Bonus Round 4 Part 4

Decision Room

Danielle walked blindly forward into the darkness while tugging on Mardi's leash. Mardi shuffled behind, barely able to keep up with the various pieces of restrictive bondage gear adorning her body.

"Welcome." A haughty, female voice said, reverberating through the darkness.

Danielle stopped walking and Mardi halted just behind her. Appearing directly before them was the smug grin of Sandra.

She snapped a short riding crop between her hands and smirked. She analyzed both women before her. Mardi was sure to avert her gaze completely. Thin leather straps laced across Sandra's body, but otherwise she was totally nude. She was barefoot and her shaved pussy was open and on display. Her long blonde hair looked greasy and her body had a glossy sheen of sweat. It was as if she had just completed some sort of vigorous exercise; she was even panting as if out of breath.

"I am Mistress Sandra," She panted, "Mistress Jennifer asked me to determine the winner of the trials. Afterwards, I will send the loser for a fitting final punishment. I have devised a series of questions that I will-"

The buzzing between Mardi's legs, and her subsequent frenzied moans, cut Sandra's speech short. The dildo deeply stuffed into both her cunt and ass began vibrating and sending shockwaves through her body. Maddi's legs shook uncontrollably and she fell forward, to the ground, almost immediately. Her knees struck the soft, dirt floor and she plopped directly onto her breasts. She screamed into her gag while her armbinder and ass stuck up in the air. Her legs were like jelly and her breasts were dripping small milky pools.

Danielle pulled on Maddi's leash and shouted over her screams, "Come on girl, settle down. Pleasure slaves need to obey too!"

Maddi could barely hear Danielle's words. Her skin was burning and she was convulsing. The dull buzz reverberated through her body. To say Maddi's hairy slit was aroused would be an understatement. There was a torrent of feminine fluid gushing out of her like a waterfall. The stimulation was excruciating.

Sandra bent down and removed Maddi's ball gag. Maddi immediately moaned like a rutting animal and thrust her hips up and down as if she were riding a cock.

"P-please Mistress!" Maddi begged.

Sandra shifted her dirty, but smooth, delicate foot towards Maddi's lips.

"Clean my toes, slave, and I may decide to show you mercy." Sandra cooed.

Maddi barely took a second to think before stuffing her mouth and tongue down to Sandra's wriggling toes. She would do anything to make it stop! Maddi's forehead rested on Sandra's lower shin while her tongue attended to every sweaty nook and cranny of Sandra's foot.

Maddi was on her knees presenting herself with a vibrating double dildo stretching her naughty holes. Her mammeries were squished onto the ground, leaking milk. Her long, matted, brunette hair swept across the dirty floor. Her face was pressed down at the feet of a smug dominatrix and Maddi was desperately sucking on her filthy toes. A leash was connected to her posture collar which was held taut by a second dom who wore a similarly smug expression. For all intents and purposes she was an eager sub prostrated before two doms in the most submissive possible position. She was completely under their control and at their mercy. She would feel relief when they wanted her to, but not a second before.

The salty taste of sweat and the granular consistency of dirt coated Maddi's mouth. Her tongue had begun to tire, but she didn't slow down, the dildo had to be removed! She took several short breaks to sputter exasperated moans, but re-doubled her efforts and finished licking Sandra's toes clean. As Maddi tried catching her breath, Sandra put forth her second foot and Maddi began again without any hesitation.

Sweat was pouring down Maddi's neck, back and chest. She could feel it streaking down and collecting in her new pubic hair. Maddi could also feel a bit of sweat collecting under her armpits, no doubt congealing on the new new stubble. Of course, the hair on her head, which was already matted, was now becoming a tangled mess thanks to her frenzied movements and drenching perspiration.

As she continued licking, Maddi's body rolled and writhed around. Her wet skin was covered in a layer of dirt that quickly devolved into a stinky, paste-like grime. Not to mention the mixture being infused with her musky natural lubrication and lactation. As if to add insult to injury, Maddi suddenly felt a warm stream splashing onto her back. She didn't remove her focus from the task at hand but, based on the smell of urine and the pleasurable, relived noises from Danielle, her back was being used as a toilet. Danielle was (successfully) trying to degrade and soil her opponent further.

Maddi's tongue, gums and teeth were blackened from her task. Her mouth had become very dry and she was nearly out of saliva. But, finally, the job was finished. Danielle, who was seemingly finished relieving herself, stepped away from Maddi, while sniggering, and pulling her dress down. Sandra placed her saliva coated foot onto Maddi's shoulder and pushed her backwards. Maddi was forced to flop back onto her armbinder which was now mixing the fresh urine with dirt and sweat transforming into something akin to raw sewage.

Sandra used her toes to wrap around the dildo. Maddi opened her legs excitedly, completely baring her crotchless panties, gushing womanhood and asshole to both doms. Sandra slowly extracted the long, black dildo from its hole. It flopped to the soaking floor and quietly buzzed.

Maddi dropped her head back onto the dirt and sobbed. Both of her drenched, grimy holes were gaping from the toy. She kept her legs open and her whole body was trembling uncontrollably. She closed her hot, swollen eyes. Tears streamed down her face, leaving streaks in the dirt.

When she opened them, Maddi noticed Sandra was standing directly over her, holding a small vial.

She spoke matter-of-factly, "This mixture was manufactured specifically for keeping skanky little cum addicts like you pliable and dependent. It has the most virile and most pungent semen that science can produce. One single drop will leave you stinking like a used condom for hours or knocked up with triplets. In fact, this one tiny vial has the concentrated punch of one thousand ejaculations!"

Sandra smirked before removing the top and tipping the entirety of the vials contents over Maddi's face and hair. Maddi provided no resistance whatsoever and passively took every drop. The salty liquid oozed down Maddi's forehead and nose on one side and into her hair on the other. The stench of semen blasted Maddi's nostrils and set her gaping cunt surging once again. As the viscous, stinky liquid dripped down her face, Maddi's tired tongue struggled towards it. When it had finally slipped far enough, Maddi's greedy mouth sucked the substance down drop by drop. Her stomach was flipping with joy as the concentrated sample satiated her in ways she had never experienced.

The arousal between Maddi's legs exploded out of control and she was bucking her hips into the air. Without any type of physical stimulation, besides the cum on her face and in her stomach, Maddi tipped over the edge. The electricity and numb intensity of female orgasm surged through her body.

While Maddi writhed on the ground in ecstasy, Sandra approached Danielle and removed her latex hood and blindfold. She handed Danielle the riding crop, signifying she was the obvious winner. Danielle accepted the crop and turned to face Maddi, still tightly clutching her leash. Danielle fixed her hair and smoothed out her dress while Maddi regained her faculties. Danielle snapped the crop between her fingers. She was well-put-together, sexy but modest, proud, confident, spirited and emanated an air of power and control.

The filthy, reeking body of Maddi was the exact opposite. Maddi was covered head to toe in various grimes and sludges. Her long, brunette hair was knotted, tangled mess from sweat, mud and sticky jizz while her teeth were blackened and stained. Her gaping clunge continued dripping a sticky, clear fluid while urine, sweat and semen soaked her back. Maddi smelled like an overflowing, dingy truck stop porta-potty in the middle of July.

Danielle dragged Maddi to a high-kneeling position by her leash while she wrinkled her nose in disgust. She pulled Maddi's head to her thigh and held it there. Maddi clutched Danielle's leg, feeling how smooth and clean it was. Maddi knew there was a significant difference between them. She didn't even feel like they were the same species let alone on the same level. Maddi was some sort of dumb, lowly animal driven by instinct compared to her sophisticated, angelic mistresses.

Sandra removed Maddi's armbinder and pushed her forward so she was resting on her hands and knees.

Sandra complained while tossing the armbinder to the floor, "Ugh, this slave is disgusting! She must have pissed herself. Well there's no time to clean her now, she'll have to go to Mistress Jennifer as she is. Mistress Danielle, would you please lead your animal through the door over there?"

As Sandra motioned in the distance, a door appeared. Danielle began to walk forward, leading a crawling Maddi through the dirt like an obedient dog. Her hips swayed widely- even her crawl was somehow girly!

Maddi kept her head down in embarrassment. She had been utterly defeated and humiliated beyond measure. The cum on her head had begun to dry and became itchy and crusty. She was as far from a dom as anybody could possibly be. Surely, there was nothing more these awful women could do to humiliate her further, right?



The Market

Maddi slowly opened her eyes to the blistering sun. She grabbed at her neck. She wore an extremely uncomfortable metal collar. It was rusted, cracked and worn. It dug and scratched her skin with even the tiniest of movements. Attached to the collar, on both the front and back, was a thick, braided rope. The rope was beginning to fray, but it was still very strong and tightly woven.

As her eyes adjusted, Maddi noticed she was standing among other similarly collared women. Her rope tautly connected her to the other women's collars both behind and in front of her. The group was packed together so tightly that there was barely any room to breath, let alone move freely. She could feel the heat of their bodies pressing all around her. All of them, including Maddi, were completely naked.

The group was standing in a line. Each one stared down submissively. Maddi followed suit, not wanting to bring any attention to herself until she knew what was going on. She glanced at the ground and noticed she wasn't wearing any heels. Her tiny feet were flat on the hard, dirt ground without any pain. At least she wouldn't have to worry about her heel requirement! Her piercings were also gone, leaving her navel and ears bare.

Maddi used her peripheral vision to scan the women around her. While she couldn't see much of the rest of the group, it didn't take long for Maddi to realize these women were slaves. They were collared, owned and without any agency or freedom. Her stomach dropped as she realized-

She blended in with them.

It was much more than the fact that Maddi was standing among them with the same collar around her neck. If, for instance, Maddi was a big, burly, male slave crowded with the females and towering over them, it would be clear he didn't belong there. One of the slavers would point him out and order him to move to another line or lead him to some other area. He would be told to go back to where he belonged, and a mix up had obviously occurred. Or, he might even be punished for trying to 'get friendly' and mingle with the females. Because, of course, the only reason a big, burly man would ever stand with the meek, docile women was for debauchery's sake! Surely he was only there to cop a feel of some ass and titties or play stinky fingers in the bare, hairy cunt of a slave girl. And if his height, muscles, body hair and apparent lack of female characteristics wasn't enough, the swinging cock and hanging balls between his legs would leave no question that he didn't belong.

But that situation wasn't going to play out here. In fact, it was nearly the opposite case. Maddi fit in PERFECTLY well with the slave girls.

Unlike a big, burly male, Maddi was close to the average height among the females, maybe even on the shorter side. In addition, her newly diminished upper body was tinier than most of the other women. Her small, unimposing stature made her blend in with the girls and made her easily overlooked. Her nakedness bared her pendulous, feminine breasts with fat, veiny, milky nipples; her wide, child-rearing hips; her protruding, fat ass; her thick matronly thighs; and the unmistakable mound of a puffy cameltoe between smooth legs. Maddi's nude body only succeeded in further entrenching her as a member of the group because her physiologically was similar to every other naked body around her. It was a gallery of girl parts and Maddi's girl parts were anatomically female in every observable and measurable way. She even had tiny feet and hands with a rounded, girly face, puffy lips and no Adams apple. The only thing that set Maddi apart at all was the proportions of her assets. She was definitely one of the larger chested, wider hipped, fatter assed females. But even her abnormal size didn't differentiate her from the group itself, it just made her stick out as the most womanly woman. In other words, her exaggerated proportions and her obvious female sex characteristics would make it impossible for her to claim her sex wasn't exactly what any rational person knew she was. There was no person alive that would consider her a male.

So okay, she couldn't convince anybody she wasn't a female in the female slave group with the same collar as the other girls. BUT! Just because she was a woman didn't mean she couldn't convince somebody she wasn't actually a slave!

Unfortunately for Maddi, however, her circumstances left little room for a convincing argument to the contrary.

Thanks to Mistress Danielle and Mistress Sandra, Maddi was covered in dirt and grime like all the other slaves. Even the beggars rolling around in the streets were cleaner than she was. None of the women batted an eye at her nasty body odor and hygiene. She simply added and blended with everybody else. In fact, she had to imagine the women around her hadn't bathed in weeks as their stench was indistinguishable from hers. Maddie's long, disheveled, dark hair was the exact same length and general style as almost every other slave. There were a few with light hair colors, but the vast majority had shoulder length, dark hair matted with dirt just like her. Maddi even had an obvious, crusty semen stain in her hair which wasn't particularly uncommon among the group. The general public would likely figure she had been used as a cumrag by one of her captors. It further cemented the fact that she belonged because no free, self respecting woman would walk around with such an obvious sign of sluttery. The varying ages of the group put Maddi squarely in the middle. Maddi also saw that every girl had dark tufts of pubic hair above their vaginas in a length and fashion nearly identical to her own vagina.

But, the final piece of the puzzle; the one that made her an unmistakable member of the group was her demeanor. Maddi appeared broken, terrified, resigned, pliable and totally submissive.

Maddi ticked every box. Any person scanning the group would never pick her out as somebody that didn't belong. Even if that person was offered a billion dollars to point out the former twenty-year-old, confident, powerful, big dicked, male ju jitsu master: Maddi knew she wouldn't have been in their first hundred guesses. She imagined some of the more masculine women would have been picked twice before she was chosen once.

She slowly glanced around. Even if she somehow escaped the line: even if she miraculously tore her way through the braided rope binding her to the others and fled- Maddi knew she wouldn't make it far. She had to face it, for all intents and purposes, she appeared exactly like the other slaves. She was part of the group. She WAS a slave. In fact, other women in the line had much better arguments for why they didn't belong. Maddi had absolutely none! Nobody in the world would believe she wasn't a slave girl and if she tried to run she would be captured and brought right back.

Maddi lifted up her gaze and checked her surroundings. She was in some sort of ancient market with large stone walls and hundreds of people in strange clothing moving to and fro. The hustle and bustle of the market hadn't really phased Maddi while she was lost in thought, but now that she was paying attention to it, the sound was almost deafening.

As Maddi glanced around the rooftops and at the crowd, she was suddenly struck with stinging pain in her back and a loud *CRACK*. She yelped in pain as an angry looking man in a red tunic shouted at her in a language she didn't understand. The man held a thin wooden rod towards her aggressively.

Maddi cowered and turned away from him, exactly as the other women were doing. She wrapped her arms around herself and stared down at the legs of the woman in front of her, desperately trying to blend back in. The man yelled in her ear and struck her a second time in the back with a *CRACK*. Maddi yelped again and tried retreating away but was stopped short as the slack in her collar was spent and the other women in the line were too afraid to move. The pulsating pain radiating from the second strike had no doubt left a beat-red lash mark. Some citizens passing by noticed what was happening and stopped to spectate the disobedient slave girl being punished. A few rowdy young men were clapping and yelling to the man in the red tunic. Though Maddi couldn't understand what they were saying, she knew it was words of encouragement.

He seemed to respond positively to their goading and roughly grabbed Maddi's exposed tit with his left hand while raising the cane with his right. He shouted again before swiftly bringing the cane down three more times onto her supple flesh. Two struck her back while the final strike landed directly onto her ass. She was a slave. She was completely trapped with no recourse or protection. The women around her were as powerless as she was. The crowd saw her as an object to be controlled and disciplined. A piece of meat to be consumed in whatever way the owner saw fit. Maddi's pain would only end when this cruel man wanted it to. Her fate was in his hands, not her own. Each blow elicited a pained scream from Maddi who had begun to openly weep and beg for mercy. Her pitiful begging meant nothing to him and likely only succeeded in setting her further apart from the regular citizens in the city. Maddi's non-native language made her appear even more like a foreign slave girl. A foreign slave girl that everybody around would guess was captured and enslaved in some far off land after her men lost a battle.

The crowd was clapping and cheering for the man who smiled and raised his cane triumphantly before releasing Maddi with a push. The searing pain in her back felt like it was on fire. She was in anguish with four stinging, red lashes across her back and one across her butt. Even the spot on her left breast, where the man was roughly grasping her, had begun to bruise in an obvious hand shape. Maddi shuffled back to her spot in the line while continuing to sob. She submissively stared down through bleary eyes and the line began to shuffle forward. She didn't have time to tend to her wounds, stop her body from shaking, or even catch her breath as the rope tied around her neck began tugging her forward. Now the dirty, foreign slave girl had some red lash marks to further prove exactly what she was and how she was to be treated.

Maddi winced as she carefully and silently followed behind the woman in front of her. The stinging in her back had begun to lessen, but each step agitated the pain. As they moved, it was sometimes difficult to know exactly when the line would stop or slow because Maddi kept her her eyes squarely on the ground. As a result, the woman behind Maddi, who no doubt kept her own gaze on the ground, bumped into Maddi a few times; and Maddi found herself accidently bumping her soft breasts into the woman in front of her from time to time. As they shifted along, Maddi's hips swaying sensually and her large chest bounced and jiggled. She couldn't focus on making her walk more normalized as the pain her body was experiencing forced her attention to where her eyes were looking. Her body would not let her repeat the action that got her punished.

As a result, Maddi's highly sensual movements and large, feminine assets garnered her unwanted attention from passing men. Some simply made comments in their native language that were most likely crass or sexually suggestive. A few of the bolder men gave her chubby ass a quick spank or pinched her large, veiny nipple as she passed by. Maddi didn't dare react or move her attention from her downward stare out of fear. Her silent submission emboldened the men further, and a small group followed the line of slave girls with their attention centered on Maddi.

It wasn't long before Maddi had one man on each side talking at her in their strange language. One was chuckling and appeared to be making demeaning comments as he kneaded Maddi's jiggling tits and lapped up the milk that leaked from her erect nipples. The other was whispering into her ear with disgusting onion breath while his hand slid down through her pubic hair towards her pussy. Maddi was still focused almost completely on the feet of the woman in front of her and she tried to best not to react and let the men do whatever they wanted. When the second mans filthy, calloused finger slipped into her vagina, Maddi yelped in surprise while his hot, stinky breath hummed into her ear with a contented sigh. He pushed in a second finger, then a third.

The line suddenly stopped and the slave master, the man in the red tunic, began yelling something from the front. Maddi's body began to tremble and her heart began to pound upon hearing [i]her slave master's[/i] harsh voice. She was terrified. The second assailant removed his fingers from between Maddi's legs and sniffed them deeply, letting out another contented sigh. The man poked his milk-enthusiast friend and they turned and sprinted away. [i] Maddi's slave master[/i] gave them a short chase with his raised wooden cane, but they disappeared into the crowd. While he was gone, every woman, including Maddi, stayed exactly where they were and maintained their submission.

Maddi tried to shrink herself into the woman in front of her and stay as silent and motionless as possible. Though she didn't move, her heart was still pounding and her body was uncontrollably trembling. Maddi gulped. Surely she wouldn't get punished for free men deciding to [i]sample her[/i]! She'd acted as submissive as possible while they were using her as they pleased! Maddi held back tears. What more could [i]her slave master[/i] have expected her to do? It wasn't fair! Why couldn't she simply blend in and be another nameless set of tits and pussy lips in the line of naked slaves? To be just another anonymous female face amongst the other captives? Maddi wished she could just submissively comply with every order and avoid more punishments from [i]her slave master[/i]. She could be good! She could be obedient! She could-

The Slave master stepped next to her with his cane squarely in hand. Her tears were streaking down once again and her trembling was unmistakable. The slave master reached out and flipped Maddi towards him by her shoulders. She kept her gaze down and allowed herself to be manhandled. It wasn't like she had any other option. The slave master eyed her up and down, appearing to check her for any signs of damage. He parted her bush and examined her slit; Maddi assisted by opening her legs wider. As he raised his gaze, he stopped at her breasts and noticed her nipples were still slowly dripping. His eyes appeared to light up and he grew a grin.

The slave master turned and headed back to the front of the line with a little spring in his step, leaving Maddi to return to her place. She felt immense relief, at least he wasn't going to hurt her! The line began to move again. This second part of the journey was shorter than the first time and, luckily, no men had been bold enough to physically touch Maddi this time around. They finally stopped in a dusty, sketchy looking alleyway. The slave master pointed to the wall and yelled something to the group. The women began to put their backs to the wall and face the alley. Maddi followed their lead and soon they were all standing side by side.

The slave master began shouting to passerby's, clearly giving them some sort of sales pitch. For her part, Maddi stayed as quiet and still as she could. People that passed by looked from girl to girl and evaluated them like pieces of meat. Maddi was among them, and many passing men eyed her lustfully. Maddi hadn't seen every woman in the group, but she guessed, based on the attention she was getting, that she was the most womanly and probably the most desired cut of meat. Maddi felt herself pressing her boobs out just a little bit more, making them appear slightly bigger.

From the corner of her eye, Maddi could see her slave master speaking with a well-to-do man. His clothes were cleaner and looked to be higher quality than other people she had seen. He also had a small entourage following behind him. Included in the entourage were a few naked, collared males that Maddi guessed were recently purchased slaves. The rich man and the slave master continued their conversation and slowly walked passed other girls; and towards Maddi.

They stopped in front of Maddi. The slave master began pointing towards her and giving the rich man a sales pitch. Maddi immediately curtseyed in front of the rich man which he appeared to enjoy. Maddi had no idea what her slave master was saying, but she silently stood and waited for an instruction. The rich man said something that sounded like an order directly to Maddi and she froze. She knew he wanted her to do something, but she didn't understand what it was. Her eyes opened wide in innocent confusion.

"Open leg." The slave master ordered with a heavy accent.

Maddi immediately pushed her back to the wall and did a half-squat while opening her legs as wide as they would go.

The rich man said something that sounded like an approval and reached down. He separated Maddi's labia and bent down to see her vagina up close. Maddi was motionless, too afraid of the slave master's cane to protest or resist. The rich man got even closer until his face was right in front of her opening. He put his nose as close as possible and took a long sniff. He then pushed his finger in deeply and wiggled it around. Maddi took a sharp breath and felt herself becoming horny. Not only did she secretly enjoy the objectification of the whole situation, but the objectification coupled with digital stimulation had her engines revving. The rich man pumped his finger in and out several times. He chuckled when he noticed that Maddi was becoming slick. He withdrew and rubbed his wet, sticky fingertips together. He smiled, appearing satisfied with the consistency of her vaginal fluid.

The rich man's attention then turned to Maddi's breasts. The slave master reached his hand out and started to squeeze and tug at her nipples. Maddi gasped and bit her lower lip which elicited a mocking laugh from both men. With her growing arousal, and the slave master's expert stimulation, Maddi began lactating in milky spurts with each tug. The rich man's eyes opened wide and he was clearly impressed with her. When her flow began to slow down, the slave master released her breast and wiped his wet hand onto his tunic.

Maddi got back into her starting position as the rich man backed off and appeared to be considering her price. He grew a skeptical look and pointed towards her while ordering something new.

The slave master listened and nodded his head before turning to Maddi and crudely translating, "Kneel."

Maddi immediately fell to her knees, scraping them against the rough ground. The rich man approached and stood directly over her, staring down. He began to hock a loogie.

The Slavemaster ordered, "Open lip."

Maddi gulped, knowing exactly what they wanted her to do. It was a test of her obedience. The welts on her back were still pulsating and burning. What would she possibly gain by refusing to do this? She had no choice, she would have to submit. She feared the slave master's cane more than losing any final scrap of her dignity.

Maddi opened her mouth and pushed it up towards the rich man. Her dirt covered, grimy teeth and gums were perfectly expected for a foreign slave girl and the rich man didn't bat an eye. He aimed his lips before releasing a giant, snotty wad down into Maddi's open mouth. It slapped the back of her throat with an audible *Thwack*. His spit tasted like rotten fish and stuck in the back of her throat like poison. She was prepared to gag, but managed to stop herself and didn't show any obvious signs of disgust. Both men were watching her intently. She would have swallow it. Maddie closed her mouth and forced the rancid wad of spit down her throat. She could feel it stick and lazily slide down like an ooze. Her mouth now tasted vaguely like rancid fish, and sparse remnants of the rich mans snot stubbornly remained in her throat...but she had done it. And she did it without showing her disgust. Maddi returned to her normal, downward stare and waited. But, she could tell both men were impressed with her submission.

The rich man turned to the slave master and they began to verbally go back and forth. Maddi's price was being negotiated. She remained oh her her knees, somehow feeling the rich man's essence lodged in her gut as if it were a solid object. It felt bizarre to have two men debate the value of your body.

After a bit of back and forth, they shook hands and both looked satisfied. Maddi was ushered to her feet. She had been sold.

The slave master unlocked her crude, rusted collar and she carefully stepped away from the wall. Her new master beckoned for her to join his entourage. As she departed the wall, the slave master gave her one final smack on her ass with a satisfied, smug grin. Maddi winced and rubbed at her throbbing butt, but she didn't complain or turn around. One of the naked male slaves form Master's entourage approached and closed a new collar around her neck. This collar had clearly been created specifically for a female. It was silver, thin and tightly fit around her smooth neck. There was a tiny silver ring on the front. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but it was certainly better than the rusty collar she had just left behind!

Maddi followed behind her new master and his entourage. They headed back to the main, bustling square. Maddi noticed many lustful stares now that she was able to sneak glances at her surroundings as they walked. She was concerned these lustful men would descend on her once again. But, as the entourage walked, Maddi noticed the common folk got out of their way. Nobody got anywhere close to her let alone approached her in an aggressive fashion. Master must have been a pretty powerful guy!

Maddi felt safe with the rest of the group which she now saw consisted of Master, two naked male slaves and one woman which Maddi believed was Master's wife. At least, the woman didn't have a collar around her neck like other slaves if she was one. The woman was a bit older and very clean with a beautiful dress. Her hair was twisted and formed into an intricate design on her head. She walked with a confidence and poise that Maddi could have never dreamed of. In fact, she was nearly the polar opposite of Maddi as she currently was. The male slaves were large, beefy guys and Maddi found herself fantasizing briefly about their muscled bodies. Thankfully, without her navel piercing, her arousal didn't skyrocket when she looked at their cocks. Neither had a very impressive penis, but perhaps they were growers not showers? After a short journey, Maddi and the entourage approached a metal gate. An armored man inside the gate swung it open as they approached. He greeted Master with a salute. Master turned and beckoned Maddi and the rest of his entourage to follow him with a warm smile on his face.

Maddi gingerly stepped through the threshold and found herself floating in the void. Her piercings had returned, and Maddi felt a sudden tightening in her lower leg; signaling her heel requirement was back online. She sighed, maybe being an ancient roman sex slave had its perks...

[b]NAME: [/b]

Maddi Ellie Dawes


Kitten, Titty, Betty

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

120 LBS






XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Intermittent, moderate itching between legs. Unusually active mammery glands.


Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.




Semen- [Hunger Level]: Satiated.


Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Fully developed vagina with noticible pussy lips and a hairy bush.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Tiny, miniscule biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Large, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are huge and feminine. Unusually active mammery glands. Stomach is somewhat taut, cinched and with little muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have dark, stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth, extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with wide hips. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.


Silver slave collar.


Diamond naval piercing which causes wearer to grow extremely aroused when looking at a penis. Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex much more and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Diamond earring studs in earlobes.


Has dated members of both sexes but strongly prefers men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both her partners and herself. Enjoys long kisses, mostly with men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humiliation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Extremely girly in nearly every way. Feels compelled to curtsey when meeting somebody.


Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Round 41


Bonus Round 4 Part 3