Round 39

[b]Round Thirty Nine:[/b]

Mardi appeared on a wide concrete square in the middle of a large, grassy field. The brilliant blue sky was clear and the sun was vibrant and shining. The square was immediately surrounded by healthy green foliage and trees, obscuring most of the area in shadow.

Mardi squinted into the sky as her eyes adjusted. She breathed a sigh of relief. If all else failed- at least she could see in color again! She felt a small rumble in her stomach and groaned. How could she be getting hungry again already!?

Mardi looked down and noticed she was wearing nothing but heels and a pair of panties. She stared into her long, milky cleavage.

She shook her shoulders and marveled at the way her feminine fat jiggled. No matter how many times she saw her tits move- no matter how often she felt their weight on her back, something about them was mesmerizing.

Mardi parted her breasts and saw her heels were tall and clear with delicate white tassels. They gave a good view of her tiny, painted toes. She could see her navel stud was still present and proudly visible. Her dark hair was loose and fell down her back. Her panties were white and incredibly thin. They barely amounted to anything more than a nearly transparent triangle that left a noticeable cleft between her thick thighs. Mardi tried to smooth out her cameltoe, but found that it returned no matter how she manipulated the fabric.

Mardi decided to leave them on. Some modicum of modesty was preferable- even if they left almost no part of her puffy pussy lips to the imagination.

Appearing with a *Pop* was Liam.

Liam's lithe body was covered with a simple white t-shirt. He swept his shaggy black hair behind his ears and peered around. His eyes found Mardi and he weakly smiled.

Mardi could see Liam's micro penis was still tightly locked in a metal cage. A metal cage to which, she guessed, he did not possess the key. She quickly averted her gaze but stopped when she didn't feel the expected rush of arousal from seeing a penis. Either the fixation didn't follow her out of Darius' realm, or Liam's tiny cock didn't register.

Liam chuckled and pointed to Mardi's breasts, "I see Anna's gotten to you. She's changed a lot since you got here."

Mardi nodded solemnly as she motioned to her body, "She's not the only one that's changed a lot..."

Liam sighed, "I know it's a tough pill to swallow, but what can you do? Your only option is to just keep trying your best. Who knows, maybe the Doctor will go easy on you because you're-"

Cutting Liam off was another *pop*.

Anthony's wide grin and hulking frame now graced the concrete square. He absolutely dwarfed both Liam and Mardi, easily weighing more than both of them combined. He wore a pair of gray briefs that clung tightly to his muscular legs. A noticeable manly bulge strained against the garment.

His deep, yet smooth voice rumbled as he announced, "'Sup, bitches!"

Mardi stared to the ground but found her eyes continually flicking up to sneak peeks between Anthony's legs. She didn't want to, but her body was betraying her! Liam looked up to the sky and tried ignoring Anthony. His hands cupped around his caged cock.

Anthony caught Mardi's gaze and he scoffed, "Don't you worry, 'ho. I ain't pissed at you no more. You know, for makin' me miss the birth of my child an' fillin' Anna's head with bullshit. I've got it all smoothed out now an' you'll be fuckin' and suckin' in her place. She still gon' work for me in a different way and I got two beautiful children."

Anthony suddenly pulled his underwear aside. His long cock sprang out.

Mardi quickly tore her eyes away but knew the initial damage had been done. A surge of arousal sprang from her pussy like a punch. She could feel her heart beginning to pound and her feminine folds becoming wet. She felt a stirring in her nipples but, thankfully, nothing leaked out.

She could see Anthony was rubbing himself from the corner of her eye, but she didn't dare look.

Anthony declared, "Now ima work to give all her ho' qualities to you. You gon' be a real nasty girl when I'm done with you!"

Mardi shivered, with both Anna and Anthony trying to make her take all of Anna's slutty parts...She had to be extra careful not to become the ultimate whore!

Anthony turned his attention to Liam, "And you, girly boi, I ain't never seen a more pathetic excuse for a cock in my life! I'm glad Jennifer has the lock to that disgrace. I bet even the horny, dripping cunt over there couldn't even pretend to be satisfied by it! Ima make sure you never get strong enough to challenge me again. Your place is bent over the fuckin' bed begging for daddy dick!"

Liam stared Anthony down and growled angrily but Anthony was clearly not intimidated in the slightest.

Liam yelled, "I'm going to make you eat those words, asshole."

Anthony laughed and continued rubbing himself. Mardi couldn't help but look several times at his hypnotic shaft. Each look facilitated another injection of heat and lust into her loins. The triangle of white fabric, which started mostly transparent, was now sopping wet. Mardi scratched between her folds as the heat and moisture awoke the familiar itch. As usual, everybody around her simply thought she was masturbating.

Liam asked, exasperated, "Mardi w-what are you doing?"

Anthony approached her and stated, "She's a horny bitch in the presene of a real man. Her little cunt gets goin' when alpha dick is around. Not that you'd understand that, white boi."

Liam's cheeks became flush and his narrow shoulders sagged.

Mardi turned from Anthony and closed her eyes, desperately trying to avoid further exposure. As Mardi stood still, she felt a quick pull on her panties. Anthony had torn them completely off! She heard a wet *slap* as he dropped them to the concrete. The scent of feminine arousal wafted from her and she could hear Anthony inhaling her scent deeply. It was a deep, primal sound that made Mardi shiver. It was as if she were a bitch in heat waiting to be bred by the alpha male.


S.A.M. appeared wearing a red solo cup on his little robot head.

Anthony let out a low, satisfied humming sound before turning his attention to S.A.M. Mardi's body was trembling. She kept her eyes closed.

S.A.M's computerized voice began, "Each contestant will be filled with 500 ML of urine. Contestants will then urinate into cups from a distance. The closest cup is worth 1 point for each ML of fluid. Further cups award more points. The contestant with the highest point total will win and chooses one swap for each opponent. The contestant with the lowest point total will receive an additional change."

A peeing accuracy challenge? How did that pervert doctor even think of something so vile? How exactly was she supposed to aim her new equipment? She'd only used it to actually pee a handful of times. Even Liam had a huge advantage with his little cock! It wasn't fair!

A line of red solo cups appeared. Mardi took in a sharp breath as pressure built up in her bladder. Mardi kept her eyes shut tight, but she could hear a soft gasp from both Anthony and Liam, indicating they were feeling the pressure too.

"Contestants will stand with their feet just behind the first cup. Ms. Dawes will be first."

Mardi slowly opened her eyes, making sure that Anthony was out of her field of vision. The red solo cups were spaced a few inches apart. She clicked her way across the concrete with an awkward 'I need to pee' type walk. She took a second to slow her breathing.


Mardi opened her legs and tried aiming herself with her fingers while standing. She relaxed her muscles and a thin golden stream began gushing out. Gushing out, as in, she couldn't control the stream in the slightest. It was so much more difficult to aim with a vagina! Mardi moved her hips forward and changed the position of her fingers and had a little more success, but she just couldn't get it right. It was more like a shotgun blast than a precise stream. She had to try something else! Mardi stopped mid pee and decided to try squatting down like she had seen women do in the past. If anything, she was closer to the ground which meant she was closer to the cups. Something about squatting like a girl made Mardi feel simultaneously wrong and right- like she was accepting another facet of womanhood. But this wasn't the time to think about that, she had to win.

Mardi thrust her hips forward and anchored her hands behind her.

Anthony sniggered, "Feels so much more natural doesn't it, bitch?"

Mardi ignored him. When she began again, she had much more accuracy. Being close to cups gave her unfocused stream less time to spread out. She couldn't get anything into the farthest few cups, but she was able to start filling the first and even got some into the second. When she was finished, Mardi stood and noticed her vagina was soaking wet. Female urinating was messy! The cups drained and were dry once again.

Mardi turned and kept her head down. She found her destroyed, damp panties and patted herself dry. She could practically feel Anthony's smug grin burning into her. She closed her eyes again.

Mardi slumped her shoulders. There was no way she would win with that performance. She had to do something. Then she remembered:


Two of the seven cups disappeared in a puff of smoke. It still wasn't enough.

Anthony ran to the cups, noticing what Mardi was up to.


Liam let out a scream and began relieving himself onto the ground, far away from the starting place. His stream was broken and sputtering due to the cage. He kept trying to stop himself and finally managed it after a few vital seconds. Meanwhile, Anthony had started. Mardi could hear a strong stream filling a cup.

How many powerups was she willing to spend? She had almost certainly already beaten Liam. She would at least avoid the extra change. But...each second gave Anthony more points. She decided she wanted to win!


The sound of a cup falling and liquid spilling out.

"Damnit, bitch, stop fuckin' with it!" Anthony boomed in frustration.

She decided to stop there. It sounded like a lot of liquid had been poured out, she would risk not using another.

Anthony was finished shortly after. He was grumbling as he past Mardi by. Mardi smirked, he wasn't so smug anymore, was he?

Liam approached and moved the cage as best he could but it was very tightly wrapped around his cock. He struggled to aim properly and didn't last nearly as long as Anthony. Thankfully, the powerup had really done a number on his reserves. He finished with a look of disappointment across his face.

S.A.M. spoke, "The point totals are as follows: Liam Gentry - 335 points. Anthony Johnson - 368 points. Mardi Dawes - 297 points. The winner is Mr. Johnson."

"Oh come on!" Mardi groaned.

The competition wasn't even fair from the get go? She could never compete with the boys! Maybe if she had squatted from the beginning...She'd wasted three fucking powerups just to get last place!

"As expected!" Anthony yelled triumphantly.

Dr. Grungot's nasily voice sounded from the sky, "Congratulations Anthony. How would you like to change our contestants today?"

"Well Doc, I'd like to change little miss scattershot over there twice if I can."

"Unfortunately, Anthony, the rules clearly stipulate both contestant should receive a change." Grungot answered.

Anthony rubbed his hands together while sniggering, "Well if that's the case...I'd like to transfer Anna's slutty tramp stamp to Mardi. As far as the little white boi...I'd like to transfer his weak chin for Mardi's chiseled one."

Mardi sputtered while keeping her eyes closed, "B-but that's two changes for me!"

"Tough luck." Doctor Grungot started, "He's technically following the stated rules so I'll allow it. As far as the additional change from me...Hm...I've decided that not only will Anna be transferring her tattoo, but also all her knowledge and experience regarding anal sex. I've also taken the liberty of making your asshole naturally lubricated and more sensitive. You'll find yourself craving it! Though you're not the type of girl that gives anal on first date, right?"

Mardi began to protest but stopped as her jaw went completely numb. She rubbed her jaw and felt it beginning to wither beneath her fingers. She couldn't see it, but knew her facial structure had just become less angular, smaller and overall more rounded. Mardi imagined it fit with her slightly enlarged lips rather well.

A searing, burning sensation erupted from her lower back. Mardi's eyes shot open and she looked over her shoulder to witness dark ink filling the small of her back. It formed into a wiry heart shape with a star on each side. Marti could feel power emanating from the design, seeping into her brain and changing it.

Anthony circled her like a predator, watching the tattoo fill in with an excited grin.

Anthony shouted, "Looks, there's even little stars so you know where to put yo' thumbs when you ridin' that fat, white ass! You startin' to look like a real trashy little tramp now."

As he joked, Mardi felt a cool wetness in her asshole. She pulled her butt cheeks apart and tried craning her neck to see. She could feel the coolness amplified by a slight breeze.

"Damn!" Anthony hollared, "That wet little shitter is begging for a cock! Come on over here, baby, and I'll fuck that nasty hole the way it needs to be fucked!"

Mardi let her cheeks go with a sigh, choosing to ignore the smacking sound it made.

Liam was rubbing his own jaw which had squared off.

He smiled, "T-thanks a lot, Anthony! I appreciate it man!"

Anthony shook his head, "I ain't do it for you, white boi. Ima make sure to work on you next. Got bigger priorities at the moment so you lucky."

Mardi closed her eyes again. She just wanted this round to be over. To be left floating in the abyss once again. As the scene began to collapse, Anthony approached Mardi from behind and gave her naked butt a loud *SLAP*. She prepared to jump away from him but her body refused to move as her fat jiggled. His hand kneaded her ass and Mardi felt herself begin bending at the waist, enjoying his touch immensely. Before she knew it, she was completely bent over and Anthony was positioning his massive cock between her legs, preparing to split her in two. As his cock head slipped into her asshole, Mardi was left in the void grunting with horny frustration. She would gain control of herself quickly after; but for a few moments she desperately wanted to have Anthony pounding her back door in the nastiest and most depraved way possible. For a few moments she wanted to be everything he was trying to make her be.

Mardi contemplated the newest development and gingerly fingered her lubed asshole.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Mardi Elle Dawes


Kitten, Titty, Betty

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

130 LBS






XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Intermittent, moderate itching between legs. Unusually active mammery glands.


Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.




Semen- [Hunger Level]: Getting Hungry.


Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Fully developed, hairless vagina with noticeable pussy lips.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Large, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are huge and feminine. Unusually active mammery glands. Stomach is somewhat taut, cinched and with little muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth, extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with wide hips. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.


Tall, clear high heels.


Diamond naval piercing which causes wearer to grow extremely aroused when looking at a penis. Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex much makes their asshole constantly lubricated.


Has dated members of both sexes but strongly prefers men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both her partners and herself. Enjoys long kisses, mostly with men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humiliation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring other to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Extremely girly in nearly every way.


Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in French. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Bonus Round 4 Part 1


Round 38