Round 55
[b]Round Fifty Five:[/b]
Maddi appeared in a brightly lit gymnasium. The gym had a shiny, wooden, panel floor. The walls were also paneled slats of wood reaching up to a cluster of windows which filtered in sunlight. Two basketball hoops hung on opposite corners but the room was otherwise empty.
This was a familiar area, but the memory was so vague. It had to have been one of the first few rounds. Maddi squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light and she peered around the room. It seemed like a lifetime ago. She couldn't recall exactly what she looked like when she was here last, but Maddi was sure she was unrecognizable.
She checked down at her outfit. She wore a gray long sleeve t-shirt with a conservative neckline and black yoga pants. The shirt had some writing on it but it was loose and comfortable. 'GIRL WITH CURVES' was a little embarrassing in bold letter across her torso, but it could definitely be worse. Her braless chest pressed against the material and her curves were highlighted by the pants. Overall, she was happy with what she had on.
On her feet were high-heeled, pink tennis shoes.
With her long, brunette hair in a ponytail, the comfort of heavy makeup covering her face, and her baggy outfit, Maddi was as prepared and comfortable as possible for a physical challenge. It would all depend on her opponent. But, with the loss of her physical fitness and sports related knowledge, she wasn't getting her hopes too high.
A soft *pop* indicated to Maddi that she was no longer alone.
Standing before her was the 5"9, wiry frame of Danielle. Danielle looked to be back at her proper age after having dipped into her mid teens a few rounds ago. Her brown hair was in a messy ponytail. Her workout outfit was very...barebones. It basically amounted to a black sports bra and black shorts. The bra covered her small breasts and the shorts wrapped tightly around her slight curves. She was showing a surprising amount of skin and Maddi was not used to that from Danielle. Her body looked toned and strong. She had white tennis shoes on. Though even without heels she was still taller than Maddi.
Her face was devoid of makeup and her thin lips were curled into a scowl.
Maddi dropped into a demure curtsey before clearing her throat and speaking in her androgynous tone, "Glad to see you're back to being yourself, [i]honey[/i]."
Danielle began to slowly stretch. Maddi felt a pang of jealousy as she watched the fit young woman move in ways her older body was probably not capable of.
"Can't say the same for my mo-" She paused and shook her head before continuing, "I mean my...little sister..."
Her scowl deepened. This was clearly a sore subject for Danielle and Maddi began nervously stretching to avoid any further dialogue about it. Maddi's stretches were much less intense and consisted mostly of low-impact, standing stretches. Meanwhile, Danielle was practically rolling around on the floor doing God knows what.
Maddi couldn't get a read on Danielle. Where did they stand after their last encounter? Was she willing to put aside their differences and work together?
Breaking the tension, Maddi changed the subject, still trying to feel Danielle out, "By the way, you look really good, [i]sweetie[/i]. You have to tell me your workout regimen."
Hopping to her feet, Danielle's scowl turned to a hateful grin and she responded with a fake sweetness, "It turns out that taking your knowledge of the human body came with more than I bargained for. I can't stay away from the gym for more than a day or two without feeling like total fucking dogshit! Like, seriously physically sick! And if that wasn't enough-" Danielle motioned to herself, "Taking your confidence away made me want to show off my body to eeeeeeverybody! I can't go a single hour at the gym without a horny gym bro leering at me! It's so great!"
"Uhm..." Maddi awkwardly muttered while scratching her head, "You could always...I mean- you could it back?"
Danielle's grin faded back to a scowl, "Not on your life! It's a means to an end. Now I can dominate you in any physical challenge,- just like I'm about to do here, in fact. I can put up with some annoyances to take you down."
Maddi sighed, "So I guess that means we can't be friends?"
"After what you did to my mo- LITTLE SISTER? She's delusional...and it's all because of you! No, I think I'll continue pushing for your old, wrinkly ass to fail spectacularly."
"But I-" Maddi began.
Another *pop* sounded nearby. The tiny robotic body of S.A.M stepped between the contestants. He had on a little sweatband.
His monotone, robot voice filled the room, "Contestants will participate in a jumping contest. Each contestant will get three jumps and only the highest score will be counted."
A strange looking device appeared. It was a wooden stand holding a long series of plastic sticks climbing up and up and up. The trick was jumping and hitting the highest stick possible.
Danielle stepped towards the stand and got into position while giggling maniacally. She carried herself like the outcome was already decided. It was true: Danielle was decades younger; a hundred pounds of pure fat lighter; naturally taller; had longer fingers; was filled with muscle; not wearing high heels; not dealing with huge, freely hanging breasts...But Maddi wasn't ready to give up! You never know, maybe Danielle secretly had no hops?
Maddi's hope was quickly dashed as Danielle got into position and rocketed upwards, slamming her hand into a high stick. She had made it all the way to 7"8! That was a 23 inch vertical jump! The sticks straightened themselves. Danielle stepped back and turned towards Maddi. Maddi didn't even pick her head up to look at her. Maddi knew she had absolutely no chance to top that. Nonetheless, she clicked her way to the stand and mimicked Danielle's stance. Maddi took a deep breath and jumped upwards. Her chest heaved and her little fingers managed to hit one of the lowest sticks. She landed and nearly toppled over with a gasp as her chest slammed down painfully. A jet of milk squirted out as she landed as well causing small wet spots to form and outline her nipples in the top.
Danielle gasped between fits of laughter, "That was SO pathetic!"
The stick revealed Maddi only made it to 6"4. With her heels that meant she only managed a 10 inch vertical jump! That really WAS pathetic! Maddi's gaze lowered to the floor and her cheeks were flush with embarrassment.
"Come on now 'girl with curves' let's see you try it again! Maybe you'll get it this time!" Danielle mocked.
Feeling suddenly self conscious about her body, Maddi wrapped her arms around her wet chest, trying to obscure the text on her shirt and the dark circles from her consistently lactating tits. She felt so inferior to Danielle's young, fit physique. Danielle even had nicer teeth- she was taller- she was prettier- she didn't even have to cover herself in makeup...
Maddi held her breasts down with one hand while the other half-heartedly attempted to jump a second time. She had to participate to avoid the Doctor's wrath- but she wasn't about to embarrass herself further or risk getting hurt when there was no hope whatsoever. She barely touched the lowest stick on her second and third jumps which barely put her past 6". Each time, another jet of milk sputtered out making her situation worse.
Once she had completed the final attempt, Maddi once again crossed her arms across her damp chest and sulked.
"Sucks to suck, loser. That's what you get." Danielle spat.
Maddi stayed silent and kept her eyes away.
Doctor Grungot's nasally tenor sounded from the rafters, "What a great way to bring us back to the traditional 1 vs. 1 format! Congratulations Ms. Strauss! Just so you're aware, I got your little sister enrolled just like you wanted."
Danielle stared up at the sky and nodded with a genuine smile on her face and a soft voice, "Thank you, Doctor, that means a lot. Please take care of her. I'd like to visit soon if that's okay."
There was a long pause before he responded in a low voice, "Of course! You know I always take care of contestants that obey and cooperate. I'll get you in to visit her before you know it. Now, with that out of the way- what would you like to do to our dear friend here, Ms. Dawes?"
Danielle pulled her medium length brunette hair from its tie. It feel down and touched her shoulders.
"I'd like to go back to having short hair. Make it so she won't want to cut it and- and- make it so she can't tie it up! No buns, ponytails, braids or...anything. It'll have to stay loose and be all over the place. That'll make it even more impossible for her to beat me moving forward."
The shoulder length hair on Danielle's head began lifting upwards. It cleared her shoulders and continued shrinking to her chin. It then passed her earlobes before nearly clearing her ears altogether. She was left with a mop of short, scruffy brown hair that barely tickled the tops of her ears.
Maddi shivered as a tingle crawled up her spine and infected her brain. She'd been feeling a tiny bit self conscious, but it paled in comparison to the strong anxiety flooding into her head. She felt ugly- obnoxiously ugly. No trendy clothing, no inch thick layer of makeup could cover up how disgusting she felt. The anxiety and disdain for herself was growing while her sense of self worth was deteriorating rapidly. It wasn't her shirt, her wasn't even her crooked teeth. What was causing this awful feeling? She began to hyperventilate as her eyes darted around, searching for the source while staving off a growing panic attack. She flicked her hand behind her head and pulled out the hair tie. Maddi's hair dropped to her shoulders and she immediately felt better. She didn't exactly feel gorgeous, but she was back to normalcy. She swiped her hair from her face and looked down at the tie. It was a simple black, stretchy band. Maddi gulped. This was a concerning turn of events. She would have to get used to loose hair.
As she stared down, Maddi watched the tips of her hair enter her vision and push downwards. She could feel it sliding down her back and shoulders. It not only got longer, it became heavier and thicker as well. It slipped to her mid back and pushed a few inches further than that. When it was finished, Maddi ran her fingers through her lower-back-length brunette hair. She swished her head back and forth, feeling how cumbersome and thick her newly lengthened locks were. It was going to make physical tasks much harder, especially if she had no real way to control it. She pulled it behind her back. While it was inconvenient...Maddi couldn't help but feel it made her beautiful and more feminine.
Danielle scratched at her pixie cut and smiled, "It looks very pretty on you, 'girl with curves'."
Maddi curled a few strands behind her pierced ears and felt herself blushing. Danielle may have meant it as an insult- but with her heavy makeup and long, flowing hair- she did feel pretty!
As the scene began to collapse Danielle walked towards the vertical jump tester. To add insult to injury, she made one more jump and went even higher than her first attempt. The last thing Maddi saw was a smug grin.
Maddi was left in the void.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Maddi Ellie Dawes
Kitten, Titty, Betty
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
162 LBS
XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammary glands.
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond mid back length.
Must wear heavy makeup at all times.
Feels compelled to curtsey when meeting somebody. Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.
Cannot wear any type of bra.
Cannot tie up or otherwise restrict hair.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Slightly crooked, lightly yellowed teeth. Large, soft green eyes. Light, receded brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman. Wearing heavy makeup including foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Fully developed vagina with noticeable pussy lips and a hairy bush.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Large, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are huge and feminine. Unusually active mammary glands. Stomach is somewhat bloated with little muscle underneath. Stomach is pockmarked with stretch marks and contains a long, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have dark, stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, chubby feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth and extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Chubby, protruding ass with wide, motherly hips. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.
Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Diamond earring studs in earlobes.
Heterosexual woman that only considers dating men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humiliation and debauchery - but only when very horny.
Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way.
Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in French. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Skilled in makeup application...of herself at least. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.