Round 65
[b]Round Sixty Five:[/b]
Maddi appeared in a basement. It was well lit and large with soft white carpeting and a trio of cozy looking couches arranged in a half rectangle. There were several hallways leading to other parts of the basement and an unlit fireplace in the center of the room. It smelled surprisingly pleasant and Maddi found herself feeling comfortable.
She sat down on a nearby chair and looked down at herself. She wore a plunging red tank top with no bra and a black and white floral skirt. Her brown hair was loose and her golden hoops pulled down on her earlobes. She had some white heels on her feet and a tight black thong digging into her slit. Maddi rested her painted nails and delicate, ringed fingers demurely in her lap. She felt like her outfit screamed "older mom" but she didn't fuss about it, she WAS an older mom, after all.
As if on cue with her thoughts, Maddi's son, Andy, appeared with a soft *pop* causing her to instantly hop to her feet with joy as her chest swelled with motherly affection.
"Hey Ma!" Andy called excitedly with his androgynous, but borderline masculine voice.
Maddi had forgotten just how big and tall her 21 year old son had gotten. He was well over six feet with wide shoulders and rippling muscles. He didn't have a shirt on which gave Maddi a full view of his ill-fitting, medium sized breasts and well defined musculature. His hips were a little wider and his butt was a little rounder than expected on a man but considering his overall size they didn't stick out as much as they would on somebody smaller. His face was a strange mix of masculinity and femininity with a heavy brow but a narrow jaw and slim nose. His lips were thick, girly, and curled in a smile but he had a stubbly 5 o'clock shadow to even it out. In his earlobes he had two feminine, pearl studs and his medium length blond hair was pulled into a ponytail.
When Maddi neared Andy she felt strange. There was a aura of energy surrounding him. His sheer size and strength juxtaposed against his mother was palpable and Maddi could feel his power just as she could before. However, this time something was different. She reached out to touch him and quickly glanced down at her outstretched arm to see her skin smoothing out. She may have imagined it, but it certainly LOOKED like her already sparse arm hair lightened and thinned while her skin became smoother and creamier. It may have just been the lighting in the basement, but she also noticed her nipples hardened and poked out against her shirt, while the back length brown hair that framed her face grew a healthy looking sheen. Her eyes traced up to her smiling son and she watched as his skin turned a little darker and more rugged. Andy's wide nipples seemed to contract ever-so-slightly and the hair on his arms darkened and thickened while the hair in his ponytail shortened.
"Oh, my sweet boy." Maddi cooed in her high pitch while touching her sons prickly jaw and ignoring what was happening.
Andy bent down and pulled Maddi into a big hug. Her pointed nipples and heavy chest squished into her sons naked upper body as he engulfed her with his sinewy arms. He had a neutral but pleasant smell while Maddi's floral perfume wafted around her.
"It's good to see ya, Ma." He whispered before pulling himself away and speaking down with a louder voice, "But we really need to talk about wearing a bra again, Ma. You're gonna rip a hole in that tank top with your [b]fat milkers[/b] if you keep walking around like that."
Maddi's cheeks flushed and she attempted to cover her chest with one arm as she responded, "F-fat milkers? That's a horrible thing to say to a lady! Bras are uncomfortable for Momma, [i]sweetheart[/i], you know that!"
Andy chuckled as he looked down once again at his mother's unsuccessful attempt at covering her oversized breasts. He suddenly balled his hands into fists and adopted a more powerful, masculine posture as Maddi felt herself jut her hip to the side while pushing her chest forward in a more feminine posture.
He chortled, "Well Ma, I gotta say, your hooters are fat and make milk so I don't know what else to call em, but whatever you say."
Maddi giggled to herself and shook her head. Andy wasn't wrong about that, and she knew he meant no offense.
She felt so at peace talking to her only male child that the world, her problems and responsibilities seemed to fade away while she beamed, "Why don't you flex for Mommy and show her how hard you've been working?"
Andy grinned and turned away before raising his arms and flexing before grunting out, "Take a look at that definition! Veronica's been telling me to get ripped and cut because she thinks it's hot."
As Maddi felt a prideful surge flow through her, the mention of Veronica snapped her out of her lull and brought her back to reality. She had almost forgotten her son was in trouble!
"Well, what do you think, Ma?" Andy asked expectantly.
Maddi smiled and warmly encouraged, "You look so strong, [i]honey[/i]!"
Andy turned back around with a grin and Maddi's eyes were immediately drawn to the gigantic bulge in his tight white pants. She'd also forgotten how massive Toni's once proud cock looked between Andy's legs!
"Uh, [i]sweetie[/i], your uh- thing is out." Maddi remarked in an embarrassed whisper.
Andy looked down and shrugged his shoulders, "Veronica told me it's okay to have a visible boner because it makes me look manly and sexy. I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, Ma, but I know you've seen a lot of dicks on tons of different guys so it shouldn't be that big'a deal. I mean, you've got five kids from four different cocks creaming in you for christsake! 'Sides, I slipped from from your coochie with this hog, didn't I?"
Maddi's mouth fell open at Andy's words and she prepared to respond when she noticed the pearl earrings in her sons ears fade from existence and the holes close up behind them. She then felt a new weight on her neck and looked down to see a highly feminine gold and pearl necklace dangling there. The new necklace further added to her "older mom" look.
Maddi suddenly realized what was going on- it seemed like Andy's growing masculinity and her own hyper femininity were somehow feeding off one another. Andy's masculinity was siphoning any remaining masculinity in Maddi while Maddi's femininity was feasting off of Andy! Veronica had to be behind this somehow...
Before she could contemplate a solution, two soft *pops* drew the attention of Maddi and Andy to the far side of the room where two newcomers appeared.
First was the long, blonde locks of Cindi. She wore a small, tight white t-shirt with no bra over her slim upper body. A very slight poke of her nipples showed through the shirt and her free-hanging chest was small/medium in size. The shirt exposed her belly and she had almost no discernible fat. Her slight hips were surrounded by a pink and white checkered short skirt that left her upper thighs exposed. On her feet she had white keds and her golden hair was loose down her back.
Maddi compared herself to the vivacious young woman who was tight and slim in every way she was not. Maddi couldn't help but feel jealous. Neither woman wore a bra, but Cindi's chest was light and cute with tiny nipples while Maddi's chest was cumbersome and mature with hard, baby-bottle-esque nipples pointing down towards the carpet. Cindi's hips were slim and girlish with a noticeable, but ultimately compact rear while Maddi was attached to wide, brood mother hips with a chunky ass dimpled with cellulite. Maddi had no doubt that Cindi could float across the room with a fast, plucky strut, easily keeping herself contained while Maddi would have to waddle with an exaggerated, womanly sway, struggling to control her expansive feminine assets.
Pushing aside her jealousy, Maddi noticed the energy surrounding her son changed once Cindi approached. She no longer felt his energy acting on her.
The second *pop* revealed the short but relatively manly body of Liam. He wore a dark green sweater atop a white button-up shirt which rested tightly against his rather built looking upper body. Liam's open collar put his Adams apple front and center while his face was androgynous but leaning feminine. A brown belt was looped through a pair of tan dress pants and brown leather shoes. He slipped a slim hand into his pocket.
Andy acknowledged the newcomers with a head nod. Cindi nervously returned it before swiveling to Liam and exchanging a glance.
Cindi turned away from Maddi and Andy before muttering something to Liam. The couple then turned and made their way over.
Cindi spoke first in a clean, high alto, "Anna, It's Simon, I need you to come out and speak to me."
Liam started in his low tenor as soon as Simon had finished speaking, "Anna it's me, Melody. We don't have much time, we need you to help us."
Andy's brow furrowed in confusion before twisting into anger. He adopted a defensive posture and watched the approaching duo as if they were dangerous. His aura of hunger wrapped around him like a shield and the surrounding basement seemed to quake. Maddi felt frightened at Andy's sudden change in demeanor and her heart rate quickened.
Simon and Melody inched closer to a defensive Andy who seemed frozen in place. His wide, blue eyes were darting all over.
Simon cleared her throat and spoke louder, "Anna! Talk to me, Anna! You can fight her, Anna! You can fight Veronica!"
Melody's Adams apple quivered as he bellowed deeply, "Remember who you were, Anna! Grungot's the real enemy, Veronica is the real enemy, not us! Do you remember, Anna?"
Andy's hands began shaking and he blinked hard a few times. Each blink caused his head to dip violently. The quaking scenery was barely holding together as Andy's power fluctuated all over the place.
Simon chirped, "You ARE Anna. Grungot and Veronica made you into this. You are kind and warm and positive and happy. You are EVERYTHING they aren't! Don't let them win!"
Maddi's fear was replaced with motherly instinct and she gently held Andy's shaking hand. He squeezed her delicate fingers and his blinking ceased as his shining eyes stared expectantly down at his mother. He was looking for an answer.
Maddi wet her pillowy lips and took a series of fast breaths. Simon and Melody were very close now. They spoke loudly in the background, continuing to try and coax Anna from Andy's mind. His attention, however, was squarely focused down at Maddi.
Melody shouted deeply, "Come out Anna!"
Simon screeched, "Push them out Anna!"
A hole tore into the ceiling with a crash as multiple personas in Andy's head fought for control. Feminine energy clashed with his hungry, masculine energy that surrounded him. Tears rolled down his puffy cheeks and his hand squeezed harder as the violent blinking resumed. Andy groaned in agony which caused Maddi's maternal instincts to activate even more.
She turned to the pair that were standing directly next to her son and pleaded, "Please stop, you're hurting him!"
"That's not a him! It's a her! Aren't you, Anna?" Simon chirped up towards Andy.
"Anna is a her, Anna is a girl!" Melody boomed.
The ceiling and walls continued to crumble away and a loud crashing sound rippled through the room. The swirling void was visible through the holes.
Andy sobbed and moaned into the ceiling. His grip on Maddi's hand was harder than ever. He suddenly screamed and nearly the entire roof exploded away in one large burst of energy.
Maddi screamed, "Stop, y-you need to stop, [i]dears[/i]! He's my son- he's- he's in pain!"
"She's lying! She's just as deluded as you, Anna!" A masculine voice called.
"You could save Martin, Anna! You could save us all!" A feminine voice added.
Maddi face scrunched with anger. That little bitch...strutting around like she's so young and attractive! They were liars! They told her they would help rescue her son from the clutches of Veronica and The Doctor! They didn't say they'd lie to him and hurt him!
The violent energy surrounding Anda continued to swirl like a hurricane though the masculine energy was losing. Anda's breaths were coming in fast and his eyes were tightly closed.
Maddi placed her free hand behind her son's back and tapped into the resentment growing in her belly with a snarl, "Andy IS my son, don't you dare lie to him like that! I told you to stop, and you're going to stop!"
Melody responded with a shout, "He's lying! Dont' listen to Martin he-" but he was cut off by Simon who smacked his arm. Simon had turned her attention to Maddi and could clearly see she was losing her.
Anda sputtered out through pained sobs, though the word he said sounded more like a question, "M-M-Mommy?"
Simon shouted quickly and fearfully, "Don't do it, Maddi!" Maddi, look at me! We're SO close, Maddi!"
But her words were too late as Maddi opened her thick, painted and wrinkled lips and spoke up to her son, "Mommy is here, Andy. My beautiful boy! Don't listen to them, [i]sweetie[/i], they're trying to take you away from me!"
Andy's eyes opened and his tears stopped. He looked down and scowled at Simon and Melody who each took a step back.
"Your mother's right, Andy." A confident, medium alto sounded near the fireplace, drawing the attention of all occupants in the room.
Standing in a flowing, traditional dress was the svelte frame of Veronica. Her tattoos were covered by the outfit and her fiery, red hair had been replaced with black. Her almond eyes stared intensely at Andy.
"Hey handsome." She cooed, "I thought you'd like my pretty dress. I know it makes you feel manly when I wear flower dresses like this. Would you mind putting the room back together for me, stud?"
Andy nodded and calmed his breathing as his maculine energy once again took complete control. The ceiling and walls slowly filled in until the room had returned to its original integrity.
Veronica glided across the floor until she was next to Andy. Simon and Melody hesitated and looked to one another with fear, they had clearly lost!
Veronica looped her arm around Andy's arm and smiled at Maddi, "Thank you, Maddi. Or, should I say 'mom'?
Veonica held up her hand.
Andy sniffled and shook her arm a bit as he complained, "Babe! I thought we were going to wait to tell her?" He then turned he head to Maddi, "Sorry, Ma, I wanted to surprise you. We got engaged."
Veronica pulled Andy's face down until it met hers and they shared a quick kiss before she said loud enough for all to hear, "She deserves to know! I think she's going to be-" She shot a quick glance at Simon and Melody, "-an important part of our lives moving forward."
Maddi grinned from ear to ear and clapped her hands while hopping excitely. Her breasts bounced wildly but she didn't care. She was elated! It was nice that Veronica wanted her to know, maybe she wasn't so bad after all!
Maddi spoke with maternal pride swelling in her chest, "I'm so happy for you [i]sweetie[/i]! Veronica, I know we don't know each other very well, but I'm looking forward to spending time with you! We should go shopping!"
Veronica let go of Andy and grinned, "I'd like that Mrs. Kleiner."
Maddi laughed, "Please, call me Maddi- or 'mom' if you want to [i]dear[/i]."
Veronica nodded, "Okay, Mom."
Simon and Melody had slowly crept away from the group until Veronica stared over to them and they stopped moving.
"Where do you think you're going? This round is just getting started." Veronica stated flatly. Simon and Melody gulped in unison.
Veronica grew a wicked smile and snapped her fingers. Samuel appeared with a soft *pop*.
He had his usual intense stare that he cast around the room.
His eyes stopped on Maddi and he grew a faint smile. She waved at him with her long acrylic nails and gave him an air kiss before chirping, "Hello there [i]hubby[/i]."
He returned her air kiss and walked over.
"Hey Dad." Andy stated while smiling while placing his arm down and around Veronica's shoulders.
Samuel approached Maddi and did the same thing with his arm and Maddi's shoulders. She squirmed happily beneath her husband's touch. He may not have been young anymore, but he was still the same loving man she married.
He responded, "Uh- yeah hey there buddy."
"We're getting married, Dad." Andy added while Veronica held up her ring.
Maddi felt Samuel shift before he responded positively, "That'a boy, Andy! I'm happy for you s-son."
Maddi saw Samuel's gaze shift to Simon and Melody huddled on the far end of the room. Why was he looking over to [i]them[/i]?
Veronica spoke to her future in-laws, "I was hoping to wear your dress, Mrs. Kleiner, do you still have it by any chance?"
Maddi and Samuel exchanged glances. Maddi's eye twitched as a memory of her wedding night suddenly burst into her brain. She noticed Samuel did the same thing. She remembered that it was quite the whirlwind with the families and the preparation...She remembered feeling so beautiful and feminine in her stunning white dress. She'd gone on a diet for almost a full year to fit into it! But all the stress and hard work culminated in the ceremony where she was finally able to stare up at her husband's intense eyes and say "I do" in front of everyone! She felt warmth all along her body as her mind swam with new, old memories. Samuel's demeanor appeared to change as his mind was altered as well. He locked eyes with Maddi and they shared a mutual feeling and a positive moment of recollection.
Maddi spoke through a smile, "Of course I still have it [i]dear[/i]. I am quite a bit...bustier than you are. But, I'm sure we can get it tailored to fit!"
Veronica nodded, "Thank you! We'll talk more in the next few rounds. Anyway, back to business! Mr. Kleiner, if you would please do the honors."
Samuel's eyes opened wide and he stiffened up. He opened his mouth to speak but his voice was monotone and robotic, "Contestant Andy will have vaginal sex with Contestant Cindi while Contestant Liam will have vaginal sex with Contestant Veronica. Whichever male is able to give the most pleasure in ten minutes or give the female contestant an orgasm will win. No oral or digital stimulation of any kind is permitted. The winner will make a swap with each person not on his team."
Simon backed into the corner and shook her head before screaming with tears in her eyes, "I don't want to have sex with a man! I'm a man!"
She robotically removed her thin white t-shirt exposing her perky b-cups.
Melody removed his sweater and ripped open his button-up which revealed his rather chiseled, muscled chest while reassuring her partner, "I don't like it either, Simon, but it'll be worse if we don't participate. Do you remember Jennifer? Look, I don't want to have sex with a woman either, but if it means we can win a round and make a few strategic changes we have to try. Otherwise we lost in more than one way. Just do your best to be as disgusted with his penis as I know you are. You need to do whatever you can to minimize your pleasure."
Melody slipped his khaki pants to his ankles and kicked off his shoes while Simon lowered her skirt and slipped out of her keds. Simon was left in a skimpy thong while Melody wore boxer shorts.
"We'll figure this out, Simon, but we have to focus and win first." Melody ordered.
They made their way across the floor as Simon wiped her tears with a delicate hand and nodded.
Meanwhile, Andy and Veronica immediately removed their clothing. Veronica had a lithe, tattooed body with a tight slit while Andy had a hulking, muscled body and a monster cock swinging like a pendulum.
"Do we have to do it in front of my parents?" Andy complained.
"Oh come on now." Veronica answered, "We've had crazier sex than this. Just do her like you do me and we'll win this easily. I'm sure your parents want to see their son doing what he does best, anyway!"
Andy grinned and grew a confident pep in his step.
For their part, Maddi and Samuel made their way to the side of the room. Maddi was both disgusted and strangely intrigued at the idea of watching her son and his fiancee having sex.
Maddi watched as Simon, Melody, Veronica and Andy met in the middle of the floor. The final pieces of their clothing were quickly removed. Simon covered his vagina shyly while Melody struggled with the cage around his micro penis.
Veronica and Andy laughed at Melody whose cheeks grew red and his already tiny penis contracted even more.
"You can't be serious with that little dicklet. It looks more like a clit! You couldn't get me off with that thing in 500 minutes!" Veronica chortled.
"S-shut up." Melody grunted as he struggled.
After a few seconds, Veronica snapped her fingers and the cage fell to the floor with a soft *clank*.
The stage was now set. In one corner was Andy who was a man with a huge penis that was mostly attracted to women. He was paired up with Simon who, while having a fully female body, was a man on the inside and attracted to women. In the other corner was Melody who, while having a fully male body with a micropenis, was a woman on the inside and attracted to men. He was paired with Veronica who had a fully female body and was attracted to men with big cocks.
Once Simon stood in front of Andy, however, her eyes fixated on his pendulous cock. She began to blink in rapid succession. When she returned to normal, she removed her hand from between her legs and licked her lips. She tossed her golden hair behind her shoulders and bit her lower lip.
The stage was now set. In one corner was Andy who was a man with a huge penis that was mostly attracted to women. He was paired up with Cindi who had a fully female body and was a woman on the inside and attracted to men. In the other corner was Melody who, while having a fully male body with a micropenis, was a woman on the inside and attracted to men. He was paired up with Veronica who had a fully female body and was attracted to men with big cocks.
Samuel stiffened up while next to his wife and spoke out, "Begin."
Cindi immediately dropped onto her hands and knees with anticipation. She wiggled her ass and pussy towards Andy who initially watched with surprise.
Melody's eyes opened wide as he exclaimed, "Simon, what are you...? Goddammit, Cindi!"
Andy grinned and poked his hard cock into the entrance of Cindi's slit. She pressed back against him and enveloped his impressive length with very little resistance.
Cindi moaned and pressed her hips back against Andy who thrust his hips forward. With their combined effort, Andy was stroking deeply in and out with a furtive rhythm. He grabbed onto her slim hips and gave her a few hard swats which she seemed to enjoy.
Next to them, Melody awkwardly attempted to push Veronica to the floor but she stopped him and reversed it. Melody was quickly on his back with his tiny penis poking up like a mushroom. He was trying to imagine Veronica as a rugged, tough man but was only able to get himself semi hard. Veronica rolled her eyes and attempted to maneuver Melody inside of her.
"The fuck is wrong with you?" Veronica scoffed.
"Just- just give me a minute." Melody responded with his eyes closed tightly.
Veronica squatted down and somehow managed to slip Melody's limp micro dick inside of her.
However, once it was inside Melody became instantly limp and he dropped out. Veronica looked between her legs and cackled. Melody's cheeks burned as he looked over to Cindi directly next to him. She was practically screaming in pleasure. Her tits were jiggling all over and her eyes were rolled back in her head.
On the other side of the room, Maddi and Samuel had begun holding hands as they watched the event unfold. Maddi felt warm within her husbands smooth but somewhat rugged fingers wrapped around hers. Though it was their son, the sound and sight of a hard penis entering a wet vagina was starting to get both Samuel and Maddi going. Feeling her husband's arousal, Maddi reached over with her free hand and fished into Samuel's waistband. He looked down at her with surprise but she shot him a mischievous grin and he pushed his hips forward with a smile on his face. She took it as an invitation and used her thin fingers to locate his veiny manhood. She wrapped around him and slowly pumped up and down his length. In response, Samuel let go of Maddi's hand and coiled his fingers beneath her skirt like a snake. He hiked it up and ripped her tight thong to the side. She let out a tiny *eep* as he was being much more aggressive than she anticipated. It made her feel even hotter and she was sure her hairy jungle was properly wet. She opened her thighs and squatted slightly to give him better access to her honeypot.
Cindi screamed, "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes! Fuck!" Before her body convulsed and she fell onto her tits and face. She laid on the floor with orgasmic waves crashing all across her body. Andy didn't stop and kept stroking again and again. He squeezed her hips tightly and used them to anchor himself. Finally, after a few more seconds he gritted his teeth and exhaled sharply. He pushed himself in all the way and held Cindi in place as his balls contracted and he unloaded cum deep inside. When he was finished, he removed himself with a sloppy sloshing sound and gave Cindi one final spank for good measure. A trail of white liquid slipped out behind him.
Veronica, meanwhile, tried two more times to get Melody's limp micro penis inside of her. She managed it for a few seconds on her third attempt, but once again he was simply too small and soft to provide any pleasure, stimulation, action, sex or anything in between. She gave up and patted his little cock before standing up. Melody knew it was over, too, and stood up behind her. Veronica watched lustfully as her man went to town on the blonde hussy with her eyes rolled into her head. Melody turned away, disgusted to see his partner defiled in such a way.
Maddi's speed on her husband's penis had increased. Samuel freed his member from his pants and allowed his wife's hand to go unfettered. She pumped him with the perfect amount of pressure and technique that could only come from a lifetime of cock handling. By this point, Samuel had worked multiple fingers into his wife's damp coochie. He managed to flick her bean while simultaneously finger fucking her. His hand was soaked in warm, slick feminine fluid and she had opened her legs even wider. Maddi's breaths were coming in quickly and she let out little moans of pleasure at her husband's magical touch. Samuel hiked Maddi's skirt up all the way to her hips and tore her skimpy thong off with a grunt. Now completely exposed, Maddi wanted to be angry that Samuel had destroyed her underwear, but she was completely lost in lust. She pressed back against the wall and ran her hands through her hair. She was too horny to focus on Samuel's cock anymore and he pressed into her most tender spot. Maddi closed her eyes and bit her thick lower lip, approaching the orgasm she desperately craved.
"Tame Mom's cunt, Dad! Make that pussy purr!" Andy shouted.
Maddi was momentarily dragged back to reality when Samuel abruptly stopped, but slipped back into la-la-land quickly once he started again. Maddi opened her eyes weakly and saw all four participants in different states of undress staring at her. At this point, she didn't care that they could see her dripping beaver. She didn't care that she was a mature woman with a mature pussy. So what if her labia were a little droopy, so what if she was a little loose, so what if her pubes were a little thick? They all knew she'd birthed a lot of kids and taken a lot of dick. They all knew she had female anatomy down there so why be embarrassed when her husband wanted to spread her lips and show it off? He had a marital right to control her baby-maker however he wanted. She didn't feel any shame that Samuel was fingering her in front of them and she rocked her hips to further pleasure herself. It seemed that Samuel felt the same way as his speed only increased and he swirled, poked and pinched her clitoris in every amazing way until she screamed like a she-beast into the ceiling and pleasure exploded from her quivering pussy.
Maddi giggled and felt her legs going weak as Samuel removed his glistening fingers. She dropped to her knees in front of her husband and kissed his cock head.
"Show us how a good wife handles her husband's cock, Mrs. K!" Veronica called.
Maddi smiled and pressed forward, deciding to show them exactly how a good wife handles hubby's cock. She started by taking his length between her lips. She bobbed her head back and forth all while her tongue swirled and licked. His pubes pressed against her face each time she took him deeply which tickled her nose and her large hoops swayed in time with her head. She stared up and caught her husband's eyes while she blew him. She knew he liked that almost as much as the blowjob itself. She was a devoted wife that knew her husband pretty darn well! She'd mothered multiple children for him, after all! Maddi could feel he was already close. Her suspicions were confirmed just a short minute later when she felt him twitch inside her mouth. She stopped and stayed in place as Samuel grunted and spurts of sticky semen unloaded into the back of her throat. She waited until he was completely done ejaculating before pulling away. She threw her head back and opened her mouth up to Samuel who grinned down at her and the impressive load filling her mouth.
"Swallow. Swallow. Swallow." Andy and Veronica chanted as they watched.
Maddi did as they beckoned and swallowed her husband's wad. It slid down her throat like a warm, salty smoothie. She showed him her clear mouth and gave his softening cock one more kiss before struggling to her feet. Samuel reached down to help her up which she appreciated as her legs were still a little weak. Once on her feet, Maddi tried giving Samuel a kiss and he stopped her. She giggled girlishly, how could she have forgotten she'd just swallowed his load? She made a note to kiss him later. She replaced her skirt, lamenting at her lacy thong destroyed and laying on the floor. Samuel was busy sniffing his fingers like a little pervert though, Maddi had to admit, it was pretty hot that he was attracted to the smell of her vagina.
Once they were put together, Maddi and Samuel locked arms and walked to the center of the room. Samuel was escorting his lady. Maddi's legs were still a little shaky and her walk was a rolling, waddle type movement, but she managed to make it there.
Maddi asked her son cheerily, "So, [i]sweetie[/i], did you win?"
He sneered proudly, "Of course I did, Ma. But I'd say Dad was the real winner here."
Veronica added, "Yeah, Mrs. K. you killed it over there! That was some of the best cocksucking I've ever seen! That's what a good wife does, isn't it?"
Maddi felt her cheeks flush at her son's comment and she averted her gaze in embarrassment but nodded her head in agreement. Samuel squeezed her arm reassuringly.
"Your mom has had a lot of practice." Samuel joked which caused all three to laugh and Maddi's red cheeks to redden even more.
Maddi looked over at the corner and saw a dejected Simon and Melody. Simon had a small white puddle pooled on the ground beneath her skirt. They were muttering to one another and didn't pay her gaze any attention.
Veronica finished her laugh and grabbed Andy's chest. Her diamond ring shone from her finger. Maddi thought it looked a lot like the ring on her own finger!
She spoke up to him in a sing-song voice, "Andy. Baby. Let's collect our winnings. Wouldn't it be great to give your remaining breasts to Cindi? I think she's a bit self conscious about her chest size and you dont' need it anymore, do you?"
Andy nodded, "Yeah I think that's a good idea."
Andy's chest deflated and tightened until only flat, muscled pecs remained. He touched his newly tightened pecs curiously. In the corner, Simon's tight white t-shirt pushed outwards as her modest b-cup blossomed to a fleshy d-cup. The shirt hugged her torso and showed every inch and curve of her expanded chest. She barely reacted, seeming to not want to give Andy and Veronica the satisfaction.
Veronica next addressed Melody, "And that Liam is too much of a sissy to even call himself a man. He couldn't get it up even when my pussy was begging him! That noticeable Adam's apple is much more useful on a REAL man. I think you should take that. It'd be sexy!"
Andy nodded once again, "You're right, Veronica."
Melody let out a heavy cough in the corner and reached up to his neck as it flattened and smoothed out. Any trace of his heavy Adam's apple was completely gone. Next it was Andy who coughed. A small lump formed in his throat and expanded outwards until he sported a very noticeable Adam's apple. Combined with his flat chest and beard stubble, Andy was starting to look very manly. He poked at his new growth and grew a smile.
"For your dad, I think you should absorb any and all of his rebelliousness." Veronica suggested.
Samuel cleared his throat and pointed to Maddi, "Wait, why are we included in this?"
Veronica shrugged, "Well, the rules state that he gets to swap with everybody not on his team so I assume it means ya'll too. Don't worry, he won't take anything you need."
Samuel shook his head, "I don't think so. 'Rebelliousness'? What does that even mean? Maybe he can take my hair color or eye color or something?"
Andy looked towards Veronica for an answer and she began to provide it, "Well, Mr. K, I think rebelliousness is sexy and Andy is a little lacking. Sometimes he lets people push him around and I don't like it! Besides, your rebellious days are behind you. You're in a happy marriage with a wonderful woman named Maddi!"
Color drained from Samuel's face and he put his hand up, "Wait- wait just a second-"
"What do you mean, Dad? That's a good idea, I say we go with it." Andy confirmed.
Samuel's raised objection faltered as he grabbed at his forehead. He swayed a bit before regaining his bearings and gaining a smile. Andy also grabbed at his forehead. When he regained his bearings, he laughed and somehow took on an even more confident stance.
"Alright, what's next? I want to go knock some things off my bucket list." Andy grunted.
"Well, my little rebel, I think you should give your mom any remaining attraction to men you've got rattling around in that head and she can give you any remaining attraction to women she's holding onto. Of course, 'attraction' means physically, mentally, spiritually, culturally, societally practically, figuratively, theoretically, hypothetically, anatomically- you know, all those ways and more. Obviously, I want you to be attracted to women and vaginas and it'll make your mom even more a man and penis lover. You saw what she just did, it's already such a natural thing for her, it'll barely change anything, I'm sure!"
Andy craned his neck towards Maddi, "Whadda ya think, Ma? You okay with that?"
Maddi fidgeted with her pearl necklace and ensured her hair was in its proper place before nodding her head, "Whatever makes you happy, [i]sweetheart[/i]. I'll be happy if you're happy!"
Andy nodded, "Alright, let's do it."
Maddi closed her eyes and felt dizzy. She fell into Samuel's arms and he caught her without skipping a beat. Her eyes fluttered open and she found Samuel's piercing, male gaze. She squirmed beneath his scrutiny and felt his masculine arms holding her up. She swooned in his clutch. Everything about him was sexy. The manly way he moved and fiddled with his junk when he sat down how he crossed his legs leaving room for his penis and introduced himself with a strong handshake and kissed with confidence and dressed in his suits and men's clothes. His faint cologne smell, his inability to do basic housework, his socially acceptable masculine interests, his abundance of body hair, his paternal instincts, his masculine inflection, his protective nature, his social conditioning to open her door, his entrenchment in his own masculinity, his socially conditioned denial of all things feminine. He was a man and Maddi was attracted to everything about that! Meanwhile, the sight of a woman's breast or vagina was enough to make Maddi turn her head. She didn't want to see that and it actively turned her off. There was not even the beginnings of arousal or lust when looking at another woman. Maddi would tolerate a woman being in a pornographic film, but only if she could actively picture herself from the perspective of the actress.
On the other side, Andy's eyes closed and he looked a little unsteady on his feet. He came back to reality just a few seconds later and glanced around the room. His perspective had changed in a similar manner to Maddi though he wasn't nearly as extreme as she was. Andy certainly wasn't attracted to men, but it wasn't a massive turn of just to see a naked man. He would probably pop a boner from just seeing a vagina or a pair of tits now.
The scene began to collapse. Maddi squeezed her husband's arm lovingly before swaying to her son and his fiancee and smiling up at them. She didn't notice Simon and Melody sneak over to Samuel as she walked away.
Veronica spoke first, "Thanks for everything, Mrs. Kleiner. You've done...more than you know.
Maddi blinked a few times, her brain didn't quite catch what Veronica was getting at so she simply responded, "I'm so happy for you two! I'll see you both soon, take care. Momma loves you!"
Andy pulled her into a hug, "Love you too, Ma. Thanks for reminding me who I really am. Oh, and Ma?"
"Yes, [i]hun[/i]?"
"You've got a pube stuck to your lips" He laughed.
Maddi's cheeks flushed once again as she cleaned herself off.
As she was left floating in the void, she couldn't help but feel a constant surge of happiness and fulfillment.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Maddi Ellie Kleiner (Maiden Name Dawes)
Kitten, Titty, Betty, Em
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
169 LBS
Bree Grungot: Age 7
Danielle Grungot: Age 15
Toni Black: Age 19
Andy Kleiner: Age 21
Mona Grungot: Age 24
Luscious Grungot: Age ?
Rebecca Grungot: Newborn
XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammary glands and heavy periods.
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond mid back length. Shiny and healthy.
High pitched with a noticeable haughtiness.
Must wear heavy makeup at all times.
Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.
Can only be kind, friendly and supportive when talking about somebody.
Cannot wear any type of bra.
Cannot tie up or otherwise restrict hair.
Has a natural perfume smell.
Wears lots of rings and feminine accessories on the hands, especially gold and diamonds.
Must wear heels at all times.
Protective of her nails. Keeps them long and fake.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. White, fairly straight teeth. Large, soft green eyes with light crows feet. Light, receded brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman. Wearing heavy makeup including foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Mature vagina with loose, floppy lips and surrounded by hair.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Huge, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around an E cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are wide, dark and feminine. Unusually active mammary glands. Stomach is bloated with very little muscle underneath. Stomach is also pockmarked with long, deep stretch marks from numerous pregnancies and contains a long, dark, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with long acrylic nails, jewelry and painted a gaudy pink.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, fat thunder thighs with very little muscle that constantly rub together. Feet are dainty, smooth and a reformed women's size 5.5. Widely flared, matronly hips indicative of a multi birth mother and protruding, chunky ass. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.
Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Large golden hoops in earlobes.
Heterosexual woman that only considers men for a sexual partner. Actively turned off by anything to do with other women and sex including breasts and vaginas. Loves sucking cock. Loves making men, namely her husband, scream in ecstasy. Loves big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men, but mostly her husband. Loves having a hard penis in her vagina. Very submissive. Really gets off on humiliation and debauchery - but only when very horny.
Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking self confidence. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way. Matronly and protective of her children.
Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners with her vagina. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Skilled in makeup application...of herself at least. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems. Experienced mother.