Part 9

[b]Part 9[/b]

Denise peeked her head out the bathroom door. She shifted her shoulders and felt the stretchy material of her referee shirt moving with her body. Wearing clothing this skin tight would definitely take some getting used to. Denise refused to show any cleavage so she pulled the shirt's zipper all the way up to the collar. The mounds on her chest obscured her feet in a way that was completely unfamiliar and her loose, dirty blonde hair rested gently on her narrow, striped shoulders.

A young Hispanic woman approached as Denise slipped into the hallway from the women's restroom. As expected, the young woman didn't seem to have any issue with Denise's presence there. She had long black hair, jean short-shorts, a blue tank top and a cute face.

The young woman turned her attention to Denise and asked, "Excuse me, miss, did you see a tampon dispenser in there by any chance?"

Denise seemed dumbfounded by the question and blurted out a response, "I don't use tampons."

The woman's brown eyes narrowed, "I wasn't asking you what you use, but okay. I'll go look myself, [i]thanks.[/i]"

The woman tossed her hair before side stepping Denise and entering the restroom while whispering 'bitch' under her breath. Denise watched the door close while her mind raced. Tampons!? Could she have periods now? No, there was no way! She had to believe her penis was hidden away inside a very, [i]very[/i] realistic prosthetic vagina. She was a man and men couldn't get periods!


She shooed the thought away and walked to the dining hall. As she expected, the restaurant had changed once again. There were TV's hanging on nearly every wall playing various sports. The tables were haphazardly arranged with condiment bottles and napkin rolls already tossed on. There were dozens of kids and families wearing casual clothing. The adults carried on loud conversations while the kids were screaming and playing beneath and around the tables. Denise saw tank tops, t-shirts, short shorts, belly shirts, sports jerseys, backwards hats, basketball shorts and jeans of all shapes and sizes. Waiters and waitresses charged around the dining room wearing referee shirts just like the one Denise was wearing. All this while loud pop music blared through low quality speakers. No self respecting establishment would play [i]pop music[/i]! It was a nightmare!

"Foxworthy!" A male voice shouted.

Charging towards Denise was a familiar looking man in a chefs jacket. When he got close enough, Denise recognized him as an older version of waiter-turned-sous-chef, Adam. Not only had Adam gotten older, he also looked taller and more...masculine? While Denise wasn't attracted to boys, she couldn't deny that the worrying thought 'Adam is kinda hot' flashed through her mind. She also couldn't deny that her cheeks flushed and her heart fluttered beneath his gaze. But, once again, she reiterated to herself that she absolutely, positively wasn't gay! Or- er- straight!

Adam was almost a foot taller than Denise and she had to crane her neck up to see his face. It made her feel even tinier standing next to him.

He spoke with a stern, baritone voice, "Chef Michael is [i]pissed[/i] at you. Your food has been sitting on the counter for almost twenty minutes! It's probably cold by now. He sent me to find you and get an explanation."

Denise's felt her heart rate quicken while she apologized meekly, "I uh- I'm sorry Adam."

His stern demeanor softened, "Look, Dani, I know you're still a relatively new waitress and all, but you gotta do better. I mean, It isn't hard to be a waitress." He motioned to the bustling dining room, "And if you think your job out here is tough, you can't even imagine what it's like in the kitchen."

He was lumping her in with the front end staff! While she may have been wearing a server's uniform, Dani was the executive chef and owner, not some junior waitress! Adam spoke down to her as if he thought he knew more about working in a kitchen. Dani had decades of experience and expertise that this [i]handsome[/i] man wasn't acknowledging! She would have to teach him a lesson!

But, before she could say anything, Adam sighed, "Listen, I don't care if you want to be your normal, immature self outside this building. If you want to text your little boyfriends and play dress-up and giggle with all the other girls at home that's not my concern. But when you're here I need you to suck it up and act like an adult. Okay?"

Despite her bubbling anger and desire to prove Adam wrong, Dani's attention shifted to her feet as she was scolded like a misbehaving child. Now, not only did Dani feel the height difference, but now the age and maturity difference were taking their toll as well. She simply couldn't meet his harsh gaze and overcome the butterflies in her chest. She felt subordinate to Adam in multiple ways.

All she could manage was a high pitched stutter, "O-okay, Chef Adam."

Approaching the pair was another familiar face, Jennifer. Jennifer had long, loose brown hair and a referee shirt just like Dani.

"Everything okay over here?" Jennifer asked with her attention squarely on Adam. It was as if she didn't care to hear Dani's opinion at all.

He nodded, "Yeah, I think everything's okay. Dani here was just about to explain why she left food sitting at the window for almost twenty minutes."

Jennifer's face soured, "What the hell, Dani? I taught you better than that! What were you doing?"

Even Jennifer was taller than Dani now! It may have only been about an inch, but it felt significant as both Adam and Jennifer were looking down at Dani with disappointment. In the back of her brain Dani knew she was Dennis Foxworthy, a powerful male restaurateur and executive chef at a Michelin quality restaurant with a ferocious reputation- but at this exact moment she was Dani; a meek, powerless, teenage waitress being scolded by her superiors.

She opened her mouth to respond and blurted out the first explanation her brain could find, "I- I- my- It's my time of the month..."

Adam's face shriveled and he recoiled at Dani's words. Jennifer sighed and her shoulders drooped. The pleasant warmth that Dani previously experienced above her groin started again. However, the warm feeling quickly soured and was replaced by a sharp cramp which nearly caused her to double over. Had she really just used her [i]PERIOD[/i] as an excuse like a high school girl?

Adam cleared his throat and was clearly uncomfortable, "Jen, you're uh- in charge of the wait staff so if you Dani with uh-" He motioned to Dani's groin, "that whole situation I'd appreciate it. I'll let Chef Michael know the holdup is 'female problems'."

With that, Adam turned and made his way back to the kitchen. As Adam walked, Dani found her eyes lustfully following his [i]strong[/i] shoulders and [i]solid[/i] buttocks. She wasn't interested in men, but even Dani had to admit Adam was a [i]hunky[/i] looking guy. For whatever reason she felt her knees turn to jello and her brain imagining how Adam looked beneath his clothes. She slipped into a daydream and everything around her seemed to fade away.

Jennifer asked slyly, "Adam's got a pretty good butt, doesn't he?"

Dani dreamily responded with half-lidded eyes, "Yeah..."

Jennifer giggled hysterically which immediately broke Dani from her daze. "Jesus, Dani! You gonna need a change of panties or what? He's, like, ten years older than you! But, really, are you struggling with PMS or what?"

Dani hesitated. Did she really want to admit she'd lied? She didn't want to be known as a liar- especially a liar that lies about her period! Besides, what was the harm? It wasn't as if she could actually menstruate.

"No- no I'm not lying. I've got it bad." Dani chirped.

Dani's abdominal pain increased again. This time she couldn't help but wrap one of her thin arms around her stomach in support. She also suddenly felt her breasts pressing against her bra as they became substantially more tender and sensitive.

Jennifer sighed, "Okay, I believe you. Do you have tampons and everything?"

Dani winced at her stomach as she replied, "Yeah, I've got them."

Dani felt a small object suddenly nestled inside her vagina. Her stomach dropped as she realized what she was saying was somehow becoming true! She was on her period with a tampon jammed in her pussy like a woman! Could she actually get pregnant now!?

Dani sputtered in a panic, attempting to reverse the change, "Actually, I'm not. I was lying."

She waited for the changes to reverse, but, unfortunately, the cramps and tenderness in her breasts did not abate. The tampon inside her vagina also refused to budge and she felt herself growing used to its presence. Apparently, this type of change didn't work in reverse!

Jennifer's eyes narrowed and she studied Dani for a second before she shrugged her shoulders, "Eh, I appreciate your honesty at least. It's not a big deal. You aren't the first girl to use her period as an excuse and you won't be the last. I know I've done it before. At least get your table their food, okay? I already got their drinks out for you."

Dani felt relief wash over her. Jennifer was so nice to her and she didn't want to let her down.

Dani nodded excitedly, feeling her long blonde hair bouncing around her face, "Okay, Jennifer! I can do that!"

"That a girl! Oh, and one more thing." Jennifer stated as she smiled and reached towards Dani.

Jennifer grabbed Dani's shirt zipper and pulled it down, exposing skin and, at the bottom of the zipper, the tiniest hint of cleavage. Jennifer then motioned for Dani to move towards the kitchen. Dani felt apprehensive about the exposure of her neck and upper chest area. It made her look more like Jennifer and the other waitresses. She knew she would get bigger tips by exposing more skin, but was that really the way she wanted to conduct herself? Was that the way she wanted people to see her? Dani figured she would respect Jennifer's method. She knew she could change her mind at any point so it wasn't a big deal. Jennifer's smile made Dani feel ecstatic and she bounced towards the kitchen door. The cramping and tenderness she had experienced were still ongoing, but her motivation trumped the pain. Dani caught herself feeling happy and positive at Jennifer's approval and stopped. What was happening to her brain? It was as if multiple personalities were fighting for control. Why couldn't she help but seek Jennifer and Adam's approval?

Jennifer offered a friendly compliment once Dani was a few steps away, "By the way, Dani, I really like your earrings!"

Before Dani could respond, she felt a stinging pain in her ears and her hand shot up to check them. Her fingers touch several new piercings adorning each ear. She couldn't see them, but she could definitely feel them. She knew the piercings made her outward appearance even more in line with her new position. However, the earrings were the least of her worries at this point.

She thanked Jennifer and made her way through the restaurant. She had to get the entrees out quickly and make her escape! The patrons were loud and disheveled with kids screaming and darting around. The restaurant was dirty and cheap with TV's on every wall and pop music blaring over loud speakers. The food Dani could see was low quality and lacked any sort of finesse. Any eyes that found Dani simply saw her as another sever complete with a form fitting referee shirt zipped low to expose her cleavage. She looked every bit like a waitress on the job.

The momentary stinging in her ears and continued pain in her abdomen and breasts (alongside the tampon in her vagina) were mini wake-up calls to Dani who returned her mind to the task at hand. She needed to get out of here and find a way to reverse whatever was happening to her and to her beloved restaurant!

She had to stop getting so distracted!


Part 10


Part 8