Round 31

[b]Round Thirty One:[/b]

Mardi appeared in a hot, musky room. The smell of sweat and cosmetics hung heavily in the air. The walls were black and white brick set in alternating columns of three. Vanity tables haphazardly strewn with makeup and lined with rows of incandescent bulbs sat on the farthest wall; while a multi-layered block of red lockers covered the closest one. A long row of flashy, sparkly outfits hung on metal racks on the third wall. The fourth was lined with additional vanity tables, each uniquely messy.

Mardi could feel warmth emanating from the bulbs lining each vanity. The bulbs were the only light available and cast shadows all across the black and white walls. Mardi clicked her way to the row of outfits.

She flipped through a few of them, quickly evaluating how each would look on her. Most of the outfits were uncomfortably risque. Short skirts, skimpy tops, lingerie, thongs, heels, lace, sparkles - everything a promiscuous young woman would want hung from the rack. Mardi felt a twitch of disappointment, noticing the bras and tops were for women with larger chests. She shook her head, attempting to dismiss the feeling. But, no matter how hard she tried to ignore it, a small part, deep down, desired bigger breasts hanging off her chest.

Mardi looked to the nearest vanity and gulped. Did she dare look into the mirror? It had been quite a while since she last saw herself. Mustering up a kernel of courage, Mardi slowly stepped into the light and examined her reflection.

The first thing she noticed was the outfit she was wearing: a black lingerie tank top with tiny, lace flowers, matching panties and black heels.

The top left her stomach and belly button uncovered. It acted like a corset, pulling the sides of her stomach in and giving her the illusion of a feminine figure. Her brunette hair rested over her shoulder. The panties had a sheer quality that left little to the imagination but, thankfully, the floral design was solid around the crotch area leaving her with a scrap of modesty.

Mardi stared into the mirror with her mouth agape. The woman that stared back was fairly cute. She admired her petite frame, fat ass and smooth skin. Her long hair and parts of her face were pretty as well - especially her slick, kissable lips and inviting, green eyes.

But...her legs were rather stubby and- and her jaw was too chiseled. She looked like an ugly gorilla woman with her heavy, thick brow and a chimpanzee with her giant ears! Her neck was too wide and without the corset she would have almost no curves to speak of...In fact, the more Mardi looked, the more flaws she saw in herself and the more dissatisfied she became. She tore her eyes away from the mirror and wrapped her arms around her lingerie clad chest in shame.

Mardi slapped herself across the face with a loud *WHOP*. When did she suddenly start enjoying her feminine traits over her masculine ones? She had to get her head back on track! If she didn't pull it together, and [i]soon[/i], she might totally lose herself.

A loud slam behind Mardi caused her to jump. She turned to see Annabelle staring at her in front of the lockers.

Annabelle had a similar outfit to Mardi, but hers was a deeper red and showed more skin. It was basically just a bra and panties with a garter belt holding up sheer stockings. She had on comfortable, white sneakers which looked totally out of place with her outfit. Her long blonde hair was around mid back and her makeup was perfect. Mardi swept an errant strand of hair from her face, she couldn't help but feel jealous of Anabelle's beautiful, feminine body. She even had a wonderful, fruity and feminine scent.

Annabelle's breathy voice squeaked out between a sly, brace filled, smile, "If it isn't the father of my child. Well,[i] one[/i] of the fathers of[i] one [/i]of my children..." Her eyes shifted between Mardi's legs, "Or should I say the second mother of my child?"

Mardi pursed her lips and shrugged, responding in her androgynous tone, "Guess so. How can you even know it's mine? We only [i]did it[/i] once and you probably have sex with tons of guys."

Annabelle giggled while nodding her head, "I definitely get around... but I also know the Doctor pretty damn well by now. I promise you, it's yours."

Mardi grabbed a random compact from the vanity and examined it for a second before tossing it back down, "I don't even have a...a thing anymore. I mean... I don't have it - at the moment - that is. How can I be the father without...[i]THAT?[/i]"

Annabelle combed her fingers through her hair, "Still half your DNA, bud. Whether you have a cock or not, she's yours."

"'She?'" Mardi blurted, "How can you know that? You aren't even showing yet!"

Annabelle rubbed her hand across her flat belly and smiled, "Let's just say - I know a thing or two about my own body."

Mardi and Annabelle shared a few seconds of silence. Mardi felt a small swelling of pride, she always wanted to be a parent. While she never expected to be a mother, she always thought that-

Mardi felt a horrifying chill crawl up her spine. She shakily rubbed her own bare belly. Two rounds ago...strapped down in the chair...Dr. Johnson...was she...? Was she going to be a father and a mother?

"You okay?" Annabelle asked with concern in her voice.

Mardi turned away and stammered into the floor, "Y-yeah I'm- I'm fine."

Annabelle approached Mardi who continued facing down and away. She got right up next to Mardi whose posture stiffened. If she had learned anything, it was to never to trust other contestants. She'd been burned too many times in the past by people pretending to be her friend.

Annabelle gently reached her arms up and around Mardi's shoulders from behind. Mardi flinched upon initial contact, but allowed the arms to remain. Annabelle was soft and dainty. Her touch was almost angelic. Mardi felt more warmth from Annabelle's embrace than the combined heat of every bulb in the room. Mardi slowly turned and wrapped her own arms around Annabelle. Annabelle's soft body was pressed against her and they held each other tightly.

Annabelle whispered, "You'll be okay, Maddie. I'm here for you- always."

Mardi's emotions began to boil up. She wanted to trust Annabelle. There was a...connection between them that Mardi couldn't explain. Tears formed in the corner of Mardi's eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

S.A.M. appeared with a soft *pop*

Annabelle's grip around Mardi's back tightened briefly before loosening again. Mardi's attention turned to S.A.M. As it did, Annabelle roughly shoved her hand into Mardi's panties. Before Mardi could react, Annabelle hooked two fingers between Mardi's legs and around her clit. Mardi retracted her arms and pushed Annabelle away just as she had begun rubbing Mardi's most sensitive spot.

"What the hell!?" Mardi screamed.

Annabelle laughed while sniffing her outstretched fingers, "It's got that new pussy smell."

Annabelle shifted her panties back into place before grunting, "You're a pervert, you know that?"

Annabelle simply giggled to herself.

S.A.M. spoke in his monotone, robot voice, "Contestants will use only their mouths and hands to entertain a VIP party in 'The Hot Spot'. The first contestant to successfully provide blowjobs an/or handjobs to completion on all five men is the winner. Please make your way to 'The Hot Spot'."

Mardi pulled her dark hair into a ponytail and stretched out her jaw. Unlike last time, she was now an expert at giving blowjobs while Annabelle had become an amateur. At least it would be an easy 'W'.

Mardi followed behind Annabelle out a door, next to the lockers, that Mardi could have sworn wasn't there before. Annabelle walked with a bubbly pop and an exaggerated sway in her step. She was barely five feet tall and wearing flat sneakers. Mardi actually felt like a giant next to her. Mardi watched the happy-go-lucky Annabelle striding forward, looking like a walking fertility statue with extreme feminine proportions. Mardi found herself secretly admiring nearly everything about Annabelle.

The girls negotiated a dark, winding corridor to a black curtain. The only noise coming from the click of Mardi's heels and the light slap of Annabelle's sneakers. Annabelle swept the curtain to the side and the corridor was instantly bathed in neon, purple light. Mardi's eyes quickly adjusted to the light and she looked out to see 'The Hot Spot' in the distance. Its ornate and fancy exterior masking the horrible, putrid conditions she knew were inside. Two identical groups of naked men were seated on opposite ends of the room talking quietly.

When Annabelle strode onto the floor, a dark haired man from the left group tapped the arm of the man seated next to him and pointed towards the tunnel.

"The sluts have arrived!" He hollered, getting the attention of both groups.

The men quickly stood and all eyes were on the girls. But, more specifically, all eyes were on Annabelle. Mardi watched with a scowl as Annabelle strutted forward to wolf whistles and sexually charged compliments. They loved her. Mardi shuffled in behind and felt like an embarrassing after thought. It didn't matter, she wasn't a whore like Annabelle was. She had more dignity and more respect for herself. She held her head high. She didn't want to be the center of attention anyway. Mardi looked back at the tunnel she had just exited. There was a neon sign over it that read, "Sluts only beyond this point!"

She rolled her eyes and stepped towards 'The Hot Spot'. As she passed the guys, she nervously smiled but averted her gaze. She saw them whispering to one another and caught a few choice words,




Mardi felt hurt. Each nasty comment stabbed her heart like a freezing dagger. She felt more naked and vulnerable with each step. She wished they would just look away. She wished they couldn't see her. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she didn't dare let them see her cry. Mardi sniffled and angrily glared at Annabelle through bleary eyes. She was reveling in the positive attention being lauded at her. That fucking skank! She was practically begging both groups to oogle her. It wasn't Mardi's fault she wasn't as naturally beautiful as Annabelle. It wasn't fair!

Mardi's anger was quickly matched with determination. She would show these guys what ugly girls were capable of. They didn't need some big tits bimbo that couldn't suck a cock to save her life. By the end of the round, Mardi knew they would be begging for another go with her. She stomped to 'The Hot Spot' and threw open the door which was, again, labelled with, "Sluts only beyond this point!" She slammed it shut and clicked on the single bulb hanging from the ceiling. Mardi wiped the tears from her eyes and quickly examined the room.

It was pretty much exactly as she remembered it. Cramped and reeking of stale sex. The walls were cheap, faded plywood with patches of exposed black plastic. A single, swinging light bulb hung from a wire, providing the bare minimum amount of light. Glory holes were drilled along the walls, seemingly at random. A multitude of crusty white stains coated nearly every surface. The stains mixed with layers of dirt and grime which congealed into a gritty slime. Mardi's feet stuck to the floor, but she didn't care and she stomped her way to a hole filled wall. She saw a small black box in the corner containing a pile of dildos. She shuddered thinking about the nasty, unsanitary box of used sex toys. She couldn't even imagine the type of woman that used a dildo from a communal whore box. Ignoring the box, Mardi attempted to kick a lime green - and very used - condom away from her wall. It stuck stubbornly to the floor. Mardi stepped to the corner, near the filthy toy box, and grabbed a roll of toilet paper. She tore off a few squares and crouched down to carefully scrape the prophylactic away. She tossed it to the corner. She noticed the same yellow stained, dirty pink thong was collecting dust in the corner. Mardi shivered, this place was not cleaned very often, was it? She lay a few lines of toilet paper onto the slimy floor and carefully rested her knees down. She would avoid touching the floor if she could. Mardi sighed, she was as ready as she was going to be.

The door opened and in stepped a giggling and almost totally naked Annabelle. She had only her sneakers and stockings on. The men were right behind her, and several peeked inside. Mardi saw one man wore Annabelle's lingerie panties over his face. Their eyes pierced Mardi who felt extremely vulnerable on her knees amongst the filth.

"It reeks in there!"

"Wow, it's like a grimy alley."


"Well, they are prostitutes so it makes sense..."

"Wait, why does that one still have her clothes on? Hey, toots, give me your panties! I want to smell that sweet little cunt of yours!"

Something clicked inside Mardi's head. She felt submissive and compelled to follow his command. Mardi prepared to push herself to her feet.

"You don't have to get up, slut. Go ahead and take them off right there."

Mardi froze. She wanted to comply, but it was SO disgusting. An internal battle raged inside her.

After a few seconds, one of the men chimed in, "She ain't gonna do it, boys. It's what I've been saying for years. Ugly chicks are ugly for a reason. They're not willing to put in the effort and get their hands dirty. Our little Annabelle is willing to do anything to please us. Isn't that right, angel?"

Annabelle smiled demurely, her hands were behind her back, pressing out her heaving tits, "Of course I am!" Her eyes flicked to Mardi who was still locked in an internal struggle, "My friend is just a little bit shy around big studs like you! I'm sure she-"

"I'll do it." Mardi whispered, cutting Annabelle off.

"Jeez, even her voice is ugly!"

"I don't give a shit what her voice sounds like. She could be a mute for all I care!"

Mardi wasn't about to be shown up by little miss popular! She hesitated one final time before putting her hands on the slimy ground and pivoting herself till she was facing the door. Her thighs and ass were smeared in filth. She tugged the panties and slid them down her legs. The men were hooting and hollering with encouragement. Mardi felt a smile cross her face. She was finally getting some positive feedback. Doing what the men wanted her to do made Mardi feel good. She guided the panties around her heels and opened her legs, baring her clam to the cheering men. A devilishly dirty thought formed in Mardi's brain. With all the recent positive feedback, she decided to just go with it.

Mardi bit down on the panties and had them dangle from her mouth. She got onto her hands and knees and crawled to the door, her knees and hands becoming coated. In response, the men laughed and cheered. Mardi approached the closest man who reached down and tugged the underwear from her mouth.

He patted her on the head and chuckled, "There's a good girl."

Mardi felt contended and being submissive felt [i]RIGHT[/i]. The man crouched and pulled Mardi's corset off so she was left on her hands and knees in only black high heels.

"Now go get ready for your treat, little doggy."

Mardi nodded her head excitedly and turned back to the gloryholes, crawling back to her starting position and pointing her ass back at the men. She knocked the toilet paper aside, it wouldn't do much good anymore. She was totally lost in her eagerness to please and be accepted.

"Look at that pretty little snatch, boys. You don't see girls willing to please like these two anymore. Such a succulent bit of poon...Why is it we only get blowjobs today? It's my bachelor party and I want to go all the way!

"Hey, Don, I ain't made of money. You're my brother and all, and I love you, but the pussy package was like nine grand. If your bride-to-be ain't putting out anymore that's not my problem!"

The groom chuckled, "Fuck off, Chuck! Well that's too bad. Let's just enjoy some world class BJ's then, huh boys?"

The men cheered. Mardi felt a small pang of sadness. Her already wet pussy would go unsatisfied. At least her growling stomach would be satisfied! She examined the grooms cock and committed it to memory. She would have to try extra hard to please his manhood.

Annabelle closed the door and sighed, "Here we go, I guess."

Mardi sat in silence for a few seconds feeling extremely filthy. The anticipation was killing her, and her stomach let out a hungry moan. One by one, five cocks popped in through holes on Mardi's wall and she forgot all about her cleanliness.

She was elated! This was her home turf, Annabelle didn't stand a chance! Mardi noticed the groom was the last one in the row. She checked over her shoulder and saw Annabelle had the exact same cocks in front of her. She knelt down on a multi layered strip of toilet paper, keeping her knees clean. Mardi sloshed her knees around, catching a fresh whiff of debauchery.

S.A.M.'s voice sounded, "Begin."

Mardi dove towards the first available rod and stuffed it down her throat. She expertly gobbled the cock down until her cute, little nose was grinding against wiry pubes. Her hand, meanwhile, was busy rubbing the next man and prepping him for his blowjob. Mardi bobbed her head with deep strokes, feeling the hot member quiver in response. Her dark ponytail bounced along with her. She removed the penis before sucking greedily on its head.

Mardi's pussy was burning with desire and slick, female lubrication dribbled from her hungry clunge. While one hand jerked off the next client, the other began swirling around her clit. Her mouth developed a fast paced rhythm which included a healthy amount of sucking and expert stimulation with her tongue. It wasn't long before the first cock exploded in her mouth. She slowed her pace and allowed the seed to spray the back of her throat. She swallowed the first mouthful and felt the hot, sticky liquid hit her stomach. Like an adrenaline shot, Mardi experienced an immediate rush of arousal coarse through her veins. Her breathing quickened and her skin became hot! Each spurt sent a wave of pleasurable stimulation from head to toe. Her body was electric! Mardi popped the first client out of her mouth, eager to jump onto the next. His cock released one final rope which splashed across her nose and left eye. His manhood began to shrivel and he removed himself from the hole.

Mardi didn't have time to wipe herself clean as she sloshed her tongue along the second one. The second man came faster than the first, blowing his load less than one minute in. The second helping of sperm was thicker, muskier and more abundant than the first as well. Mardi's desperate, drooling kitty was begging to be filled. Her fingers were trying their best, but it cried out for insertion of some kind. Her eyes flicked to the crusty box of sex toys in the corner. Could she, there was no way she could sink that low!

Again, Mardi withdrew the penis and a single rope of cum crisscrossed the first. Her right eye was forced shut and she shifted her way to the third cock. She felt her vagina leaving a sticky, snail trail behind her as she moved. No doubt, her already grimy hand was slick with fluid as well.

The third was the biggest one yet, but Mardi had no trouble deep throating it, same as the rest. Her body was so horny and aroused that she was bouncing up and down, excitedly, while bobbing her neck forward and back. A drop of semen slipped down her chin and splashed to the floor. It was just another droplet of cum making its way to the floor of 'The Hot Spot' the same exact way every drop before it had - down the chin of a whore. Mardi not only [i]was[/i] a whore in this moment...but she felt like one too. Normally, this type of behavior would have made her recoil in disgust, but she was far too horny for that. She wanted to be dirtier, to be sluttier. In this moment she wanted to be a submissive little cum rag, only fit for extracting and displaying a nice sticky wad from a strong man. The mental compulsions in her brain were synergizing and mixing with one another, becoming stronger than ever before.

Mardi's enthusiasm translated to her cock-sucking and before too long she was rewarded with another sticky treat. This time, she wanted to be painted and properly marked as the lowest of the gutter whores. Anybody who saw her in this wonderfully godforsaken hole in the wall would know she was nothing more than a wretch, a common slag. She was rolling around in a dingy, musky, perverts' paradise coated in cock snot and begging for more. The third man blasted Mardi's face with the full force of his pent up arousal. She kept her mouth open, and rejoiced with each morsel that found its way into her mouth, but she really wanted it covering her body. She may not be as pretty as Annabelle, but she was sluttier. Boys liked kinky cum-sluts that did whatever they were told, right? Her androgynous face was now coated almost entirely their sticky, hot jizz. She wore it like a badge of honor, feeling truly blessed to writhe with the rest of the prostitutes.

Mardi's cunt was still burning and demanding attention. Her legs were quivering and she could feel her heart pounding. She couldn't wait any longer, her fingers couldn't get anywhere near deep enough. She had to have her pussy filled [i]NOW[/i]! Her eyes found the box of crusty toys and she fished into it through a single, sticky eye. She could hardly see what she was searching through. After a few seconds of desperation, she snatched one of the larger toys. It had a very thin coating of a crusty yellow substance; no doubt from some other whores pussy. The filth from Mardi's hands simply added to the flavor.

Mardi smiled a dopey, sex crazed, cummy smile and slid back to the fourth cock, which was waiting patiently for her. She slapped the dildo, which had a suction cup, in front of the fourth man so it faced straight up. She positioned the toy between her legs and crouched down so her dripping cunt was poised for entry, just a few inches away from the dildos head. But, she stopped short. The cum on her face tickled as it seeped downward.

Was she really about to impale herself on an unknown prostitutes used sex toy? The consequences of enveloping the toy could be substantial. How many cunts had this dildo entered? How many cocks had fucked those cunts? Using a communal dildo (that was probably never washed) was like having sex with an untold number of people all at once. It was stupid, it was irresponsible, it was debased...But at the same time...

It was so, so kinky!

The throbbing between Mardi's legs told her everything she needed to know. Her resistance had been degraded and she threw caution to the wind. Without a second thought, Mardi squatted her snatch down onto the toy. Her slick pussy quickly coated the toy in lubrication but she could feel the crusty stains tickling her inner walls. Her juices began mixing with whatever mystery substance was congealed on the dildo.

Mardi turned her attention to the last two cocks. She bounced up and down on the dildo, stoking the fire of arousal within her body, while expertly sucking the dick in front of her. The semen coating her face was now dripping and splattering across her bare tits which had a very minimal, but not completely absent, bounce. This fourth man was a bit more challenging than the others. Perhaps Mardi wasn't nearly as focused at this point. It was true, most of her thoughts were squarely on the dildo pounding deep into her pussy and the approaching orgasm there within. The dildo scratched an itch that her fingers simply could not. Her blowjob skills spoke for themselves, and through muscle memory alone, the fourth man tensed up and began to ejaculate.

Mardi held the cock like a fire hose as it squirted its wad across her already coated features, covering them in another layer. She slid up and down on the dildo excitedly, but her legs were getting so tired and her throbbing kitty was bored with the toy! It was a lifeless object. She needed a real man's thick rod to part her lower lips and pound her whore pussy into submission...Once the fourth man was done and withdrew from the wall, there was only one penis left standing. The groom.

Mardi sloshed up and down the toy, thankful that any sign of the gritty, yellow stains were now smooth and wet. She glided with no resistance whatsoever. But even without that slight discomfort, she stared up at the warm, veiny, throbbing, powerful manhood bursting from the wall. How she longed to have it filling her guts... She rode up the dildo's length and stepped off it. She could see the toy was sparkling clean! Which meant her pussy was probably not so much...She squirmed and reveled in her filth. In her horny state, Mardi almost wished she had contracted some sort of STD. To fit the stereotype of a back alley, gutter tramp with crabs or gonorrhea. Better yet, some sort of herpes with angry red sores. One that anybody could see. Clients would take one look at her loose, sore covered, used cunt and slip on one - no two rubbers. [i]And they would be right to do so.[/i]

Annabelle examined the final cock and, again, felt a strong desire to have it inside her. Maybe she should do it. It was also the groom and, after all, he said he really wanted to have sex with her. Mardi figured the guys would REALLY like her if she 'put out' properly for the man of the hour, pussy package or no. Could she even call herself a proper whore without a clam that was sore from a nice pounding?

With her mind made up, Mardi approached the wall and turned away from it. She looked over her shoulder and backed her ass up and towards the waiting dick. Reaching between her legs, Mardi guided his manhood towards her wet slit. When it connected, she pressed her hips down onto his rod and quickly made it wet and slick.

The dick glided in and out through a combination of the groom thrusting and Mardi pumping her hips. Mardi let out a deep moan, she was getting close.

"The bitch came through, gentlemen, the pussy has landed!" He yelled.

"Don, you crazy motherfucker! You're bareback fucking some random, ugly trailer-trash whore through a gloryhole? Are you stupid? I guarantee the bitch has every disease you can think of!"

Mardi breathing became ragged, they saw her exactly as she was - an ugly trailer-trash whore who needed release! More drips of semen rolled down her chin and collected on the floor. She wildly slammed her hips and ass into the es;;, fully enveloping the grooms hard rod. Each thrust was met with a wet, sloshing sound that could only be attributed to very involved, aroused, heterosexual sex.

"I don't give a shit, man. This cunt is worth it!"

The groom redoubled his efforts and thrust into Mardi with a little more power. Mardi pressed back against him and released another feminine moan. She was so close! Another thirty seconds, and Mardi toes coiled tightly while she finally was pushed over the edge. Her feminine walls clamped around the grooms cock and milked him. He didn't last more than a few additional seconds as his cock twitched deep inside his moaning trailer-trash slut. Mardi continued slowly sliding up and down his shaft as they both came. Mardi's eyes rolled back into her head while her pussy twitched and convulsed.

Mardi was riding a wave of pleasure and her legs had become very unstable. She felt a tingle in her chest and looked down to see her cum coated tits begin to expand. Once her full body orgasm started to wind down, she noticed her breasts had grown another cup size. She shook her chest and felt her twins jiggle much more than before. The groom slipped out of her pussy and she felt the dribbling of semen sliding down her leg. Mardi sat down on the floor and looked over to Annabelle. All five cocks were still in the gloryholes, she hadn't even completed one! Mardi couldn't believe it, how could she lose!?

Annabelle popped the penis out of her mouth and rubbed her jaw.

She said in her breathy pitch, "Having fun? You weren't supposed to use anything but your mouth and hands, you know. They didn't pay for the premium package..."

Mardi noticed Annabelle's huge tits were a bit less impressive. Still pretty massive, but Mardi knew where her new cup side had come from.

Mardi sat down near the corner and felt dripping all over her body. She had slime and muck coating her legs, ass and hands and cum covering the rest. The door to 'The Hot Spot' opened and Mardi saw several heads poke in. Mardi retreated to the corner, near the toy box.

"I knew the bitch was riding some sort of dildo while she was blowing me. Look at that monster! I bet she dropped that donk all the way to the fucking floor!"

"Damn, she's fucking COVERED in jizz."

'Did her tits get bigger, or am I seeing things?"

"Hey, uh, random prostitue lady, we wanted to get a picture with you, to remember the night. Is that okay with you?"

Mardi nodded nervously and stood. She took one step forward.

"Wait," the groom started, "Grab that dusty thong next to you there."

Mardi's already spent, semen dripping cunt started up again. What was about to happen...? She crouched down and grabbed the thong. It was a pink with white trim string thong. It was basically a triangle of pink fabric. There was a long, crusty yellow stain right where the vagina rested.

"Bring it here."

Annabelle stayed by her wall, "Mardi, wait-"

"You shut up girl," Another voice behind the groom yelled, "You couldn't even get one of us off! You may be hot as hell, but you give head like a sixteen year old virgin."

"It's like I always said, dude, hot girls are terrible at giving head because they never had to do it."

Mardi clicked her heels over to the naked group of men and presented the thong. She still could only see through one eye. She felt her tits bounce more than he was used to.

"Well, put it on slut."

Mardi felt a small rush of arousal. She put one leg through the underwear and stepped her second one in-

"On your head."

Mardi's breathing and heart rate began to quicken again, every man, from both groups was staring at her expectantly. She stared at the stain.

The groom reached out and pulled Mardi's hair out of its ponytail and it fell down to her shoulders.

His voice was more demanding, "Go on girl, we don't have all day."

Mardi obeyed and raised the thong to her head. She slid it down her face until the dirty streak was directly over her nose. The spunk that remained on her face began seeping into the underwear. Mardi breathed out her mouth deliberately.

The groom rushed forward and put his one hand over Mardi's mouth while the other was around her head, holding her in place. She felt her nose scrape against the material. She couldn't be sure if she was touching the stain, but with how widespread it was, she was almost certainly in contact with it. Mardi didn't dare try fighting back. She was his submissive little girl. Mardi had no choice but to breath through her nose. She took a deep inhale and could immediately smell something foul. It was like the stench of female arousal mixed with raw sewage. Whoever these panties belonged to really needed to get checked out! Mardi sputtered and choked around the grooms hand. It was a bitter, sick smell and Mardi was struggling to continue her breathing. The groom and the other men laughed at Mardi's struggle. He finally lifted his hand away. Mardi gasped for a breath of air, but kept the thong squarely on her nose. The groom wiped his sticky, wet hand into Mardi's loose hair, covering what was once clean with ejaculate. Despite the gross nature of the task, Mardi couldn't help but revel in the humilation and filth. She was getting horny - again!

The men gathered around Mardi but kept a few inches distance.

"Say cheese!"

The groom raised a camera and Mardi put on a shy little smile.

He checked his camera and laughed, "That's going to be a good one! Go ahead and put that thong over your little minge, honey."

Mardi obeyed, thankful to pull the disgusting garment off her face. She stepped into it and the wet thong rested over her vagina. She could swear the rank stench still lingered on her face, and she didn't particularly like having that suspicious stain anywhere near her snatch, but it was much better than on her face.

The groom showed the picture to each of his friends. Finally, he turned it to Mardi. When she looked, it was almost unbelievable. She figured she probably looked fairly disgusting, but until she saw it on the camera, she couldn't fully appreciate just how disgusting she was. With her heels, she was just a few inches shorter than the man but the angle of the camera made her look even tinier. Her brunette hair was matted with sweat and stale cum. Her face was covered with a dirty pink thong and semen. She had a shy smile that showed her obvious lack of confidence. Her sticky, hanging tits even made it into the picture. She looked like a thirty year old whore that had no self respect. Maybe that's what she was now. As the men were finished with Mardi now, she walked back into 'The Hot Spot' feeling less than hot. Annabelle looked on with sadness in her eyes. Mardi threw the dirty panties back in the corner. They were now filthy with semen stains too. Mardi shivered. She hoped she would never have to put those on again...even if it was pretty hot...

The scene collapsed and Mardi was left in the void.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Mardi Elle Dawes

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

155 LBS






Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly need to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.






Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Fully developed, hairless vagina with noticible pussy lips. Dripping with semen.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Small/Medium fleshy mounds hanging from chest, around a B cup and coated with cum. Nipples are long and thick while areola are large and feminine. Stomach is soft with respectable muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are large, smooth, masculine, without callous, reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with narrow hips. Deep red painted toenails.


Black heels.


Has dated members of both sexes but strongly prefers men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both her partners and herself. Enjoys long kisses, mostly with men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humilation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat driven and dim-witted. A bit of a hothead that's slow with his decision making, preferring other to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Not overtly afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation.


Extremely knowledgeable with oral sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowledgeable about the human body including fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Fluent in french. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Round 32


Bonus Round 3