Dominic drew a gasping breath and leapt to his feet. His hands shook as he wildly searched his body for injury. Relieved to find himself intact, Dominic's mind began to race. His fear was quickly replaced with anger. That crazy bitch! Iris had always been an annoying thorn in his side, but whatever she did to him was taking things way too far! He should have known she was just a typical, irrational, emotional woman! He tried to convince himself that the disappearance of the entire class and the strange lightning surrounding Iris was explainable, but it was clear that he had either gone crazy or something supernatural was afoot.
As his breathing returned to normal, Dominic examined his surroundings. He was no longer in the classroom and, instead, was squeezed into a narrow, empty alleyway. Tall, brick buildings on either side split into blue skies and opened onto a bustling street where a parade appeared to be taking place. A sliver of bright sunlight filtered in alongside the commotion of large groups of people chanting, playing instruments, cheering and laughing.
With his fears of immediate injury and danger abated, Dominic noticed his clothing had changed alongside his location. He could see the clothing fit strangely and his body felt...different.
His jeans sat a little too high on his hips and cinched uncomfortably at the waist. They were very tight against his legs and were secured with a thin, rainbow belt. Tucked into the pants was a black shirt that said 'PRIDE' in rainbow letters while his feet wore rainbow tennis shoes matching the lettering of the shirt. Dominic immediately knew they were women's clothes based on the fit and material. He was astonished that his body managed to fit inside them.
As he examined his arms it felt like his mind was playing tricks on him. Whether it was the lighting in the alley or something else...his arms looked especially thin. In fact, the more he looked, the more he noticed the subtle differences all over his body. His chest was soft, his hands looked a little smaller, his shoulders were less broad while his legs, hips and butt were more pronounced.
Dominic gulped and his hand shot between his legs. He felt relief when his hand brushed against his manhood within the girl jeans and tight boxers. A small puddle in the alley drew his attention and he crouched down to see himself in the light. He looked like an androgynous version of himself! He brushed his smaller hands through his shaggy brown hair which tickled the middle of his ears. The changes to his face were subtle though he could see his boyish features were slightly rounder and less angular. His Adam's apple was still visible and he was still discernibly male, but there was no doubt he had shifted to better fit the clothes. He stared at his image in the water, how was this possible!? Why did Iris make him look like a sissy? If this was an attempt to humiliate him, she had another thing coming!
Dominic's hand rubbed against his thigh which was held tightly in his girl jeans. He brushed a hard object in the shallow pocket. Tearing his gaze from his altered form, Dominic stood and retrieved the item. It was an old looking cell phone. It felt clunky and small, even in his diminished fingers.
He turned the screen on and the date June 28 2012 was displayed. Before his brain could assess the implications of time travel, the cell phone began to ring.
"H-Hello?" Dominic stuttered.
Iris' voice greeted him, "Hey, girlfriend! It's your best friend Iris here. Are you ready for a learning adventure?"
Dominic rested his back against the cold, brick wall and felt anxiety and anger bubbling up as he shouted a response, "What the fuck is happening!? What did you do to me!? Are you trying to turn me into some sort of sissy faggot?"
Iris gasped, "Language! We didn't use that word even in 2012."
Dominic growled, "Don't tell me what words I can use, [i]bitch![/i] What do you want me to do? You want me to run out there and embarrass myself to give you some sort of sick satisfaction? Well I'm not going to!"
Iris giggled before responding, "No, I'm only expecting you to complete one task for me each time I send you back. If you do what I ask, you're proving to me that you're willing to change and [i]listen[/i] for once in your pitiful male life."
"I'm not doing shit!" Dominic shouted.
Iris' next words, calmly spoken, sent a chill down Dominic's spine, "Then I'll have her change you more."
Dominic's confidence and anger faltered as he gulped. The alien feeling of his clothing on his transformed body was all the more pressing in his mind.
With his silence speaking for itself, Iris continued, "Now, I'm sure the legendary misogynist dick-head Dominic Hughes could regain his starting physique with a little gym discipline, but some changes could be [i]very difficult[/i] to reverse if you don't play your cards right."
Dominic sputtered as he looked down at himself, "Th-this is p-permanent?"
"It's as real as anything real that was ever real." Iris answered, "Now, as far as time travel and paradoxes are concerned, leave that to me. But a word of warning, the people you'll interact with are very real and very much a byproduct of the society and time period they inhabit."
Dominic gulped, "Listen, Iris, I don't- I don't know what I did to make you so emotional but I'm sorry you feel this way. If you'd just turn me back to normal and bring me back to class we can talk about it."
"I'm done talking about it you incel piece of shit and I'm [b]NOT[/b] emotional about it!" Iris growled before stopping to collect herself and continuing, "We are finally going to test your theory that 'women live life on easy mode'."
A handful of multi-colored beads appeared in Dominic's hand.
"Your first task is simple. Hand these out one at a time to strangers enjoying the parade. Make me believe you're enjoying it too."
Dominic held the phone to his ear and poked his head from the alley to look at the crowd.
He retreated back inside before screeching, "I'm not gonna to be bullied by a [i]bitch[/i] like you and I won't prance around like a faggot just cause you tell me to!" Dominic threw the beads to the ground before proclaiming, "So you can suck my fat dick!"
When he received only silence, Dominic felt a surge of smug confidence. Iris had been bluffing, just as he suspected! It was all smoke and mirrors!
However, his positivity quickly evaporated as an inexplicable warmth bloomed within his belly and spread along his skin. His heart rate spiked and he shifted his hands across his body as he felt himself changing. The waist of his jeans felt tighter as his hips swelled outwards and his gaze shifted down as his torso shortened giving him a more 'leggy' silhouette. His diminished upper body contracted further while his shaggy hair grew to the bottoms of his ears. Two circles of heat burned in his chest and Dominic gasped as he felt his soft chest fatten and push outwards. His hands squeezed his tiny, but very unmanly breasts which sent a pleasurable jolt up his spine. A tingle swirled in his brain causing a momentary headache and his face shifted to better fit his new body.
When the warmth was finally done, Dominic dropped to his knees and stared at himself in the puddle. He had definitely pushed into the feminine side of androgynous. He saw his newly altered figure filled out his women's clothes much better and it looked like they were made for his body. His ear length, shaggy hair framed his increasingly feminine face and he looked dangerously close to a tomboy. As he shifted his body to better see himself, he couldn't help but notice the weight and sag of [i]TITS[/i] on his chest. He had tits! They pushed out his PRIDE shirt just enough to be noticeable and proclaim to the world that the wearer of the shirt was distinctly not male. He snaked his hand between his legs to ensure he still felt his manhood but even that felt smaller!
Dominic raised the phone to his ear, noticing how it felt just a little bigger than before in hand. He had to assuage this insane harpy and get as far away from her as possible! When he spoke, his voice had noticeably raised a step or two putting him close to androgyny.
"I-Iris I'm- I"m sorry, okay. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I can change, I mean it. Please, give me a chance, you don't have to do this!" He pleaded sweetly.
Dominic heard a crackling sound from the other side of the phone as she responded, "Don't worry, Dommy Boy, I'm sure you can find a way to turn back to your normal self. And, don't worry, I'll give you plenty of opportunity to show me you mean it!"
The crackling sound flared like a whip. Before Dominic could protest, he felt a sharp stinging in his chest and his vision faded to black.