Part 1
Howdy! I've got a new story for y'all. I'll be posting one part every day or every other day for a bit. Grungot will be on vacation while this is going on so...enjoy!
Sir Eadric Strongfellow held his giant claymore above his head. His precious family heirloom gleamed menacingly in the dim light of the tavern. The crowded room had come to a complete stand still and all eyes were glued to Eadric as he neared the crescendo of his great story.
He held the sword aloft for a few seconds before expounding in a deep rumble, "Then, as all hope appeared lost...I felt strength bubbling deep inside my chest. It surged through my veins like liquid fire! I [b]crashed[/b] [i]Blightsteel[/i] into the neck of the beast with every remaining ounce of strength!"
Eadric slammed his sword down into a nearby wooden chair, with an explosive *BOOM*, splitting it as if it were nothing. Chips and flecks of wood flew in all directions, eliciting a collective gasp from the crowd. Thankfully, Eadric's signature, black, executioner's mask protected him from the worst of it.
The silence returned and Eadric paused for dramatic effect.
When he spoke again, his voice was a whisper, "The creature let out a terrible cry...It echoed like thunder through the cavern. Then, it crumbled to the ground...Where its bones would lay forevermore..."
He allowed the awe of the crowd to stir in silence before grabbing his flagon of ale and raising it up.
He shouted into the ceiling, "And thus, the [i]Golden Champions[/i] claimed victory!"
The peasantry burst into applause. Eadric raised [i]Blightsteel[/i] causing a flood of "ooh's" and "ahh's". Every man in the tavern wanted to be him and every woman wanted to bed him. Who could blame them? Eadric was noble born, rich, powerful and famous. He was the leader of the most successful and respected adventuring group. The guild practically owed him everything!
Eadric basked in the crowds admiration before turning to his gaze to the far corner where his companions were seated. Ox was smiling and clapping, while slowly shaking his head. Gus, on the other hand, stared out the dingy window, appearing exceptionally bored.
Eadric returned the heavy [i]Blightsteel[/i] to its scabbard. He adjusted his mask, making sure it was still properly in place.
He had gone so many years without showing his face; it would be a real shame to break his streak in some no-name peasant tavern. Eadric smoothed out his long, well maintained, black beard. It was good to be a human!
He made his way through the crowded room. It was easy to navigate, as the admiring crowd scurried out of Eadric's path and gave him a wide berth. His heavy plate armor lightly clanked as he moved. He normally wouldn't wear his cumbersome, expensive armor, but these commoners had high expectations of the renowned [i]Golden Champions[/i]. He would hate to disappoint.
Eadric reached the corner table and slammed his flagon down, turning Gus's attention from the window.
Ox still had a dopey smile stretched across his rugged, masculine face. His features were caked with dirt and scraggly hairs. He smelled like battle: sweat, dirt, blood and guts. He likely had the stench due to his thirt for combat- and his general dislike of cleanliness. He had terrible vision and didn't generally care what he looked like. He wore a collection of mismatched furs which were scavenged from slain foes. Much of his scarred, muscled, hairy body was uncovered.
He was even bigger and stronger than Eadric, who was a mountainous man in his own right. Eadric had witnessed Ox perform some truly superhuman feats of strength during their years of adventuring together. Feats that Eadric often took credit for...But Ox never really cared about personal glory.
Seated next to Ox was his trusty great axe: a truly ornate masterpiece. Legions of foes had fallen to Ox's mighty blows. If Ox had it his way his axe, [i]Tempest,[/i] would have its own seat at the table. He loved [i]Tempest[/i] more than almost anything.
Ox's deep voice twitched with excitement and he raised his ale, "'Sir Eadric Strongfellow the Dragon Slayer'...It has a nice ring to it! Great job out there, boss!"
Eadric grinned and sat in a chair between his two companions. The wooden seat creaked under the strain of a large man in full plate armor. He clinked Ox's glass and they both took a long gulp. Ox tipped the cup and finished the entire flagon without taking a breath. He let out a loud belch and slammed his empty cup on the wooden table, demanding the wench to bring more.
Gus balanced one of his daggers, blade down, on the tip of his bony finger.
His voice was like venom, "Yes, nice job out there, [i]boss[/i]. Except you forgot the part where the dragon was about to devour you and [i]somebody[/i] managed to put an arrow clean through its eye! That part never seems to make it into your story does it [i]boss[/i]?"
Eadric folded his arms and smirked, "Maybe if [i]somebody[/i] had some showmanship skills, they could tell the story however they wanted!"
Gus flipped the dagger and caught it. His body was tall and lithe. His burly party members often poked fun at his slight build, but in the most dire situations Gus always came through. Whether with his guile, speed or dexterity, Gus always had another trick up his sleeve. He wore dark, studded leather that was well maintained. A small armory of daggers and sharp objects were hidden and tucked away in his armor, but Gus's signature weapon was his great bow, [i]Vorpal,[/i] which took a surprising amount of strength to draw. It was carefully resting against the wall, next to a quiver of black-flighted arrows.
Gus scoffed at Eadric's words and weakly raised his own flagon. When he and Eadric's glasses clinked, he took a small sip before returning it to the table. The members of the [i]Golden Champions[/i] were like brothers, teasing and razzing one another. Consistently overcoming impossible situations has a way of bringing people together. Ox, Gus and Eadric had been through hell and back, and they trusted each other with their lives.
Eadric's flagon was running dangerously low as he finished his second toast. He turned to search the tavern for the wench. Was that knife-eared bitch not paying attention?
Eadric shouted as he spied the creature crawling near the far end of the room, cleaning the splinters of a smashed chair, "Hey, [b]whore![/b] The [i]Golden Champions[/i] need some ale!"
The elf hopped to her feet and began scurrying over to their table. Along the way, she was nearly trampled and knocked over multiple times. One drunken man took it upon himself to grab her plump ass while she passed. She demurely thanked the man for his attention and continued walking.
She was wearing a heavily stained, gray rag that covered almost nothing. Around her neck was the standard female elvish adornment: A tight, silver slave collar. She approached the table and stood next to Eadric. She was barely over five feet tall and had typical elven features: long, pointed ears; light, curly hair, bright, pretty eyes; and a smooth, rounded face. Most of her feminine assets were left completely uncovered. Eadric noted her tits were pretty small and her face was average at best...but her ass was pretty damn nice and hung out like a shelf!
The wench bowed her head and curtsied using her rags, flashing her hairless pussy to the table. Her light, silky skin was beat red and bruised from being manhandled, spanked and groped all night. She had a leather satchel around her narrow shoulders.
She clutched the satchel tightly and spoke. Her voice was soft, high pitched and squeaky like almost every elf, "How can this whore service you, my lords?"
Ox bellowed, "By the gods! They're letting elf cunts wear clothes now!? What the hell is this world coming to? Before you know it, these [i]tree-hugging bark-sniffers[/i] will be asking- no, [i]demanding[/i] rights! I just don't understand it, their 'men' can't even grow a damn beard!"
Eadric smoothed his beard, feeling a swell of pride. Even in his lowest moments, he could still fall back on his trusty beard. It symbolized his masculinity and his humanity. It was an obvious indicator that he wasn't a treacherous, worthless [i]elf[/i].
Eadric removed his metal gauntlet, dropping it to the table with a *clunk*. He snaked his hand under the whore's rag, ready to prove his point. The elf instantly spread her legs further, allowing Eadric easier access.
He slipped his sweaty, dirty finger into her pussy. The elf whimpered. She was clearly not aroused, and Eadric had to force himself inside.
Eadric wriggled his finger between her folds her as he mockingly agreed, "You're right Ox, pointy-eared sluts shouldn't wear clothes! Why don't we ask her what she thinks?" Eadric turned his attention to the silent girl, "Is the natural place for elves on their knees, servicing their human masters?"
She kept her head down and her legs open as she responded, "Yes, Master. My place, and the place of all elven people is on their knees at human feet.
Of course, she had given the correct answer. Everybody knew the lowest of the low human was infinitely better than any elven [i]savage[/i]. The whore had been trained well.
Eadric cupped his hand around her ass and lurched her forward while demanding, "Then get on your elven knees and service us, [i]whore[/i]! We have quite the adventure ahead of us and we need a nice, warm throat to fuck!"
Eadric stuffed three silver coins into the satchel around her shoulders. He withdrew his hand from her slit and sniffed his finger. Ahh, there was nothing sweeter than the smell of elf pussy!
She quickly checked the satchel, accounting for Eadric's payment, before lowering herself onto the filthy floor and crawling under the table.
Gus unbuttoned his chaps and excitedly shifted his hips forward. His bored, gloomy mood had been lifted.
He cleared his throat before popping a cautious smile, "Thanks, boss." He paused, seeming to contemplate his next words, "In all honesty, I've been feeling rather nervous for tomorrow."
Ox peeled away the thick animal skin covering his cock and opened his tree-trunk legs. A hot musk of congealed sweat and male arousal wafted from beneath the garment.
He shifted his hips forward while asking, "What are you so worried about, Gus? We've handled more dangerous shit than this!"
Eadric carefully removed the metal plate between his legs and dropped it on the table, next to his gauntlet. The whore's warm mouth wrapped around his cock and she started working his length inside.
Gus took a sharp breath. Apparently, the wench was simultaneously using her hands on Eadric's companions. Damn, she really [i]was[/i] well trained!
Gus reponsded to Ox, "This time is different. I don't *ugh* remember the guild giving us so little *ugh* information."
Eadric reached under the table and roughly grabbed a fistful of silky hair. He took control and forced her mouth up and down his shaft. Her head cracked against the bottom of the table several times and Eadric held her hair so tightly it was nearly ripping out, but he didn't care. She was just a nameless, wet hole.
Eadric tried to reassure Gus, "I assume the guild told us so little information because *hmm* they really don't know much themsel-*ugh*-ves."
The three men sat and pondered their upcoming guild assignment- while being serviced by a whore. Eadric knew they would receive all the information they needed the following morning, but Gus was right, the guild was being very hush-hush about this assignment. It paid too well to pass up, though.
Before he could ponder further, Eadric felt himself ready to finish. This slave gave an incredible blowjob! He pulled the elf all the way down with a loud *slurp*, forcing her button nose into his wiry pubes. He grunted and flooded her throat with a torrent of semen. She swallowed every last drop. Once he was done, she popped Eadric from her mouth and moved onto Gus who barely lasted a few seconds. Ox was third and came in a similarly short period.
The elf crawled out form under the table. Her rags and body were gleaming with sweat and cum. apparently his companions didn't unload down her throat like Eadric had. Her long, bright hair was frayed and messy from the rough treatment.
Ox replaced the fur flap over his genitals and sighed, "That felt great boss, thanks again." He turned his attention to the elf and grew a look of disgust, "I'll be taking this!" Ox grabbed the stained, scrap of clothing from her body and tore it off in one swift motion, letting it fall to the floor, "There, now everything is back to the way it should be!"
The elf didn't react and simply waited with her head down. She didn't attempt to clean herself or maintain any modesty. With her rag discarded, Eadric could see her slave tattoos. On her left shoulder (which was the female shoulder) were runes that indicated she was of breeding age. Next to that was her master's sigil which marked her as his property. Her only remaining clothing was the satchel, which was used to collect payments for prostitution, and the slave collar around her neck.
Eadric teased her, "Did you like having our big, human dicks in your throat, slut?"
She obediently nodded, "Yes, Master."
Eadric stuffed his finger into her folds again, surely she was aroused by now! Elf bitches were notoriously crazy for human cock (almost as much as orc cock). She opened her legs just as before. He expected to find a drooling pussy but paused when he found she was tight and dry. She was either extremely disciplined or...not aroused from their cocks! Eadric contemplated behind his mask. Surely, any elf female would be unable to control herself around such manly studs?
She must have just been well trained.
Eadric shook his head and chuckled as he stood. Why was he wasting time thinking about some worthless slave? He didn't want another drink and his arousal was already sated. Besides, they had preparations to make. Ox and Gus quickly followed suit. They collected their weapons and made for the entrance to the tavern, leaving the tiny, naked elf glistening with cum and standing next to a gray rag on the floor.
Before leaving, Eadric turned and stared at the whore through his mask. She blankly gazed at him from across the room and they locked eyes for a second. He saw the tiniest spark of hatred and fire shouldering in her eyes. What a bitch! He broke the contact and tossed a handful of silver coins into the crowd out of spite.
Eadric shouted while pointing to the elf, "Fat ass elf pussy is on us tonight!"
The crowd cheered and began chanting, "Cham-pi-on! Cham-pi-on," as they scooped the coins from the floor.
Eadric saw a a combination of disgust, frustration and anger cross the whore's face. While her expression quickly returned to a blank, emotionless stare, Eadric knew her true feelings.
As the crowd surrounded her, and the satchel around her neck became heavy, Eadric stepped out into the night with a wide grin. He would gladly pay for an uppity, knife-eared bitch to be shown her place over and over again. It was the whore's fault, after all.
She should have just been born a human.