Part 8

[b]Part 8[/b]

Denise peered around the bathroom and gagged. This place was disgusting! There were used paper towels strewn about the dirty floor. The sinks were cheap composite and the whole place reeked like stale urine.

He stopped before the mirror and slowly raised his vision until he could finally see himself. There wasn't a single shred of Dennis left. He'd become completely unrecognizable! His eyes looked huge and innocent while his lips had plumped up even more. Denise reached up and felt his chin and jawline which had become thinner and less pronounced. Denise's ears were smaller and he noticed that even the parting of his hair had changed. He now had the youthful face of a woman in her early twenties.

Denise saw the bra sitting innocently on the grimy composite countertop. He shook his head in disbelief. He couldn't believe he was about to willingly put on a [i]bra[/i], but he needed to control his chest before he could seriously start working to find a solution. The sting from multiple comments and observations about his feminine chest still dug at the remaining shreds of Denise's male ego. He had to do this.

With his mind made up, Denise untucked his shirt then fumbled with the backwards buttons. He took a moment to collect himself and mentally prepare for whatever he was about to find beneath the top. When he was ready, Denise ripped the button-up open and gasped. His shoulders were narrow and his stomach was cinched inwards and his arms were slim. Denise's perky breasts were CLEARLY breasts at this point. They were still quite small, but even at their current size they were jiggly and impossible to ignore. He slowly removed the long sleeve button-up and tossed it onto a dry area of the sink to fully assess his modified body.

He watched as the remaining muscle mass in his biceps thinned another quarter inch and his shoulders narrowed. The entirety of his torso seemed to pull in while his breasts did the opposite and gushed outwards. The change was subtle, but Denise could see it happening in real time. He winced and glanced down as a tingling in his breasts heralded yet another change. His tiny, masculine areola and nipples expanded and widened. They flowered outwards and gained a slightly darker hue while small milk ducts poked into the ends of his fattened nipples. His entire upper body didn't just look feminine- it looked [i]female[/i].

Denise felt a fluttering in his chest. He had to get the bra on and get out of here! He wanted to grab it and run, but he was stunned by his body. He shook his shoulders back and forth to jiggle and test his new breasts. With their expanded size and feminized nipples the sight was truly hypnotic. The way they pulled on his back and shoulders felt completely foreign. He reached down and collected the delicate white bra before slowly raising it to his chest and slipping each breast into its respective cup. He looped his slim arms through the straps and they rested onto his narrow shoulders. Finally, he reached around and fumbled with the clasp. When the hooks were finally set in place, Denise glanced up and saw how perfectly his new torso fit into a piece of clothing specifically designed for the physiology of a woman.

However, before Denise could begin to process his feelings about wearing the bra, a stirring in his nether region immediately drew his attention. His penis became painfully hard and suddenly felt like it was on fire!

Denise's high pitched, agonized scream echoed against the tiled walls. He figured his penis must have been covered in fire ants or dripping with lava. He tore his black slacks and white panties down to his ankles. His fingers brushed against the smooth, hairless skin on his legs. His leg hair was gone! He wanted to investigate further, but his attention remained between his legs where, surely, there was an active fire melting his penis.

But there was no fire. There were no ants. There was no dripping lava. The only thing dangling was a fleshy little bump beneath a sad little cock.

Denise winced with a mix of panic and fear while he desperately fumbled his dainty hands between his legs. He pinched his tiny cock between two fingers and pressed against the fleshy flap of skin comprising his testicles. He fought to catch his breath and stabilize himself. Something about holding onto the ultimate confirmation that he was still a man worked to calm Denise down. So long as a penis dangled between his legs Denise could call himself a man. He could still-

Denise's heart skipped a beat when he felt the nub between his fingers gently recede. He howled into the ceiling, totally powerless to stop what was occurring. Panic stabbed into his chest like a knife and his fingers pinched harder and harder as more and more of his manhood slipped away.

Despite his efforts, the last few centimeters of length disappeared into Denise's body leaving only a soft, pink cock-head. The head shriveled and thinned between Denise's fingers until it was little more than a bead of flesh resting above a shriveled pouch. They drew a sharp breath as their nail clipped the bead while attempting to hold what little remained. The bead of flesh was incredibly sensitive and touching it sent a shiver down Denise's spine! The pouch and the bead shifted slowly down Denise's groin towards their anus. The remnants of Denise's male genitalia stopped migrating about an inch and a half from their asshole. The new position was much more 'buried' between Denise's legs instead of above them.

"No, no, no, please- I- I-" Denise sobbed miserably, praying to any entity that would listen.

But their prayers would be left unanswered.

The sack of flesh began to part and a crease formed in the center. Denise attempted to pinch the parting sides together but they continued separating regardless. The central crease caved inwards beneath Denise's touch and they felt their slim finger pressing further and further inside. As the crease deepened, the surrounding sides collected flesh and thickened. Denise redoubled their efforts and desperately tried to pinch the sides of the divide together in an attempt to close it. However, despite their efforts, a long slit ripped open and widened.

The door to the bathroom suddenly swung open. Stepping in was the wife from Denise's table! The wife stopped in the doorway and stared at Denise with wide eyes. What she saw was a waitress with her panties around her ankles and fingers stuffed in her pussy.

Denise felt her cheeks flush as she squeaked in a high pitch, "It- it isn't what it looks like!"

The wife slipped back into the dining room without saying a word. Denise endured a few embarrassing seconds in silence and felt her cheeks burning. How could she face the table again when both adults thought they'd caught her masturbating in the bathroom? She shook the embarrassment off and returned her fingers between her legs just as her clitoris was enveloped by a fleshy hood. Denise's labia flowered open and nestled around her increasingly deep vaginal opening. She pressed a finger inside her vagina and felt her slick walls expanding. After a few more small shifts, Denise felt the changes finally slowing down. As they did, a pleasant, warm sensation concentrated inside her guts, just above her new slit. Denise could only guess what was changing internally. As if to add insult to injury, a cute, feminine triangle of pubic hair formed where her penis used to hang.

Denise took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She bent forward and spread her legs to get a good look.

Denise knew there was no denying that she was all female now. There wasn't a shred of masculinity remaining. There were no dangly bits. She had nothing that could penetrate, nothing that could stuff a hole- she had only the equipment to BE penetrated, the equipment to BE stuffed. She had no sword, only sheath. She had no hard, only soft. No virility, only fertility. No plow, all field.

No matter which way Denise's mind tried to explain or rationalize her situation, she couldn't deny what her eyes told her.

Her mind was buzzing with anxiety and confusion as she shakily secured the panties back onto her hips. Whereas Dennis' penis didn't fit in the panties, as they were not designed to for his male anatomy, Denise's vagina was hugged and caressed perfectly by the tight underwear manufactured specifically for female anatomy. Denise figured it would've been the opposite phenomena if she tried wearing men's underwear. Boxers and briefs simply weren't meant for her genetalia anymore. They had room for a rod of flesh she no longer possessed.

Ignoring the panties, Denise was relieved to see her hips and ass as hadn't changed much since she last saw them. They were a little bigger and wider, but their change was nothing compared to what had happened between her legs.

She turned her ass towards the mirror and checked herself out.

The black slacks were the next to slide into place with their backwards clasp. She noticed the crotch portion of the pants, which had initially been too restrictive and ill fitting, were comfortable against her flattened groin. Denise reached for her button up shirt from the counter and found her hand collecting a new garment.

"Oh no. Please no." She whispered. "Anything but that."

She looked down at the new shirt in her hands.


Part 9


Part 7