Part 2
Ox stretched his powerful arms into the air and yawned. The sun had just begun cresting over mountains in the distance. He walked down the dirt path behind his companions.
He spoke, breaking the nervous silence hanging over the group, "I hope our mule is a girl. I don't care if they can't carry all our gear, I like a nice cunt in my bedroll."
Gus responded without turning, "I already told you, Ox, the guild won't give us a female mule after what you did to the last one."
Ox groaned, "By the gods! You fuck one pointy-eared cunt to death and they never trust you around one again!"
Gus stopped and turned, his face twisted with exasperation, "I'm guessing it had more to do with your hands tightened around her neck as opposed to any interaction between your genitals."
Ox stopped, put his hands on his hips and stared into the sky, pretending to ponder Gus's claim, "Hm...No, I'm pretty sure I fucked her to death. Her slave collar would have protected her from being strangled anyway."
Gus rolled his eyes and sighed as he stared his companion down, "You're a blind, idiotic animal, Ox."
Ox approached Gus and put his hands on Gus's narrow, leather clad shoulders. Ox flipped his companion around before lightly pushing him forward and squinting down at him, "And don't you forget it, my skinny little friend! I don't have to see you clearly to rip you to shreds."
Gus turned back and puffed his chest up against Ox. He stared up into the pelt covered warriors scarred face and yelled, "Don't call me 'little' you fucking Neanderthal! Of all the days to act like a brainless adolescent, you choose this one! I ought to put a few more scars on that ugly face of yours!"
Ox bellowed a laugh and pushed his forehead down into Gus's forehead, "[i]Tempest[/i] is almost as hungry as I am, little man."
They stared at each other, eye to eye, trying their best to intimidate.
Eadric shouted from a short distance ahead, "When you girls are done deciding who has the prettiest eyes, can you plug up your twats and pretend you're men so we can get on with our mission?"
Ox and Gus turned their attention to Eadric. They eyed their leader in his shining, metal armor. His heavy helmet covered his masked face.
Eadric's voice was softer when he addressed them again, "I understand that you're both nervous. I am too. But we have a job to do. I need you both at your best. I'm counting on you."
Both men crossed their arms and contemplated Eadric's words. After a few short seconds, Ox extended his hand and Gus accepted. They shook hands and nodded to one another.
Eadric gave them a thumbs up as they caught up with him, "Our mule should be just beyond this thicket of trees. When we meet them, [i]Ox[/i], I need you to be nice to them, [i]Ox[/i]. They have information we need [i]Ox[/i]. No berating, fucking, dismembering or ridiculing the mule- at least until we know what needs to get done. Oh, and if you kill the mule again [i]Ox[/i] you'll be carrying everybody's gear yourself."
Ox mummbled while readjusting the large pack on his back, "Couple of sticks in the mud...standing up for elf trash...At least I can unload all this shit soon..."
Ignoring Ox's grumblings, Eadric led his men off the beaten path and into the wilderness.