Round 64
[b]Round Sixty Four:[/b]
Maddi appeared with her fat ass in the chair of a seedy hotel room. The lighting was lacking and the blinds were closed. The room was very bare bones, with a tiny television, a bed, a lamp, a chair, a few paintings, and a desk. She looked around the room from her seated position and it felt...dirty. The old carpet on the floor was grimy and the ceiling was yellowed from years of cigarette smoke.
Maddi felt her heart beating quickly beneath her comically augmented breasts while a thrumming pain radiated from between her legs. She raised her jiggly arms and fought to catch her breath as a wave of body odor radiated from her stubbly underarms. She wore a faded pink tank top and a black skirt which was hiked up around her hips. Her heavy thighs were compressed in sheer stockings while black heels adorned her feet.
She took a heavy breath through her ridiculously enhanced lips and glanced between her open legs to see the origin of the discomfort. A trail of fresh semen flowed from her loose, hairy vagina.
She grabbed a nearby hairbrush and fussed with her wily, dark mid-back length hair which was matted with sweat. The brush caught on snags and knots which prickled her scalp with pain. Maddi's whorishly made up, sore riddled, out-of-breath face looked like she'd been freshly fucked. Considering the place she was in and the circumstances of her relationship with Daddy, it didn't take a genius to figure out that she was 'on the job'.
As her breathing slowly returned to normal and the brush in her hands was meeting less and less resistance, Maddi heard the door to her room click open. Another date already? She'd barely recovered from the last one!
Poking her head around the open door was the beaming smile of Maddi's youngest daughter, Bree. She remembered what Bree looked like before.
And compared the memory to what she saw now.
Bree's hair had gotten a few shades darker and she looked a few years younger. How young was she going to get!? Bree looked to be around seven or eight. Maddi could scarcely recall that the bubbly little girl wearing a cute flower dress in front of her was once a mature woman in her fifties named Bridgette Polermo.
Maddi felt a swell of happiness grow in her chest as her daughter scurried towards her, but the feeling was quickly undercut by the circumstances of the situation.
Slipping into the room behind Bree was Maddi's second youngest daughter, Danielle. Even Danielle looked slightly younger than Maddi remembered. She recalled her daughter was around seventeen.
But Danielle now appeared to be around 15. Her brown hair had become black and she wore a black dress. The dress was very short and barely covered her upper thighs. It was strapless and left her bra straps exposed. She had a studded choker around her neck and dark eye shadow. She looked like a goth teenager complete with a disgusted gaze.
Bree stopped as she got close to her mother. Her voice was a cute little chirp, "Where's your underwear, Mommy? I can see your hoo-ha!"
Maddi's hand quickly shot between her legs to cover herself.
She cleared her throat and responded with a hoarse, smokey alto, "Mommy was just...getting dressed, [i]pumpkin[/i]."
Bree stood in front of Maddi and cocked her head to the side in confusion, "But what are you doing here, Mommy? What happened to your face? Are you okay?"
Maddi's sore covered face suddenly felt hot as shame and embarrassment washed over her. She was relieved Bree didn't understand.
Danielle pulled her little sister back by the shoulders and covered her ears with her hands. Bree initially fussed but eventually stood still and allowed her older sister to deafen her. Danielle looked down at her mother in disgust.
Her disappointed tone shook Maddi to her core, "What the fuck are you doing here, mom? You look like a crack whore!" The realization finally stuck her, "You [i]are[/i] a crack whore, aren't you? Whose...s-stuff is coming out of you? I bet you don't even know, do you?"
Maddi faked a smile to Bree with her broken, rotten and yellowed teeth as she responded to her older daughter, "Dani. Look I-I-"
Danielle interrupted, "I thought I could bring Bree to see you." She looked down at her little sister's head and frowned, "God I'm such an idiot! She idolizes you, did you know that? She thinks our mother is the greatest. But you haven't come to see us in weeks. You haven't even seen your granddaughter since she was born. You don't give a shit about us."
Danielle's words were like a knife in the heart and a feeling of despair flowered in Maddi's chest. The trail of semen squished against Maddi's hand which was still squarely between her legs as she shook her head.
Maddi coughed out, "Dani, I haven't chosen any of this! I want to leave with you more than anything, you've got to believe me! I love you both more than anything in this world."
Danielle removed her hands from Bree's ears as her hardened eyes softened and sparkled with tears, "T-Then let's get out of here. Come with us, mom." She pleaded.
Maddi nodded as tears of her own formed at the corners of her eyes. Love swelled within her. These were her girls! She needed to get them out of here. She felt the danger around her and became protective of her kids. There was nothing she wanted more than to get them to safety. She kept her hand between her legs as she made it to her feet.
Bree surged forward and hugged around Maddi's hips. Her tiny arms didn't make it all the way around her mother's backside. Maddi was sure to keep her daughter's head blocked and away from the wetness between her legs which was right in front of her.
Bree looked up and grinned as she chirped, "Mommy, you smell like big brother's friend after they wrestle!"
Danielle visibly cringed as she pulled her sister back and spoke down to her, "Bree, what have I told you about going near Andy's friend? I told you to stay away from her, didn't I?"
"Yes, sissie." Bree droned as if she'd said it a million times.
Maddi curled her long hair behind her ear with a broken acrylic nail as she suddenly remembered her son's predicament.
She looked up into her daughter's eyes and asked softly, "So, [i]sweetheart[/i] how bad has he gotten?"
Danielle sighed and the tears in her eyes threatened to spill over as she responded slowly, "He's...he's gotten bad, mom. That woman is doing things to him...keeping him...distracted."
"What about your father [i]hun[/i]? Why isn't he around to stop this?" Maddi asked expectantly.
"Do you mean Samuel or my bio dad?" Danielle responded.
Maddi glanced at the ring on her finger, "My husband, Samuel. Where is he?"
Danielle shook her head, "I don't know, mom. Our dad came in one day and took Samuel with him. We haven't seen him since. It's just been us."
Danielle's last words hung in the air like a sour note. It resonated with uncertainty and fear. Bree hugged her sister's waist and they held one another in the center of the room. They had clearly relied on each other for comfort. Maddi pulled her skirt down to cover herself and wiped her wet hand across the bed sheets. A wet, stickiness hung between her legs but she didn't care. She felt determination growing within her. They weren't alone any longer. She glanced down at her broken nails as they filled in and repaired themselves with a vibrant pink. Her wedding ring was soon joined by a collection of other rings.
The dark track marks riding up her arms receded and dissipated leaving only her ever so slightly saggy, creamy skin.
She strutted to the dirty mirror and stared at her own reflection.
The numerous open sores.
The horribly fake, enhanced lips.
The broken, rotten teeth.
Glancing over her shoulder at her girls, Maddi furrowed her brow and stared at them. They hugged each other closely. They were terrified. They needed Maddi to get her shit together.
She turned back to the mirror. She had to get her shit together.
Her ridiculous lips thinned before her eyes. The sores closed one by one.
Maddi saw herself in their faces, they looked up to her.
More sores closed up. Her lips looked reasonably natural but still on the extreme end of realistically puffy.
Her husband was MIA, he probably needed her help as well. That snake Grungot needed to be stopped.
The last of the sores cleared away. Maddi's lips were normal once again leaving her soft, green eyes as the focal point of her face.
She blinked and watched as the whorish makeup slathered all across her face thinned but remained rather heavy. She had a few wrinkles here and there but still thought of herself as quite vibrant and pretty. She could see all five of her kids faces in her own.
Next came her tits which strained against her tank top.
She pictured herself marching up to Andy and dragging him back to reality while vanquishing the succubus that had him within her grasp. Her boy needed mommy more than ever! She'd breastfed each of her children, but even then he didn't need her as much as he did now. Her chest deflated and sagged downwards as all the unnatural augmentation was drained out. She'd been there from the beginning and wasn't about to abandon him when he needed her most!
When her breasts were finished, they were heavy and a little droopy, but also natural and motherly with wide areola.
"Who do we have here?" A deep, velvety voice from the doorway sent chills down Maddi's spine.
She turned to see Daddy casting his eyes around the room.
"What's yo name, sweetie?" Daddy asked towards Danielle who had turned towards the newest threat.
Maddi pushed off from the table with the mirror and bee-lined for her girls. She stood in front of them and stared Daddy down like the predator she knew he was.
"D-don't talk to them." Maddi sputtered through her broken teeth.
Daddy laughed which sent another chill down Maddi's spine before stepping fully inside and slowly walking forward. He was so much taller than she was!
He chuckled, "What is this? You think yo' ho' ass can stand up to me? I ain't in the mood. Either send them little rugrats home or give 'em a job application. I know plety a' men that'd pay a pretty fuckin' penny to tap some underage pussy."
"Stay- Stay away from us." Maddi ordered weakly.
Daddy sniffed the air as he came within one arm length.
"Hmm...smells like you had some fun in here, didn't you, 'ho?" He turned his attention back to Danielle who stood mortified behind her mother, his voice was sinister and slow, "Would you like to have some fun with Daddy Darius and some'a his pals? You know yo' half-sista' Toni is my sweet little girl, don't ya?"
"We're leaving, D-Dar-D-Daddy." Maddi stuttered out as her head suddenly felt woozy.
She took a step back and the room spun around her as her head swam in circles. She reached her arm up to clutch at her temple and noticed the tattoo on her wrist. It seemed to gleam with waves of power that destroyed the confidence and determination she had built over the last few minutes.
Daddy grinned widely, "Thas right, 'ho. You [i]belong[/i] to Daddy. You need yo Daddy mor'n anythang else in yo' worthless life."
He procured a glass pipe from his pocket.
"Think you dropped this, 'ho." He laughed as he tossed the pipe towards Maddi who caught it greedily.
She took a sharp breath and saw the dark track marks climbing back up her wrists like a sludge. Maddi felt her face burning as new sores erupted and she moaned deeply as silicone gushed into her tits. Maddi closed her eyes tightly and fought against the changes. She could feel them assaulting her body like an army and she was barely managing to stave them off. The tattoo on her wrist thrummed periodically with waves of demoralizing power which made each passing second of resistance more difficult.
She pulled her psyche inwards and made her mind a fortress. The sores stopped appearing, the track marks stopped climbing and her slightly augmented chest stayed where it was. As long as kept herself shut off she would be able to stabilize and-
Daddy shoved his finger into Maddi's mouth without warning and her lips instantly thickened around him. The fortress she had constructed in her mind was invaded and quickly being overtaken by enemy forces. Her chest was rising and turning spherical
Her lips were bee stung and impossibly large.
Her makeup was thickening and sores were everywhere.
Her BO stench was stronger than ever. It wafted from her body and combined with the odor of her semen filled vagina to give her that unmistakable stink of 'filthy whore'.
Bree pulled at her mother's skirt and pleaded, "Mommy, please! Don't go with the bad man!"
Maddi stared down at her daughter and tears rolled down her cheeks. She grunted painfully around Daddy's finger as she was wracked with more changes. Her fingernails became broken and dirty.
All across her body Maddi watched her skin turning leathery and worn out. Unsightly, dark hairs sprouted on her legs and scars from cutting etched into her wrists.
Daddy reached his free hand over and grabbed at Danielle who fought to push his hand away.
"Get off me, creep! Mom, do something!" Danielle shouted.
Daddy chortled, "Momma can't come to the phone right now, [i]slut[/i]. How'd you like a tattoo just like she got?"
Daddy removed his finger from Maddi's mouth and snatched Danielle's wrist. She screamed and punched at him but he was far too strong. He held her hand up and used his free hand to begin drawing his initials onto her wrist. A dark tattoo began etching itself into her flesh.
"Mommy!" Danielle sobbed with heavy tears rolling down her cheeks as the tattooing continued, "I dont- don't want to be a whore!"
Bree kicked and fought Daddy on her sister's behalf to little effect. There was nothing she could do. There was nothing any of them could do.
The world seemed to slow and the buzzing in Maddi's head ceased as she heard Danielle's next words in slow motion, "Mommy, I'm scared."
Something in Maddi's head clicked and she surged towards Daddy while baring her pearly white teeth in a growl.
"What the fuck!?" Daddy yelled as he lost concentration and turned towards Maddi.
He raised his arm to strike her, but she growled like a she-beast and threw her entire weight towards him before he could do so. Maddi's upper body connected with him and sent Daddy hurtling across the room. He fell onto the dirty carpet. Maddi's breasts sagged down losing all traces of augmentation.
Daddy screamed from the floor, "You gon' pay for that. Oh, Jesus, you gon' pay for that!"
Maddi sprinted across the carpet leaving her leg hair behind before jumping on top of Daddy and struggling to hold him down.
She growled through lips that thinned and returned to normal as she threatened, "You will NEVER touch me or my daughters ever again!"
Danielle and Bree joined their mother and worked together to keep Daddy restrained. Maddi's face was becoming clear of sores and her makeup was thinning. She held Daddy down by his neck and watched as the cut marks and track marks disappeared. He suddenly tried pushing himself onto his hands and knees by Maddi quickly responded by jumping up and putting her full weight on his neck until he slammed back down to the carpet. Her nails were once again full and vibrant while her fingers were adorned with several rings.
"I'll do whatever the fuck I want, 'ho!" Daddy shrieked into the carpet.
Maddi's tattoo on her wrist was humming with power but she didn't care. She was in full mama-bear mode.
She raised his head and slammed it down onto the carpet with each word she shouted, "NEVER *THWACK*. AGAIN *THWACK*. MOTHER[i]FLOWER[/i]! *THWACK*"
Maddi glanced over to check on the girls with her soft green eyes and sore free skin.
She grunted as she fought against Daddy's latest attempt to escape and asked the girls, "Are you girls okay?"
Bree was laying across Daddy's legs while Danielle had her full weight on his hips. The girls gave their mother a nervous nod which worked to reassure her. Danielle had angry tears in her eyes and Bree looked afraid but brave at the same time. Maddi would have taken a minute to feel pride in their courage if not for the task at hand.
Daddy balled his hands into fists and Maddi could feel a surge of power in the tattoo. It appeared that Daddy was trying to overwhelm her determination once again.
She frowned and reached down to grab Daddy's wrist while stating, "No, that's enough of that."
She focused her attention on the DB tattoo marking her as the property of Darius Black. She felt a pang of fear but also felt the presence of her daughters behind her which bolstered her strength. She saw what happened if she failed and knew Danielle was seconds away from wearing the same tattoo. She was sure Bree would have been shortly behind. There was no way around it, she had to prevent that from happening at all costs. She hated to do it, but Daddy didn't leave her a choice.
Maddi felt a burning in her wrist as she watched the tattoo situated there fading away. At the same time, a new tattoo was appearing. This new tattoo, however, wasn't attached to Maddi, but to Darius. He screamed and tried pulling his arm away, but Maddi had him locked up and he was tired from struggling on the floor. When the DB tattoo was fully gone, Maddi' released Darius' arm and stood up. Danielle and Bree looked confused but followed their mother's direction.
When she was on her feet, Maddi took stock of her body. She ran her hands down her impressive- but ALL NATURAL curves. She was back to her old self! She did feel a little bit of extra age, likely from her daughter's getting a few years younger. But, overall, she was relieved to be back in control of herself. She grabbed Bree and Danielle in a big hug which they returned tightly. Maddi's natural BO smell changed into the faint scent of expensive perfume while clutching her beloved daughters.
"Glad to have you back, Mom." Danielle whispered.
The moment was broken up by Darius who grunted as he struggled to his feet.
"What the fuck- I'm gon'- I'm gon' rip yo' fuckin' heads off!" He screeched while raising his fist in anger.
Maddi smiled with her bright, white teeth, "No you won't, [i]dear[/i]."
Darius lowered his fist and stared at his wrist with wide, fearful eyes.
Maddi fanned herself with her hand as she glanced around the room with disgust. She turned and spoke to Darius who was still at a loss for words and staring at his new tat, "Darius, would you be a dear and show us the way out of this place?"
Darius took a deep breath and began moving towards the door as he responded, "Yes, Mommy."
Maddi felt a pang of guilt. There was nobody that deserved a life of servitude more than Darius, but she didn't feel great about forcing anybody to do anything.
As Darius and his female companions made it into the hallway, the scene began to collapse. Maddi was sure to give each of her precious daughters a kiss on the forehead alongside a reassurance that she would be there for them. She also complimented Danielle on her new goth look which seemed to put a smile on both their faces.
Maddi was left floating in the void with newfound purpose...and a new thrall.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Maddi Ellie Kleiner (Maiden Name Dawes)
Kitten, Mommy, Betty, Em
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
169 LBS
Bree Grungot: Age 7
Danielle Grungot: Age 15
Toni Black: Age 19
Andy Kleiner: Age 21
Mona Grungot: Age 24
Luscious Grungot: Age ?
Rebecca Grungot: Newborn
XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammary glands and heavy periods.
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond mid back length. Starting to become slightly brittle.
High pitched with a noticeable haughtiness.
Must wear heavy makeup at all times.
Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.
Can only be kind, friendly and supportive when talking about somebody.
Cannot wear any type of bra.
Cannot tie up or otherwise restrict hair.
Has a natural perfume smell.
Wears lots of rings and feminine accessories on the hands, especially gold and diamonds.
Must wear heels at all times.
Protective of her nails. Keeps them long and fake.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. White, fairly straight teeth. Large, soft green eyes with light crows feet. Light, receded brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman. Wearing heavy makeup including foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Mature vagina with loose, floppy lips and surrounded by hair leaking semen.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Huge, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a DD cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are wide, dark and feminine. Unusually active mammary glands. Stomach is bloated with very little muscle underneath. Stomach is also pockmarked with long, deep stretch marks from numerous pregnancies and contains a long, dark, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with long acrylic nails, jewelry and painted a gaudy pink.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, fat thunder thighs with very little muscle that constantly rub together. Feet are dainty, smooth and a reformed women's size 5.5. Widely flared, matronly hips indicative of a multi birth mother and protruding, chunky ass. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.
Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Large golden hoops in earlobes.
Heterosexual woman that only considers men for a sexual partner. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humiliation and debauchery - but only when very horny.
Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking self confidence. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way. Matronly and protective of her children.
Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Skilled in makeup application...of herself at least. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems. Experienced mother.