Round 37

[b]Round Thirty Seven:[/b]

Mardi appeared in a sterile photo studio. Large, bright lights stood on metal poles surrounding a white box-like backdrop.

Mardi swished her floor length, pink dress to and fro. It dipped tastefully, showing just enough cleavage while not giving everything away. Her pink heels were totally covered by the dress and her dark brunette hair fell across her shoulders. The dress was beautiful and made Mardi feel beautiful. She had on a comfortable bra and panty set underneath.

Mardi felt a small twitch of happiness admiring her attire. She closed her eyes and sighed contentedly. It was relaxing to have a moment of silence. A moment without the stress of lasting another round.

The positive feeling didn't last, however, as Mardi was simultaneously bombarded with her various curses. A burning itch erupted between her legs, her stomach began to rumble and a painful pressure centered on her nipples.

Mardi wasn't sure which was worse, but she immediately addressed her vagina through the dress. While one hand scratched vigorously, the other clutched at the gnawing in her stomach. She knew what she needed and hated herself for it. She was like an addict that needed a fix, knowing that with each application she would become more addicted and more dependent.

Mardi continued to itch herself while pulling the top of her dress away to view her breasts. Her nipples were rock hard with small veins slowly pulsing. Luckily, her strapless white under-bra would catch any liquid that might leak. She replaced her top and grunted, she was close to her breaking point with these annoyances. She had to figure something out soon!

With a soft *pop* a young black man in a blue suit appeared just a few feet from Mardi. His dark, analytical eyes focused on her while she was busy between her legs. When she noticed his presence, Mardi felt her cheeks become flush with embarrassment. She removed her hand and adopted a demure, ladylike pose while staring shyly at the floor.

He was just a few inches taller than Mardi who was in tall heels. He had short hair and well groomed facial hair with a beard and mustache. From the cut of his suit, he had an athletic build but was not overly muscular. He looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties at most.

The man spoke first, thrusting his hand out for a handshake, "Good to meet you. I take it you're Ms. Dawes then? Anthony said you would be coming by. I didn't mean to interrupt you, but you know how it goes around here. I'm Darius."

His voice was a warm baritone. He had a confidence and effortless fluidity to his speech that Mardi found herself mesmerized. She absentmindedly stuck her hand out and weakly accepted his handshake. She found her hungry eyes flicking to his trousers.

Mardi kept her gaze down and muttered in her androgynous pitch, "Call me Mardi."

Darius's face brightened into a toothy smile as he released her hand and spoke, "Mardi it is then! Now, Mardi, I'm guessing you don't exactly know what's going on so I'll be straight. Anthony is...pretty upset with you to say the least. He blames you for missing the birth of his child and for 'fucking up his ho'. By 'ho', he means his slave, Annabelle. Though, as I understand, she insists on being called Anna now." Darius' smile faltered and he raised his eyebrows before continuing, "As it happens, Annabelle was not just Anthony's property, but partially mine as well. At least, he loaned her to me for requested by my clientele. Unfortunately, she is no longer able to perform those services. Anthony suggested we start transitioning [b]you[/b] into shouldering some of Annabelle's work."

Mardi's already gnawing stomach dropped as she stammered, "I-I don't want to be like her..."

Darius placed his hand on Mardi's shoulder causing her to flinch. His hand was freezing cold. Mardi shivered beneath his touch.

His enthralling dark eyes were cold and any positivity was gone in his voice, "You already are like her."

Mardi took a sharp breath as her breasts started to leak. She was NOT like Anna and she was not going to be this guys whore!

She recoiled from Darius's grip and sternly stated, "I'm not your whore. I'm not [b]anybody's[/b] whore."

Darius chuckled, "We'll see how long you hold that opinion. I can see you already have body parts from multiple skanks. You think all that whore muscle memory fades from a swap? Face it, your body was built to be a slut Mecca. You were made to be used and abused. At least if you cooperate we can have fun and I can make some motherfucking money! Shame about your face though. I'm sure that'll be sorted out soon."

Mardi crossed her arms under her slowly leaking breasts. She was thankful that her thick bra was absorbing the small amount of liquid.

She ignored his insult and repeated, while turning her head to the side, "I'm not your whore."

Darius shrugged, "Well, all we have on the agenda today is to take some promotional photos in a few different outfits. Just do what you're told and I won't have any issues with you."

Darius walked to a nearby table and collected a professional looking camera.

Mardi hesitated but ultimately walked towards the white wall. She wouldn't be his whore, but taking some photos was no problem. She could always refuse to continue if Darius asked her to do anything over the line. Besides, she was feeling very pretty in this dress and it wouldn't hurt to flaunt it a bit.

Darius began with a few simple poses. Mardi was simply standing straight up and smiling. Sometimes he would ask her to put her hand on her hip or behind her back. Darius also had her jut out her breasts or butt a few times, but nothing made Mardi uncomfortable. In no time, Mardi was really getting into the photo shoot and feeling excited about the next snap of the camera.

Darius stopped clicking the camera and walked towards a wardrobe at the edge of the room. Mardi watched him with apprehension as he returned with a hanger and a new outfit.

He handed the clothing to Mardi as he stated, "Go ahead and put this second outfit on so we can keep going."

Mardi looked down at the clothes and shrugged. It looked like a long skirt and a simple white blouse. The color of the skirt was very close to her pretty dress. Mardi guessed Darius was going for some sort of color motif.

She looked up at Darius who stared at her expectantly.

Mardi asked demurely, "Is there a place to change...?"

Darius grabbed his camera and shook his head, "Unfortunately, our room is limited here. Tell you what: I'll turn around. Just tell me when you're dressed."

Darius turned around and Mardi quickly removed her dress leaving her in just a bra, panties and heels. She wanted to change quickly because she didn't fully trust Darius. She pulled the skirt up her legs and smoothed the blouse over her bra. The skirt went just past her knees and rode high on her body making her legs look longer. The blouse was pretty skin tight. Her bra was slightly damp, but nothing overtly concerning. So long as he blouse stayed dry it didn't matter to her. Mardi ignored her angry stomach and was glad to have more airflow between her legs. Overall, the outfit was much more cavalier than her dress, but she was very comfortable and still felt pretty. The dress disappeared as she dropped it to the floor.

Mardi told Darius she was ready and the photoshoot continued. This time, Darius was a bit more aggressive, putting Mardi into increasingly risque poses. He skipped the straight up and down shots and immediately told Mardi to push her chest out. She reluctantly did so, noticing how much tighter the blouse was on her breasts. He had Mardi bend at the waist and expose her cleavage. She hesitated, but Darius managed to convince her. He was encouraging and polite. He was trying to make Mardi feel positive and she appreciated it. She was definitely still enjoying the experience, but was growing increasingly suspicious of Darius' motivations. The final shot was Mardi on her knees, in the skirt, pushing her cleavage forward with her hands behind her back wearing a 'look of desire' on her face.

Darius, again, put the camera down and retrieved a new outfit from the wardrobe. He presented it to Mardi and turned around. She examined it and noticed it was another pink skirt/white blouse combo. This time, the blouse had a bit of a ruffle in it and the straps were much thinner. Mardi thought that the blouse was a bit more flattering than the last one. But the skirt was much, much shorter. The pink skirt only covered down to mid thigh. Mardi reassured herself that she could quite whenever she wanted and quickly slid the short skirt up her legs. When the outfit was fully on, her long skirt and blouse disappeared.

When she ushered Darius back around, he raised his camera and reassured her through a grin, "You look stunning! Very sexy!"

Mardi flipped her hair and muttered thanks while posing. He had Mardi start on her knees, right where they had left off. This time, the short skirt made Mardi feel vulnerable but...she also felt extremely sexy. She almost felt naughty. He ordered her to sit on her butt, facing the camera. She did so but kept her legs closed.

"Open you legs." Darius coldly commanded.

His tone chilled Mardi and she followed his order obediently. She pulled her legs apart and exposed her panties. Darius snapped photographs feverishly and Mardi felt her cheeks flush.

Darius shot Mardi an excited thumbs up as he mused, "Damn that's hot! Love me a slutty thong!"

"A t-thong?"

Mardi pulled her skirt up and looked down at her panties which had changed to a tiny white thong! Mardi closed her legs and hopped to her feet. She could feel the thong digging into her itchy crotch.

Darius put his hands up and wore an angry frown, "Yo, what gives? We're just getting started!"

Mardi smoothed out her skirt and fixed her hair up as she huffed, "I'm not going to do this anymore. Don't think I don't know what you're doing, mister! That's as far as I go!"

Darius tossed the camera behind him. It landed on the table with a loud *BANG* which echoed across the room.

"Listen you little bitch," Darius shouted, his voice boomed around the room, "If I tell you to spread those legs, you spread 'em! If I tell you to fuck three cocks at once you fuck three cocks at once! I was trying to be a good guy and slowly ease you into your new responsibilities, but if you refuse what I'm asking you to do again, I'll send you to a different set of trainers to get 'on the job' experience. I OWN you! Do you have any fucking questions, ho?"

Mardi's body trembled but she kept her arms folded, "I'm not showing my panties for the camera again."

Darius threw his head back and sighed into the ceiling.

Mardi continued to tremble but kept her ground. She was NOT his whore.

Darius' voice was much softer as he spoke quietly into the ceiling, "We'll do it the hard way then."

Mardi felt herself being sucked away.


Mardi appeared wearing the same short pink skirt/white blouse combo. She had on her tall pink heels and a thong with a comfortable bra.

Standing next to her was a young blonde woman smoking a cigarette. The woman had small breasts and wore a tight, shiny black leather top and a simple black choker. A small portion of her midriff was bare and around her upper thighs was a skin tight leopard print skirt which barely covered her crotch. She wore extremely tall, clear heels which wrapped up her leg with black leather strips. Her face was heavily made-up. Mardi guessed she was around twenty five. She looked like a stereotypical street walker. Her eyes were cast somberly towards the ground. She barely reacted to Mardi's appearance.

They were standing in front of some sort of overgrown apartment complex. Tall, ominous buildings stretched to the sky on three sides, and most of the fourth, encapsulating the area like a brick coffin. The buildings did not have doors and the windows were well out of reach. Inside the area was a dilapidated playground. Rusted, broken playground equipment was strewn about, engulfed by tall grass. The area was eerily silent. A thick, dark fog hung near the only small opening in the brick, totally obscuring what lay beyond. A shiver crawled up Mardi's spine as she slowly glanced around.

The woman lifted her skeptical eyes and traced Mardi up and down.

When she spoke, her voice was suprisingly sweet, "Aren't you a bit old to be one of Darius' girls? And...why the hell are you dressed like that? You'll never find a date looking like a plain Jane."

Mardi shook her head while muttering, "I-I'm not a prostitute. I don't belong here."

The woman took a long drag on her cigarette before sighing with a plume of smoke, "Yeah...I used to think the same thing. But you couldn't be here without belonging to him so...I don't know what to tell you, girl. You're one of his whores, just like me."

Mardi nervously stroked her long brunette hair while whispering, mostly to herself, "I'm nothing like you. He can't do this to me..."

The woman sniggered to herself and shook her head, seeming to enjoy Mardi's denial.

"Look," She began, "Right now you're standing in pussy park. At least, that's what we girls call it. When you're working here, all the clients that come through want front door, lady part sex only. And...once you're a few clients deep- and a few clients have been deep in you -your twat will be dripping baby batter 'cause they don't use protection. You'll be knocked up, no doubt. So...I guess get your pussy primed and ready, girl, 'cause when the clients come, they cum hard."

The color drained from Mardi's face and she felt panic stab her chest like a freezing dagger. She didn't want some unknown man's cock sliding inside her! She quickly looked down the abandoned square, was she just going to wait here for a predator to strike like a wounded animal?

Without saying anything, Mardi made a beeline down the street towards the swirling fog. She was going to try and leave. She HAD to try.

The woman's voice sounded lazily as Mardi passed, "It won't work."

Mardi ignored her and held her breath before charging through the fog; her heels echoing loudly on the street. It was thick enough that she couldn't see where she was going, but she pressed on anyway, using the wall as a guide. Anywhere was better than here.

The woman's soft voice trailed off as Mardi was engulfed, "...A world within a world..."

When she emerged, Mardi let out a huge breath, bursting from the heavy fog like a fish out of water. Mardi was back on the same street staring at the smoking prostitute. She definitely wasn't surprised, but it was disappointing nonetheless.

"Welcome back." The woman smugly chirped.

Mardi sighed, she truly was just a trapped animal.

The woman cleared her throat, "There's no escape until your clam is creamed by every client. Well, yours or mine I guess. Doesn't matter to these guys, a pussy is a pussy to them."

Mardi approached the woman, "You mean- you could do it alone? You wouldn't need me to...participate...What's your name?"

The woman flicked her cigarette away, "Don't really remember my proper name. Most people call me Fanny so I guess it'll do. I mean...I could fuck every client, but what's in it for me? At the end of the day I'll just end up with a sore pelvis."

Mardi scratched her head, "I uh, I don't know what I could offer you, really."

"How about this," Fanny began, "I could agree to entertain every client, but you have to agree to wear my choker."

"Your choker?" Mardi asked.

Fanny reached up and touched the thin black strip around her neck, "Yeah, Darius gave it to me as a punishment. It's a bit too tight for my neck and it's uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the only way I can take it off is if somebody else agrees to wear it while in Darius' service. I think your neck is a bit smaller than mine so it shouldn't be an issue for you. Take it or leave it, the first client is arriving."

As if on cue, a disheveled man in a dirty trench coat staggered from the fog. He looked drunk.

He shouted, his voice echoing against the dark buildings, "Where'r the dirty sluts? I needa hot, wet cunt righ' now! I *hic* haven't cum in weeks!"

The man was quickly stumbling towards them.

With almost no time to decide, Mardi nodded her head in agreement. Fanny raised her head up and released a mocking laugh as the choker around her neck vanished from view. As it did, Mardi felt a slight restriction on her breathing as a tight band formed around her own neck.

Fanny looked at Mardi's new choker and giggled, "Oh shit!" She yelled, "Looks like the curse got even worse! Tough break! Just FYI, it says 'I heart cock'. It always made me feel dumber and more pliable around clients, I have no idea what it does now. Still, a deal is a deal..."

Fanny turned and walked sexily towards the drunk client who immediately pulled her in. Mardi pulled at the embarrassing collar but it didn't budge at all. It didn't seem to have any sort of clasp either. What did Fanny mean by 'curse'?

Fanny ripped the client's pants to the ground, exposing his small, shriveled cock. Mardi's eyes immediately went wide at the sight of his manhood and her pussy exploded with arousal. She began to pant like a bitch in heat and the client clumsily pushed Fanny onto her back and flipped her tiny skirt up. Mardi ripped her eyes away and tried to control her rapid breathing as her angry stomach flared up and her pressurized nipples leaked. Mardi's eyes shot again to the drunk man's penis and her cunt began to gush as another powerful wave of arousal swept over her. He plunged into Fanny' a fast, almost savage pace.

The choker! 'I heart cock' must make her extremely aroused at the sight of male parts! Mardi somehow managed to pull her eyes away from the client who was already beginning to finish inside Fanny with an animalistic howl.

When he was finished, the man *schlorped* himself from between Fanny's legs and stood. He pulled his pants up before clumsily staggering back into the fog with a satisfied grin. Mardi's skin felt hot and she was having trouble standing on her shaky legs. She approached Fanny who was busily trying to wipe herself. Her skirt was still flipped up, keeping her creampied pussy visible. It didn't seem to bother Fanny that Mardi was watching her scoop semen from her bare womanhood. Like it was just one whore watching another conduct her business.

Three more clients came and went. Two of them asked Mardi directly if her pussy was available. She shook her head and stayed quiet, being sure to shut her eyes to avoid unwanted arousal. Fanny took each client like a true professional and let out a sigh of relief when the last one disappeared.

She shook her crusty hand and tried cleaning her thighs which were wet and sticky. Fanny pulled her short, stained skirt back down and smoothed it out.

Her sweet voice beckoned, "That's all of them for now, I think. Sorry about the collar, hopefully it won't be too negative. Just try keeping your eyes closed, I guess!

The scene began to collapse. Fanny lit a cigarette and ignored the wet, sticky trail dripping between her legs. She stared wistfully into the fog.


Mardi appeared in a dark alley. She noticed her clothing was different. Her short pink skirt/white blouse combo had transformed. She was in a white and pink lingerie top with a sheer quality leaving her white thong visible. Her bra was gone, but luckily the sheer of the top ended at the breasts and they were properly covered. Though an ample amount of cleavage was visible. She still had on her pink heels and black 'I heart cock' choker. This was definitely not an outfit that a normal woman would wear outside the bedroom.

The alley was dirty and dilapidated. A single streetlight flickered periodically, casting menacing shadows along the tall, narrow, solid brick walls. One side of the alley was a dead end while the other was filled with a familiar looking fog. A rusty metal cage sat in the middle of the alley. Mardi felt extremely exposed and vulnerable in her lingerie. She was still just an animal caught in a trap.

The streetlight flicked off and Mardi sensed a figure slinking towards her through the darkness. When it flicked back on, she was face to face with another woman. The woman had dirty blond hair and a pink, latex micro-dress. It didn't cover any of her intimate parts at all. She had a very thin frame and a ghostly, blank expression. She had on tall, black heeled boots. She had medium size, exposed breasts and a fat ass. She pulled uselessly at the bottom of her dress.

"You're not Annabelle." The woman stated plainly.

Mardi took a step back and replied, "No...I'm Mardi. Anna is a- sort of friend of mine, I guess?"

The woman cocked her head to the side, "You're not Annabelle, but you wear the mammaries of Annabelle. Query?"

Mardi felt her cheeks becoming flush. She felt more exposed than ever with her ample cleavage proudly pushing out from her chest. The woman had a very strange way of speaking.

"I-It's complicated."

The woman responded immediately, her voice almost clinical, "You lost against Annabelle and now take her place amongst Darius' other assets. It is not terribly complicated. I am Poppy. Welcome to our alley. It now belongs to you as well."

Mardi felt a flash of anger boiling up, "I am NOT - at all - like you or Anna! I will never be Darius' 'asset'! And I'm not really female or a woman either!"

Poppy scanned Mardi up and down, and her voice sounded robotic as she responded, "Male Vs. Female is a classification based on multiple biological indicators. A brief visual examination leads me to believe that you are biologically female. I base this on your overt mammalian glands and visual lack of both external genitalia and laryngeal protuberance. Man Vs. Woman is much more difficult to define, however, it can be simplified as societal expectations and norms of the male and female sex. This classification is not biologically defined and varies between cultures, countries and time periods. Based on the societal norms, through a modern western lens, I would define you as a woman. This is based on your traditionally feminine clothing, hairstyle and mannerisms."

Mardi attempted to stammer a reply, but was cut off by Poppy.

Poppy blinked a few times and smiled widely. Her voice became much more organic, "B'sides, Darius only pimps out chicks and if you're in 'Ass Alley' without a dick you belong to him!" Poppy lowered her voice and winked at Mardi, "Oh, and just as a side note: you've been fingering your vag since you got here."

Mardi ripped her hand away, not having noticed it was between her legs, under her lingerie top and beneath her thong.

Mardi sighed, "'Ass Alley' huh?"

Poppy fluffed her dirty blond hair out as she nodded, "Yep, all our customers will be pounding our stink while we're here. But, If they happen to slip into our other warm hole, it is what it is! You miiiight get a yeast infection or two if you work here enough...Anyway, I like to hold onto the fence like this!"

Poppy grabbed the chain fence with both hands and bent down, pushing her naked ass backwards while shaking her hips enticingly. She had a generally well maintained bush and a visibly blown out asshole.

Poppy looked over her shoulder and smiled slyly, "Just hold on and enjoy the ride, I know I certainly do! You look like you got enough cushion for the pushin' too!"

Mardi's hands drifted to her ass. She didn't want to do this! Her stomach growled.

"Hey Poppy," Mardi started, ignoring her stomach pain, "Do you think- uh- maybe I can just watch you this first shift? I want to see how it's done right."

Poppy stood back upright and chuckled, "Ooooohhh no, I'm not falling for that. Annabelle used to try and pull that shit all the time. Then, after awhile, she was trying to take all the clients herself. I think we should just go 50/50. You want to douche real quick?"

Mardi twisted her long hair nervously, "Uhm, thanks..."

Poppy shrugged, "Suit yourself, don't come crying to me when you get a shit covered dick stuffed into your cooch."

Mardi cringed and took a deep breath, "Look, I'm willing to trade something for you to take all the clients."

Poppy blinked a few times, all joy draining from her face, "Visual stimuli indicate you have already accepted such a trade from Fanny. I am willing to participate in a similar capacity. Specifically, I wear a cursed naval piercing that I will agree to transfer for all anal responsibility this shift. Query?"

Poppy blankly stared at Mardi, limply holding a douche in her hand.

Mardi cleared her throat before cautiously asking, "What curse is on the piercing?"

Poppy replied immediately after Mardi stopped speaking, her voice was robotic, "That information will not be made available."

Again, as if on cue, Mardi heard footsteps coming from the fog. This time, there were two men. Her eyes met the dark, predatory eyes of the tall man on the right. Something about seeing him made her even less enthusiastic about having anal sex. She didn't want this guys dick inside her!

"Alright, alright! I accept!" Mardi shouted.

Poppy nodded curtly before rapidly blinking once again. A dopey smile crossed her face.

She turned her attention to the men. She grabbed the fence, letting the douche fall to the ground. She bent at the waist and cooed over her shoulder, beckoning them to use her.

Mardi quickly turned away from the men, being sure not to see what was in their trousers. She felt a quick, painful sting in her belly button and saw a diamond studded piercing nestle beneath the sheer lingerie top. While the sounds of belts being unfastened and pants being unzipped broke the silence of the alley, Mardi felt another stirring in her stomach. This time, it wasn't a churning, undulating gnaw but a powerful sucking and pulling. Before her eyes, the generally muscular, flat curves of her stomach began to pull in on itself. Her hips and ass stayed flared and wide but her stomach was getting smaller and smaller every second. When it concluded, Mardi's curves were much more feminine with a noticeable hourglass shape.

Mardi traced her hands along her new cruves in awe. She heard Poppy moaning softly but it sounded a million miles away.

"Damn, look at that fat fucking donk." The tall man shouted in Mardi's direction, breaking her from a trance.

She didn't dare look at him in case he had his cock out.

Noticing her failure to acknowledge him, he continued a bit louder, "You gonna look at me, whore? Your 'coworker' here is doing damn fine work and you're just leaving my prick cold and lonely!"

Mardi shouted back, still staring in the opposite direction, "She's not my coworker because I'm not a whore."

The man laughed, "Look bitch, you're in skimpy lingerie and heels with a studded collar saying 'I heart cock' and a fat, almost naked ass in Anal Alley. You know, the place that you either have to be a male customer with a prick or a female prostitute with a vajay? You got curves and tits like that, you're a fucking whore, okay?"

The metal fence clinked as Poppy was pounded against it with a loud, feminine grunt.

Mardi spat, "Shut up, asshole and enjoy Poppy's...asshole."

Mardi heard a low growl and the familiar sound of a male orgasming.

"You keep disrespecting me, slut, and I'll come over there and force my fucking cock down that shitter of yours THEN make you lick me clean."

He was clearly getting angry and Mardi shut her mouth, not wanting to upset him further. She knew neither she nor Poppy could stop this guy from actually doing what he was threatening if he wanted to. This was not the hill to die on.

When Mardi didn't respond, the man yelled smugly, "That's what I thought, slut. Wouldn't want to disrespect this wonderful young lady here that's eager to please. Come here honey."

The grunting and groaning began anew until the tall man finished deep in Poppy's ass. Mardi stayed perfectly still, waiting for it to be over.

As the men walked towards the fog, the tall man shouted over his shoulder, "Next time I'm specifically requesting you, slut. Better get that cock koozie of yours ready, 'cause I'm going to Pussy Park to paint your womb white. I won't be nice about it either."

The last thing Mardi heard of him was the echo of mocking laughter in the fog.

With the men gone, Mardi approached Poppy who was collecting her fallen douche from the ground. She was clearly having pain in her butt as she walked with a slight bow-legged gait.

She bent over and opened her cheeks wide, directly at Mardi, "Can you help me out, sister?"

Her gaping hole was leaking a torrent of semen. Just beneath was her puffy vagina which also leaked a bit of fluid. Mardi still felt strange having a woman open herself in a non sexual way towards her. Again, just one whore helping out another.

"N-no...Sorry..." Mardi trailed off.

Poppy giggled, "All in good time, sister."

As Poppy cleaned herself, the scene began to collapse.


Mardi appeared on a sunny street. At least it wasn't dark, dreary and claustrophobic like the last few locations. In fact, Mardi felt her spirits were lifting a little bit as she smiled into the sun. A slight breeze reminded her that her clothes had become even sluttier. A see-through, sheer lingerie top graced her form. Her skimpy white thong was the only clothing underneath and now her breasts were totally visible. Delicate pink bows provided fringe to the top. Also visible was her new piercing and hourglass curves. Her heels had become clear and her long, dark hair was in a high ponytail on her head. Her tight, studded collar still wrapped around her smooth neck.

The area around Mardi was free of fog and appeared to be a low end trailer/rv park. There were several rusted, busted up old trailers and pop-up homes dotting the street. There was not a well maintained lawn or area free of junk anywhere in sight.

Mardi tried covering her breasts with her arms only to find they started to leak at the slightest touch. The fluid left wet spots in the sheer material. Throwing her hands up in defeat, Mardi elected to let them hang freely and openly on her chest. She checked her ponytail to ensure its integrity and heard the slam of a door behind her.

Mardi turned and waited as she was quickly approached by a young blond woman. She had on a tiny white tube top and a 'skirt' that was little more than a white colored belt. Her heels clear like Mardi's but noticeably shorter. Her face had very little makeup and she was pretty in a 'slutty trailer park girl' kind of way. Mardi guessed she was in her late teens or early twenties at the most. Even though her heels were shorter, the young woman was a bit taller than Mardi.

She examined Mardi with a surprised, open eyed stare.

When she spoke, her pitch was high and she had a southern twang, "And here I thought [b]I[/b] was trying too hard! You got no shame, old lady! I bet you been hooking for decades, huh?"

Mardi was taken aback and left speechless by this disrespectful piece of white trash.

As she struggled to find a retort, the young woman scoffed and looked away, "Bet you have the loosest, grimiest holes this side of the Mississippi. But if I learned anythin' from my limited workin' experience it's that old whores like you can suck like a vacuum on turbo; so when the boys come to play you better stay the fuck back. This is my turf!"

Mardi stomach growled in response. She didn't want to prove this little cunt right about her blowjob skills but...Her stomach was starving.

When it was clear Mardi wouldn't be responding, the young woman adjusted her skirt while stating, "I'm Stacy by the way. I see you already met Fanny and Poppy based on yer' accessories."

Mardi huffed as she replied, "I'm Mardi. We don't have to be confrontational like this, just so you know. I have no problem with you."

"Mardi huh? Won't be for long. Daddy gives all his girls custom, five letter names ending in -y. And I don't want confrontation either, just know that this street belongs to me and if you try stealing my boys there's gonna be some trouble."

Mardi noticed a dilapidated road sign that read 'Suck Street'

"Of course it is..." Mardi whispered to herself.

"Oh!" Stacy screamed with glee, "Here come my boys now!"

The sound of multiple slamming doors sounded all around. Mardi immediately felt a dozen set of male eyes lock directly onto her flaunted femininity.

Stacy put her hands on her hips and whispered to Mardi, "Why don't you just go hide somewhere, grandma? I'll take care of this."

Mardi bared her teeth and growled, causing Stacy to shrink a bit. She would show this little bitch how a real pro sucks cock. Mardi's stomach spurned her forward.

Mardi strutted towards the first man, rolling her hips womanishly.

"H-hello ma'am-" The young man managed to squeak out.

Mardi dropped to her knees as he was talking and yanked his six inch, stiff cock from his pants. Her pussy immediately moistened at the sight of his manhood. She drove forward and took him down to the hilt, stuffing her throat completely. She wasted no time sucking his cock like an experienced prostitute.

The boy groaned and yelled to the other nearby men, "H-holy shit! The new girl is amazing! She knows her way around a c-c-cock in her m-mouth!"

His compliments sent the bulk of the men gravitating towards Mardi. They formed a circle around her and removed their cocks one at a time. Each time Mardi's cunt flushed with slick feminine fluid. She was bouncing up and down, grinding her soaking thong between her folds and across her leg. The scent of arousal wafted through the air. Her delicate, painted fingers curled around two cocks while her mouth was busy pleasuring the original man. It wasn't long before the young man grabbed Mardi by the back of the head and deposited a sticky blast of semen down her throat. He tore the ponytail from her head and her long, silky brunette locks fell down her shoulders in a wild heap.

The man she was busy jacking off surged forward and shoved his dick between her thick, salty lips. Her hand was quickly filled by another. This man was quite a bit more aggressive and held onto Mardi's hair tightly, choosing to fuck her face instead of allowing her to take charge. Titty had no issue with that, but quickly found the heat between her legs spiraling out of control. Her hand pulled away from a small cock and she shoved it between her legs.

"Fuck this, I don't care if it's an upcharge! This ho is worth it!" An unknown man yelled.

Titty was so busy focusing on the penis in her mouth that she let out a surprised, muffled "Eep!" around the rod as she was manhandled into a doggy position. Her wet thong was pulled to the side. Her arousal was tested by a thick, probing finger swishing between her labia. While the latest dick in her throat began to unload its wad deep inside, her drooling pussy was suddenly split by an eight inch, throbbing erection. When the softening cock was removed from her mouth, Titty moaned like a bitch in heat as a man savagely crushed her cunt from behind. Her moan was cut short as yet another man's hot pole slipped between her teeth.

"Yeah dude, fuck this. I know what this horny, cocksucking slut needs. Move over here, bro." Another, deep voice sounded.

Titty couldn't see what was going on beneath her flopping, milky tits but one of the men shimmied underneath her. Her heart was racing and her skin was burning as he penetrated her cunt from below. She lowered her hips top help him along, trying to take his entire length. As she did so, she heard a second man spit, directly before shoving his finger into her asshole! He spit again, and probed his cock at her backdoor. Titty giggled and spit a cummy bubble as the latest man removed himself from her mouth and began spraying his load across her face and onto her hair. The two men at her lower holes appeared to have coordinated properly and they began sliding in and out. She was being double penetrated! It was a feeling unlike any she had ever experienced. She was so extremely full- Their bodies were so hot and the sweat and sticky musk poured from every orifice.

There were still many men to please and they huddled tightly around Titty like a football team gang banging the slutty, star cheerleader. The men found and used whatever they could to fuck Titty's body. She had one man hammering her asshole like a jackhammer, holding onto her wide hips as an anchor. A second man was pistoning into her cervix. A third was down her throat, trying to find her gag reflex. A fourth and fifth were curled inside her girly fingers for two simultaneous handjobs. A sixth was trying his best to slide between her D-cup tits, using Titty's milk and sweat as lubricant. Finally a seventh and eighth were using her long, crusty (once silky) brunette hair and jacking themselves off.

At this point, Titty was basically just a slab of fuck meat, unable to focus on any one man. But the pleasure; the heat! She experienced explosive orgasm after explosive orgasm screaming and crying out around the latest meat stick to slip between her lips. One by one, the men came and loaded Titty's convulsing body with more seed. One finished his entire load in her hair and on her back, another into her hanging breasts (though most of it fell onto the man laying on the floor), two more went down her throat or directly onto her face, one blasted deep in her ass and another spurted into her womb. The two men she was jacking off with her hands both transitioned to other places when they were available. One took sloppy seconds of her pussy and proceeded to make it sloppier while the other was the last to finish and did so onto Titty's back.

Overall, Titty had pleasured ten men. Ten loads were either on or in her. Titty collapsed in a sticky heap. Her whole body was sore, but she was still wracked with waves of pleasure ripping through her body.

"That bitch was fucking made for cock! She was worth every penny!" A slowly fading voice shouted.

Titty stayed on the ground for awhile, still tyring to catch her breath. She got her faculties back one at a time. First she could smell the stench of cum, then she could feel it. She opened her crusty eyes and sat up. Her lingerie shirt was ripped completely to shreds while her stretched out, loose thong served only to stem the tide of the river of semen leaking from her holes. Titty attempted to fix her hair but gave up. It was too wild and filled with copious amount of drying cum. Her milky tits appeared to have stopped leaking for the time being. Her vagina and asshole seemed to be pulsating with either pleasure or pain, she wasn't really sure. Her jaw was sore but her stomach was extremely full and happy. She struggled to her feet and cautiously stood upright. Her legs were shaky, but she was able to stand. All that remained on her was the loose thong, her clear heels, her naval piercing and and the 'I heart cock' choker.

Titty raised her exhausted gaze to Stacy who was sitting on the porch, bawling her eyes out. Titty slowly sloshed her way over to Stacy, dripping and nearly stumbling multiple times on her unsteady legs.

"Fuck you Titty." Stacy sputtered through bleary eyes, "I figured you were an experienced cock holster, but what the fuck was that? I've never seen whoring as professional and nasty as that! How could I ever compete with that!?"

Titty smiled a cummy little smile as the scene collapsed, leaving her as a sticky, satisfied mess floating in the void.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Mardi Elle "Kitten" "Titty" Dawes

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

130 LBS






XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Intermittent, moderate itching between legs. Unusually active mammery glands.


Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length. Covered with cum and scrambled in a wild heap.




Semen- [Hunger Level]: Completely Satisfied.


Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman. Drenched in semen.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Fully developed, hairless vagina with noticible pussy lips. Dripping copious amounts of semen.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Large, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are huge and feminine. Unusually active mammery glands. Stomach is somewhat taut, cinched and with little muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails. Rivulets of cum drape nearly her entire body.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth, extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with wide hips. Deep red painted toenails.


Tall, clear high heels. Loose, soaking wet white thong. Black choker saying "I heart cock". Diamond naval piercing.


Has dated members of both sexes but strongly prefers men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both her partners and herself. Enjoys long kisses, mostly with men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humilation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow withF her decision making, preferring other to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Extremely girly in nearly every way.


Extremely knowledgeable with oral sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowlegeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Round 38


Round 36