Dominic regained consciousness and heard multiple loud noises surrounding him. He scanned around to see he was in an arcade. Machines and games of all kinds whirled and clanged around him. The place was packed with people of all ages from little kids to older adults, though Dominic could clearly see the majority were teenage boys. All their clothing and hairstyles looked dated. They looked like they were out of movies and television shows Dominic watched when he was a kid.
When he glanced down at himself, he saw he was similarly dressed in dated clothes. He wore a tight fitting turquoise tank top atop a tight fitting pink tank top which was atop a tight fitting purple tank top. Each layer was visible and hung below the turquoise top like miniskirts. Each layer was sleeveless and Dominic's unimpressive arms were visible. His small breasts pushed against the three layers forming a noticeable swell. His white washed jeans were a little baggier than his last pair but were still cut for a woman. On his feet were white flats that looked like slippers. Around his wrists and fingers were an assortment of girly bracelets and rings. Dominic saw his fingernails had also been painted a subtle yellow color. Completing the look was a sparkly silver and tan purse slung over his shoulder and a girls denim cut-off jacket in his hand.
Dominic felt vulnerable surrounded by people while looking like a sissy. He felt extremely embarrassed and knew everybody could see he was a man in teenage girl's clothing. He wished he was back in the alley and not in the middle of the room like this! His feeling of vulnerability was compounded by the realization that he had clearly gotten shorter. He still stood around 5"9 or 5"10 which put him at or above most of the surrounding boys, but it definitely made everything around him feel bigger. However, despite his self-consciousness, nobody seemed to be paying him much mind as they went about their business.
Dominic wondered if he had somehow become invisible until he felt a hand slap against his ass. He quickly turned to see a smirking teenage boy walking away.
Realizing he was caught, the boy cackled like a hyena before his warbling, puberty addled voice sounded, "Oh, sorry about that, miss, my hand must have slipped."
Dominic felt alarmingly violated. He was already in a vulnerable state and being touched by some pervy little boy sent his mind spinning.
Once his brain caught up, the realization struck and Dominic's androgynous voice spat out plainly, "I'm not a girl. Are you blind or something?"
The boy stopped and raised his eyebrows while staring Dominic up and down. Once again, the vulnerable feeling carved into him. What did the boy think he was seeing? Could he see past the clothes? It should have been so obvious!
The boy scoffed before turning to walk away, "Whatever you say, retard."
The boy was soon lost in the crowd before Dominic could properly retort.
A sudden buzzing in his shallow girl pocket prompted him to retrieve a cell phone. It was some sort of ancient relic. Silver in color and made of clunky plastic that flipped open.
The display on the inside showed the date was 2/4/05. Dominic had barely been born! Ignoring the date, he saw there was an incoming call. His painted fingers struggled to find a way to answer it. He eventually managed it and raised the phone to his ear.
The sound was low quality and Dominic could barely understand Iris' voice over the cacophony of the arcade, "Hey, girlfriend! I hope you brought your dancing shoes. Sorry about that pervert boy. Men can be degenerates, especially at that age."
Dominic covered his opposite ear with his hand as he responded, "Iris, this has gone far enough. Please, I just want to go home. I'm- I'm scared."
Iris clicked her tongue, "*Tch*, this again? I already told you, there's so much still to learn! But here, let's get this task done so we can move on. Remember, you need to do what I say to avoid changing even more. If you ever want to be close to your old self, you'd better start playing along!"
Dominic sighed, "Okay, okay, changing me more isn't necessary. What do you want me to do?"
She responded, "There's a video game tournament about to start and I want you to win it. I already entered you in so don't worry about that."
Dominic smiled, he was a gaming wizard! He had spent thousands of hours in front of computer screens and gaming consoles. His skill set was varied and dynamic and he knew he could beat these early 2000s scrubs at anything they threw at him! Dominic hoped that little pervert from earlier was one of his opponents. What he wouldn't give to wipe the floor with him...
"Ladies and gentlemen!" A man's voice boomed over a loudspeaker, "Please turn your attention to the dance pads near the front of the room for our men's DDR finals!"
The crowd turned their attention and began moving in the direction indicated by the voice. Dominic closed the phone and slipped it into his shallow pocket while slinging the flashy purse absentmindedly over his shoulder. What the hell did the voice mean by 'dance pads'? As he followed the crowd, and with his attention fixed forward, Dominic didn't even notice his altered body moved with a noticeable sway.
A semi-circle of people crowded around two young men on metal squares in front of a pair of screens. This was unlike any video game Dominic had ever seen. The crowd cheered just before the two boys burst into a flurry of movements dictated by arrows on the screens. Dominic was amazed!
Their legs were flying across the squares. Dominic felt himself becoming hypnotized by their movements which were perfectly timed with a catchy tune blasting from the screen. After several minutes, the song finished and the crowd cheered. Dominic found himself earnestly clapping along as these two guys were clearly experts. While he was cheering, however, Dominic's stomach dropped when he realized: Iris expected him to compete with these guys! The performance he had just watched played in his mind. There was no way he was going to beat them! While his mind raced, one of the wheezing competitors was declared the winner and given a nice gift card and a round of applause.
But wait, how was Dominic supposed to compete if the contest was already over?
The voice sounded again, "Ladies and gentlemen, give it up one more time for our runner up, Henry, and our champion, Will!"
The crowd, which had grown pretty substantial, cheered once again.
"Now, let's get our ladies involved! Unfortunately, sign ups were limited so we really only have one match to spectate. Can I please have a miss...Beverly come up to the dance pad?"
A blonde, teenage girl raised her arms to wave to the crowd as she pranced her way to the front. The crowd provided a courtesy clap. The girl wore a white tube top baring her midriff alongside a red halter cardigan, dark jeans and tennis shoes.
It was at that moment that Dominic, who was perpetually one step behind, realized what was about to happen.
"And our only other competitor is a...Dominique? Dominique, where you at, girl?"
Dominic had a quick decision to make. Should he stay in the crowd, accept the change and move on? Or, should he step forward and subject himself to playing some ancient dancing game that he had no experience with while dressed as a girl and pretending to be a girl?
"Dominique? Dominique? Does anybody know where Dominique is?"
Dominic examined the girl who was now standing on the left most dance pad. She looked distinctly frail and girly. Could she really be THAT skilled at this very physical game? Dominic was a man, after all, he had a natural physical edge. He may have never played the game, but he knew that his biological male advantage was substantial; overwhelming, even. In the last few seconds before an obvious forfeit, Dominic's attention turned to the fleshy buds hanging off his chest and he frowned. He had to avoid any further changes no matter the embarrassment!
"Dominique going once, Dominique going twice, Drominique going a third time and-"
Dominique raised his hand and pushed towards the front of the crowd. His body hair had never been very thick, but he noticed his pits were now totally smooth as he walked through the crowd with a raised arm. The crowds attention turned to Dominique and they made the connection that he was the other woman competing in the ladies tournament. Dominique was sure he was about to be called out as a cross-dresser, but the accusation never came. A whole crowd of people was staring at him and nobody called him out. Maybe 2005 was more progressive than he thought?
When he reached the front, Dominique's cheeks blazed red. He was about to crush a biological female in a women's sporting event while pretending to be female himself. He was becoming everything he crusaded against!
As Dominique mounted his dance pad, Beverly turned and whispered, "Hey, good luck Dominique. Thanks for stepping up, it's usually just me. Most girls won't go near video games."
Dominique, caught off guard, whispered back, "Uh, you too."
Beverly's comment was genuinely nice and Dominique wasn't used to opponents being anything but hostile, especially when it came to video games. He placed his purse onto the floor near the pad and prepared to compete.
The song began. It was more pop oriented than the men's final and Dominique found himself struggling to get into the proper rhythm. He tried his best to emulate the men's finalists, but his unfamiliar body seemed slow and unstable and his outfit and shoes were ill-equipped for physical activity. Dominique saw Beverly was much more skilled. She had clearly played this DDR game many times before. She was not as good as the men, but she managed to easily out pace Dominique. Beverly seemed comfortable with her body and wore shoes that allowed her to pivot quickly on the dance pad.
Midway through, Dominique was slowly getting the hang of the dancing and his flats were stomping all over the mat in time with the catchy pop tune. He was beginning to catch up!
"Woohoo, shake that butt!" A boy shouted from behind.
Dominique's feet faltered. The more he followed the song, the more he shook his ass and hips towards the crowd! He craned his head back and saw a group of young men staring directly at his backside.
The distraction caused Dominique to slip and tumble off the game pad. He screeched in his androgynous tone as he crashed to the floor. The crowd let out a collective, "Woah!"
Puncturing the noise was a familiar, dick-headed puberty voice, "That's why girls shouldn't play video games!"
The crowd, consisting mostly of young men, burst into laughter at the sexist comment. Dominique struggled to his feet and noticed how weak his body felt. He grabbed the purse and sprinted away. The crowd continued to laugh as his cheeks blazed with embarrassment.
That little creep! Dominique wasn't a girl! He should have been the one laughing at the pathetic women trying to compete in physical activities, not getting laughed at!
Dominique found a secluded corner to hide in as he worked to catch his breath. He was physically uninjured from falling, but his pride had taken a significant blow. Not only did he embarrass himself by competing against a woman while clearly wearing drag, but he had [b]LOST[/b]!
Dominique felt heat beginning to coarse through his veins. He whimpered at the prospect of traveling further down the pathway to womanhood. There was only so much he could work to reverse! A prickling in his feet heralded a change as his feet shortened and changed. He slipped off his flats and saw his feet shrinking in real time. In addition, they smoothed out and lost all hint of callous and pronounced external veins. Additionally, the nails on his dainty toes were now painted to match his fingernails. He wiggled his new toes and felt his breath catch in his chest. These were girl feet!
Dominique swallowed hard as the remaining remnants of his Adams apple smoothed and disappeared leaving his neck totally flat. His vocal chords constricted and his voice shifted further up into a decidedly female register. Without skipping a beat, his brunette hair elongated past his ears and chin until it tickled his shoulders. He flipped a few errant strands behind his ears and drew several sharp breaths. The final round of heat burned between his legs. Dominique's hand slapped to his penis as he felt it shrivel into a tiny little nub within his boxers. He could barely feel it within his white washed, women's blue jeans. With the physical changes concluded, another tingling headache momentarily wracked Dominique's brain. He held onto the wall for support as [i]something[/i] inside him was rearranging. It wasn't long before the headache departed and Dominique glanced around, concerned about what was going on in his brain.
The last thing Dominique heard before slipping into unconsciousness was the mocking laughter of teenage boys, the whimpering breaths in his lungs, and a crackle of thunder.