Round 38

[b]Round Thirty Eight:[/b]

Mardi appeared in an old-school soda shop. There was a long, white counter with a row of circular stools beneath it. A small ice cream container with a load of softly crackling ice and tubs of basic flavors were behind the counter alongside a few simple soda spigots. A fancy, retro cash register was in the corner. The store front consisted of large, paneled, glass windows littered with cute, hand-painted soda and ice cream themed art.

A chalk board on the back wall had a list of all the various combinations and options with their prices. The basic two-scoop cup was listed at 10 cents. The board was labelled in large, cursive writing, "Bob and Betty's Family Soda Shoppe."

Mardi rubbed her eyes. Then she rubbed them again. Everything was in black and white!

Appearing next to her with a soft *pop* was Samuel. He rubbed his own eyes. Apparently, he was seeing black and white too. Samuel was wearing a white shirt and black slacks with shiny black shoes. He had on a striped apron and a bow tie. He wore a nametag that read, 'Bob'. On his head was a white soda-jerk hat. The black and white color palette helped Samuel's skin look less ghostly and transparent than it usually did. His shifty, nervous eyes darted around the room before resting on Mardi.

Mardi took a second to examine herself. She wore the highly feminine equivalent of Samuel's outfit. She had a striped, poofy skirt which connected to a button up top. The top button wasn't just unbuttoned, but missing altogether. It allowed a thick, white collar to dip down towards her cleavage which just barely squeaked out. Mardi's sleeves were short and tight around her fairly lean arms. Dark tights rubbed against her smooth, feminine legs while short, white socks and heels encased her feet. Around Mardi's flat neck was a neck tie and she could feel a thick layer of lipstick coating her lips. Her long, dark, brunette hair was in a neat ponytail and a little striped hat was on her head. She had on a nametag that read, 'Betty'.

Mardi couldn't see the color of their outfits, but she knew they probably matched perfectly.

Three nearly identical wooden plaque's sat side by side on the wall. They shined proudly in the sunlight piercing through the windows. The exact same letters reflected on each plaque, "Proudly Presented to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kleiner on Behalf of the Atlanta City Council for Dedication to Family and Community."

The only difference between each plaque was the year on the bottom: 1946, 1947, and 1948.

A paper sign in the front window proclaimed in bold letters, "WHITES ONLY".

Mardi and Samuel exchanged an uncomfortable glance.

Samuel's voice cracked as he asked, "M-Maddi? Look what he's done to you! How long has it been since I saw you last?"

Mardi's left hand adjusted her ponytail while her right rested onto her hip which she jutted out.

She answered in her androgynous voice, "It- It's been awhile...Everything's kind of gone to shit."

Mardi's gaze went to the floor as a wave of sadness welled up in her chest. As if to really stick it to her, the familiar itching began beneath her striped skirt. She smoothed out the decorative apron atop the skirt, trying to hold herself together. She was quickly becoming a caricature of femininity in the worst way possible. Mardi tried remembering how she looked and felt the last time she was with Samuel and realized she was almost unrecognizable. She didn't want to be the wife of a racist southern shop owner in the 1940's! She itched between her legs, feeling the folds of her vagina through her panties. It was all wrong! Everything was wrong!

Samuel watched her with concern and quietly approached. A stream of hot tears trickled down Mardi's made up face. Mardi sniffled and wiped away the first few drops while trying to turn away from Samuel. She was embarrassed at her display of vulnerability. She felt so alone, she felt so afraid. Samuel put his hand reassuringly around Mardi's back and over her shoulder. He turned her towards him and gently pulled her into a hug. Mardi weakly resisted for a few seconds before giving in and burying her face into his shirt. Mardi began sobbing deeply.

"I know Maddie, I know." Samuel whispered softly while patting the back of Mardi's head.

They stood like that in the center of the shop for a few minutes. Samuel clutched the trembling Mardi while she let the frustration, fear and grief flow out of her.

She sniffled and looked up through bleary vision at the kind, understanding eyes of Samuel. At least he had never betrayed her. Even at his own peril he had defended her. But, could she really trust him? At least he had a comfortable shoulder.

Mardi weakly smiled at Samuel, "Thank you Samuel. I- I needed that."

He released her and returned her smile with his own. He carefully wiped off his sleeve and adjusted his bowtie while Mardi collected herself.

Appearing with a soft *pop* was a vintage mannequin. Both Mardi and Samuel were taken aback- the thing was kind of creepy. It had medium blonde hair and a long skirt with heels and a pearl necklace. It had a stuttering, awkward gait as it moved towards the duo. Its expression was blank.

The mannequin stopped in front of the counter and its mouth began to move. It spoke in a high pitch, robotic voice. Its face otherwise remained completely stationary, "Contestants will work together to provide service to patrons. Cultural and societal expectations of the current setting must be taken into account and strictly enforced. Failure shall result in significant changes courtesy of Doctor Grungot."

'Significant changes'? Mardi didn't like the sound of that! She had to focus.

Samuel stepped behind the counter and began to wipe it down before suggesting, "Let's do our best to work together. I know we can get it done if we put our minds to it. How about I worry about getting the customers their orders while you greet them as they come in?"

Mardi felt happy to be led for once and nodded, "Yeah, that sounds good."

"Remember [i]Betty[/i]," Samuel began, "We're supposed to be a married, middle aged white couple from Georgia in the late 1940's. Try to put on your best southern belle impression and we'll get by no problem."

Mardi cleared her throat and heightened her voice while putting on the best southern accent she could muster, "Of course [i]Bob,[/i] we're jus' a hard workin' good ol' boy and girl from the heart a' Georgia."

Samuel smirked and returned his attention to wiping. Mardi took one final once-over to check her hair and dress. Satisfied, she turned the sign on the window from CLOSED to OPEN. She cringed again at the other sign sitting in the window but didn't dare move it. She may not have been happy about the blatant racism, but she didn't have the luxury of an opinion.

"Begin" The mannequin stated before disappearing with a *pop*.

The front door opened with a clinking bell noise. A middle aged man in a gray suit walked in.

His eyes found Mardi and she gave him the warmest smile she could muster while sweetly chiming, "Welcome to Bob and Betty's Family Soda Shoppe, Sugar. You can call me Betty. Head up to the front ther'n talk to my husband, Bob, if yer lookin' for somethn' sweet."

The man grinned as he removed his hat while reaching his hand out. Mardi followed the lead and placed her small hand into the man's grip. He bent down and kissed it.

His voice was somewhat gruff with a strong southern accent, "Pleasure ta' meet cha' Miss Betty. My names Charles but ye' can call me Charlie."

Charlie's dark gaze became downright wolfish as he held Mardi's hand for a few seconds too long.

Mardi's smile faltered as the moment progressed from awkward to disturbing.

Mardi pulled her hand away and Charlie licked his lips. His teeth were crooked and dark.

"Where's yer' smile gone, Darlin'? Yer' so pretty when yer' smilin'."

Mardi nervously giggled and wrapped her arms around her torso, unsure how to respond. She looked down at the man's scuffed shoes.

He moved a half step closer and Mardi immediately felt trapped, dominated and extremely uncomfortable.

Charlie's voice stank of chewing tobacco, "You know, I always like talkin' to pretty-"

"Can I help you with somethin', Sir?" Samuel boomed after clearing his throat.

Mardi was surprised at the power in his voice, it was so unlike the Samuel she knew! Samuel stood behind the counter with his arms folded over his apron and a dour expression. He approached and put his arm around Mardi's narrow shoulders. Charlie's attention turned to Samuel and he frowned.

Samuel shook his head and held onto the trembling Mardi tightly, "You'll have te' forgive my missus. She's having her- you know...'monthly girl issues'. I'll spare ye' the details. She's usually much more invitin' but ye' know how women tend ta' get!"

Charlie nodded and gave a knowing smile as his eyes found Mardi's reddening face, "There's nothin' te forgive! I could never call myself a proper gentleman if I expressed anger at a lady for showing some natural womanly angst during her monthly atonement for Eve's sins. Is it true, Miss Betty? Is that why yer' sportin' that ugly frown?"

After a brief pause, Samuel lightly squeezed Mardi's shoulder and Charlie watched her expectantly. She had no choice but to play along.

Mardi sighed and batted her eyelashes while nodding, "Y-yes, Mister Charlie, I'm jus' havin' a real difficult...'girl time' right now. I- I didn' mean ta' take it out on ya."

As she finished speaking, a momentary sting pierced Mardi's lower belly. She ignored the pain and it subsided almost immediately.

Charlie turned towards the counter and examined the chalk board as he chirped, "All water under the bridge now, Darlin'. Now, with that unpleasantness out'a the way, how 'bout a soda?"

Samuel led Charlie to the counter where he ordered his drink and sat down at a table. Mardi shivered. She could still feel Charlie's eyes crawling up and down her dress. She had to shake it off. Surely every person wouldn't be as awful as Charlie. Mardi felt grateful, Samuel had really come to her rescue.

She took a breath and focused, another customer was approaching.

In walked a young mother and her daughter. The daughter couldn't have been more than two or three years old.

Mardi bent down and put on her friendliest smile as she spoke to the young girl, "Howdy, young miss! Welcome to Bob and Betty's. You can call me Miss Betty. What's your name?"

The little girl quickly turned and buried her head into her moms dress while clutching her leg. The woman giggled and turned her begrudging daughter around to face Mardi.

The woman spoke softly to the girl, "Now tell this nice lady yer' name or you won't be gettin' any ice cream!"

The girl began to shift back and forth, seeming to contemplate whether to talk or not. Finally, she decided to squeak out, "M-m-my name is Barbara."

Mardi's face lit up and she felt giddy as she listened to the child: probably because she was much more comfortable with Barbara and her mother than Charlie.

Mardi addressed Barbara, "Well that is a very pretty name, Barbara. Why don't you an' yer momma go see my husband at the counter and you can pick any flavor a' ice cream ye' want!"

Barbara excitedly rushed forward while her mother mouthed 'Thank you' and followed. After much deliberation, Barbara chose chocolate. Samuel even gave Barbara the frozen treat for free.

Once mother and daughter were seated, Mardi saw another patron preparing to enter.

She took in a sharp breath as the bell chimed and the man removed his hat.

Seeing the black man standing in front of the 'WHITES ONLY' sign made Mardi uneasy. She didn't want to be associated with it and felt ashamed as his eyes stared her up and down. What did he think of her? Did his calculated stare see a white woman equivalent to a 40's soccer mom; content in her narrow worldview and her privileged yet simultaneously second class position in society? At the same time: what was he thinking about how Mardi perceived him? Did he expect Mardi would clutch her pearls and see him as a danger, as a criminal? Did he expect Mardi to demand that he leave; to ask him how he had the audacity to enter a white only establishment? Afterall, the sign said Bob and Betty's and she was wearing Betty's nametag prominently next to her tits.

How did Doctor Grungot expect her to treat this man? Would she go against her own morality just to get to the next round unscathed?

Mardi looked over her shoulder and found Samuel watching from behind the counter. Based on the concern in his expression, he was similarly conflicted.

Charlie shouted from his seat, "Did ye see the sign, boy? Your kind aren't welcome in this establishment. I suggest you turn tail and stop assaultin' these nice, Christian ladies with your offensive skin. Ain't that right Miss Betty?"

Mardi recoiled backwards, terribly unsure what she should do. Maybe she should just play along and be exactly what they expected she was. It would be easy to fill the role, to let her morals slide just this once. These weren't real people, they didn't have real feelings. The words 'significant changes' also rang through Mardi's brain.

Mardi was wringing her hands nervously, her eyes darting from person to person.

"I'd like to buy an ice cream cone if you please, ma'am." The black gentleman said softly.

He stood just in the doorway, waiting for her response. His face was saddened at Mardi's reaction. She realized how it must have looked, backing away and nervously wringing her hands.

"Look at her! You're scaring the poor woman! And why wouldn't she be afraid? None of us want you here!" Charlie yelled as he stood from the table.

Barbara's mother silently pulled Barbara close to her and held her tightly while staring icy daggers at the new patron. Barbara was confused, and more concerned with finishing the last bit of melted chocolate in her cup.

The black man ignored Charlie and continued watching Mardi.

She looked back to Samuel who simply shrugged his shoulders. He was deferring to her judgement; giving her the power to play it out however she saw fit.

After another moment of hesitation, Mardi closed her eyes and muttered, "Get out of here before I call the police..."

Betty didn't open her eyes to see the man's reaction.

Charlie began stomping towards the entrance while triumphantly shouting, "The police won't be necessary Miss Betty, Bob and I will teach this boy a lesson if he ain't fixing to follow your wishes. You heard the lady, get the hell out that door!"

Dejected, the man proudly donned his hat and gave Mardi a hard, disappointed final stare before turning and leaving.

Charlie stood inside the glass door and ensured the man was gone. He turned to Betty and put his hand on her slumping shoulder.

He whispered through dark teeth, "Now, now, Miss Betty, he's gone. You can stop yer' tremblin'. Bob and I ain't gon' let some animal prey on you and the other fragile ladies in this fine family establishment."

Betty felt dirty under his touch. She forced a grateful smile onto her face and Charlie seemed satisfied.

"Next ones on the house, Charlie." Samuel offered from across the counter.

Charlie flashed Samuel a thumps up and turned back to his table. Betty saw Barbara's mother clasp Charlie's hand and thank him for his ''''''bravery'''''' as he passed. Charlie was beaming with pride.

Betty stood by for the next few minutes while everybody finished up their various treats.

Barbara and her mother began to exit. The mother approached Betty and clutched her arm, "Are you okay, Betty?" She sighed, "I just wish those people could followed the rules. At least it was a good lesson for my daughter and i'll be sure to recommend your shop to all the ladies at my next bridge game. I'm glad to finally have a place that upholds my same morals and values!"

Betty croaked a thank you as the pair left.

Shortly after, Charlie stood and thanked Samuel from across the counter. He approached Betty with a confident swagger and a Cheshire grin. He quickly checked over his shoulder and saw that Samuel had his back turned. Charlie shot his hand down and rested it onto Betty's inner thigh. She froze in place.

He slowly slid his hand upwards and under her skirt. Betty turned her head to the side and resigned herself to letting Charlie have his fun.

"Yer' welcome for savin' you, doll face." He whispered.

His finger found Betty's underwear and she winced as he pushed it aside.

"I'll be sure te' come see you again."

His rough finger swept between her folds and gently swiped up and down her crevice. Betty felt her body reacting positively to his finger, despite hating every second of it.

"Hmmm...Guess you fancy a heroes touch."

Charlie removed his hand and grinned wolfishly. He backed up and brought his finger to his nose and sniffed. Betty could see a mix of sticky feminine fluid and menstual blood on Charlie's finger.

With everything exactly as he expected, Charlie winked and walked out the door.

Betty replaced her underwear and smoothed out her skirt. She took a few deep breaths. She felt violated, but that was par for the course at this point. She walked back to the counter and sighed.

Samuel sat back and crossed his arms.

The scene began to collapse; neither said a word.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Mardi Elle Dawes


Kitten, Titty, Betty

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

130 LBS






XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Intermittent, moderate itching between legs. Unusually active mammery glands.


Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.




Semen- [Hunger Level]: Completely Satisfied.


Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Fully developed, hairless vagina with noticible pussy lips.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Large, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are huge and feminine. Unusually active mammery glands. Stomach is somewhat taut, cinched and with little muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth, extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with wide hips. Deep red painted toenails.


Diamond naval piercing. Striped, poofy skirt connected to a button up top. Dark tights, white socks and heels. A neck tie and a thick layer of lipstick. A little striped hat and a nametag that read, 'Betty'.


Has dated members of both sexes but strongly prefers men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both her partners and herself. Enjoys long kisses, mostly with men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humilation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow withF her decision making, preferring other to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Extremely girly in nearly every way.


Extremely knowledgeable with oral sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowlegeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Round 39


Round 37