Part 12

[b]Part 12[/b]

Dani made it to Jen at the end of the hallway and they exchanged a genuine smile. She turned to examine the dining room which had, not surprisingly, changed for the worse yet again. The moldy carpet had taken over the entirety of the floor and a cloud of cigarette smoke hung in the air and distorted the dim lighting. A handful of shitty televisions flickered lazily around the run down bar. The tables and chairs in the room were the lowest quality Dani could imagine. The chairs looked like they were stolen from a 1970s dining hall while the tables were chipped, worn, stained and broken. Terrible classic rock blasted in from an outdated speaker in the ceiling and a flickering neon sign above the bar proudly proclaimed 'Mike's Football Shack'. The patrons were a little rough around the edges with many seeming to forget that personal hygiene was attractive. 'Greasy' was the common trait among them.

Dani looked out from the dingy windows on the far wall and saw that the restaurant's locale had somehow gone even further downhill. Piles of garbage littered the crumbling street where a network of asphalt patches failed to cover deep potholes and general wear-and-tear that accumulated from decades of neglect. Condemned, abandoned buildings with broken windows lined the street and were covered in graffiti. Several shady, disheveled men loitered in the area with many appearing addled with drugs or suffering from mental illness. Dani even saw one man on the street corner openly defecating on the sidewalk.

She glanced around the disgusting room with her big doe eyes. She couldn't believe she was worked as a waitress in a dump like this! Each breath she drew burned from the ambient cloud of smoke. Jen sighed before giving Dani a reassuring nod and turning towards the kitchen. Dani sighed as well, figuring they were thinking the same thing. Back to the grind. Her lungs burned and she coughed into a balled up fist. She shook off the discomfort and made her way to the bar area where a table of sleazy looking men were staring at her lustfully. Dani felt their stares on every square inch of her body from her hair to her heels. They were evaluating and ogling her. There was no doubt they saw her as a beautiful young waitress coming to serve them. They probably had no idea she owned the place and was actually a middle aged man just like they were!

Dani made her way to the table to take their order. She clicked her high heels, rolled her tutu adorned hips and brushed long, blonde hair from her face with glossy nails. She looked down into her frilly, ever expanding cleavage and felt the g-string wedged in her ass and pussy.

She [i]WAS[/i] a man...right...?

Yes, yes of course! Dani worked to reassure herself though she felt her mind slipping into a fog of confusion as she approached. She adopted a warm smile which the men reciprocated alongside predatory eyes. They wore cheap suits and smoked cigarettes.

One of the men perked up. His blue button up shirt was open and revealed a carpet of dark chest hair and a collection of gold chains. Atop the shirt was an ill fitting, faded brown suit jacket. His thinning gray hair was pulled into a greasy ponytail and a lit cigarette smoldered from between his yellow teeth.

His voice was surprisingly smooth and deep as he bluntly asked, "Why's a pretty girl like you working in a place like this?"

Dani put her hands on her flared hips and responded proudly, "Actually, I own the place, sir."

The man sat back in his chair and sniggered which was quickly copied by the others. It seemed as though this man was their little leader and he didn't appear to believe her. Dani's confidence shrank at their derision.

Her mind attempted to traverse the fog. She...she owned this place...or was she just a waitress? The laughter of the men injected further doubt.

He cackled, "You're telling me you own this bar? Not a chance, Honey! I happen to know a man owns this place and you're, what, an eighteen year old girl?"

The men howled and Dani found herself feeling increasingly exposed. She attempted to rally with a high pitched chirp, "I-I may l-look...a [i]little[/i] bit like a woman, but I'm actually a man and I'm in my fifties."

The table exploded in laughter.

Dani crossed her arms beneath her breasts and tried to talk over their laughter; only to find her voice came out as a weak, hesitant mumble, "So you me some r-respect."

The leader wiped a tear from his eye and pointed at Dani while chortling, "That's an interesting poofy skirt you decided to wear then, [i]SIR[/i]! And I'm sure your tits are just optical illusions, [i]DUDE[/i]!"

The nearest man reached his hand up and rubbed it against Dani's smooth upper thigh. She yelped and swatted his hand away. Her confidence was waning and the brain fog was thicker than ever. She adjusted her top which was becoming worryingly tight. Her expanding, milky cleavage threatened to spill over the frilly cups while the skirt strained to cover her fattening caboose. The poor g-string wedged between her cheeks was being swallowed up.

He continued, "Well, [i]SIR[/i], I'm sure you'd have no problem proving you're a man to everybody then!"

Dani bit her thicker lower lip and felt more makeup coating her face. She WAS a man deep down...she could prove it! These misogynist pieces of shit couldn't scare her off so easily! She tossed her lengthening hair and stared the leader down with sparkling blue eyes.

"I'll prove it" She stated coldly with a serious tone.

His yellow teeth twisted into a devilish grin and he put his cigarette out on the table as he suggested, "Take your top off. A real man wouldn't be embarrassed by having his bare chest out."

Dani's eyes opened wide, "Are you kidding me? No way you pervert!"

The man shrugged, "Looks like you're embarrassed about people seeing your chest then. You must be a girl whose self conscious about her tits and definitely not the male owner. It's that simple, Honey."

Dani hesitated. She didn't want to let the man goad her into anything but...she had to prove it to herself at this point. She knew her chest was...a little bit feminine...but if she didn't act like it maybe she could come out on top. Who knows? With a bit of confidence she might even find a way to reverse what was happening!

With her mind made up, Dani scoffed and responded quietly, "Psh, I'm not afraid."

She tugged at her form fitting, striped tube top. As expected, every man at the table was staring holes through her in anticipation. She took a shallow breath and sucked in her stomach to assist in freeing the tight top from her body. She was careful not to let her hair get snagged as the top cleared her head.

The man that grabbed Dani's thigh snatched the top from her hands before she could react. She was left standing in only heels, a tutu style short skirt and a g-string. Dani noticed her chest had grown once again. Her breasts were heavier than ever before. She prepared to protest her top taken, but stopped short. She forced a sly grin and folded her hands together. She had to show them she wasn't embarrassed displaying her torso.

The leader nodded his head before speaking smoothly, "I gotta admit, you're proving me wrong. I'm almost convinced! We all are, right boys?"

The men nodded and murmured in agreement. Dani initially beamed a confident smile but faltered as she glanced around the table. Her blue eyes found the dark, hungry stares of the men. She could tell they wanted to have...[i]relations[/i] with her. She wasn't interested in men! Her heart fluttered beneath their scrutiny and she could see one of them had a sizeable tent in his pants. The faint wafting smell of pussy hit Dani's nose once again and her eyes became half lidded as the fog went into overdrive. Her gaze involuntarily flicked to the man's boner while her heart rate quickened.

"Come here and sit on my lap, [i]SIR[/i]" The leader ordered while thrusting out his knee.

Dani shook her head and asked suspiciously, "Um, how will that prove anything?"

He gave an annoyed exhale and lit a new cigarette which he proceeded to drag, "You already showed you aren't embarrassed to have your chest hanging out like a [i]real man[/i]. Now you have to prove you aren't a horny little slut. I'll administer the slut test when you're on my lap and you'll only fail if I can make you horny. I'm sure that won't be a problem for a heterosexual [i]man[/i] such as yourself, right? I bet a manly man like you isn't even attracted to guys."

Dani's half lidded gaze shot, once again, to the hard-on beneath the table as she nodded her head lazily and weakly responded, "Yeah, I'm- I'm not into guys like that..."

The leader pat his outstretched knee again as he assured her, "Well then you got nothing to worry about, [i]my man[/i]. Ain't that right boys?"

His disheveled cohorts nodded in agreement.

Dani slowly stepped around the table and towards the leader's knee. She eyed the men suspiciously. Their stares followed her every step.

"Alright, but no funny business, okay?" Dani warned cutely to the leader while pointing with her long nails.

He nodded solemnly then patted his knee.

Dani prepared to sit facing away from the man but he stopped her by grabbing her arm. He forcibly spun her around so she was facing him. She inhaled sharply as being manhandled sent a shiver down her spine. His face was prickly with beard stubble, he had the faint smell of cologne and a dirty, yellowed smile. He pulled her towards him gently and she followed his direction. She wrapped her thick thighs around his leg while her warm genitals flattened against him. He slid Dani towards him until their faces were inches apart. Dani's bare breasts pressed into the man and she felt her nipples hardening beneath his dark gaze. Their eyes locked and Dani's brain became fuzzy. She swooned in his arms and felt his hard cock poking her leg.

"See," he whispered deeply through a cloud of cigarette smoke, "Nothing to worry about. Just a couple of dudes hanging out. What's your name, Sweetheart?"

The deep, intimate nature of his voice and his control of her body got Dani's heart fluttering and her pussy dampening. She rested her arms on his broad shoulders and touched his back muscles. She felt so small and weak compared to him. He was taller, his arms were longer, his muscles were stronger, his bones were denser and he was pumped up with testosterone while she was not. He had so many physical advantages over her that he could force her to do anything at any moment and they both knew it. Hell, the whole restaurant knew he was the one in control. Dani was sure he could feel her nipples were hard and her vagina was hot. She was also sure he could sense her breaths were coming in faster and shallower.

"D-Denise, but my friends call me Dani." She answered in a shallow burst.

The man planted a trail of wet kisses down her smooth neck as he told her, "Such a sexy name for a sexy girl. You can call me John."

Before she could respond, John dipped his head down and took one of Dani's bare nipples into his mouth. Her head shot back and she moaned into the ceiling as he sucked on and flicked it with his tongue. Her grip around his shoulders tightened as his hand began kneading her other breast. A hearty rush of arousal surged between Dani's legs and she squirmed her thighs. The strong odor of feminine arousal poured from Dani's nearly naked lower body.

John whispered into Dani's ear so only she could hear, "Hmm, you sure doesn't smell like a man, [i]Dani[/i]. Are you sure you're not a horny little slut?"

Dani grinded her sex against his thigh and bit her swollen lower lip as she answered, "N-no I'm- I'm not. I'm a m-man."

He chuckled softly and reached both hands beneath her short, glittery tutu. He cupped her fat ass cheeks and squeezed. His head dipped down to her nipple, once again, and he resumed sucking. Dani clenched her eyes shut and gasped while John played her body like a fiddle. His hard cock strained against her leg and very naughty thoughts flashed through her foggy, arousal drunk mind.

Dani kept one hand behind the John's back while the other trailed down his chest to the bulge in his pants. She could feel his pent up arousal, his [i]desire[/i] to [i]breed[/i] her. Dani gently massaged his shaft through his pants while she moaned in a high pitch towards the ceiling. In one swift motion John ripped off her sparkly tutu and tossed it to the floor. Dani yelped as one of her few remaining lines of defense was stripped away. The only thing covering her horny sex was a flimsy g-string. John tugged the wet triangle of fabric from Dani's puffy labia aside and gave the whole table an eyeful of her menstruating vagina. Dani's brain didn't care, her sole focus was the hungry slit between her legs.

Dani's clear, sticky, feminine lubricant coated John's finger as he playfully probed her pussy lips and twirled her tampon string. The odor of female lust was unmistakable and surrounded her like a cloud. She humped and grinded against John's leg which left a distinct wet spot on his pants. A high pitched squeal left her lips as he nibbled her hard nipple and sent bolts of arousal arcing through her.

She cooed in a horny whisper, "Don't stop."

But, despite her request, John released her ass and sat back in his chair. Dani swiveled her head down and gave John puppy dog eyes.

"W-why'd you stop?" She whined.

John raised his glistening fingers to his nose and took a whiff. He looked to his friends at the table as he said aloud, "I'm certainly not gay, so if you're truly a man I'll have to stop the test here."

Dani's legs were trembling. Her skin felt hot and her heart was pounding. She shimmied her wide hips and rubbed her pussy against his leg while grunting in frustration. She needed release!

John grabbed Dani by the sides of her head and locked eyes with her as he asked- no, [i]demanded[/i], "Are you a man or a horny little slut?"

Dani was driven completely by an instinctual, animistic yearning to be dominated and filled. Her fuzzy, lust addled brain told her she was a slutty teenage waitress at a filthy dive bar and should be treated like one.

She took a ragged breath and squeaked out, "I'm a horny little slut!"

John lifted Dani up onto her shaky legs as he stood from his chair. Either she'd gotten even shorter or John was much taller than Dani thought. He was at least a full head taller than she was. Dani panted hot breath up into his neck and stared at him lustfully.

John spun Dani around, causing her bare chest to swing wildly towards the table of men and the restaurant as a whole. Her damp g-string was still pulled to the side and her tampon string hung down between her legs. The men's eyes alternated between her gorgeous tits and her puffy, dripping cameltoe.

John growled in her ear, "Then take me to the bathroom, [i]SLUT[/i] and I'll show you how [i]whores[/i] like you get treated."

Dani giggled and excitedly snatched John's hand. She didn't care what he looked like, she had a sopping itch that needed to be scratched and he was just the man for the job!


Part 13


Part 11