Round 42
[b]Round Forty Two:[/b]
Anna appeared and felt a cool breeze fluttering softly through her hair. Her hair was much easier to maintain now that she had trimmed it to shoulder length. She drew her fingers through her silky mane, relieved that she had elected to remove her ridiculous, fake nails and replace them with a simple red polish. She'd also removed her giant, hoop earrings. Her face was still heavily made-up, however. She just couldn't bring herself to removing it yet.
Anna checked her immediate surroundings and saw she was on a rooftop in the middle of a city. Sunshine warmly contrasted the breeze and the cityscape stretched as far as she could see in a complicated web of streets and buildings. She'd never been in this location before, even when she was the contestant. Despite the size and apparent complexity of the city, it was eerily quiet and empty. Only the gentle wind slipped through the streets like a silent specter.
Surrounding the rooftop, on all sides, was a clear-paneled glass wall with a railing. On the opposite side of the roof, Anna saw a woman facing away and leaning on the railing; staring out across the city. She had on a green boob tube, gray yoga pants and tall heels. The woman had an impressive ass, wide hips and chunky thighs which were only complimented further by the tight-fitting pants. Her long, dark hair flowed loosely down her back.
As Anna watched, the woman reached between her legs and began rubbing herself. Was she...masturbating?
The woman turned and Anna saw she had a pretty face with sparse makeup and a black choker around her smooth neck. Her vibrant green eyes stared at the floor and her shiny lips curled into a warm smile. Her large breasts were relatively contained in a tight sports bra which was digging into her skin. Even still, her jiggling chest was almost popping out from the top. She looked a bit older from the front than from the back. Anna guessed she was in her early or mid thirties. As Anna watched the woman from afar, It hit her like a ton of bricks: surely...this person wasn't Mardi, right?
The woman put one hand on her hip. She removed the other hand from between her legs and waved at Anna excitedly.
Her woman's voice was androgynous in tone, but the way she spoke, and the animated gesticulating she did with her hands, gave her an mistakeably feminine communication style, "Hello, miss sunshine! I haven't seen you in ages! I can't believe your baby bump has gotten so big already! Are we having a boy or a girl? Do you know yet?"
It [i]was[/i] Mardi.
Anna was stunned. Mardi had changed [i]drastically[/i] since their last meeting. What the hell happened?
Mardi tossed her hair and began walking towards Anna with clicking heels. Anna withdrew one of her sweet cigarettes and lit it up. She took a strong puff and shivered as the nicotine and hormone laced smoke filled her lungs. This big breasted, makeup wearing, vagina rubbing, hip swaying, runway-strutting woman was her baby's [i]father[/i]!
"Oh Mardi..." Anna whispered with a concerned, high pitched sigh as Mardi neared.
Mardi's changes were even more pronounced up close. Something about her behavior had done a complete 180, but it was difficult for Anna to put a finger on. It was as if Mardi was totally comfortable with all the changes she had if she wasn't struggling to adjust. Anna also noticed wet milk spots on Mardi's tube top and a pierced navel. Between Mardi's legs was a tight cameltoe which likely resulted from her hand just seconds prior. But the subtle behavior paled in comparison when Mardi inexplicably dropped into a crossed legged, cute, subservient curtsey. Anna continued to stare at her stunned. Was she supposed to return the gesture or...
Mardi stood upright and pulled Anna into a weak hug which Anna recoiled against. Mardi's body felt awfully silky smooth and soft. Though Anna did see a bit of stubble beneath Mardi's armpit which was unusual for Grungot's world. Overall, Anna hated to admit that both she and Mardi were comparatively feminine at this point.
Anna asked incredulously as Mardi released her, "Mardi what- what happened to you?"
Mardi pushed her glossy lower lip out and sighed, "Honey, I'm sorry to say this...and I don't mean to make anything awkward between us because I value having you as a friend...but my name is actually Maddi. Please don't be mad! I have trouble remembering stuff sometimes too so there's no hard feelings! I promise! As far as what happened to me? Let's just say things haven't exactly gone well for me lately...I know my body and brain are all kinds of messed up right now- but i think I can turn this whole thing around!"
Maddi stepped forward with an outstretched hand. She placed it carefully onto Anna's belly. Anna looked down at herself (which she hadn't done yet) and noticed that her belly was indeed pushing out much farther. She was wearing a stretchy, white, workout tank top; black yoga pants; and white tennis shoes. Anna also noticed her naturally sweet scent wafted around her. She barely noticed it anymore.
Maddi was lucky she had a supportive bra beneath her top as Anna was all too knowledgeable about the cumbersome nature and interference potential of freely swinging D+ cup hooters. Anna was thankful she'd previously transferred most of her chest size to Maddi as she was still unable to put on any type of undergarment.
Anna looked Maddi up and down once again. She was too far gone. Anna couldn't rely on Maddi to win and defeat Doctor Grungot. Anna decided that she could no longer afford to pull her punches. Soon Maddi wouldn't have any desirable traits left for her to commandeer. If Anna was to be stuck in this hell for another contestant, she needed to continue making herself a more difficult target for bullies, predators and rapists like Anthony, Darius and their despicable cohorts. Anna knew it would be either her or Maddi as the perpetual victim and/or sex object. It would come down to whoever was the most vulnerable. While she felt bad for what Maddi would likely endure (and she was taking advantage of Maddi's naivety) Maddi's success was no longer a viable option and it was eat or be eaten.
Anna's diminished chest, increased intelligence, expert knowledge of fighting, ability to wear flat footwear, decreased girliness, shortened hair, absence of gaudy jewelry, shortened nails and her forgotten expertise with oral and anal sex all worked to keep her safe from the continuation of her debauchery, humiliation, torture and untold suffering at the hands of her captors. In fact, her strategy had already started to work.
Anthony and Darius had been forcing her to "perform" for clients less frequently since Maddi arrived. When she DID have contact with her torturers, they had begun to treat her with a modicum of respect. It seemed like every positive swap made her life safer and easier. Maybe one day she could even be reunited with her daughter. An emotional tightness caught in Anna's chest and she thought about her beautiful baby girl. She forced the feelings down, as she had learned to do so long ago, and focused. Anthony said it would never happen, but based on how things were going- she had a glimmer of hope.
But she had to keep pushing.
As Anna plotted, Maddi grinned like a fool and continued rubbing Anna's baby bump.
Maddi excitedly asked, "Have you thought of names for our baby? I had a few ideas if you'd like to hear them!"
Anna pushed Maddi's hand away and felt her anger beginning to rise. She yelled up at Maddi, "You still don't get it, do you? After all this time, you still think this is some sort of fucking game! This is your LIFE now, Maddi! THIS. IS. YOUR. LIFE! I know you're a moron now, but get that through your thick head! Last time I had a baby she-" Anna took a sharp breath as she fought back tears, "She was taken from me and I- You just don't understand!"
Maddi took a frightened step back and covered her mouth with the back of her hand as tears welled up in her eyes.
Anna's eyes narrowed and she concluded with a cold warning, "But you [i]WILL[/i]."
Anna took a final puff from her sweet cigarette and flicked it off the building. Maddi began fanning her eyes using her hand, trying to dry her tears. Anna scoffed and folded her arms.
Maddi didn't deserve a good outcome. Anna had paid her dues and it was time for somebody else to foot the bill.
S.A.M. appeared with little boxing gloves around his robotic hands.
As he did, an expected spurt of semen splashed into Anna's yoga pants. No matter how many times it occurred, she couldn't help but feel a bit surprised. It was initially hot and wet, but dried quickly and stuck like a crusty stain on the front of her pussy. It wasn't visible, but Anna felt it cracking and flaking as she stood and waited. There was no reason to even acknowledge it.
S.A.M. spoke in his monotone, robotic voice, "Contestants will deal strikes to a target dummy for one minute. The cumulative force of each strike will be added for a grand total. The contestant with the highest grand total will be the winner."
Appearing next to both Anna and Maddi were two tan colored punching dummies.
Anna got into a fighting stance next to her dummy and tossed her shoulder length hair behind her head. She may have been a tiny, pregnant, disastrously weak woman, but she figured Maddi had even more disadvantages going against her. For one, Maddi wasn't exactly, herself, the pinnacle of strength. Additionally, Maddi was dealing with high heels; strange, new behavior; unfamiliarity with fighting; overflowing girliness and age. Anna saw Maddi attempt to emulate her stance, but hers was comparatively weak and uncertain. Anna smiled, this one was in the bag!
"Powerup" Maddi stated.
That bitch! A tight band wrapped itself around the upper part of Anna's arms and her chest, keeping her arms tightly against her torso. She tried pulling them away, but the band was like iron. The only power she could generate in her punches was from her elbows and forearms. Anna could use a retaliatory powerup herself but...could she really bear the hefty cost associated with it? As she contemplated, a realization struck her. S.A.M. had said "strikes", not punches! She held back a smug smile.
Anna aggressively lashed out with a flurry of kicks. Her legs weren't much stronger than her arms, but she had perfect form and went absolutely all out. The dummy swung back and forth against her strikes and she managed to time her attacks perfectly to give each kick the extra power from the dummy's pendulum-like motion. It was awkward with her arms bound against her torso, but she managed to keep up the intensity through the first thirty seconds.
She glanced over to Maddi who was trying her best. Maddi appeared almost afraid to hit the dummy. When she managed to do it, she was frequently shaking her hand as if she were in pain from striking a solid object. Apparently, she was not at all familiar with physically hitting something. She was also distracted by her silky hair which she was constantly trying to fix and rearrange as it bounced around. Additionally, her punches were more akin to slaps which were weak and limp-wristed.
Maddi seemed to notice she was losing so she shouted, "Powerup!"
Anna was in the middle of another kick as the dummy began moving away from her. Her foot glanced off it and she nearly fell over. She wasted no time and gave chase. It was rather awkward for Anna to run without using her arms. The moving target was also much more difficult to get a solid kick on. It wasn't moving very quickly or erratically, but she had very little time to set up and deliver the strike. Regardless, Anna continued to give maximum effort. Her breaths were coming quickly and her heart was pounding, but she didn't give up. She chased the dummy around rooftop until she heard a loud buzzer.
The restrictive band around Anna's arms disappeared and she tried to catch her breath with heavy gulps of air, feeling the beginnings of sweat pooling around her chest/underarm area. Maddi was panting as well, but it was clear she had not given as much effort as Anna. Maddi's breaths were faint and soft.
Doctor Grungot's nasily, high pitched voice sounded from the sky. A heavy, freezing chill crawled up Anna's spine. His silly sounding voice struck intense fear throughout her body as countless memories of physical and emotional torture flashed through her mind. Every instance of misery and agony she had experienced in this screwed up world centered around that seemingly harmless voice. She wanted to curl up into a ball, to run, to hide, she wanted to jump off the damn building! But, she stayed completely still and used out every ounce of remaining strength to keep her face stoic and unemotional. The last thing she needed was to show her fear in front of the doctor. She had to keep building a reputation of competence and power with him. She wouldn't be the victim anymore.
"Congratulations, Ms. Slut! I commend you on persevering through Ms. Dawes' powerups. That was a very impressive display, indeed! You are the victor by a rather large margin. Ms. Dawes...that effort was pathetic! I expect more from you. I'm not one to use gendered language and stereotypes, but I would have to call those attacks 'bitch slaps'. Now, Ms. Slut, what would you like to swap with our newest contestant?"
Anna began to think critically. What would be the best swap with Maddi? She had to treat this swap like it was the last she would get from Maddi as things were going downhill for her quickly. She could take her height, making Maddi just under five foot while she would shoot up about four inches. She could swap Maddi's upper body strength. It would put Anna slightly below average female strength while Maddi would be about half the normal female strength. As Anna thought about it, she had a number of things she would trade with Maddi. Which one would benefit Anna against her enemies the most? It was so hard to choose! She glanced over to Maddi (whose nipples had really started gushing) and she looked absolutely dejected. Anna steeled herself. She had to do this.
Anna made up her mind, "I've decided to swap our heights."
It was the best possible swap at this point. Even if the difference was only a few inches, it would put her near the average height for a female and she would be harder to overpower both physically and in conversation.
Anna's entire body shook and she felt her perspective shifting up. Her proportions remained the same, but she was now about four inches taller. She noticed the subtle difference in perspective compared to her surroundings. Specifically, the railing surrounding the roof and the dummy's appeared a touch smaller.
Meanwhile, Anna watched Maddi's face fill with fear as her body began shrinking down. The majority of the change occurred in her torso and upper body which contracted significantly. Her legs barely changed which made them a higher percentage of her total height. The change affected Maddi's overall frame and silhouette giving her a highly feminine body shape. Her long legs dominated her body.
Even with her tall heels, Maddi's eye level was just barely higher than Anna's now. The dynamic was such that both women knew if Anna wore heels she would absolutely tower over Maddi. But, of course, Maddi didn't have the option while Anna did.
"I-I'm so sm-small..." Maddi sighed with downcast eyes.
Doctor Grungot's mocking laughter sent yet another chilling wrack through Anna's body as he mused, "That's a good change there, Ms. Slut. I suspect Ms. Dawes will enjoy her time as a dimwitted, fun-sized piece of ass! I've been very impressed with you lately, Annabelle. I think you and I need to have a chat about your responsibilities and expectations moving forward."
Anna gulped as she was whisked away.
Maddi watched Anna float towards the sky and disappear in thin air. She glanced around with tears welling in her eyes. Why was Anna being so mean to her? Everything looked bigger! She slipped into the void.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Maddie Ellie Dawes
Kitten, Titty, Betty
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" with the legs comprising a high percentage of the total height.
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
107 LBS
XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Intermittent, moderate itching between legs. Unusually active mammery glands.
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.
Semen- [Hunger Level]: Feeling a bit hungry.
Feels compelled to curtsey when meeting somebody. Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Fully developed vagina with noticible pussy lips and a hairy bush.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Tiny, miniscule biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Large, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are huge and feminine. Unusually active mammery glands. Stomach is somewhat taut, cinched and with little muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have dark, stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth, extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with wide hips. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.
Green boob tube, tight gray yoga pants and heels.
Diamond naval piercing which causes wearer to grow extremely aroused when looking at a penis. Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Diamond earring studs in earlobes.
Heterosexual woman that only considers dating men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humilation and debauchery - but only when very horny.
Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way.
Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowlegeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.