Part 13
[b]Part 13[/b]
Dani pulled her greasy companion across the musty carpet towards the bathroom. Her hips rocked sensually and her bubble butt wobbled with each step while a myriad of sexual fantasies and erotic desires played in her mind. Having her nearly naked body open for all to see filled her with deep satisfaction and she snuck glances at people as she passed, hoping they were looking. When she was about halfway to the hallway, Dani stopped as Jen walked by holding a beer. The only thing Jen wore was a pair of heels which left her pussy, her slim body and her cute tits uncovered. Her long, straight, dark brown hair looked somewhat matted and she had a dopey smile plastered on her face.
Jen turned her head to Dani and John as they passed. She spoke with fake, bubbly enthusiasm, "Where have you been hiding this handsome stud, Dani? How come you always get the sexy ones!?" John seemed to appreciate Jen's compliment and his grip on Dani's hand tightened as he grew a self-aggrandizing smirk. Jen gave him a sly wink and sashayed away only turning to quickly add, "Have fun you two!"
Dani could see Jen's eyes were glazed over and lifeless. It was almost as if she was in a trance or a dream. Dani knew something was definitely wrong with her. It sent an arousal killing shiver down her spine. She scanned the room and saw other waitresses were similarly naked.
Even Madison, the hostess, had become totally nude.
The girls clicked around on their heels while flirting heavily and flaunting their feminine wiles. The entirety of the clientele in the busy room were excursively men and the only women in the building were the waitresses themselves.
On the far end of the room Dani saw a new raised platform. The room was changing and shifting before her eyes. A silver pole rose from the platform and anchored into the ceiling.
Dani realized what was happening...The restaurant was turning into a strip club! She looked down at her tiny hand holding onto John. She shook her head and pulled it away. She wasn't about to have sex in a strip club bathroom! She wasn't even attracted to men! She wasn't a stripper or a hooker or...whatever this fat, sleazy asshole thought she was! Seeing Jen and the other girls prancing around in their birthday suits with their asses, pussies and tits on full display for the viewing pleasure of the men snapped Dani right out of it. Her mind was finally clearing up.
John's face contorted in confusion as he stared at a defiant Dani.
"What the fuck?" He grunted deeply while balling his hands into fists.
Dani took a step back and covered her chest with her arm. She felt embarrassed! The building, her body, her coworkers, her brain- everything was WRONG! More fog lifted as Dani concentrated. She tried desperately to remember Dennis.
John frowned and furrowed his brow as he pointed at Dani, "Look you fucking [i]tease[/i], I don't have time for your-"
"Shut the [i]FUCK[/i] up!" Dani screamed.
She held out her hands and examined them.
These were wrong! These hands were tiny and feminine with a glossy sheen. Dani closed her eyes and focused her mind. She tried to remember what her hands looked like before. The image was fuzzy and far away, but she kept at it. She fought with the brain fog and fished the image out of her consciousness like a fish from a stream. Within a few difficult seconds she'd remembered! They were rougher and more masculine. They were calloused and the nails had dirt beneath them. Dani took a deep breath and visualized having bigger, more masculine hands at the ends of her wrist. She imagined the feeling of touching something with coarser, thicker skin.
Dani opened her eyes and looked at her hands again.
She marveled at the change and twisted her androgynous hands in front of her eyes. She glanced around the room and felt a surge of power. She drew a deep breath. She had a lot of work to do.
First things first, she needed some clothes. She closed her eyes and focused her thoughts on one of the outfits she'd worn previously. She wanted to imagine a suit or some masculine clothing, but it would have been too difficult to picture herself wearing them or imagining how they would feel on her feminine body. No, she'd have to take it one step at a time. The stripes of the referee shirt appeared in Dani's brain. The tightness of the shirt against her torso, the zip near the collar poking against her neck, the black slacks tightening around her ass, hips and thighs, she pictured herself wearing them and remembered what it felt like.
She opened her eyes and looked down.
It wasn't exactly what she'd pictured, but the new outfit now covered the majority of her skin. Her large chest pressed against the plunging fabric of the shirt and the slacks had come in as a pair of black short shorts, but it was infinitely better than strutting around naked.
John's eyes were wide with a mix of fear and surprise, "Where'd you- where'd you get that outfit?"
Dani stared into John's eyes. She could see something was terrifying him besides her sudden change in wardrobe. She closed her eyes and imagined him standing before her. She visualized his body as it was now with his greasy, graying ponytail and his thick carpet of chest hair.
She focused on the image and felt herself diving deeper. A memory suddenly stirred in her mind and she latched onto it. John's face, his shoulders, his clothes, his odor, his eyes; she explored the drifting memory that defined him. As she explored his identity, it suddenly made sense to Dani. This person wasn't John at all! Something was forcing him to be somebody else and drowning his true self into a perpetual fog of confusion. She sharpened her probe and released a surge of power locked away in her body. She surrounded John's memory with strength and warmth. She isolated it and severed the link between him and whatever influence had corrupted him.
Her eyes opened and she saw John once again.
John turned and sprinted towards the table where his degenerate friends were sitting. Dani followed with her gaze but stayed put. John rested his hands on the shoulders of the perverted man that had touched Dani's thigh. The man began shifting and changing beneath John's hands. He shortened in his chair, a pair of tits gushed out of his torso, his hair lengthened and his clothing shifted to a leopard print dress. The final change was the significant growth in his stomach as he became visibly pregnant. John's wife, Brandi, then immediately sprang up and reached for the other two men. A similar process occurred until John, Brandi, and their children were left hugging each other tightly. Dani could see John was having an emotional moment with his family and decided to shift her attention elsewhere.
Dani searched for and found Jen who had just collected a tall glass of lager from the bar. Her gaze was lifeless.
Dani closed her eyes and shifted her thoughts to Jen. She remembered Jen's referee outfit she'd been wearing previously and her friendly, spunky attitude. She focused on their interaction in the women's restroom as a memory to latch onto. Like John, Dani sensed Jen's mind and body were being influenced and corrupted. She took a deep breath and flexed her power, feeling it working more efficiently than the first time. Dani severed the corrupting connection to Jen's brain and replaced it with her own memories of Jen.
Dani opened her eyes.
Jen nearly dropped the glass before staring down at herself. She grew a relieved, thankful grin. She and Dani were now the only women in the whole restaurant wearing any clothing.
Jen sat down at the bar and held her head in her hands. It looked like she was combating brain fog of her own. Dani figured she probably needed some time before another change.
Dani could feel herself getting better at reversing the changes. She was starting to learn the areas of her mind that she needed to access to tap into her newfound power. She didn't know what it was or where it came from, but she knew it was [i]powerful[/i]. She felt tingling all over her body as it flowed through her veins.
She looked down into her cleavage. These were much too big now! Dani closed her eyes and pictured herself with smaller breasts. She remembered how smaller breasts felt hanging on her torso. She remembered how they felt held in a bra.
When she opened them, her
had reverted back to
She was also wearing a black bra that offered her much needed support.
Denise grew a wide smile as she shifted her torso and cupped her smaller chest with her androgynous hands. She would be back to Dennis in no time and put an end to this nightmare, once and for all! She could save the restaurant! Hell, she could make the world the way she wanted with this mysterious, growing power.
But, as Denise examined her body closely, trying to locate the next change she wanted to make, she froze in place. She slowly turned her gaze upwards and was met with a familiar frown.