Part 3

Appearing in a small clearing, Eadric pointed his plated hand toward a small elf sitting in the shade of a gnarled oak.

The elf stood quickly and bowed low as Eadric and his companions approached. His body was slender but had muscular definition. He had long dark hair like most male elves, delicate facial features and tall, pointed ears. He was naked except for a brown loincloth, shorts, travelling shoes and a loose necklace. His tattoos were on the right shoulder (the male slave shoulder) and showed that he was of age. Eadric also spied the telltale guild crest in black ink.

He smiled warmly, his voice was squeaky and high pitched, "Greetings, masters. My name is-"

Ox interrupted him, "Yeah, I don't care what your squeaky little name is, knife ears. You are now Twinkle. Here, take my gear, Twink."

Ox shoveled his pack down towards Twinkle who grabbed it while saying 'Thank you'. He was at least a full foot shorter than Ox and much more slender. The pack was heavy and Twinkle struggled to get it situated. Ox folded his arms, clearly upset that Twinkle was male.

Eadric shook his head but stayed quiet. He stepped towards Twinkle and removed his own bag, piling it on top of Ox's pack. Twinkle's legs almost buckled under the weight of two heavy burdens, but he stayed on his feet.

Eadric and Ox looked at Gus expectantly.

Gus hefted his pack up, keeping it around his shoulders, "I'll hold onto mine. It isn't that heavy and it doesn't look like he can handle much more anyway."

Twinkle shifted under the weight of the packs while chirping, "Thank you, master. Let me know if you change your mind!"

Eadric stared down at Twinkle who nervously returned his gaze. Eadric snapped his fingers expectantly. His expression hardened beneath his executioner's mask and helmet. He didn't have time for a lazy elf. Twinkle's eyes widened and he fished into his shorts. He withdrew a slip of black paper and a white pencil which he handed to Eadric.

Eadric scribbled on the paper and read it once over to make sure it was all correct. He passed it to his teammates who each signed their name.

[u]Guild Quest Card[/u]

[b]Company Name:[/b] Golden Champions

[b]Party Leader:[/b] Sir Eadric Strongfellow

[b]Member 1:[/b] Boris "Ox" Gritting

[b]Member 2:[/b] Gustav "Gus" Shunk

[b]Mule:[/b] Twinkle (Male)

Satisfied, Eadric handed the paper and pencil back to Twinkle who carefully folded and tucked it away.

"And so," Twinkle started, "The seal is complete and the quest has been accepted."

Eadric rested his hand on the hilt of his sword and took a deep breath. "Alright," He calmly stated, "I think it's time you filled us in, elf."

Twinkle nodded, his squeaky voice took on a deeper and more serious tone, "Recently, an ancient elven ruin was discovered just beyond this clearing. The guild has contracted you to delve inside and retrieve an artifact believed to reside there. I don't know what the artifact is, but apparently we'll know it when we see it."

Gus asked, "Have others gone before us? What dangers are we expecting?"

"No guild members have been sent to the ruin. Though it's very possible that freelancers or looters have entered. As far as dangers go, I don't know what to expect, Master Shunk."

The companions shared a worried glance.

"Lead us on, Twinkle." Eadric ordered.

Twinkle nodded and turned. He walked towards the edge of the clearing, trying to keep himself upright below the crushing weight of two full packs. The companions quietly followed behind. After a few hours of steady progress in the untamed wilderness, Twinkle stopped. His body was pouring with sweat. Eadric turned his attention to the side of a small hill.

Between a mossy thicket was the entrance.

It was rather ominous and Eadric felt like a great danger awaited them below. He sensed a palpable tension in the air. Something was telling him to leave and never return.

"Let's get to it then, lads. We get in, and get out in one piece." Gus muttered.

Steeling themselves, Ox, Gus, Eadric and Twinkle stepped carefully into the darkness.


Part 4


Part 2