came loose and he ripped it out.
Adam looked down at his fingers.
They were thin and tiny, a far cry from the sausages he had just a few second prior. The long, grey, acrylics only added to the effect. His smooth, callous-free hands looked totally out of place on his hairy wrists! These hands looked like they belonged to a woman who had never worked a day of hard labor in her life; and they were attached to [i]HIM[/i]! Adam felt his breathing quicken while his poor brain tried to rationalize the change.
He checked the bag for an explanation.
It wasn't a purse, it was just a makeup bag!
Adam peered inside and shifted the bags contents around. His delicate fingers looked right at home amongst the makeup. Well, no ID and no explanation! He sat on his knees for a second, glancing around. While his attention was elsewhere, Adam's hands opened a tube of red lipstick and smeared it across his lips.
Adam clutched the makeup bag and stood up. He reflexively smacked his lips together before running to the nearby vanity. His lips were plump and painted red!
He stared at his reflection, his fat lips dominated his otherwise masculine face! How was this possible? Was it some sort of makeup trick? He figured women's features were almost always fake and obscured by their makeup...It started to make sense in Adam's mind. But even still, he couldn't believe these pillowy lips belonged to him! While staring, Adam's arms snaked under a shirt resting on the vanity and Adam heard the sound of locks clicking.
He removed his arms and saw each one now sported a feminine bracelet. Again, he couldn't figure a way to remove them short of cutting off his hands.
Adam staggered to the bathroom, eager to wash the lipstick off. He was absolutely convinced that the size of his lips were some sort of illusion brought on by the cosmetics. He examined himself in the mirror. His- his arms looked wrong! He ripped off his button down shirt and threw it to the floor. Yeah, his arms were definitely shorter! They were essentially hairless and much, much thinner. His wrists were tiny and delicate as well. He looked like a total wimp!
Adam took quick stock of himself. His arms, hands, wrists and lips were out of place: not to mention his little ears and giant, golden hoops. The rest of his upper body, including his hairy, barrel chest and wide shoulders, above his flabby belly, all looked normal. His legs, encased in dark, loose jeans, were muscled and hairy. His feet, in tube socks and tennis shoes, were large and hairy as well. Other than his ears and lips, his face was very masculine and his hair was short, black and slicked back.
He had to get this lipstick off.
Adam turned the handle on the sink, but nothing came out. He yelled an expletive in his deep, masculine baritone which echoed in the small room. He saw the sink dripping water just minutes prior! He jumped to the shower and threw open the curtain. The walls and floor were yellowed and crusty. It was cramped, dark and dirty; a truly pitiful sight. This shower was a far cry from the shining, marble shrine to cleanliness he had in his own home. At this point, he was so desperate to wash himself that he didn't care. He turned the handle. A wave of relief washed over Adam as a weak stream of water sputtered out. A nice quick shower to calm himself down was exactly what he needed.
He removed his jeans, tennis shoes, socks and boxers. He placed his expensive cell phone and wallet onto the counter. Removing the items was made slightly harder by the long acrylic nails that he had absolutely no experience with. He dropped the articles to the floor. Adam took one last look at himself in the mirror and gulped. He stepped into the shower.
Once in the water, Adam scrubbed his lips aggressively. He felt relief as he noticed the lipstick coming off onto his feminized hands. There's no way he would allow his lips to look like that. He took a few deep breaths. Something fishy was clearly going on here, but he had to overcome it. There was money to be made. He rationalized how he could hide the changes so far.
He could put some gloves on his hands and be sure to wear a long sleeve shirt, perhaps curling up the cuffs to make the garment fit his shorter arms. The earrings...well maybe he could try and say they were some sort of religious or cultural accessory. Yeah, yeah that would definitely work. But, after the viewing, it was straight to the doctor.
Adam felt reassured. He was freaking out over nothing! it was all in his mind. Adam chuckled to himself. How silly he was being! How could he let some acrylic nails and a few pieces of jewelry worry him like that? He grabbed a nearby container labelled "Shampoo" in sharpie. He squirted some on his hair and scratched it in. Hey, at least he found something useful to do with these long nails! He lathered up his body with another bottle labelled "Soap".
As Adam enjoyed the warm water he, again, felt something was wrong. He was scrubbing his hair when, suddenly, he felt like there was a lot more hair than there should be! Adam wiped the water and shampoo from his eyes and grabbed at it. Medium length blonde locks rested between his fingers. He swiped it out of his vision and threw open the curtain. His entire body was tingling and he desperately wiped the soap and shampoo away. Adam tried to jump out of the the shower but tripped over the side of the tub. He screamed out as he fell forward, the floor rushing towards him. He smacked his forehead and everything faded to black.