Round 41

[b]Round Forty One:[/b]

Maddi appeared in the familiar, comfortable living room of Mrs. Bridgette Polermo.

She flipped her long, brunette hair behind her pierced ears and checked her clothing which consisted of a tight fitting pair of jeans, a white tank top and white heels. Luckily, her large chest was supported by a comfortable bra which took some of the weight off her back. The low cut of the tank top combined with the bra gave Maddi a line of cleavage. She licked her glossy, bee stung lower lip as she shook her head. How much more feminine could she realistically get?

Breaking Maddi's contemplation was a banging sound from the kitchen area. She turned to see Bridgette bent over and sifting through a cabinet.

Bridgette craned her head over her shoulder and smiled warmly at Maddi as she chirped, "Welcome back, sweetie! Take a seat and I'll get us all something to sip on."

Feeling almost like a reaction, Maddi dropped into a dainty curtsey. Bridgette didn't seem at all perplexed as she nodded her head and smiled in approval before returning to her search. Maddi sighed tiredly before heading to the kitchen table. Nothing positive would come from arguing, fighting or disobeying Bridgette.

Maddi stopped when she heard a soft coughing sound from the table. She glanced up and noticed Liam was sitting in one of the chairs. He was wearing a pair of men's blue jeans but was otherwise naked. While he was tall (well over six foot) his body was almost completely smooth and lithe. His chest was actually rather masculine with barely a hint of breast tissue and somewhat straight hips. His shaggy, dark brown hair framed his hairless face which was mostly androgynous. His face did tilt towards masculine thanks to his recent jawbone swap with Maddi at the hands of Anthony. Liam's most masculine feature, however, was his prominent Adam's apple which was even more prominent on his naked upper body. He looked at Maddi sideways as she dropped into a submissive curtsey in front of him.

His low, but still decidedly female voice inquired, "Uhm. Why are you- why are you doing that?"

Maddi stood upright before responding coldly in her androgynous tone, "I'm sure you can take a guess, Liam. I'm not doing it because I want to."

Liam shrugged and sat back, opening his legs wide and casually resting his arms on the back of the chair. It gave the area between his legs room to breath and looked like the way an average man would comfortably sit. He stared up at the ceiling, looking bored. Maddi, meanwhile, sat in a chair with her legs crossed and her hands folded on top of them. It was abundently clear to anybody looking at Maddi that there was no room between her tightly crossed thighs for male genetalia. It was almost as if Liam was trying to take up as much space as possible and Maddi was trying to take up as little space as possible. Maddi couldn't help it, her current sitting position was simply the most comfortable and most natural for her.

Maddi cleared her throat before asking, "So...Are you still mad at me for the whole micro penis thing? What was I supposed to say? 'Oh hey, Liam, just so you know: My pee-pee is tiny now, you might not want it anymore!'"

Liam tipped his chair back and rocked lazily back and forth, still focused on the ceiling as he answered wistfully, "I wish you'd told me, but...nah, I'm over it. Honestly, I'm just happy to have a dick- no matter how small it is. It's hard to be part of the boys club when you aren't actually a boy."

Maddi smiled. She felt happy for Liam even if his 'membership to the boys club' was taken at her expense. After all, the more rounds he won, and the more he 'fit in with the boys', the less she did.


"You know, Liam," Maddi began, "I might not have the male parts you want...but we could work together and take down the person that does."

Liam stopped rocking and looked down at Maddi with curiosity.

"You and me?" Liam asked.

"Yep." Maddi replied.

"Working together?"


"To take down Anthony?"

"And anybody that tries to stop us."

Liam pursed his lips and contemplated for a few seconds.

He shrugged his shoulders before nodding, "Sure, why the hell not? You've got a deal, girlie! But...when we aren't around him- there's still things I want from you. So..."

As if on cue, Bridgette appeared next to the table. She was wearing an extremely lowcut, pink microdress. Thanks to the last few rounds of age transfer, Bridgette was rapidly creeping closer to the age she needed to be to successfully pull off the outfit. That being said, she was still a mid 40's woman in a mid 20's outfit and it showed. Even with 15 years given away, she still had a bit of sag and light wrinkles on her body. Her large breasts had a valley of cleavage and her shoulder length blonde hair was rather tired. She had a womanly figure, which was no longer exaggerated, as she had given Maddi some of the heft from her ass and thighs. Her bee stung lips were now less prominent thanks to a prior collagen transfer to Maddi. Her face was lightly wrinkled and heavily made-up.

She placed a dark beer in front of Liam.

She chirped, "Here you are, dear. A hardy, strong porter for the handsome man."

Liam took a large gulp from the beer and belched loudly as he said, "Thanks, Mrs. P!"

Bridgette then carefully set a flowery, pink teacup in front of Maddi. There was a pinkish/red liquid in the cup.

"And for the beautiful woman we have a dainty cup of creamy Earl Grey tea."

Maddi smiled respectfully at Bridgette. Again, nothing positive would come from upsetting Bridgette or declining the tea. She lifted the cup to her mouth and took a small sip. It was actually very tasty!

Maddi warmly responded, "Thank you, Bridgette."

Maddi folded her hair behind her ears once again and rested the delicate cup on her crossed legs. Meanwhile, Liam continued imbibing deeply from the dark porter, letting a small dribble run down his chin.

Bridgette sat at an empty seat in a similarly feminine manner to Maddi. She sipped from her own pink tea cup.

"So here we are." Bridgette chirped towards Maddi, "You know how things work in my house, honey, so will you choose a challenge or accept the changes we're offering in exchange for powerups?"

Maddi took a sip of tea before responding, "I'd like to know what you're offering before I decide."

Bridgette and Liam exchanged a glance before Bridgette spoke, "This young mister and I have already discussed what we want to give or take from you. While I won't tell you exactly what it is- I assure you that you wont be too upset by it."

Maddi thought about it for a few seconds before asking, "No age transfers?"

"If you accept the changes? I promise no age transfers- this time." Bridgette responded ominously.

Maddi thought back to her first encounter with Bridgette and the Rubik's cube. Bridgette didn't play fair and if she was promising no age transfers and free powerups Maddi would be crazy not to take it, right? Maddi wanted to avoid transformations in general, but the thought of becoming even older was worse. She would have to accept.

With her mind made up, Maddi said, "As long as there's no age transfers, I accept."

Liam tipped his glass up and finished the contents. He slammed it to the table and grinned.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before explaining, "Good choice, girlie! I'll be taking something you probably didn't even know you had. What I want is your lifetime of experience and socialization as a man. DNA and chromosomes are one thing...but they can only get you so far. Even with this...passably male body and the proper's like they know I'm not one of them. Something about me is...missing. I can't seem to connect with other guys- like I'm a puzzle piece that doesn't fit right. They look at me and see an outsider- a person that doesn't gel. I need the experiences you've had from birth that taught you how men think of themselves and one another. How they SEE themselves and one another...I want to know how guys mingle, how they converse, what they discuss and how they act when no women are around. I'm starting to learn that there's a different dynamic when a group consists of only men. They seem more...comfortable, rowdy, carefree. I wouldn't know how it works because I'd never seen it first hand! I want to be part of it! Not just witnessing it, not just being around it; but participating in it! I want to feel comfortable in a men's locker room, in a men's restroom and a men's changing room. I want the type of comfort and confidence that can only come from a lifetime of not knowing any other way...To not just look or act like a man- I want to FIT IN as a man! To truly BE a man and to be SEEN as a man! Of course, I'll trade you my lifetime of socialization as a woman. You'll feel comfortable in women-only areas and naturally carry on properly socialized conversations with groups of other women. You'll no longer feel as comfortable in male spaces and you'll instinctively know how and why women speak. You'll know what they emphasize and how they emphasize it. You'll be truly indistinguishable from any other woman in conversation with your naturally feminine inflection and speech pattern. Just as with men, women act and speak differently when men aren't around. There's a lot of nuance in female only conversations that you can't truly understand unless you practiced it from birth. You'll also notice that men act different when you're around- well, actually, you won't really notice that anymore because you won't know about it! Your experience will have always been from a strictly female perspective! Whatever you think you know about male-only group dynamics will be based solely on assumption. How could you know what men are truly like with each other if you're a woman, right? The tough part is: no matter how comfortable the guys are around you, no matter how you beg them to treat you like one of them- you won't truly be part of that all-male dynamic ever again. No matter what you do, you CAN'T experience it ever again or even know what it's like in the first place. The best part is- it'll feel natural to both of us!"

Maddi's body began to shake. She quickly placed her cup on the table and noticed Liam was acting similarly. He had an excited, dopey smile across his face. Maddi's memories began changing.

Martin was ten. He was sitting in his bedroom with his two best friends. They were playing a video game. The screen was so tiny- and it was being split three ways! But the boys didn't care. It was the last opportunity for a sleepover before school started getting in the way- and they all knew it. Of course, since it was Brad's house, he got the biggest part of the screen. It was only 8 o'clock. So much of the night was left!

"Nice sword kill," Brad sarcastically stated, "really high skill weapon there. Proud of you, homie."

His other friend, Austin, snorted, "You're running around with the shotgun and hiding in a corner like a freaking pussy and talking crap to me about using the sword? Yeah okay."

"Ladies, ladies," Martin reminded, "Let's not forget who has the most kills here! I am the master, after all."

"Yeah, only 'cause Lockout is so shitty. Pick a real map and we'll see how tough you are!"

Martin had a huge, smug grin across his face. There was nowhere he would rather be. There was nowhere he felt more comfortable than with the boys. He knew the intricacies of male only interactions: when to act tough, when to talk smack, when to stay quiet and everything in between. He was engrossed in a complicated hierarchy and knew exactly how each interaction worked- without ever thinking about it. It was all he had ever known.

The memory became foggy and distorted. It shifted in Maddi's memory. Then it wound back and she remembered the night very differently.

Maddi knocked on the door. She was eleven. An old woman answered.

The woman put her hands on her hips and smiled, "You must be Maddi! Bradley told us you would be stopping by. You can go on upstairs but leave the door open, okay? Your mom will be back around midnight to pick you up."

Maddi smoothed out her pink blouse and blue jeans. She had never been at a boy's house until midnight and she was nervous! She followed Mrs. Weaver up the stairs. Maddi could hear the boys laughing and yelling from the nearby bedroom.

Mrs. Weaver knocked three times before opening the door and poking her head in, "Boys, Bradley's cute little friend Maddi is here to play some games with you. Be nice to her and keep the door open, okay?"

Austin audibly groaned, carving Maddi's confidence down like a hot knife. She gingerly stepped inside and saw Bradley, Austin and Drew sitting in front of a tiny tv screen. They were all turned towards her and frowning. She immediately felt like an intruder.

Bradley stood up and began hurriedly picking up laundry and trying to tidy his messy bedroom.

"Come on, Brad, hit start." Austin whined.

"Dude!" Bradley responded, "Just hit my controller. I'll be back in a second."

Maddi walked to the bed and sat down behind the boys, feeling totally out of place. Her shoulders slumped and she began feeling embarrassed that she'd even come over. Maybe if she stayed totally still and quiet they would forget she was there.

Bradley glanced over and noticed Maddi's discomfort. He stopped his frenzied cleaning and sat down next to her. He scooped up her hand. He shot her a warm, friendly smile. Maddi's chest fluttered. He was willing to give up time with his friends for her?

"Yeah, I sniped you, pussy!" Austin screamed triumphantly.

Drew elbowed Austin in the side and whispered, "Dude- you can't say that in front of a girl."

Austin grumbled but seemed to agree as he didn't argue the point. The next few hours were quiet and uneventful as the boys quickly stopped playing their game without Bradley. They sat around bored. Maddi was too afraid to try and suggest anything and she felt like an outsider. Despite the best efforts of her boyfriend, who was trying his best to keep her spirits up, Maddi knew they were all acting different because she was there. When it was (finally) time to leave, Bradley gave Maddi a quick hug and closed the door behind her. She could hear the game turning back on as the boys returned to having fun. She remembered walking down the stairs in tears as they laughed and cheered.

Boys were impossible!

Martin was eighteen. He was the best receiver in school history. His body was tall, muscled and fully developed. He'd given up video games and hit the gym almost every day of the week. He was extremely proficient in martial arts, but settled for football when he wasn't in the dojo. Martin was in the men's locker room after a tough loss. The blue lockers stretched along the wall. The whole team was sitting around. Some boys were still in uniform while others were only partially dressed.

"I'm telling you," Brad shouted to the whole group, "We play that game ten times and we win nine of 'em."

The whole team nodded in agreement. Brad had really blossomed as a leader in the quarterback position.

Martin wrapped a towel behind his neck and teased, "You should have that girlfriend of yours shake her fat ass more often on the sideline. If the other team sees that skirt popping they'll drop any pass ten times out of ten!"

Bradley grinned, "Nah bro, that ass is for my eyes only!"

"I dont know, dude," Austin started, "I was watching her shake that dump truck around and I'm pretty sure I saw EVERYTHING! Is she like, allergic to underwear or something? Cause dammmmn!"

The locker room erupted in laughter. Bradley pushed Austin playfully into the locker but chuckled nonetheless. The group was helping each other recover from a tough loss with some playful ribbing. Nothing brought men closer than talking shit about their girlfriends. It was a phenomenon that Martin was extremely familiar with. He knew where the line was between poking fun in a way that was actually complementary to his friend and going too far. And, even if he went to far, it was just bros being bros. There was no piece of tail that could usurp a strong male friendship. Bros before ho's and all that. Martin was comfortable and accepted by the other men without question. He was just one of the dudes, after all.

Martin removed his towel and walked towards the shower with the rest of the gang, laughing at another crude joke. All the guys, including Martin, were naked. It wasn't weird for Martin in the slightest. He'd basically grown up in the male locker room and was comfortable letting it all hang out. Every guy there had a cock and balls anyway, who cares if his were free to breath. Speaking of his cock, it was among the largest in the room and he knew it. But, due to an unspoken rule, he wasn't exactly sure because men just don't look at each other in the locker room.

Martin stepped into the large, communal shower area. He was thankful that one of the sophomores had already started every showerhead dotting the wall. Martin stood under the hot water and felt it trickle down his hard body. He turned and grinned. He was about to pull off a total power move. He held the base of his thick cock between two fingers and began pissing loudly on the floor of the shower. His teammates quickly noticed what he was doing. Some of them groaned in disgust and some were laughing hysterically.

"Holy shit, dude," Austin laughed, "Nobody wants to see your Frankenstein lookin' dick!"

Martin chuckled into the ceiling. Nobody would dare stand up to him seriously. He stood proudly and shot a strong, pointed stream at the ground in a way that only a man could. All the guys stayed quiet, but he had clearly proven his manliness. As if he needed to prove it again! Martin finished up and shook his cock a few times.

"Sorry boys," Martin shouted, "Had to drain the ol' sea monster!"

Another eruption of laughter. Martin had claimed the shower as his domain. He was the alpha male.

He was the king.

The memory became distant and transparent. It then diverted and warped.

Maddi was eighteen. She entered the girl's locker room with the rest of the squad. A line of red lockers covered the back wall. She carefully pulled the colored ribbons from her twin tails, allowing her brunette hair to flow down her back. She used her fingers to fluff up her shoulder length hair and sighed; the boys had lost again.

Sabrina, the captain of the cheer squad, clapped her hands together and chirped, "You did a great job today, girls. I know we didn't get the result we wanted, but I'm proud of all of you!"

Several of Maddi's squamates smiled, nodded, and thanked their captain; but it was clear that they were collectively put-out by the loss. Maddi reached her locker and pulled at her sweater. She needed to let the girls breathe! She tossed the garment to the side and unclasped her bra. She took a deep, refreshing breath as her heavy chest seemed to radiate heat. She stood still for a few minutes, drinking in the comfort and relief of freedom. The soft sound of young women conversing and changing filled the room. It was a sound that Maddi was familiar with.

"E-excuse me..." A soft voice sounded from behind her.

Maddi turned to see a freshman standing nearby and staring at her. The girl was still wearing her junior varsity sweater and skirt. Maddi's hanging boobs were directly facing the young woman, but Maddi didn't feel embarrassed or weird about it. She'd been using the girls locker room all her life. She'd also been a girl since birth. Seeing women without clothing and being seen as a woman without clothing was totally normal. So long as no boys were around to see, she didn't mind everybody seeing her nude!

Maddi smiled, "Hello! You're...Anya, right?"

The girl looked very nervous as she nodded and averted her gaze from Maddi's chest.

Maddi put her hands on her hips, "Can I help you with somethin'?"

The girl took a step back and put her hands on her hips as she asked, "I'm trying to figure out how to do a high kick, but I can't get it!"

She then proceeded to flip her leg forward with a grunt in a pitiful attempt at a high kick.

Maddi puffed out her lower lip, the young girl was so precious!

The girl looked frustrated and dejected as she said, "You're so good....I was hoping you could show me how you do it..."

Maddi giggled, "Aren't you just the cutest! You're so close! It's all about flexibility and strength. Here, try it like this."

Maddi stood in the starting position with her hands on her hips and her feet together. She clapped her hands and kicked her leg directly up. The kick was certainly not her best, and she definitely didn't account for the bounce of her braless chest, but she gave Anya a good showing.

Maddi immediately heard a stifled, mocking laugh nearby.

"...I told you she wansn't..."

Maddi's color began to drain. She'd forgotten her boyfriend asked her not to wear any panties! Why did she always do whatever Bradley asked her to? She was powerless against Bradley and his monster cock...She'd been so good about not letting anybody know, too! Maddi felt embarrassed. She wasn't embarrassed about having multiple girls see her bare vagina. Everybody in the locker room knew she had a vagina, just as they all had one of their own. The entire squad had seen her naked multiple times and Maddi was certainly not new to other girls seeing her snatch. It wasn't even the fact that she had a tampon string hanging from between her legs. Every girl here, including Maddi, got their periods every month. No, she was embarrassed that somebody knew she wasn't wearing underwear while [i]on the field![/i] The last thing she needed was to be seen as some sort of slutty exhibitionist!

Maddi scanned the nearby girls and saw Brianna and Ashley quickly look away as her eyes found them. Maddi turned back to Anya but she was gone.

Those bitches had used the freshman girl as a pawn! Maddi rolled her eyes. She thought about confronting them directly, but knew it wouldn't work. It would be a bad look for her in the eyes of the other girls. She definitely couldn't physically confront them about it. What was she? A boy? She had to do something though! She absolutely couldn't let them have a victory. She would have to pull off a power move. She could feel their eyes and their treacherous whispers.

Maddi shimmied her skirt down her wide hips to her ankles and stepped out. She tossed her shoes and tall socks onto her clothes pile. She was the baddest bitch in the school and she was about to show it.

Maddi walked towards the communal showers with a feminine sway. She passed several girls in various states of undress. Some quickly looked Maddi up and down, generally giving her a small, friendly smile or a nod. Others caught Maddi out of the corner of their eye and paid her no further mind. She was just a woman walking through the women's locker room.

As Maddi approached Brianna and Ashley she said sweetly, just loud enough for nearby girls to hear, "Hey, Bree, you did such a good job today. I'm sure you'll even be captain next year!"

Brianna looked nervously over her shoulder and smiled, "T-thanks Maddi."

Maddi continued, noticing several girls' interest had been piqued, "Of course, girlfriend! Although I would definitely try waxing that upper lip of yours. I wouldn't want you to be mistaken for one of the players with that hair on your face! Talk about awkward!"

Brianna froze. Maddi knew the hair on Brianna's upper lip was an extremely touchy subject for her. In fact, Maddi knew the weaknesses and insecurities of almost every girl in the room. Maddi was the queen of gossip. The locker room had become quiet and all attention was squarely on Maddi's naked form.

Maddi's sickly sweet voice was the only noise in the room, "And once you've got that done, Bree, you can probably talk to Ash about showing more confidence. I mean, I would be too embarrassed to even leave the house if my right boob was that much larger than my left but it doesn't seem to phase her at all! If you do that you're a shoo-in for captain next year!"

Maddi turned and left both girls in her wake. She heard the slam of a locker and watched Ashley and Brianna sprint out of the room with flushed cheeks. Maddi could feel the collective stares of the other cheerleaders. None of them even knew why she had confronted their squad mates, but they definitely knew not to get on Maddi's bad side. She entered the shower and smiled.

She was the queen.

Maddi clutched her temples as thousands of memories dissolved and reformed. She was feeling fuzzy and out-of-it. She glanced to Liam whose head was swaying back and forth.

As the assault of Maddi's brain continued, Bridgette spoke, "Sweetie, I'll be transferring to you a restriction on my speech which was placed long ago that I've grown to despise. You'll feel compelled to refer to people using pet names."

The consistent, low buzzing in Maddi's brain crescendoed into a piercing jab for a few seconds before returning to a low buzz.

Bridgette turned to Liam, then Maddi while speaking, "Hey Liam. Hey Maddi."

"Yes, dear?" Maddi replied.

She massaged the sides of her head with both hands. The buzzing began to lessen and her memory transformation was complete. It was bizarre. Maddi remembered being a male at one point, however, every memory she could dredge up was from the perspective of a very girly woman. Every tuxedo was now a ball gown, every facial shave was a leg shave, every date with a woman was now a man. Maddi had been totally and completely socialized as a heterosexual woman!

"Alright!" Liam shouted excitedly, "I know so much manly shit now! Try to think back, girlie. Do you even remember what it feels like to stand and pee?"

Maddi tried to picture herself walking into the rest room. She stands in front of the toilet and...turns to sit down. No. She's standing there. In front of the toilet. She. She lifts her dress and she...turns to sit down.

The idea of standing and peeing was so alien to Maddi's body and mind. She just didn't do it! Every memory of peeing on a tree in the woods or into a trough at a baseball game was replaced with squatting and waiting in thirty minute lines for a stall. Every shake of the shaft at the end of a piss was replaced with the dabbing of the slit.

"No...No I don't honey." Maddi replied.

Liam grinned, "I even remember being a groomsman at my friends wedding. We all got blowies from the stripper!"

Maddi was a groomsman in a wedding once too! she was a bridesmaid. She was in a purple dress being led down the aisle by one of the groomsman. She held onto his arm with one hand and a bouquet in the other. And at the

bachelorette party...She'd licked whipped cream off that male strippers...

"And basketball camp!" Liam stated, "I learned to stand up for myself and be a man!"

Maddi thought back. Basketball camp? Nope. She remembered ballet lessons. Her frilly, pink tutu replaced the basketball shorts. She remembered having her first period during her second lesson. The ballet teacher was so kind.

GI Joe was replaced with Barbie. Boy scouts and popcorn replaced with girl scouts and cookies. Gameboy with Easy Bake Oven. Action with Rom Com. Woodshop for Home Ec. The list went on and on.

As the scene collapsed, Maddi took one final sip from her dainty little teacup. She was now very experienced with tea, having memories of drinking it hundreds of times. All the protein shakes and energy drinks Martin had consumed turned to teas and lattes Maddi had consumed.

Maddi was left in the void.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Maddie Ellie Dawes


Kitten, Titty, Betty

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

120 LBS






XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Intermittent, moderate itching between legs. Unusually active mammery glands.


Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.




Semen- [Hunger Level]: Satiated.

Feels compelled to curtsey when meeting somebody. Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.


Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Fully developed vagina with noticeable pussy lips and a hairy bush.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Tiny, miniscule biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Large, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are huge and feminine. Unusually active mammery glands. Stomach is somewhat taut, cinched and with little muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have dark, stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth, extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with wide hips. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.


Blue jeans and white tank top with white heels.


Diamond naval piercing which causes wearer to grow extremely aroused when looking at a penis. Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Diamond earring studs in earlobes.


Heterosexual woman that only considers dating men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humilation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way.


Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in French. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Round 42


Bonus Round 4 Part 4