Round 56

[b]Round Fifty Six:[/b]

Maddi appeared in a boxing ring.

Faded memories once again occupied her head. She could vaguely recall being in this space before. Darkness surrounded the square which was illuminated by a column of bright lights.

Glancing down at her clothing, Maddi realized she was almost completely naked. Her narrow shoulders were exposed, as was the rest of her upper body, baring her heavy breasts and soft belly to the light.

With each breath she watched her very feminine chest rise and fall. There was nothing foreign or uncomfortable to Maddi about seeing these fleshy mounds attached to her torso. This was her body and she was accustomed to how it moved and how it felt. These loose globes of fat would have tripped up Martin, the masculine Jiu Jitsu master. He would have struggled compensating and dealing with their extra weight. Who could have blame him? Martin had no experience whatsoever living with breasts and didn't grow up in a woman's body. He would be expected to struggle- but Maddi wouldn't have that same societal expectation. To any outside eye she looked every bit like a natural born female. She also had the mannerisms and socialization of a middle aged woman with decades of experience living with large breasts. Maddi shook her chest and felt a deeply familiar pull and jiggle.

Some distant, hazy memory hung in the back of her mind about that masculine Jiu Jitsu master, Martin. There was something about the boxing ring that sparked the faintest flicker of a memory in Maddi's brain. She pushed it aside for now, continuing to give herself a once over.

Around her hips, and tightly hugging her crotch, was a pair of white panties with a black fringe. They were somewhat transparent and Maddi's dark pubes were easily seen through the thin fabric. The underwear left the bottom half of her ass exposed and dug into her vagina which formed a noticeable cleft. Maddi's hands and forearms wore long white gloves and a white trilby hat adorned her long, dark hair. Maddi's faded tramp stamp sat just below her hairline and above her panties, perfectly framed in the center of her back. She stood on shiny black heels.

Maddi would have normally felt exposed and uncomfortable, but she was growing accustomed to wearing this type of "outfit". Having herself on display didn't bother Maddi anymore. The realization caused a chill to shoot up her spine. She shivered causing her nipples to harden and poke outwards. They looked like the nipple of a baby bottle.

Ignoring the distant memories in her head and the goosebumps across her arms, Maddi lightly wet her lips, feeling the layers of lipstick coating them. In fact, her whole face was slathered in makeup which only enhanced her femininity even further (as if the rest of her scantily clad body wasn't doing a good enough job already).

After a soft *pop*, Maddi turned and her eyes focused on Anthony. Anthony was well over six feet tall and skinny. Her facial features were masculine with a heavy brow, a wide jaw and a prominent nose. Her head was shaved and her dark, shiny skin gleamed in the light. She wore a black and yellow tank top which covered her small breasts. Below her top was a pair of black yoga pants which was tight between her legs. She did not have any shoes on and her large feet fit her body's proportions well.

As she appeared, Anthony immediately clutched her stomach and moaned deeply. She fell to her knees, on the mat, with a loud *THUD*. Maddi moved to help her, but stopped short. She knew the pain- the [i]hunger[/i]- Anthony was experiencing...

But the thought flashed across Maddi's mind: maybe she [i]deserved[/i] it. Maddi looked down her nose and watched Anthony writhe on the ground. To finally watch her rival-[i] a Grungot collaborator[/i]- finally getting what she deserved...

"P-please-" Anthony sputtered into the mat with a low, masculine grunt, "Help me."

Maddi scoffed, her androgynous voice was filled with apathy, "Why should I [i]honey[/i]? You never lifted a finger to help me. You always made things so much worse."

Anthony turned to look at Maddi. Tears streaked down her manly face which was twisted with anguish. Hey eyes momentarily lingered on Maddi's hard, bare nipples but turned back to the floor. She pressed her forehead down on the mat as she sobbed.

"I c-can't...I ain't n-never had a choice...I'm sorry-eee!" She groaned pitifully into the floor.

Maddi meticulously pulled at her long hair as she watched Anthony suffer. Her hardened, callous demeanor slowly cracked and she felt a growing empathy in her chest. Was Anthony for real? There was no doubt that she was in real pain- but was her apology genuine? But how could she have gone from where she was to....this? Maybe a few rounds at the bottom of the heap had given her some perspective? Maybe without the Doctor's favor she was ready to work together to bring him down. Maddi had to try, she needed every ally she could get!

She knelt next to Anthony and gently rubbed her gloved hand across her back. Anthony stiffened beneath her touch but stayed put.

Maddi whispered gently, "Shhh, it's okay [i]sweetie[/i], I know it hurts. I'm here for you."

Under the reassuring, motherly touch of Maddi, Anthony slowly began to calm down. Her hunger lessened until it was just bearable enough to function. She pushed herself into a sitting position before looking Maddi in the eye and offering a thankful nod. She wiped tears from her eyes and drew several deep breaths.

They shared a few moments of solace until Anthony broke it with his slow, rumbling voice, "I've lost...[i]everything[/i]. My body, my dignity..."

Despite her desire to gain a new ally, Maddi couldn't help but shoot Anthony a skeptical stare.

"Look," Anthony started, "I know what you must think of me. Shit, I can't blame you! I was a real fuckin' prick to everybody. But you gotta believe me when I say that ain't me anymore. It's like- I don't know- some sort of, like, spell was broken or some shit. I can't explain it."

"It's your penis." Maddi stated, "It's got some real bad juju for whoever carries it between their legs."

"That would make sense." Anthony said while nodding, "It would explain why Andy started actin' like a crazy, vengeful asshole out of the blue. What can we do about it? I want my penis back, but I don't want to go back under its control."

Maddi got back up to her feet and pulled Anthony up with her as she pleaded, "Just promise me you'll help me fight the Doctor when the time comes. As far as Andy goes...We'll have to figure it out together. Don't forget- it's still Anna behind that penis. I know you and her have had some differences in the past...but we have to move past it. Anna is also one of the strongest people I know- I can't imagine it's changed her too much at this point. At least...I hope not..."

With a soft *pop* it appeared Maddi would get her answer.

Standing in the middle of the ring was Andy. His tall, muscled body was left mostly uncovered save for a gray tank top and shorts. His long blonde hair fell down to his B-cup chest. He had on a small pair of gray tennis shoes. Andy's heavy bulge pressed from beneath his shorts. On his hands were black MMA style fighting gloves.

Andy wore a smirk on his face which was makeup free. His facial features were still very feminine, however, they definitely had a rougher, more angular appearance without any makeup. He punched his gloves together in an intimidating fashion while flexing his biceps.

His high pitched, breathy voice was out of place on his muscled body as he looked down at Maddi and said, "Hey Maddie! How's it going? Lovin' your long hair, it looks good on you!" Maddi watched Andy's eyes trace down to her uncovered chest, "That's an...interesting outfit. The girls are lookin' good, could cut a diamond with 'em!"

Maddi gave Andy an embarrassed smile. He returned it warmly, but something about his demeanor was off. Maddi could still see her ally in Andy's big blue eyes- but there was just a nagging feeling that something was amiss. Maddi nervously wrapped her arm around her chest. Andy's stare was making her uncomfortable.

"No need to be embarrassed." He chuckled, "We're all girls here."

His friendly smile turned sour as his attention shifted towards Anthony who was averting her gaze. Andy's sweet aroma flowed from her in waves. Usually, it was just a pleasant odor to Maddi- but this time was different. The scent had a bit of spice to it and Maddi felt herself becoming flush as it entered her nostrils. A rush of arousal swept through her body and Maddi's eyes flicked down towards the bulge in Andy's shorts. A familiar wet heat formed between her legs and her hard nipples firmed up even more.

Anthony turned away and held onto the corner of the ring for support. She groaned deeply and grabbed for her stomach which let out a thunderous growl.

Maddi's sour smile widened into a grin. He seemed to relish in Anthony's pain. He tossed his long blonde hair and started walking towards Anthony's corner with a slow, powerful gait. Anthony's body was shaking and he sunk back onto his knees.

"So, are you ready to give in yet, [i]pet[/i]?" Andy mocked. "This [i]fat, delicious[/i] [b]cock[/b] wont suck itself!"

Anthony growled before shouting, "I already told you I ain't never doin' that! I don't care how much pain I'm in, I ain't gon' do it!"

Andy continued slowly moving towards his prey as he responded, "Nobody besides Maddie would even know. You just open your mouth for a minute and I'll have you feeling [b]amazing![/b]"

Andy's scent intensified and Maddi's breathing became elevated. Her gloved hand, which was previously covering her breasts, was now gently pinching her nipples. She bit her lip and watched what was unfolding in front of her. She knew the hunger Anthony was facing. With the addition of Andy's arousing pheromones Maddi was shocked she wasn't throwing herself at him. Anthony truly had incredible willpower!

"S-stay away! Please- please just leave me alone!" Anthony pleaded with a quivering voice.

Stopping and standing overtop his quarry, Andy pulled his tight, gray shorts aside. His long, veiny cock sprang out.

Maddi found herself transfixed on Andy's appendage. A pressure formed behind her areola. As she pinched and tugged at her baby bottle nipples, they began leaking small streams of milk.

Andy talked down, "Go ahead and look at it, that's all I'm asking you to do, [i]bitch[/i]."

Despite his voice being comically high-pitched and breathy, Andy's words and demeanor were menacing and intimidating.

Anthony was drawing fast, ragged breaths. Her shoulders and chest were heaving as Andy's pheromones systematically wore down her willpower.

It seemed to happen in slow motion when Anthony finally turned her head to face Andy. She licked her thin lips and stared wide-eyed at his cock which hung just inches from her mouth. She pivoted her body towards him without breaking eye contact until she was kneeling in front of him.

"There's a good girl." Andy mused.

He placed his tiny, gloved hand behind Anthony's shaved head and held her there. Andy drank in the moment when Anthony finally cracked and opened her mouth to recieve him. He slowly drew her head towards him.

When her lips had nearly found its prize, Andy pulled himself back. Anthony looked up with her mouth and eyes wide open. He tilted her manly looking face upwards until they made eye contact.

Andy's words were a breathy whipser, "Before I let you worship me, I want you [b]both[/b] to accept a little change and agree to work for me. There's no reason to fight, we all know neither of you stand a chance."

Anthony nodded her head as a few drops of saliva slipped from her mouth.

Maddi cocked her head to the side in confusion- but she didn't stop groping herself.

"D-did you mean me [i]honey[/i]?" Maddi asked in her androgynous voice, "It thought we were working [b]together[/b] to take the Doctor down! I thought you only swapped something with me last time because he made you?"

Andy slowly pet Anthony's head. She kept her mouth open, but her eyes were closed and tears were streaking down.

Andy responded, "Things have changed since then, Maddie. I've done a lot of thinking. I know we can defeat the doctor, but I think it's up to me to lead. You both need the direction of somebody strong, like me, or everything will fall apart. If you both agree I won't have to beat you to a bloody pulp and we'll continue to fight in the [i]RIGHT[/i] way."

Maddi shook her head as one her hands snaked down into her panties, "W-we have to get you away from that penis- let me win and I'll- I'll free you from it!"

Andy held his cock in one hand and Anthony's head in the other. It looked especially huge in his little hand. He wagged it back and forth, watching in amusement as Anthony followed it with her eyes.

"That's not going to work, Maddie."

Maddi tossed her long, brunette hair and bit her lower lip as arousal continued to build from her slick vagina. Andy's aura was working quickly to wear down Maddi's willpower as well. She poked a finger between her legs and found her clit.

Maddi's gloved hand began absorbing the wetness as her fingers went to work. Her other hand continued tugging at her nipples.

"W-why won't th-that w-work? Maddi sputtered out, her fingers teased and flicked at her little pearl.

Andy beckoned over to Maddi, "Come on and kneel down next to your girlfriend here. Once we get everybody situated we can go over the plan- [i]my[/i] plan."

A deep moan escaped Maddi's lips. Her gloved hand slipped in and out of her pussy. It was completely soaked in sexual fluids and faced no resistance. Her other gloved hand was wet from lactation. She took a quick second to toss her hat out of the ring, as if removing her hat would somehow cool her hot skin. She returned it immediately after. Both hands were soaked with a different female body fluid. Maddi couldn't tear her eyes away from Andy's cock if she tried, the pheromones were too strong. Meanwhile, Anthony's hands were busy exploring her own anatomy.

With the last vestiges of her self control, Maddi managed to force out, "Y-you're- *mhm* turn- turning in- *gasp* -to his pu-*uhhh*-pet!"

Andy smiled, "I wish you had the capacity to see things how I do- the way they [b]really[/b] are. I won't ask you again, [b]Kneel[/b]."

Maddi's knees were weak and her legs trembled. She couldn't fight her urges anymore. Her body turned on auto pilot and she staggered, pigeon-toed, towards Andy. She dropped to her knees directly next to Anthony. Both girls were prostrated before Andy's cock and busy fingering themselves.

Andy placed one hand on each of their heads as he chuckled, "You both look happy down in your rightful places. Good! Now, let's clear our heads and get down to it, shall we? Lay back Maddie and show me your girl parts."

Doing as instructed, Maddi fell onto her back and splayed her thunder thighs wide open. Her hot, sticky, feminine musk wafted up and mixed with Andy's spicy, masculine scent. Their combined odor reeked of sex. She peeled her sopping panties to the side, presenting Andy with her hairy cooter.

Anthony pouted and grabbed at Andy's leg.

"Don't worry." He reassured, "Everybody will get off. I'll satisfy little miss pussy juice here then give you what you need."

With a mix of shame and annoyance, Anthony accepted Andy's words and went back to frigging herself. Her deep moans were unsettling.

Andy wedged between Maddi legs and held on tight, "You know." He started, "I'm not even attracted to women, honestly. But, I'm here to be a team player so..."

He carefully lined his cock at the entrance to Maddi's pussy. She continued to slosh her finger around her clit and watched between her legs. It was a sight she had seen many times before. Her fat, creamy thighs opened wide, anxiously anticipating the clapping and pounding of male hips. Her inviting slit dripping and hungry for the masculine rod pointed directly at its entrance. Her anatomy was flat, unimposing and harmless while his was virile, intimidating and dangerous. He would enter her whenever [b]HE[/b] wanted it to. Not a second sooner or later. His hot length would fill and stretch her in every way nature and human evolution intended him to.

He surged his hips forward and Maddi gasped as Andy's cock plunged deep inside her. He squeezed her thighs and began with a flurry of hard, fast thrusts which pounded her cervix. Maddi repositioned her hips as his technique lacked any experience or skill and he was causing her pain instead of pleasure. Andy responded by following her movements and continuing his onslaught.

"Ah- Ow! Hey, be careful down there! It hurts if you go that hard, [i]dear[/i]." Maddi chided.

Andy slowed down and his rounded, feminine cheeks became flush as he muttered with embarrassment, "S-sorry- I'm new to this, you know."

She responded warmly and with an encouraging smile, "It's okay, [i]honey[/i], just try again."

With Maddi's blessing Andy pushed forward and slipped into Maddi's slick folds once again. This time he barely entered at all and his thrusts were shallow and weak. Andy stared down at Maddi, watching closely to see if there was any indication he was on the right track. Maddi tilted her head with concern and kept a blank smile on her face. She didn't want him to be self conscious- but he was really,[i] really[/i] bad. If it wasn't for his pheromones Maddi would have started losing her arousal.

Andy pulled out and started backpaddling, "I- I'm sorry...I think that I- uh- I need to go and uhm-"

Maddi gently shushed Andy, trying to calm him down. She beckoned for him to come closer with both arms. She would have to show him how to get the job done. Andy nervously leaned forward and entered her motherly embrace.

She whispered "You may be a big, strong man everywhere else- but when it comes to vaginal sex I'm in charge so pay attention [i]sweetie[/i]."

She placed her hands around Andy's midsection and guided his softening cock towards her mature vagina. She tossed her wet gloves to the side before exhaling heavily into her hands to warm them up. She rubbed her hands along his cock; expertly teasing him.

"[i]Young man[/i], I forbid you to go soft." Maddi cooed.

Andy gulped but responded quickly, "Y-yes mom- MA'AM."

Maddi raised an eyebrow. Was he about to call her mommy? Maddi searched Andy's embarrassed face for answers but he averted her gaze. Maddi may have been a natural submissive, but she wasn't about to allow her good time to be ruined by a novice! She had enough experience for both of them.

With her expert hand skills, Andy was quickly hard once again. She positioned Andy's dick at the entrance of her honey pot which was still warm and shiny. She guided his hips forward and speared herself onto his manhood.

Maddi grabbed Andy's hands with her own and positioned them atop her flared, matronly hips.

She instructed him sweetly, "Hold onto me here, [i]sweet heart[/i]."

Anthony watched the teaching session with a weird mix of arousal and jealousy. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but her body [i]wanted[/i] to be in Maddi's place.

Andy fat cock resumed its rhythmic thrusting. He was still acting on instinct, but it was slower and more controlled with Maddi's direction. She whispered reassurances and sighed softly as her cunt was spread open. Whenever he started pushing too fast or hard Maddi's deep green eyes would cast him a disapproving glance and he would immediately correct himself. He clearly didn't want to disappoint her.

She glanced between her open legs and watched Andy's dick sliding in and out. There was a sticky ring of white liquid around the base and it looked like their combined juices were coalescing and thickening with each repetition. Maddi tightened her vaginal walls around his cock and hypnotically rocked her hips in time with his thrusting. She felt Andy's tiny hands tighten around her waist.

"Hm, that's right [i]big man[/i], you're doing so good!" Maddi cooed.

With his eyes tightly shut, Andy sputtered in his breathy voice, "I-I c-can't hold it much longer!"

The wet squelching of their combined crotches intensified and beads of sweat dripped down Andy's makeup free face. Maddi's own orgasm was beginning to build and she gently tugged on her milky nipples while her supple thighs vibrated violently from Andy's pounding.

"Look at me, [i]honey[/i]." Maddi ordered in ragged, androgynous burst.

Andy did as instructed and his shining blue eyes met her vibrant green ones. They locked in place.

"Cum for me." Maddi moaned, "Cum for [i]mama[/i]!"

Andy inserted himself all the way inside and let out a breathy grunt, "It's time for [b]me[/b] to put a baby in [b]you[/b]!"

His fingers dug into Maddi's hips. His thumbs brushed across her faded c-section scar and pressed into her pubic bone. Andy's muscled legs trembled uncontrollably. Maddi giggled as she felt a torrent of virile semen spurting deeply into her female reproductive system.

She ran her fingers through her long, dark hair and let out another blissful giggle. Andy threw his long blonde hair back and growled into the ceiling. After a few more powerful bursts of cum were deposited into Maddi's vagina, Andy's orgasm began fading and Maddi could feel his manhood going soft. She certainly hadn't gotten off, but she resigned herself to that conclusion. Even with her expert teaching he couldn't get the job done due to his inexperience.

He flopped his glistening penis out with a tiny *pop* as he asked nervously, "Did- did you l-like that?"

Maddi closed her thighs and smiled up at Andy. There was a coolness and emptiness in her crotch that left her annoyingly unsatisfied but she didn't want to disappoint her friend.

She reached out and caressed Andy's girlish face and gave him a slight nod, "It was wonderful, [i]darling[/i]."

He sat back on his kneees but continued staring down at her. Luckily, his musk was lessened significantly now that he had gotten off and Maddi's frustrated arousal was decreasing.

He big his fat lower lip, "Did I get know..."

Maddi pushed herself into a seated position before lying, "Of course, [i]baby[/i]! You're a natural!"

He grew a confident smile and turned to look for his discarded clothing. Maddi felt a deep sense of satisfaction reassuring Andy and making him feel good about himself. She opened up her legs and parted her lips to see a small stream of semen dribbling out.

As Maddi was busy examining herself, she was blindsided by Anthony who dove towards her and pushed her back onto the canvas. Anthony forced Maddi's legs back open and exposed her dripping slit. She pressed her face into Maddi's hot sex and her desperately hungry tongue plunged inside. Maddi used her hands to hold herself up and tossed her head back while Anthony's tongue did its work. She moaned into the ceiling as Anthony's carpet munching brought her instantly back to a high level of arousal. Anthony's nose was rubbing against Maddi's bush and her tongue was extracting every drop of Andy's wad. Maddi's legs squirmed and her breathing increased as she neared orgasm. Her milk dribbling tits heaved with her fast breaths and she screamed.

Maddi felt a momentary numbness in her throat and her androgynous screams started shooting up in pitch. She released a burst of high pitched, breathy moans and her pussy pulsated as she was wracked with orgasm. Waves of powerful pleasure washed over her and shot through her body in quick succession. A tickling sensation touched the inside of her thighs but she didn't have time to think about that as she shut her eyes she rode the wave.

When her feelings of ecstasy began to abate, she opened her eyes and looked down at Toni. Toni raised her head and Maddi could see the lower half of her face was wet and shiny. She had a dopey, contented smile. She had finally given in and fed her addiction. Maddi knew that feeling and couldn't help but feel a little jealous. She definitely didn't want the addiction back, but wouldn't mind feeling that amazing once again.

It didn't take long for Maddi to see why there was a tickling on her thighs. Toni's hair had grown significantly. It was no longer short and now reached down to her breasts. She listlessly grabbed at her hair and didn't seem to mind its change at the moment. Maddi was sure Toni would eventually come back to Earth and be upset about it. In fact, Besides her hair, Toni's entire outfit had changed. Gone was the conservative, feminine workout attire. It was replaced with a ring girl outfit. It seemed that Toni had begun accepting her new place in the hierarchy. It looked a lot like the ring girl outfit Maddi had worn in previous rounds.

"Are you girls finished yet?" Andy asked with amusement from the corner.

His voice was much lower pitched that before! Maddi would have described it as androgynous now. It wasn't breathy, weak or timid either. He stood in the corner with his clothes on and his arms crossed. He also sported a much shorter hairstyle. It definitely fit his changing look much better.

He grinned and approached both Maddi and Toni who struggled to their knees, each recovering from an intense orgasm.

"Shiny face and shiny cunt. A match made in heaven!" Andy bellowed with a curt laugh.

Maddi wiped sweat from her forehead before looking up and remarking, "That's not-"

She stopped short. It wasn't a surprise at all, but it still felt weird having a high soprano pitch coming from her mouth. Though she had the same pitch that Andy had been using just minutes prior, the breathiness wasn't present. It was instead replaced with a haughtiness that fit her middle aged body better. She sounded like a highly feminine woman in her late thirties.

She cleared her throat and tried again, "That's not very nice, Andy. You know we can't help it."

Andy scoffed, "Sensitive much? I'm just fucking around with you, Maddi. You don't have to be such a [b]bitch[/b] about it."

There was a sinister tone in Andy's androgynous voice and his face darkened as he stared down at both girls. Maddi felt apprehension and fear at Andy's spiraling personality change. She could that there were parts of him still fighting- that there was an internal conflict raging inside. But they were merely glimpses at this point- and fading fast. Soon there would be nothing left.

The scene began to collapse before Maddi could say anything further. The last thing she saw was a long-haired, sobbing ring girl on her knees and wiping her sticky face in shame while a muscled, short haired female boxer with a confident smile hurled cruel insults down at her.

Maddi was left floating in the void.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Maddi Ellie Dawes


Kitten, Titty, Betty

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]

Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.

[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

162 LBS






XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammery glands.


Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond mid back length.


High pitched with a noticible haughtiness.


Must wear heavy makeup at all times.

Feels compelled to curtsey when meeting somebody. Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.

Cannot wear any type of bra.

Cannot tie up or otherwise restrict hair.


Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Slightly crooked, lightly yellowed teeth. Large, soft green eyes. Light, receded brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman. Wearing heavy makeup including foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Fully developed vagina with noticible pussy lips and a hairy bush.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Large, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are huge and feminine. Unusually active mammery glands. Stomach is somewhat bloated with little muscle underneath. Stomach is pockmarked with stretch marks and contains a long, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have dark, stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, chubby feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth and extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Chubby, protruding ass with wide, motherly hips. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.



Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Diamond earring studs in earlobes.


Heterosexual woman that only considers dating men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humilation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way.


Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowlegeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Skilled in makeup application...of herself at least. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Round 57


Round 55