Modern Day

Modern Day

"Now class," The professor sighed, "If you'll turn your attention to Mr. Hughes, we'll hear his final presentation about-" She looked down and read the title of his prompt aloud, "'Feminism: The Plague on Society'."

She rolled her eyes and grew a smirk before shaking her head and scanning around the class.

Her gaze rested on the only male seated in her gender studies classroom. He wore an excited grin. She, and the rest of the class, were used to Dominic Hughes' antics this late in the semester. It seemed his only motivation to take her class was to try and 'dunk' on feminism and gender studies in general. No matter what the data or literature suggested, he was always poised to twist the words and spin his own narrative. While she welcomed his unrelenting advocacy for the devil, there were some students that did not tolerate Dominic's...dissension. The professor had, on more than one occasion, stood between arguing parties to prevent physical confrontation. Scars from past disagreements were evident on the faces of the students, mainly in the form of disgust and annoyance, as they turned to face the young lad who jumped excitedly from his seat.

Dominic slipped on his sunglasses which he always did when he was about to stir something up or cause a problem. He'd decided to wear his only suit which generally fit his wiry frame rather well. He had a fast metabolism which left very little meat on his bones. His mop of brown hair tickled his ears and framed his boyish face.

Dominic was the tallest person in the room at six-foot-one and he used it to his advantage whenever one of 'The Bitches' (as he called them) tried to bully him into agreeing. In fact, he made it a point to never let one of 'The Bitches' have the last word in an argument. He religiously watched online alpha male influencers and  knew exactly how the world was structured. He was well aware that women were, and always have been, the most coddled, spoiled, and thankless group of people to ever exist. He was about to prove to these entitled brats that being a woman meant coasting through life on easy mode.

Dominic smiled as he stepped past the disgruntled students around him.

Ugly feminist bitches! They had no idea that he was about to destroy their gynocentric worldview!

However, as he made it to the front of the class and turned to face his detractors, he found only one person remained. Dominic's eyes frantically scanned around the empty classroom while his smirk faltered. The books, the students, the professor, they were all gone. A sinister chill crawled up his spine and his heart rate spiked as he felt the eyes of his most virulent adversary burning into him.

Iris, his arch nemesis, stood from her chair and gave him a fake smile.

"Wh-What the fuck is going on?" Dominic asked in his wispy tenor. All traces of the snark he planned to lean into had evaporated.

"You know Dominic," Iris started in her light alto, "I really wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt." She took a step towards the front of the room causing the hairs on Dominic's neck to stand as she continued, "I thought I could change your [i]horrifyingly[/i] misogynistic views given enough time and effort." She took another step forward, "But it's clear to me that it'll take more than words, and studies, and data to convince someone like you."

Dominic took fast, shallow breaths. Something was terrifyingly [i]off[/i] about Iris. It went beyond the inexplicable disappearance of the entire class. He could feel energy arcing around her and rippling through the room like lightening. The air around Iris seemed to distort and Dominic's vision narrowed as he focused intently on her eyes. Her smile may have said 'friendly' but her eyes screamed [i]'HATE'[/i].

"Please I don't- I don't- what's happening?" Dominic sputtered as he felt his body freeze in place.

Iris lightly giggled before responding, "You're finally becoming the victim you've always claimed to be!” She pointed her finger at him and added, “You better get a lot out of this...I had to give up everything to teach you this lesson."

Before Dominic could utter an objection or demand clarification, Iris' eyes glowed a menacing green and the lighting around her crackled. Dominic let out a groan as a spike of pain erupted in his chest. His vision quickly darkened and his body crumpled to the floor in an unconscious heap of man and suit.
