Part 14

[b]Part 14[/b]

The old woman sat at a table on the far end of the room, close to John and his family. She had a regal, aloof posture as if she were lording over everybody in the room. She held a cigarette in one hand and took periodic drags. She was still wearing her formal pink and black dress which made her stick out like a sore thumb amongst the peasantry. She cast an intrigued stare at Denise with dark, calculating eyes.

Denise could feel ambient corruption seeping from the woman like a toxic chemical spill. She knew the influence she'd severed in Jen and John's minds had to be coming from her. Denise gulped and turned her head, trying to remain focused on controlling her new power. She couldn't allow herself to be sidetracked from her task. She had to save the restaurant, the staff, the customers and herself.

She started by glancing outside the far windows. The depressing street grabbed her attention. She could never regain her beloved [i]'La Maison'[/i] with such a shitty locale! She closed her eyes and pictured a nicer area. She wasn't even shooting for the top of a high-rise building at this point; just a decent little corner in which to conduct honest business. At least, for the short term. She'd eventually get back to her high status location. Denise concentrated on the integrity of the streets and the quality of the local populace. But as she visualized graffiti free walls, a rush of dizzying fog stormed in and the walls in her head were suddenly covered, floor to ceiling, in gang signs, lewd art and profanity. The dilapidation of the buildings worsened and the few windows that remained were smashed and boarded up. Denise clenched her eyes shut and flinched as she hopelessly fought off both the invading fog and the worsening image of the neighborhood. The homeless drug addicts multiplied and there was suddenly a long row of filthy tents stretching down the garbage and needle filled street.

Denise opened her eyes and saw the unfortunate image in her head had come to pass. She saw a tent city set up outside. The large windows on the far wall gained heavy metal bars and several windows were replaced with wooden boards showing the owners were either unable or unwilling to make repairs. The remaining glass became dingier as a new layer of grime coated them and further darkened the room as a whole.

Denise clutched at her head. What had just happened? Everything was going fine until her mind suddenly went down the wrong path. Maybe the restaurant wasn't ready for the changes she tried to implement? She would have to improve the interior before trying to make the exterior better. Yeah...that had to be it!

Denise looked up into the ceiling. This haze of smoke would have to go. She wouldn't be able to retain quality employees or attract rich customers if every breath was a painful burn. She'd also have to get rid of the cigarettes some of her customer's were sucking down. She closed her eyes and pictured the same restaurant without the smoke and without the cigarettes. She imagined a customer holding a cigarette and watched as it disappeared...only to reappear as a fat cigar! The smoke leaving the customer's mouth became a dark, stinky cloud. The image of the restaurant twisted in Denise's brain no matter how hard she tried to focus. She gave up and opened her eyes. The smoky cloud was thicker and heavier than ever!

She could barely see across the restaurant through the haze. The customers that were smoking cigarettes were all puffing long cigars now and the ceiling had grown a discolored yellow tinge. She took a breath and noticed the smoke didn't burn her lungs like it had before.

Denise gulped. Just how much smoke had she been exposed to now? She felt a panic setting into her chest. Was she already losing the tiny bit of power she'd discovered? Would she be able to save the restaurant? She raised a cigarette to her lips and dragged it as she thought. The smoke entered her lungs and immediately worked to calm her nerves. She was worrying too much, she'd just had a few wayward thoughts. She just had to buckle down and concentrate!

Denise dragged the cigarette and added her own smoke into the cloud before turning to the stripper pole and stage. She definitely needed to stop any further developments of the strip club. She closed her eyes and worked to clear her thoughts first. Denise figured if she could totally blank out her mind that she'd have a better chance to properly concentrate and succeed. When she was ready, Denise pictured the wall as it was before the stage and pole appeared. She could see the tables that were there and the wall and-

An image flashed in her mind. Why was that bitch appearing in her head? Denise tried focusing again, but only the smug smile of the Latina brat greeted her. Denise wished she could get revenge for what that little skank did to her! Pulling her pants down and exposing her to the whole restaurant...The stage and the pole floated in Denise's brain. If that little slut was just a bit older she...

Denise opened her eyes.

She watched as an older version of the Latina teenager spread her ass and pussy on stage while surrounded by greasy men smoking cigars. Denise couldn't deny that she felt a perverted pleasure watching [i]Isabella's[/i] Hispanic booty twerking in time with some trashy rap song as she was evaluated as a sex object by dozens of horny men. Denise quickly realized, however, that Isabella's body wasn't the thing giving her satisfaction. In fact, Denise found herself unable to feel attracted to Isabella's female body at all. The satisfaction she felt came from denigrating Isabelle. Maybe there was something to transforming other people that Denise enjoyed?

She looked to test her new theory and scanned the hazy bar. Her eyes rested on the stare of the old woman seated near John. The woman watched Denise curiously. The abject hatred on her face had seemingly melted away. Denise scoffed.

The old bat definitely needed to be taken down a peg.

Denise closed her eyes and pictured the old woman with her pitiful little stare. She imagined the old woman's pink dress morphing into embarrassing lingerie and draping her mature body.

Denise opened her eyes and giggled. The old woman was now wearing lacy pink lingerie that barely covered anything. It left her heavy, mature breasts to sag.

The old woman looked down and her eyes instantly widened in disbelief. She jumped to her feet, causing her whole body to jiggle. Her mouth was agape and her cheeks were flush with embarrassment. She looked like she fit in with most of the other women based on her outfit alone, though she was quite a bit older.

The woman's eyes drifted upwards and rested on a giggling Denise. Her expression curled into abject hatred. She stalked around the table and slowly stepped towards Denise whose laughter instantly died. The woman's steps were slow and methodical. Her mature, full figured, lingerie clad female body received curious stares from some of the older men. The heavy beat of a ghetto hip hop song shook the walls, but neither woman paid it any mind as their focus was fixed on the other.

As she approached Denise, the woman's hatred twisted into a grin. The volume in the room decreased as the surrounding area became blurry. Only the woman remained clear.

Her voice was an icy exhale, "Intoxicating, isn't it?"

Denise took a guarded step back and responded, "What do you mean?"

The woman motioned to herself, "To control."

"Who are you?" Denise asked quietly.

The woman ran her knotted, aged hands down her body. The pink lingerie twisted and expanded beneath her touch until she was once again clothed in a formal dress. She turned her head towards John and his family.

"That man." She sighed in a stilted, unnatural cadence, "Humiliated you. Embarrassed you. Laughed at you. He made himself your [i]master[/i]."

Denise followed the woman's gaze and fixated on John and his family. They looked happy.

"And yet." She explained wistfully, "With the power to enact revenge. You decide to offer [i]forgiveness[/i]. [i]Unearned[/i] absolution."

Denise offered a little shrug, "I didn't think he needed to lose his whole life over it."

The woman captured Denise's gaze with an enthralling stare. Her eyes were piercing and dark.

"Close your eyes. Remember what he [i]did[/i]. Remember how you [i]felt[/i]. Remember how you wanted [i]revenge.[/i]"

Denise felt a tingling in her head as she closed her eyes and peered into the darkness. She remembered herself standing before the family. John's mocking smirk tore holes in her confidence. He pretended he couldn't hear her to make her say embarrassing things. He treated her like a [i]servant[/i], like a [i]slave[/i]. The tingling in her head intensified as she channeled her resentment and twisted the image of John back towards the greasy man with the slicked back hair. Brandi, his [i]bitch[/i] wife flashed through her memory. Her mockery and judgemental eyes fueled Denise's lust for revenge. Brandi couldn't even be bothered to listen to Denise's explanation in the restroom. She'd treated Denise like a [i]pariah[/i], like a brazen [i]slut[/i]. Corruption surged in Denise's body as she molded the image of Brandi into the slob that had touched her thigh like a desperate pervert. A grin stretched across Denise's face.

[i]It felt good[/i].

"Yes." The woman rasped coldly, "Control. Make them [i]suffer[/i]."

Denise opened her eyes and saw John and Brandi were back in their slovenly forms puffing on fat cigars and cat-calling the entertainment. The former parents then grabbed at their terrified children and Denise watched as their corrupting touch brought back the third and fourth cronies to John's little gang. The four men sat their bloated, hairy asses at the shitty table and wallowed in their filth.

Denise found herself scowling at the table of losers as she sucked on her cigarette. Her anger still burned inside. [i]It wasn't enough.[/i]

The old woman was close enough to whisper in Denise's ear, "I know you want to [i]push[/i] them a little [i]further[/i]. [b]Let the have it.[/b]"

Denise's grin turned to an aggressive snarl as her buzzing mind pivoted to perversion and corruption. The men at the table each shifted subtly. One had his graying hair thin and fall away which left him with a greasy comb over. The next had several teeth clack to the table and disappear leaving him with a broken, blackened smile. The third man, formerly Brandi, had his stomach gush with an explosion of fat. His clothing did not expand with him. His hairy gut was glazed with sweat and pooched out beneath his tight shirt. Finally, Denise focused on John who she hated the most. She corrupted him with each change already inflicted on his family. His slicked back hair receded and combed over, he lost several teeth, and his gut jutted out and threatened to burst his button up.

"[i]MORE[/i]." The woman urged with a growl.

Denise grunted and dove back into the darkness. He deserved everything coming to him! She first merged his eyebrows into a unkempt uni-brow which thickened and darkened until it dominated his facial features. She splashed acne across his face causing angry red and white bumps to appear all over. She coated him in foul smelling B.O. and was sure to adjust his natural scent so not even the strongest deodorant or cologne could hide it. Finally, she shrunk his pathetic penis until it was barely two inches when erect.

She'd turned John from a sleazy loser to an obese, sweaty, rancid, toothless, balding, perverted, limp-dick, acne riddled, hideous slob that no woman could ever find attractive.

Denise cackled as she opened her eyes and watched the men scramble to diagnose and address their new changes. John in particular looked as though he wanted to curl in a ball and die. He sobbed pitifully as his bloated hands scratched at his horrid acne. Denise breathed in the feeling of [b]power[/b], the feeling of [b]control[/b].

The old woman put her hands on Denise's shoulders from behind. Her fingers looked like claws and felt cold and heavy. She turned Denise towards the bar. It was hard to discern through the heavy smoke, but Denise could see Jen was sitting on a bar stool in her referee uniform; still trying to collect herself. The cigarette smoke coated Denise's lungs as her eyes examined Jen.

The woman's stilted voice sounded excited in Denise's ear, "That one there. She did not [i]believe[/i] you. She sees you as [i]equal[/i]. Show her you are [i]not[/i] equal."

The chill from the woman's hands seemed to penetrate Denise's skin and flow through her veins. Was the woman right? Denise's brain buzzed and tingled as she closed her eyes. She saw Jen shoving menus into her hands, looking down at her and directing her like she was some sort of [i]teenager[/i]. She'd still been Dennis at that point! The realization suddenly hit her: [i]This was all Jen's fault![/i] She was the catalyst for this whole situation! The buzzing intensified. Jen didn't know the restaurant business, but Denise certainly did! Jen was [i]jealous[/i]- she wanted to take over! Denise remembered standing in the bathroom trying to organize her thoughts. Then, suddenly, Jen waltzed in and everything went to shit almost immediately.

Denise had the power now. She needed to get revenge!

The image of Jen sitting at the bar in her referee uniform swirled in her mind.

Denise imagined Jen's clothing melting off until she was left naked and ignorant like all the other sluts.

She opened her eyes and smirked as Jen's naked body peered around the room in confusion from her bar seat. Denise could see Jen's glazed over eyes had returned.

As Jen stood from her bar stool, a devilish impulse flowed through Denise's mind and she acted on it without a second thought. If Jen wanted to act like a slut then she should look like one! Jen squinted her eyes as lines of semen splashed across her face.

Jen's cheeks burned as surrounding patrons noticed the cum dripping from her face. She made a break for the bathroom door but stopped. Denise sniggered as she pictured Jen not caring about semen on her body. With the change made, Jen tossed her brown hair behind her shoulders and turned back to the bar.

Denise examined the room and admired her handiwork while flicking her cigarette to the floor. On a makeshift stage the Latina skank, Isabelle, twerked her naked booty to the beat of a ghetto rap song while dozens of men catcalled her like a sex object. A four top of the most violently disgusting slobs Denise had ever seen comforted each other pitifully while sucking down beer and cigars. Naked waitresses tottered to and fro beneath a smoky cloud. One such waitress was brazen and slutty enough to do so with a smile dripping with jizz.The building was situated in the lowest quality location imaginable and any self respecting person would be embarrassed to set foot inside let alone work there.

Denise placed an androgynous hand onto her black short shorts while the other raised a cigarette to her lips. It was amazing how terrible and low-brow the bar was. She couldn't think of a way to make it worse. She was so happy she didn't work here like these other sluts! Thankfully, Denise wore clothing which let the surrounding patrons know she wasn't a walking fuck-hole like the others. She could see the men looked at her with more respect. Sure, her clothes were a little risque, but it was a far cry from being naked!

Denise sighed, while she enjoyed flexing her power, it was finally time to put everything back the way it was supposed to be...even John and his conspirators. She'd had enough fun. Soon she'd be Dennis and back to the height of his power within his beloved [i]La Maison[/i]. It would be so good to be back! It would-

It was then that Denise realized the old woman's hands had not left her bare shoulders. How long had she been standing there, lost in thought? The icy chill coursing through her veins had only intensified beneath the woman's touch. Denise tried to pull away only to find she couldn't move a muscle.

The woman's lips were right next to Denise's ear as she whispered slowly, "Delicious."

Denise felt her heart rate spiking. The tingling of power in her brain was almost completely gone. She could feel it was being pulled away and absorbed by the invading chill. As the tingle disappeared, a steady stream of fog replaced it. The woman's freezing, knotted hands squeezed tighter on Denise's shoulders as if she were wringing out a towel.

Her voice was menacing, "I'm so happy you could [i]confirm[/i] what I already [i]knew.[/i]"

Denise's took several panicked breaths and tried to open her mouth only to find she was unable.

The woman squeezed harder, "Such raw [i]potential[/i] is wasted with you. Egotistical [i]men[/i] never wonder why things always seem to work out for them. Did you really think you worked [i]harder[/i] your whole life? [b]Power[/b] begets [b]power[/b] and I'm here to...[i]balance the scales[/i]."

Denise felt the last of her tingles siphoned away. The invading fog was settling in and Denise knew her lucid thoughts were slipping. The woman released her shoulders but Denise still couldn't move.

The woman smoothed out her pink dress, adopted a regal posture and grinned as she mocked, "Thank you for your...[i]contribution[/i], Ms. Foxworthy. Good luck with your new job." She cackled harshly, "Don't forget to wear your uniform!!"

Denise body was released from its hold. The woman's cackle echoed in Denise brain and she felt a pulling in her clothing. She looked down to see she had become completely naked!

That bitch stole her clothing! Denise didn't even have heels on like most of the other women. She and Jen were the only two walking the disgusting floor barefoot!

She was left standing in the horrible place she had helped create wearing nothing and baring her very female body to the whole bar. She looked just like the other waitresses and the patrons probably thought she worked here! She spun around to confront the old woman but she was nowhere to be found.

Denise fluttered her eyes as the brain fog trickled in and occupied more space. Without her heels the club looked so big! She dragged from her cigarette as she absentmindedly glanced around with a worried frown. She knew the tingle of power in her brain was completely gone leaving her defenseless against the oppression of the fog. Denise gulped as she felt a sudden shifting in her breasts.

What was she going to do now?


Part 15


Part 13