Round 54
[b]Round Fifty Four:[/b]
Maddi appeared in an old fashioned living room. Everything was black and white. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the absence of vibrant color. There were two stiff armchairs situated on opposite sides of a fireplace and two windows with long cotton curtains. A white mantle around the fireplace held two framed photographs while a circular mirror hung above the mantle atop cheap wallpaper.
With a heavy sigh, Maddi used her hands to support her strained back. She looked down at her unmistakably pregnant belly and grimaced. She'd almost forgotten that in this world-within-a-world she was a knocked up housewife with two children. She wore a flattering white blouse with dark polka dots. Without a bra, Maddi's heavy chest made her back problems even worse. She was starting to understand why Cindi traded her inability to wear a bra. It was inconvenient and painful for women with cumbersome breasts like her and Cindi without some support.
A black skirt fell just beyond her knees and covered a lace garter and panty set fastened to stockings. She could feel the tight garter belts digging into her supple thighs. She stood on shiny black heels and had an apron tied around her waist. Maddi's brunette hair was in a curled bob and her makeup was applied liberally.
She carefully waddled to the first picture on the mantle and grabbed it. It was a black and white wedding photo. A middle aged man in a black tuxedo with a very intense stare stood behind a short, young, brunette woman with his arms around her midsection. The woman wore a traditional white wedding dress with frills and lace. She held a bouquet and her girlish face had perfect makeup. Maddi smiled and warmth radiated from her chest as she stared down. The young woman looked ecstatic behind her veil, like every woman should be on their wedding day. To be lead down the aisle and handed from her father to her husband. To devote herself to him and affirm her loyalty in front of everybody. To have her husband promise to provide and protect her- to grab her and pull her up into a kiss when the priest loudly proclaims that he can kiss HIS bride. To give up her name and be recognized as 'Mrs'. Of course, the societal expectation for this young woman was that she would maintain her husbands household and bear his children. The priest would probably even remind everybody in attendance that it was their duty to keep her in her rightful place.
Maddi recognized that the man and woman were younger versions of herself and Samuel. There was a thin layer of dust covering the glass and Maddi dutifully wiped it away using her apron. She moved to place the photograph back on the mantle and noticed there was a divot where the frame had been sitting, likely for many years. The warm feeling remained as she notched the frame back into the divot. The picture served to further entrench her status as a wife and the female half of a heterosexual marriage. It was the first thing anybody saw when they entered the room and there was no denying the fresh faced girl in the photograph was Maddi. She could almost feel the long white dress hanging off her body, feel the accepting eyes and wholesome smiles of every person she knew; affirming the lifelong social contract she was submitting to.
The second photograph featured Maddi once again. She was a little older and held a newborn baby. Another warm, happy burst of emotion welled inside her chest and she smiled widely. Her shimmering, grey eyes were glassy and welled with tears as her emotion overwhelmed her. Maddi quickly dabbed her eyes with her apron, determined to keep her mascara from running. She saw that her younger self had the healthy, feminine glow of new motherhood. While the first photograph spoke to her social status as a wife and a woman, the second spoke to the result of that social status and her biological success as a heterosexual female.
Maddi sniffled a few times as she replaced the photograph, still determined to keep her face dry and her makeup perfect.
She heard the shuffling of a newspaper and turned to see Samuel seated in one of the chairs. His dark, intense eyes left Maddi stunned. She felt a fluttering in her chest and stood between the two photographs. Samuel closed the paper he was holding and gave her a dry smile. He had on dark pants and shiny shoes. He had a bright button up shirt tucked into his pants and a jacket and tie were folded in his lap.
He cocked his head to the side and asked in his warm, tenor voice, "Everything okay, Maddie? You're looking at me...strangely..."
Maddi's eyelids felt heavy as she fluttered her mascara coated lashes towards him. The image of Samuel in his dark, manly suit with his big arms wrapped tightly around her small body in the white, feminine wedding dress was squarely lodged in Maddi's brain. Their first kiss as a married couple, their first dance, the first time they shared their marital bed- Maddi was swooning and her legs were trembling with desire at these memories which were taking up more real estate inside her mind. Having missionary sex until she was pregnant, cooking meals, cleaning the house, doing laundry, giving birth, breastfeeding- she felt submissive and aroused in the presence of her beloved husband.
Samuel dropped his paper to the side and spoke to Maddi with concern, "I can see you've been through quite a few changes since we last met. I...can see the changes are also starting to permanently alter your mind."
Maddi bit her thickly painted lower lip as her androgynous voice cooed, "Whatever could you mean, [i]honey[/i]? Soon we'll have our third bundle of joy and my oven will be back open for another bun..."
Samuel stood, his 5"8 stature dwarfing Maddie, and his concern deepened, "You're stronger than this, Maddie. I know you are. You have to fight it."
Maddi grunted and clutched her head as Samuel's words echoed within. Heavy brain fog had once again set in. Maddi found herself falling victim to the unknown agenda of the personality imbedded in the fog which had unexpectedly seeped in. An increasingly weak part of her psyche was fighting back, roused by Samuel's words. It took several seconds of confusion and pitched internal conflict before Maddi took a deep breath and the turmoil inside her brain was quelled. The fog reluctantly lifted, but she knew it would return even stronger than before. She looked up to Samuel felt tears once again welling up.
"W-why...?" Maddi asked weakly.
Samuel pulled Maddi into a hug and she sobbed into his arm.
With a beleaguered sigh, Samuel explained to the sobbing woman, "Some of the changes you receive have more...consequences then you see. You also get some of the...well, baggage associated with the exchange."
Maddi sniffled and carefully wiped her eyes, "W-what do you mean?"
Samuel gently pushed Maddi away and rubbed his temple as if reluctant to share, "I've- I've already said too much. It won't make anything better for you to know."
Maddi surged forward and put her hand on Samuel's shoulders as she pleaded, "Tell me, [i]dear[/i]! I deserve to know."
He thought for a few seconds, his head bobbed back and forth as he contemplated. Finally he seemed to agree, "You do deserve to know."
Samuel grabbed one of Maddi's hands from his shoulder and led her to the chair. She plopped down with her legs splayed open as a result of the pregnancy. She smoothed out her skirt and folded her hands across her belly.
Samuel paced to the mantle and stopped. He stared at the pictures. After a few long seconds, he tore his gaze away and his dark eyes found Maddi. He grew a confident sneer and his posture changed. Maddi shifted uncomfortably in her chair as Samuel stared at his wife's splayed legs with hunger in his eyes. He stood upright and puffed out his chest. But after a few tense moments, Samuel gritted his teeth and balled his hands into fists. He shook his head violently and took a series of rapid breaths. Samuel stopped shaking and clutched at his temple's as he worked to slow his breathing. He returned to normal and his sneer disappeared as did the hunger in his eyes. His posture lowered.
"Most changes," Samuel started, "...are simple. Generally the only exchange is the physical or mental trait and nothing more. However, some are a bit more...complex. The longer somebody's dealt with a trait, and the more important that trait is to their identity, the more their essence soaks into it. When they finally DO trade it away...they may be giving more than just the trait itself. For example, whatever you've been given these last few rounds may have made you more susceptible to filling the role of a 1940's housewife."
Maddi reached up and touched the thick makeup on her face and thought back to each exchange she had been forced into. She hadn't realized it fully, but it was true- some of the changes felt more powerful than others.
With a sudden realization Maddi asked solemnly, "Like Anthony's penis?"
Samuel nodded, "Yeah, I'd say that's one of the more obvious examples. Why? That didn't happen, did it?"
Samuel cocked his head down curiously, trying to peek under Maddi's skirt. She chuckled and flipped up the skirt, revealing the tops of her stockings. She slowly pulled it up further, watching with amusement as Samuel's eyes followed. Her garters were uncovered and they pressed into her smooth, chubby thighs. They were attached to a lace belt situated above her panties. She pulled the skirt up the rest of the way and showed Samuel that her panties were pulled tight and flat against her vagina.
Maddi felt excited under Samuel's lustful stare and she could feel the relentless fog creeping back in. She was enjoying his gaze more and more with each passing second and found herself wiggling her hips back and forth, really advertising her femininity to her husband. Once Samuel was satisfied, and Maddi had proven she didn't have a penis, Samuel tore his gaze away much to Maddi's disappointment. She pulled her skirt back down and smoothed it out. Maddi then concentrated on clearing her head and drove the fog away. She saw Samuel was likely doing the same thing.
"If not you, then who?" Samuel asked.
Maddi shook her head sadly as her voice trailed off, "Anna..."
Samuel sat in the chair opposite Maddi as he responded, "Poor girl. Just so you know, she's in a lot of trouble and you're probably the only one that can save her now. Anthony has been untouched for awhile- any parts Annabelle takes from him will likely alter her essence significantly. The longer she has his parts, and the more of them she has...the more corrupted she will become. Tragic really."
Maddi gulped as a loud *POP* rang through the room. A crashing noise caused Betty to jump from her chair. She glanced over to see a naked sex doll stumbling near the corner of the room. It had dark skin and a medium breasts. It's huge eyes were lifeless and stuck open. It had a rubbery vagina between its legs. It had thin arms, long fingernails and flowing, dark hair.
Betty moved closer to Samuel who stood from his chair. He stepped in front of Betty and they both watched the doll cautiously. It fidgeted and spun in a circle, crashing into the wall and a bookshelf.
It turned to the pair and spoke in a deep, stunted, robotic boom without moving its mouth, "I. AM. T.O.N.I. YOU. HELP. BOSS. MUST. KEEP. NOR-MAL. ACT-IONS. OR. DOC-TOR. MAKE. BIG. CHANGE."
The voice was completely wrong for the doll's body and it was more than just a little creepy. After speaking, it flailed around a few more times, knocking books off the shelf, before disappearing altogether, leaving quite a mess behind.
Samuel and Betty shared an anxious, confused stare before a knocking sound echoed through the house.
Betty waited for direction from Samuel.
He looked at the corner before deciding, "You go and answer the door. I'll pick all the books up."
Betty responded quickly and quietly, "Aren't I supposed to pick up the house? I'm the wife. Won't we get in trouble?"
Another knock at the door caused Samuel to physically shoo Betty towards the hallway, "You're in no shape to bend over and pick anything up- not quickly, at least. I'll be sitting in here reading the paper by the time you get back. Besides, it should only count against us if whoever is at the door sees me do it."
Betty nodded her head and waddled towards the sound of the knocking. She could hear Samuel feverishly rearranging the fallen items. The rest of the house was similar in style to the living room. Very old-school and very middle class. She reached the door as the third set of knocking rang out.
She opened the door and put on her most winning smile. Her teeth may have been a little yellow and crooked, but it was hardly out of place with the time period.
The man standing on the porch looked to be about Samuel's age. He had on a sharp black suit and held a briefcase. He also wore a dark colored fedora.
The man had a warm smile and spoke in a fast, southern baritone, "You mus' be the lovely Mrs. Betty Kleiner. I've heard so much about you from that husband o' yours. I see he wasn't lyin' when he said you was 'bout ready to pop!"
He extended his hand which Betty took gingerly while nodding and affirming her identity. The man pulled her tiny hand to his lips and kissed it sweetly. Betty dropped into a demure curtsey as he kissed her which appeared to impress him.
He released her hand and removed his hat before offering a small bow, "My name is Patrick Allen Brooks the Third, but you can call me Mr. Brooks. It's so nice to meet a beautiful southern belle with some manners. It's so rare to find a woman that knows her place nowadays, I tell you what."
Betty maintained her smile and tried spicing up her words with a southern drawl to...mixed effect, "So lovely to meet you, Mr. Brooks. Please come and make yourself at home [i]sugar[/i], I'm sure my husband is reading his newspaper in the sittin' room."
Mr. Brooks nodded his head and stepped past Betty while remarking, "Well thank you for that Miss Betty. It's always a pleasure to meet the pretty wives of my employees."
Betty closed the door behind Mr. Brooks who looked around the house curiously before asking, "Where the youngins at? Ya'll got two little boys, right?"
Betty slowly walked towards the living room while thinking of an excuse. She had no idea where the kids were. Mr. Brooks continued watching her while the question hung in the air. His eyes were tracing up and down every curve.
Betty stopped and placed her hand on her back before turning towards him, "The boys'is with their Nana and Pappa in Savannah. Samuel didn't want them disturbin' you."
Appearing to accept her answer, Mr. Brooks' smile widened, "I didn't know your husband was a Savannah boy!"
He stepped towards Betty with an outstretched hand which found her belly. He looked down at her with a smug smile and an air of superiority. He was quite a bit taller than she was and Betty felt herself freeze up. There was a distinct power imbalance between the two and they both knew it. Everything about the situation made Betty feel weak. Something about the house, her appearance, and her demeanor perfectly fitting Mr. Brooks' expectations of her sapped Betty's strength and allowed the fog to begin seeping back in. She felt herself slipping deeper into her expected role. Betty's façade of submission was quickly becoming less and less fake as the palpable differences between herself and Mr. Brooks continued to mount.
She accepted his touch without letting her friendly smile falter: though her eyes trailed to the floor as she could no longer meet his gaze. She knew Mr. Brooks could do whatever he wanted and she couldn't stop him. If she pushed him away or spoke up Doctor Grungot would be angry. But as her thoughts clouded, Betty's concerns about Doctor Grungot faded into the background. What became more important was her concern that Samuel would get in trouble with the big boss if she acted up. She had to do whatever it took for the sake of her family.
Mr. Brooks took Betty's inaction as an invitation to continue and his hand slipped under her blouse until his fingers met bare skin. She trembled beneath his touch. Thoughts of her grinning, youthful face behind a bridal veil swirled within Betty's head and pushed her further into submission. Betty's cheeks blazed red with embarrassment but, despite that, she pushed her hips forward to give him unfettered access. Mr. Brooks was lustfully staring down at her braless tits and Betty was certain his hand was preparing to migrate north.
Mr. Brooks whispered down at her with amusement, "No reason to be embarrassed, darlin'. Ain't nothin' unnatural 'bout gettin' hot an' bothered around a powerful man. Any self respecting woman gets weak at the knees when I give 'em some attention. This here child in your belly only makes you more sensitive to it."
Betty nodded shyly in agreement but kept blushing nonetheless. She nervously curled a few stray hairs behind her pierced ears. Mr. Brooks drank in Betty's discomfort and, as expected, began creeping his calloused hand upwards. A familiar pressure formed behind her nipples as Mr. Brooks' fingers cupped her breasts. He hefted one and squeezed it roughly. Betty gasped and the trembling in her legs turned to full on shaking. Her breathing quickened and she bit her lower lip while a wet heat formed beneath her garter belt. Mr. Brooks grinned at her blatant arousal and pinched her nipple HARD. Betty yelped and tried pulling away. Mr. Brooks was ready for her, however, and his free hand caught the back of Betty's head and held her squarely in place. He was much stronger than her and his sinewy arm didn't move an inch.
"Where you off to, sugar?" Mr. Brooks exhaled hot, wet breath on Betty's face, "I'm just startin' to enjoy these hefty boobies here. They are quite the handful, ain't they?"
Betty kept her eyes down as she was molested, her voice was weak and quiet, "P-please, Mr. Brooks- I'm a married woman..."
He forced her head up by her hair and towards his own until their faces were almost touching, "If you're a good girl, I'll keep it our little secret. Otherwise, I'll have to tell your husband how you were so disrespectful that he don't have himself a job anymore. So what's it gonna be?"
His face hardened and his stare was intense. The fog in Betty's brain had almost regained full control and she froze in fear. Thoughts of housework to be completed, meals to be prepared, childcare to be rendered and all other manners of Betty's domestic life flooded into her mind. Mr. Brooks' threat was incredibly potent and Betty was terrified at the prospect of costing her husband his job.
She managed a small nod and muttered in a dejected, southern drawl, "Yes sir, Mr. Brooks. I'll be a good girl."
His rotten grin widened as his hand tugged and squeezed beneath Betty's shirt. The pressure in Betty's nipples gave way and streams of milk were coaxed out by Mr. Brooks' fingers.
"Smile for me, girl. You so much prettier when you smilin'." HIs pompous attitude and smugness were on full display.
Betty twisted her thick, painted lips into a smile. The hand behind Betty's head transitioned to her belly then traced south. She wasn't being held in place any longer, but she had no will to defy his wishes. Mr. Brooks was a powerful male business owner and she was just Betty the pregnant wife of one of his employees. She had no right to disobey and submissively stayed in position.
Mr. Brooks first hand kneaded and pulled at her breasts while the second dug beneath Betty's skirt, beneath her garter belt and inside her panties. He slid against her bush which, again, fit the expectation of the time period, and found her moist slit. His finger slipped inside and was immediately coated in slick feminine fluid. Betty's forced smile turned to an "O" face as the aggressive man fondled her most sensitive spots.
"Everything okay, Betty?" Samuel's friendly voice echoed from down the hall.
Mr. Brooks quickly snapped his hands away and jumped back. He wiped a bead of sweat form his brow and Betty could see there was a uncomfortable tent in his pants. Betty took several ragged breaths, trying to calm herself. Her arousal was still within control, but just barely.
Samuel entered the foyer from the hallway. His dark eyes scanned the room. He had donned his suit jacket and likely finished tidying up the living room.
Mr. Brooks straightened his tie under Samuel's scrutiny. His chin dipped, just so, that Betty was convinced he was sniffing his fingers. No doubt he was sampling her womanly aroma.
Mr. Brooks cleared his throat, "Sorry about that, Samuel. I got to talkin' to your lovely wife here and- god bless her soft heart- she was too polite to stop me from yappin' on and on."
Samuel smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Though his eyes narrowed and his smile disappeared when his focus landed on his wife, "Betty! What happened to your clothes? They're- They're disheveled!"
Betty looked down. Her blouse was untucked and wrinkled. Her rock hard nipples were poking out and distinctive wet spots soaked through. The waistband of her skirt was wrinkled and her hair had become frayed.
"I-I-" She stammered.
Samuel put his hands on his hips and gave her a hard, angered stare, "No wife of mine is going to show such utter disrespect for common decency. I work my tail off everyday so you can enjoy an easy life! What do you have to say for yourself? Well!?"
Tears welled up in Betty's eyes and she nervously pulled at her blouse while smoothing out her skirt. Her cheeks blazed red and she felt insignificant and small beneath the judgmental stares of the towering men.
"If I may interject, Samuel." Mr. Brooks started in his fast, southern baritone, "This young lady has been nothin' but kind and respectful to me since I arrived. It's already difficult enough bein' as small and weak as she is, imagine doin' it with a baby in your belly! Ain't her fault that a woman's body does crazy things when it's 'bout ready to give birth. Give her a break, huh?"
Samuel's expression softened and he nodded towards his boss, "I suppose you're right." He turned back to the sobbing Betty and ordered, "Go clean yourself up and get my dinner started."
Betty nodded and squeaked out a feeble apology to Mr. Brooks who gave her a knowing grin. She waddled towards the kitchen while carefully wiping away her tears. She could feel both sets of male eyes watching her swaying hips and ass as she left. Before she could reach the next room the scene began to collapse. The last thing Betty heard was the sound of a handshake and an apology for a sticky hand.
Once Maddi was floating in the void, her submissive housewife personality drained from her brain along with her pregnant belly. Countless thoughts, feelings and worries swirled in Maddi's mind as she drifted. She had to help Anna, she had to fight against losing herself in the fog, she had to continue her conversation with Samuel, she had to watch out for Mr. Brooks, she had to see where she stood with Liam, she had to prepare to become Titty again- and, ultimately, she had to defeat the Doctor. The amount of problems she had to address was dizzying. She would have to take things one round at a time.
At least she had gotten away without any changes this time.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Maddi Ellie Dawes
Kitten, Titty, Betty
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
162 LBS
XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammary glands.
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.
Can only feel happy and confident when wearing heavy makeup.
Feels compelled to curtsey when meeting somebody. Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.
Cannot wear any type of bra.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Slightly crooked, lightly yellowed teeth. Large, soft green eyes. Light, receded brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman. Wearing heavy makeup including foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Fully developed vagina with noticeable pussy lips and a hairy bush.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Large, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are huge and feminine. Unusually active mammary glands. Stomach is somewhat bloated with little muscle underneath. Stomach is pockmarked with stretch marks and contains a long, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have dark, stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, chubby feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth and extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Chubby, protruding ass with wide, motherly hips. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.
Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Diamond earring studs in earlobes.
Heterosexual woman that only considers dating men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humiliation and debauchery - but only when very horny.
Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way.
Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Skilled in makeup application...of herself at least. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.