Part 10
[b]Part 10[/b]
Pressing against the kitchen door confirmed to Dani that she had somehow gotten even weaker as the door was heavier than ever before. She couldn't move it with only her arms so she turned and pressed her butt and back against it. She finally managed to struggle into the kitchen where she was greeting with the *beep* *beep* of microwave buttons. Dani turned in horror to see one of the chefs using a MICROWAVE to cook food. The kitchen was noticeably less organized, cluttered, and dirty. The appliances were low quality knock offs that looked well passed their prime.
Dani felt a flutter in her chest as her eyes scanned and found Adam. He noticed her and smiled warmly before pointing to the tray of food on the end of the counter. Dani pulled at her hair nervously and blushed at Adam's attention. She saw the hair between her fingers had gotten longer and blonder, but she didn't have time to worry about it.
She made it to the counter and noticed it was higher than before. Dani gulped. Just how small had she become? She recalled being just an inch or so shorter than Jennifer a few minutes ago, but she could clearly see that had changed. Was it something about the walk through the restaurant that had changed her even more? Was it the patrons? Was it their attention, their eyes, their judgement? Dani thought critically as she scooped up the large black platter of food. It seemed like whenever Jennifer or Adam were given information or thought something about her it suddenly became true. Maybe the patrons or even the restaurant itself were changing her along with it. The platter was heavy in her hands. She managed to anchor it against her diminished shoulder with some difficulty and tentatively took a step towards the dining room as she contemplated her situation.
Her eyes scanned into the kitchen where she saw Adam staring at her with concern in his eyes. It appeared that Adam was worried the platter was too heavy for her. Butterflies in her chest fluttered once again and she felt warmth coalescing in her groin. Her mind drifted and she found herself daydreaming about Adam coming to her rescue and offering to carry the tray. His handsome smile and sinewy arms reached out for her as she blushed and thanked him demurely. Their eyes met as he easily shouldered the weight she'd struggled with. He leaned in close with puckered lips and...
Dani shook her head and winced. She wasn't even interested in boys! Why was Adam's [i]sexy[/i] body running through her mind like that??
The chef next to Adam, a nobody, loser cook named Frank, was a man Dennis had often criticized and bullied. With his fat, greasy body and mediocre skill, Frank had been a punching bag that Dennis took pleasure in beating. Dani watched as Frank's porky elbow jabbed Adam in the ribs to get his attention. Frank then glanced at Dani to ensure she was watching too. With both sets of eyes on him, Frank pinched two pieces of roast beef between his fingers and shook them towards Dani while making a mocking face. He ensured that Dani was still watching and quickly squirted ketchup between the meat. The ketchup dripped from the roast beef onto the counter as he shook them again while laughing hysterically. Dani's mouth fell open. Frank the punching bag was making fun of her! It also meant that Adam told him everything! Her cheeks blazed red and she felt embarrassed and offended. She couldn't help it if she was on her period! The absolute worst part was seeing Adam's worried face twist into a grin. He was clearly trying to stifle a laugh with limited success. Their combined derision immediately swung Dani's mood and brought her to the verge of tears. Here she was dealing with abdominal pain, tenderness, swinging emotions, bleeding- and these assholes were making fun of her for it! She was angry that they made her feel embarrassed about her femaleness and objectified her as a piece of meat...with pieces of meat!
Pretending not to care, Dani rolled her misty eyes and crashed her butt into the heavy dining room door. She could tell her ass had gotten bigger and fatter as her pants were worryingly tight and she had more force behind the push.
She turned to face the dining room and saw it had subtly changed since she'd journeyed into the kitchen. There were fewer televisions which was a welcome development, however, those that remained had distorted and/or discolored pictures and were much older models. The remnants of the wooden floor were slowly being covered by old fashioned, moldy carpet and the lighting was dingier than ever. Dani looked out the filth covered windows to see that the restaurant was now in a run down, decrepit part of town. The view was dilapidated buildings and cracked concrete streets.
Dani shuffled across the floor feeling granules of congealed grime and food scraping along the bottoms of her shoes. She carefully laid the heavy tray onto the neighboring, vacant table. There were still dirty dishes strewn across it, but Dani had to unload the tray as her frail shoulder was about to give out. She turned to the family who appeared excited by her arrival. The kids looked relatively the same, but Dani could see the parents had changed. The mother's blouse and jeans had become an inappropriately short, leopard print dress. A large baby bump beneath the dress raised the hem even further and Dani was sure her panties were almost visible. Cheap makeup was also smeared across her face. The father wore a checkered button up shirt with the sleeves cut off and a camo colored hunting hat with dirty, ripped up jeans.
They looked like white trash that had no business eating at a nice restaurant! But, as Dani scanned the room again, she realized these trash bags fit in perfectly with their surroundings. Her poor restaurant was unrecognizable!
The parent's smug expressions and knowing grins immediately reminded Dani that they had both walked in on her 'masturbating' in their respective bathrooms. The fact that these low quality, trailer trash nobodies could make her feel self conscious was infuriating. But even still, Dani's cheeks flushed beneath their stares. She felt as if her cleavage Jennifer had exposed somehow confirmed what they thought about her.
She grabbed the first plate which contained a tired, fatty piece of steak and a pile of mushy, canned green beans. Dani hardly considered the substance 'food' and she was mortified her kitchen had produced it. She laid it in front of the man who rubbed his unwashed hands together with excitement. The second plate was a salad that was little more than a pile of discolored, bagged lettuce and a few cherry tomatoes. The kids received chicken fingers and fries that had clearly been warmed up from a frozen bag.
As she laid down the final plate, Dani noticed her fingernails suddenly had a shine to them. She examined them closely and saw glossy, pink acrylic nails glued to her fingers. She let out a disappointed huff, but had to admit that they looked like they belonged on the end of her girly fingers. They were just long enough that Dani knew almost any task involving her hands was going to be more difficult.
Dani clasped her hands together and mustered up a smile as she spoke to the table in a slightly higher pitched voice than before, "Is there anything else I can do for you folks right now?"
The sound coming from her mouth was very clearly a woman's voice. Even the way she pronounced her words and the inflection she used was noticeably more feminine.
The father scanned the table before looking up at Dani and smiling, "Nope, it looks good, [i]hun.[/i]" He paused and shot a glance at his wife before speaking up at Dani, "I think you should put on a little makeup if I'm being honest. Ain't that right Brandy?"
The mother, Brandy, nodded her head and slowly rubbed her belly as she stared at Dani and spoke in a low voice, "Young lady, you wouldn't believe what a little makeup, a pair of heels and a nice smile can do in a man's world. I bet a pretty girl like you would have hundreds of boys eating out of your hand overnight!"
Dani grunted a response through gritted teeth, "I'll try that. Thank you."
She turned to collect the tray while attempting to quell the flare of anger welling inside her chest. She fluttered her eyelashes a few times while contemplating how a knocked up, trashy BITCH could dare give HER advice! Dani smacked her lips as she hoisted the heavy tray onto her shoulder. The man was such a creep, too. She would never become a loser like them!
Dani pivoted and took a step towards the kitchen. She was so focused on her anger and feelings of superiority that she failed to notice her comfortable tennis shoes had morphed into impractical high heels.
As Dani's step was unexpectedly done in heels, she had no experience with heels, the heavy tray threw her scrawny body off balance and her mind was fully distracted by anger, Dani's first step away from the table resulted in her tripping over her feet and plummeting to the ground. The heavy serving tray left her hand and smacked against the back of her head as she fell. Her head bounced against the filthy wooden floor and she was left laying on her chest and face with her butt in the air. She released a pained groan into the slimy floor and was lost in a daze.
After a few seconds, Dani felt a sudden tug on her slacks. An unknown assailant ripped her pants and panties down her legs from behind. Dani's head was swimming and she was powerless to fight back as the person managed to maneuver the pants around her knees to her ankles. Before she knew it her pants and panties had been slipped past her heels and clean off her legs. Dani was left with her naked lower body up in the air and presented for all to see!
In her daze, Dani heard chairs squeaking and people moving. The pop music blaring from the ceiling seemed muffled and distant while sounds of laughter and cat-calling were crystal clear and grew quickly in volume. Dani glanced over her shoulder and saw nearly every patron in the restaurant was behind her, staring directly into her snatch and asshole.
Holding Dani's slacks was a familiar face sporting a giant grin.
The young Hispanic woman twirled Dani's white panties around her finger and spoke loudly, "I thought you 'Didn't use tampons'?" She pointed between Dani's legs and mocked, "It sure looks like you've got one stuffed in your cunt like the rest of us, bitch! Maybe next time you'll help another woman out!"
Dani weakly reached a girly hand between her legs trying to cover her intimate parts from view. Her tiny fingers were partially successful with the glossy pink, acrylic nails just barely able to scrape past her asshole. As more of her brain's faculties returned, Dani stirred and began pushing herself onto her hands and knees. With her hands occupied, however, she once again gave the crowd an eyeful of her roast beef which elicited a hearty cheer.
Dani struggled to her feet and stabilized herself on her new heels. She turned to the crowd and tossed her beyond shoulder length, blonde hair from her face. She stood wearing only an unzipped referee shirt and black heels. Between her smooth legs was a female pubic mound split by a white string.
Lewd comments were hurled at Dani from all directions. She was called a slut, a whore, a tease, a bitch a skank and everything in between. She reached down and cupped her hand around her vagina to cover it, but otherwise froze in place. She'd never felt so exposed and embarrassed in all her life! She sensed every person in the crowd had power over her.
Her legs suddenly started moving on their own as she made a break for the restroom. She felt her expanded hips swaying womanishly and her fattened ass bouncing in the heels. She heard several lewd, sexual comments yelled at her as she moved away from the crowd.
She sprinted past the men's restroom and through the door bearing a stick figure in a dress. She worked to catch her breath. Nothing could be worse than what she'd just experienced. But, now that she was alone, Dani thought she would be able to regroup and come up with a plan! She needed to find a way to end this nightmare quickly!