Round 63

[b]Round Sixty Three:[/b]

Titty appeared in a wide, empty room. The floor was polished wooded panels while the walls and ceiling were painted white. Windows along the far wall filtered in bright sunlight and illuminated the space. Columns were periodically placed near the center of the room which effectively split it in two. There did not appear to be any exits along the smooth walls.

She glanced down at herself and saw that her unnaturally spherical breasts were squeezed tightly into a red "dress" that looked more like a long, sleeveless shirt. The thin, low-quality material was nearly transparent in the bright light and did almost nothing to hide her body. A dry cum-stain was splattered front-and-center on the dress which seemed to complete her slutty look.

Titty's wide hips, wobbly ass and fat thighs ballooned outwards beneath the bottom of the dress. She pulled down on the hem with her dirty fingers but found its length had been exhausted and even the slightest movement exposed her crotch. On her feet were cheap black heels and her greasy hair congealed into a matted clump down her back.

She scratched her short, broken nails through her hair to try and smooth out some of the snags without any luck. Her fingers then traced down to her face which remained marred with unsightly sores. Makeup was thickly layered across her face attempting to obscure the sores. Big, gaudy gold hoops pulled on her earlobes. She ran her tongue around her broken teeth and felt a gritty film covering them. Titty's ridiculous fake lips remained constantly open keeping her disgusting teeth to the dry air which allowed bacteria to multiply.

The wafting stench of body odor tickled Titty's nose and she raised her arm to test her stubbly underarm hair with a quick sniff. She wrinkled her nose but confirmed that her perpetual perfume had twisted into an unpleasant natural BO. A fishy stink rose from between Titty's legs and combined with the BO to give her the unmistakable odor of 'unwashed female'.

Titty was glad her reflection couldn't be found anywhere in the room. It was already bad enough that her body had been ruined in a single round by Daddy. She knew she looked like a hopeless, drugged-out mess and the last thing she needed was a direct reminder.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the room and Titty turned to see Doctor Grungot appear from behind one of the dividing pillars. The Doctor seemed to be moving in slow motion as fear punched Titty in the gut and her heart began beating faster and faster. She wrapped her track-marked arms around herself defensively and took shallow, frightened breaths. She couldn't pull her eyes away from his calculating stare behind thick glasses. His long, white lab coat fluttered against his dark dress pants and his shoulders rocked back and forth confidently with his stride. His wrinkled face was twisted into an angry frown. The Doctor's leather shoes pounded on the wooden floor until he was standing directly over her. Titty recoiled and shrank down. Her arms tightened even further. She could feel the Doctor's power- and his anger.

"Who did this to you?" Doctor Grungot whispered in a shaky, low growl.

Grungot's voice had never sounded that angry before. Titty's body began to tremble. She opened her mouth to respond. She wanted to tell the Doctor that Daddy was responsible, she wanted him to know that Master had ruined her. But when she tried to speak, nothing came out. Titty's broken, twisted teeth jutted out from her surgically enhanced lips but formed no words. She gulped dryly.

The Doctor bent down slightly and furrowed his nose as he got closer.

"Well!?" He shouted.

Titty's gaze shot downward. She stared between her spherical tits at the crusty cum stain on the top of her dress. She didn't know what to do! She didn't want to snitch on Daddy because he...well he was her Daddy and she was afraid of what he would do to her- how he would change her for the worse. But she also didn't want to piss off the Doctor for the exact same reason.

"I- I c-an't..." Titty rasped into her cleavage.

The Doctor shook his head before quickly raising his arm and striking Titty in the side of the face with a solid back hand. She saw a flash of color and dropped to her knees as hot pain radiated from her cheek.

Doctor Grungot grunted, "I guess there's only one way to get a drugged up, worn out old skank to understand who she's loyal to."

Titty knees shook under her but she stayed put. Her recent changes from Daddy implanted in her a tolerance for violence. She was [i]used[/i] to being abused. She expected it. The Doctor pulled her head back by her hair with one hand and raised her face up to look at him through bleary eyes. He cocked his free arm back. Titty had a fraction of a second to scrunch her face in anticipation before his knuckles cracked across her face once again. Another flash of color and another radiation of pain followed.

He shouted down at her angrily, "When I ask you something, you fucking tell me immediately!"

Another scrunch of anticipation and another wallop with a closed fist to her nose. Titty felt a thin stream of blood trailing from her nostil and hot tears streaming down her face. She blubbered beneath his grip.

The Doctor loosened his grip and his voice turned from anger to some sort of worried paranoia, "You aren't my Maddie- my Maddie would never let herself become...[i]this[/i]. Somebody took her from me, [b]who was it[/b]?"

His grip retightened on her hair and Titty took a bloody, gasping breath as she scrunched her eyes shut and anticipated yet another strike. She opened her mouth to respond but only a pitiful pleading moan sputtered out. The next punch caught her right eye. Titty wailed at the newest explosion of pain and pulled against the Doctor's grip. Her body barely moved an inch as he seemed infinitely stronger than her. She couldn't even turn her face away from his iron grip. Her cheeks, nose and eye were all tingling and she knew they were bruising and swelling.

The Doctor released Titty's head and she collapsed down to her knees. She took gasping breaths and sobbed while hugging her arms around herself. She felt a pressure in her tingling right eye and could practically feel it puffing up in real time.

She heard the clang of a belt buckle and the opening of a zipper.

"Fine." The Doctor yelled, "You don't want to respond to negative stimulus? How about positive? What would a fat [i]prostitute[/i] like you love more than a strangers cock down her throat?"

Before she could even react, the Doctor grabbed the back of Titty's head once again and lifted her to his waiting erection. She slowly opened her eyes and saw his wrinkled, throbbing member pointing towards her face. He was somewhat below average with tangled white pubic hair.

"Suck my cock, whore." He ordered coldly.

Titty reluctantly opened her mouth accepted his manhood. She didn't want to entertain the consequences of refusing. The warm tip of the Doctor's penis slipped between her lips and Titty tasted his precum which mixed with the light stream of blood from her nose. She flicked her tongue around his head and pushed it a little deeper.

"I said [b]suck my cock, whore![/b]" He yelled.

The Doctor forced Titty's face forward and impaled her mouth with his penis. She took his full length which pressed into the back of her throat. Her face was smashed into his groin and her blood wiped into his wispy pubes. With a fistful of hair, the Doctor proceeded to shove Titty's head back and forth along his shaft. Her spit quickly coated him and the Doctor thrusted his hips while pulling Titty along. Her long golden hoops slapped her face wildly as she struggled to breath around Grungot's dick. Titty watched Grungot through her swelling, blurry vision as he grunted and reached his arm down to her dress. He pulled her top down which allowed her unnatural tits to spring out and begin bouncing in time with his thrusts.

"Dirty, stinking, fake little [b]SLUT[/b]!" He grunted.

Titty's arms dangled uselessly down at her sides as Doctor Grungot used her like a cum rag. She gasped and sputtered for air while his cock grinded along the roof of her mouth and into her throat. Titty soon felt a twitch in her mouth and noticed the telltale signs of a man about to cum.

The Doctor withdrew his dripping manhood as he spat down, "Whores don't swallow it, whores [b]wear it[/b]."

He pointed the shaft at the center of Titty's eyes and groaned as he jerked himself quickly. Hot semen erupted from his cock in sticky lines and splashed across TItty's bruised, swollen and sore riddled face. She opened her mouth to catch her breath which bared her broken yellow teeth. The bulk of the Doctor's wad settled near Titty's eyes, nose and forehead. A stray line landed in her congealed, lifeless hair while another squirted into her mouth.

The Doctor squeezed a final drop onto Titty's swollen right eye which she had closed early on. He threw her head towards the ground violently though she managed to catch herself on her hands and knees at the last second. His seed dripped from her face onto her tits and down to her dress. What harm would a second cum stain be anyway? If a whore like her had a few obvious semen stains on her dress would anybody really be surprised?

The Doctor sniffled as he replaced his pants. His voice sounded dejected and quiet, "I wouldn't do that to Maddie. Maddie isn't like her. Maddie doesn't use drugs. Maddie isn't a prostitute."

Titty reached up in an attempt to clean and wipe her eyes. The Doctor grabbed her wrist. Titty gasped as he held her tight. The Doctor stared at her 'DB' tattoo. She could hear the Doctor's breathing increasing once again. His grip tightened on her fragile wrist and she howled in pain but could do nothing to pull her arm back.

The Doctor threw her hand away and growled angrily as he stormed across the room with loud, purposeful steps. He stopped and turned back towards the pathetic heap dripping and blubbering on the floor. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself. Titty stayed motionless on the floor with her semen coated tits exposed.

He finally spoke in a measured tone which echoed across the floor, "Darius has grown disturbingly complacent without any consequences for his bad behavior. He went outside my orders and will pay [b]dearly[/b] for it."

Titty shivered. She thought about the horrible things she had seen Grungot do to people...the horrible things he had done to her. She hadn't even pissed him off and look where she was! If Jennifer's punishment was anything to go off of Titty would rather be an abused, drug addled, old whore covered in semen compared to whatever was about to happen to Daddy.

Doctor Grungot cleared his throat and added quietly, "I'm- i'm sorry for what I just did. I- I didn't know what to do when I saw you like that. It made me...angry. I'll make this right after I've dealt with him."

With that, the Doctor disappeared and the scene began to collapse. Titty felt a small kernel of hope at the Doctor's words. Maybe he was really going to help her moving forward! But, if he really wanted to help her, wouldn't he have changed her back right then and there? Titty floated in the void with thoughts flowing through her brain, semen dripping from her face and spherical tits bouncing on her chest.

[b]NAME: [/b]



Maddi, Kitten, Betty, Em

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]

Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.

[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

169 LBS






Bree: Age 8

Danielle: Age 16

Toni: Age 19

Andy: Age 21

Mona: Age 24


Rebecca: Age Newborn


XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammary glands and heavy periods.


Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond mid back length. Starting to become slightly brittle.


High pitched with a noticeable haughtiness.


Must wear heavy makeup at all times.

Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.

Can only be kind, friendly and supportive when talking about somebody.

Cannot wear any type of bra.

Cannot tie up or otherwise restrict hair.

Has a natural BO smell at all times.

Must wear heels at all times.


Rough, hairless face with a litany of scars and open sores from drug abuse. Ridiculous, fat lips that are very clearly surgically enhanced. They hang constantly open due to their size. Laugh lines and other assorted shallow wrinkles are across the face. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Brown and yellow, sickly looking, broken teeth which bulge outwards almost like an animal. Large, glazed over green eyes with light crows feet. Light, receded brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman. Wearing heavy makeup including foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick. Coated with semen.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Mature vagina with loose, floppy lips and surrounded by hair.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Huge, hard breasts hanging unnaturally from the chest, around a DD cup. Very obviously enhanced and almost spherical in shape. Nipples are small and fake looking as are the areola. Unusually active mammary glands. Stomach is bloated with very little muscle underneath. Stomach is also pockmarked with long, deep stretch marks from numerous pregnancies and contains a long, dark, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with long acrylic nails, jewelry and painted a gaudy pink.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, fat thunder thighs with very little muscle that constantly rub together. Feet are dainty, smooth and a reformed women's size 5.5. Widely flared, matronly hips indicative of a multi birth mother and protruding, chunky ass. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.


A slinky red "dress" that looks more like a long, sleeveless shirt. The thin, low-quality material is nearly transparent and does almost nothing to hide the wearer's body. On the front is an old cum stain and a new one.


Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. A 'DB' tattoo indicating the wearer is a whore belonging to Darius Black. Huge, gaudy gold hoops hanging from the ears.


Heterosexual woman that only considers men for a sexual partner. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humilation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking self confidence. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way. Matronly and protective of her children.


Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Skilled in makeup application...of herself at least. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems. Experienced mother.


Round 64


Round 62