Part 11
[b]Part 11[/b]
The first thing Dani noticed about the restroom was the stench. It hit her like a wall as she stepped inside. It wasn't just normal bathroom stink either. Something about the room was particularly nasty like open sewage baking in the sun. Dani furrowed her nose as she glanced around. The room was no longer a normal restaurant bathroom with multiple stalls, instead it was tiny and cramped with just a singular toilet. The floor was littered with toilet paper, paper towels and some sort of grainy slime while the grody walls were lined with discolored tiles and dirt. In the corner was a sink that leaked into a rusted out drain. The ceiling, which was supposed to be white, had an unmistakable yellowish tinge.
The toilet itself contained a bloody wad of toilet paper, likely from some random woman's period. Dani shook her head, why couldn't the woman that did that just flush it down? Dani may not have had much experience, but it seemed like the women were just as bad as the men! It felt like some of them just couldn't help but be gross and disrespectful! Leaving a bloody mess like this had no place in civilized society!
Dani's exposed lower body made her feel the disgusting conditions of the room even more. With two exposed lower orifices and lots of skin contact with the air, Dani felt as if her body was somehow soaking in the room and it was slowly corrupting her. She chased the thought from her head. That would be ridiculous!
She took a shallow breath and stared into the mirror to see if she had changed any further. The air caught in her throat as her eyes fixated on the innocent young face staring back.
Everything about her jaw, cheeks, chin, forehead, nose, lips, brows and eyes screamed youth and femininity. But, out of all her feminized facial features, it was her huge, crystal-blue doe eyes that demanded the most attention. She even had a light dusting of powder and blush on her cheeks, mascara on her eyelashes and gloss on her lips. She hadn't put on any makeup! Her blonde hair cascaded down past her shoulders and framed her cute features. There was no way she could realistically convince anybody she wasn't a girl in her late teens with her face as innocent and feminine as it was. Dani shot the mirror a test smile and watched her bright eyes light up and her beautiful teeth twinkle between her glossy lips.
She curled her long fingernails through her hair to expose her ears. She saw the series of girly earrings that had poked into her ears just a few minutes prior.
Dani hesitated before pulling off her stretchy referee shirt and assessing the full damage. She unclasped her white bra and already knew something had changed based on how tight it was. She dropped the bra and shirt to the sink and stood in just her heels. Her breasts had clearly expanded at least another cup and were starting to look rather big in comparison to her slender body. They pulled on her back and widened out past her shoulders. Dani's areola and had gotten bigger, darker and veinier. Her hard nipples poked outwards with tiny, visible milk ducts at their ends. She trailed her vision down and saw her stomach tapered inwards and her hips flared slightly wider than her bust. She pressed her pained nails against her hips and felt bony resistance. It wasn't an illusion, her hips bones had widened substantially. Overall, Dani's hourglass shape gave her a curvy, busty silhouette that couldn't be mistaken as anything but belonging to a woman.
Dani turned around and looked at her ass from over her shoulder. She saw her butt had grown a significant layer of fat and jutted behind her like a small shelf. Her thighs had also gotten heftier and nearly pressed together while she was standing still.
But what completed the picture was the void between her expanded thighs. The slightest ruffle of vaginal lips between a tight, visible cameltoe confirmed what examining nearly any part of Dani already suggested. Dani was as female as female could be.
She looked at her girly body in horror. She was a completely different person! She would be laughed at immediately if she tried to claim she was a man in his 50's. Overall, with her developed, womanly body and cute, girly face, Dani estimated her age to be around eighteen or nineteen.
She shook her head in the dirty mirror, barely able to believe she was the girl staring back. Her thoughts raced. What was she actually planning to do about all this? Her mind drifted back to the old woman she'd encountered at the beginning of the night. She had to know something! The way she carried herself and her timing was just too suspicious. But how could Dani find the unknown woman? She didn't know anything about her!
As Dani was lost in thought, a sudden knock at the door sent her into an immediate panic. She was still recovering from the horrible embarrassment she'd suffered in the dining room.
She retreated to the nearby toilet and flushed its bloody contents as she sat down and yelled, "D-don't come in! I'm on the toilet!"
Something about sitting on the toilet felt comfortable and it was the first place Dani's mind thought to go to keep somebody out. Surely nobody would come in if they heard the flushing and thought Dani was using the facilities!
Nonetheless, the door opened and Jennifer slipped inside.
"Oh man, it's nasty in here." Jennifer whispered to herself as she furrowed her nose and turned her attention to a seated Dani.
Jennifer's outfit had changed once again. Her black slacks had been replaced by a short black skirt, her tennis shoes were replaced with heels and her referee shirt had a much lower cut. Her brown hair was longer and her face looked younger with a light coating of makeup. She didn't look quite as young as Dani, but Jennifer could easily pull off twenty three or twenty four.
She stared at a naked Dani seated on the toilet. Dani's cheeks were blazing red. Just a short time ago, Jennifer would have freaked out if Dennis was sitting exactly as Denise was now. Dennis' hairy, manly body would be completely out of place in the women's room. His swinging cock and heavy balls would immediately draw the eye and scream to the world 'look at me, I'm a man!' On the other hand, with her tits hanging proudly up top and nothing hanging down below (besides a tiny white string) Dani felt hopelessly female beneath Jen's analytical gaze. The fact that Jennifer appeared to be staring directly at Dani's genitals without batting an eye or sounding the alarm in any way indicated she didn't perceive anything unexpected or male. Dani's vagina was simply what Jennifer was expecting to see.
Jennifer shook her head and spoke sincerely, "I heard what happened out there. I'm so sorry. That's awful."
Dani sniffled and nodded her head while tears welled in her eyes. Jennifer was right, the situation had been horrible! It was still horrible!
Jennifer crossed her arms below her chest before continuing, "If it makes you feel any better, we made that terrible, psycho [b]bitch[/b] that stole your pants leave the restaurant. We couldn't get her to give your clothes back though."
Dani ripped a piece of nearby toilet paper and blotted the wet corners of her eyes, careful not to let her mascara run. She was touched that Jennifer seemed to care about her!
Dani suddenly noticed what she was doing and stopped. She hadn't learned to blot her eyes like that from anybody. She shouldn't know how to protect and maintain makeup on her face! Was she slowly learning feminine mannerisms and skills as well?
Dani realized she should respond so she looked up to Jennifer and gave her shy smile while speaking softly, "Th-thanks Jen. It...means a lot."
Jen nodded her head and reached into a hidden pocket of her ruffled skirt as she explained, "I figured you'd want some new panties so I went to my car to see if I had anything."
She procured a g-string that was little more than a series of black strings with two tiny white strips of fabric.
Jen looked down at the frilly underwear, "I know it isn't much. but it's from my 'slutty night out' bag and it's the only thing I could find."
Dani tried her best to hide her disgust. How could Jen think she would accept such a slutty pair of underwear!? Dani wasn't some sort of skank! She was a middle aged man! She didn't wear a g-string!
Jen seemed to notice Dani's apprehension causing her to shrink back.
Her voice was lower and sadder, "They're clean, I promise. I've only worn them a few times."
Dani's expression softened when she saw Jen's diminishing positivity. She was just trying to be nice and helpful. But...Dani couldn't actually consider putting on a g-string, right?
After a few more awkward seconds of silence, Jen hung her head and muttered, "I- I'm sorry Dani. I was just- I was just trying to help. I should have known better."
Dani shifted her ass on the toilet and sighed. She didn't want to make Jen feel bad. She was only trying to be a friend and help. It wasn't as if putting on a pair of panties would be the end of the world anyway. A tiny pair of underwear was better than nothing, right?
With her mind made up, Dani perked up and spoke warmly, "Thank you, Jen! Sorry I'm acting so weird about it. I'm...I'm uh- I'm just not used to people being so kind, that's all. Of course I'd like your help."
Jen's youthful eyes lit up and she grinned. She offered the flimsy underwear towards Dani who reached out to grab them. Dani felt a warm happiness expanding in her chest at making Jen feel good again. However, Jen pulled her hand back at the last second.
The warmth in Dani's chest faltered as she asked, "Is something wrong?"
Jen nodded slightly before pointing and looking between Dani's legs, "Do you mind, uh, putting in a new tampon? I'd like to keep these clean if we can. One drop of blood totally trashes panties like this. I thought you told me you weren't on your period, anyway?"
Dani suddenly remembered she'd told Jen she wasn't on her period! It felt like a lifetime ago at this point but there was no denying the string Jen could plainly see splitting Dani's labia. She needed to explain what happened and honesty might have been the best policy for once.
"Uhm..I'm sorry Jen I was too embarrassed to tell you. I don't have another tampon, and I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable so I won't-"
Jen withdrew a package from her skirt pocket.
She chirped, "I got you, girl! You never have to be embarrassed around me. We're women! Periods are just mother nature's way of telling us our bodies are healthy and fertile!"
She offered the package to Dani who, after much hesitation, secured it with a feminized hand. The package felt soft and delicate in her hands. She looked down at the object which looked totally natural in her dainty hand. She felt yet another powerful blow to her masculinity. Here she was accepting a feminine hygiene product that she would insert into her [i]very real vagina[/i] in the hopes that she could acquire and wear a g-string. It was a completely fucked up situation that no man should ever have to face!
Jen and Dani stared at each other for a few seconds. Dani was certainly not going to do anything remotely related to the tampon while Jen was watching. She was positive of that.
Jen rolled her eyes and turned around while mumbling, "Fine, I'll turn around. I don't get what the big deal is, we're both girls. It's not like I haven't seen a bleeding vagina exactly like yours between my legs a hundred times."
With Jen facing away, Dani gained the confidence to reach between her legs. She felt a damp warmth as she neared her vagina and the tiniest wafting smell of pussy hit her nose before it was swallowed up by the general stink permeating the entire room. Was that...coming from her? She shook the thought away and corralled the string already between her legs and gave it a tug. The feeling of an object sliding out of her was beyond bizarre. Dani was experiencing sensations no male should ever experience! The release of the tampon was like a small dam and a trickle of dark blood dropped from her slit into the toilet with an audible dripping splash. Dani watched between her legs in disbelief as her visibly female body did visibly female things. Distracted by the flow, Dani whispered a soft curse as her used, bloody tampon slipped from her fingers and splatted into the water of the reddened toilet bowl. Dark liquid seeped from the bloated tampon. When her flow slowed, Dani balled up some toilet paper and wiped herself clean. She then dropped the ball of paper between her legs and into the bowl.
Dani pulled at the wrapper around her new hygiene product. The sound of the delicate paper tearing apart withered away at her sense of masculinity and seemed to somehow echo in the room. She looked up to see Jen turned around but still very capable of hearing. She must have known exactly what was happening as it was happening. Something about Jen hearing the blood trickling and the package opening and knowing exactly what those things were and what exactly what Dani was doing with them made Dani feel even more female. Replacing a tampon may have been the least biologically male thing a person could do except childbirth or breastfeeding. Nonetheless, Dani had gone too far to go back so she did exactly what Jen expected. She inserted the tube and pressed the tampon inside her snatch. The feeling of something pressing inside her and occupying her was not as strange as Dani expected. She had already dealt with a tampon for a bit so this was just more of the same. It was somewhat worrying that she appeared to be growing comfortable with the feelings associated with female genitalia.
Once a string was hanging between her labia once again, Dani closed her thighs and tossed the applicator into the trash. The undeniable smell of pussy wafted to her nose once again. It had to be from her! Why did she suddenly have that odor?
Jen turned around and glanced between Dani's legs. She smiled cheerfully as she saw exactly what she expected (and probably got a confirming whiff of Dani's pussy just for good measure). She held out the g-string which Dani took as she stood from her seat.
Dani examined the skimpy underwear between her slender fingers. She couldn't believe how far she'd fallen. These weren't just skimpy, they were [b]slutty[/b] and she had agreed to put them on! Dani looked down and noticed a strikingly familiar pile of bloody toilet paper in the bowl. It was nearly identical to what she'd flushed just a minute prior. Dani's body had produced exactly what the other woman's body had produced!
Dani stepped into the panties and pulled them up her smooth legs. She secured them in place. The back string was swallowed by her ass and it felt like she had a constant wedgie. The back triangle rode up the small of her back while the side strings rested on the tops of her flared hips. The front was a nearly transparent black lace which sat precisely where a penis [i]would have[/i] hung and poked into the material. Instead, Dani's flat smoothness and cute triangle of feminine pubic hair was front and center. The front was transparent enough to proudly exhibit to anybody viewing 'No penis here!' The thin, solid bottom of the g-string was initially smoothly set against her genitals which it just barely covered. However, once it was in place, the underwear began to change. The panties appeared to tighten as Dani's labia fattened. She watched as the flimsy g-string material thinned and squeezed tighter and tighter against her pussy. It soon hugged onto her like a second skin. The exact shape and depth of her slit was immediately visible via deep cameltoe. Dani realized the g-string fit against her flat crotch just like it would against Jen's flat crotch during her 'slutty nights out'. She pictured a freshly fucked Jen sliding the thin triangle of fabric over her damp, tingling womanhood. But, as she imagined it, the image in Dani's head suddenly flickered. She imagined herself sliding the panties up! It was Dani that had the freshly fucked, tingling pussy!
As Dani was lost in a daydream, Jen took the opportunity to retrieve Dani's referee shirt from the sink and present it to her while stating, "Here, you should probably put your [b]skirt[/b] back on before some lady walks in and sees your uh-" She stared at and pointed at Dani's cameltoe while giggling, "You know, I don't remember those being so...[i]clingy[/i]. I can see all your lady business, girl! I didn't know you were so puffy!"
Dani's cheeks burned as she took the outfit.
Wait, did Jen say [i]SKIRT[/i]?
Jen put her hand on Dani's shoulder and consoled her, "It's nothing to be ashamed of, honey. My mom had thick labia like yours. She always said it drove men crazy so It's not all bad!"
Was Jen seriously trying to console Dani by comparing her cameltoe to her [i]mother's[/i] cameltoe? The comparison left Dani totally dumbfounded. She couldn't believe Jen thought her vagina looked like her [i]mother's![/i] Apparently the orifice she had literally been [i]born from[/i] appeared similar to what she saw between Dani's legs at that exact moment!
Dani chose to ignore the comment and looked to see the outfit in her hands had clearly changed once again. It looked a lot like Jen's uniform! The shirt had been replaced with a black and white striped tube top. The tube top had built in bra-like cups with lace trim on the outside and cute pink ribbons hanging off the bottom. Dani also held an extremely short, frilly black skirt that looked like a slutty tutu covered in sparkles. The skirt barely reached the upper thigh and she knew bending over would expose everything. The outfit didn't appear to come with a bra so Dani would have to rely on the build in cups to support her expanded chest. She slowly pulled the slutty tutu up her legs and secured it over her skanky g-string. She then lowered the top into place and took a shallow breath as it pulled tightly against her body. Her tender breasts were packed in and barely contained as the top was a bit too small, but she would have to manage. Finally, Jen handed Dani a tiny silver whistle on a pink ribbon which she placed around her neck.
Dani glanced in the mirror at her new outfit. She tossed her golden blonde hair which now rested well below her shoulders. There was nothing even remotely masculine about Dani any longer.
Everything about her new outfit seemed to be a girlier or sluttier version of Jen's outfit.
Jen had a short skirt?
Dani had a shorter, frilier skirt.
Jen's shirt showed a lot of skin?
Dani's was sleeveless, strapless and frilly with girly pink bows.
Jen's whistle was on a silver chain?
Dani's was on a pink ribbon.
Even Jen's heels were shorter than Dani's but she was somehow still taller!
"We look sexy!" Jen complimented into the mirror.
Dani felt numb as she looked at herself and Jen in the mirror. She saw two sexy young girls standing in the women's restroom and showing a lot of skin. She even knew the cute blonde was wearing a slutty pair of panties! She had to come up with a plan and fast! She wasn't sure what would happen if she didn't figure this out and it bothered her greatly that she felt a strong sense of pride and confidence at Jen's compliment.
"Come on, Dani." Jen urged while pulling at the bathroom door.
Dani followed behind with an unconscious feminine sway. She rocked her wide hips, ignoring the wedgie in her ass, the tenderness in her tits, the cramps in her belly, the tampon stuffed in her pussy and the general tightness and uncomfortable nature of her outfit. Once out in the restroom hallway, Dani breathed a sigh of relief as she left the horrible stench of the restroom behind. She took a step forward but stopped short as she remembered she hadn't flushed her bloody period mess. She contemplated going back before noticing Jen was stopped at the end of the hallway and ushering her forward. The stench of pussy wafted to Dani's nostrils as she tossed her hair behind her shoulders and grinned while moving forward.
That mess was another woman's problem!