Round 32

[b]Round Thirty Two:[/b]

Mardi appeared in a familiar, modern home.

She looked around, this was Mrs. Polermo's home.

"We're over here, sweetie." Mrs. Polermo deep, mature voice resonated from across the room.

Mardi turned her head towards the voice and saw Mrs. Polermo seated on a nearby couch. Her posture was very stiff and her head was held high. She crossed her toned legs while her long, lifeless, blonde hair crawled down her back. Her huge, obviously fake tits sat unnaturally high on her chest and stretched a form fitting red mini dress, giving her ample cleavage. Her face had sharp angles indicative of a woman in her late forties or early fifties.

She smiled warmly towards Mardi.

Seated next to Mrs. Polermo was her daughter, Danielle, who glared hatefully. While her mother's smile gave off a warm aura of strong feminine confidence, Danielle's sneer dripped with a venomous contempt that made Mardi feel uncomfortable.

On the far end of the room, in an old rocking chair, sat Liam whose stare was also filled with contempt.

The chair rocked back and forth with quick, shallow jerks. Liam's fists were clenched on the handles of the chair.

When Mardi didn't move, Mrs. Polermo piped up again, "Well don't just stand there, honey, come on and sit with us."

Mardi shifted her gaze away from both sets of angry stares and shuffled towards the seating area. Mardi wore a simple pair of women's jeans, tall cream heels and a white blouse. Supporting her newly expanded chest was a simple white bra that was partially visible. Mardi also wore a comfortable pair of white, cotton panties.

While walking, Mardi took a quick second to scratch between her legs. She didn't think anything of it, just a mild itch.

Mardi was sure to stay a few paces away from both Danielle and Liam in case one of them decided to jump at her.

Mrs. Polermo crossed her legs the opposite way and spoke, "You see? We're all friends here. Let's have a nice, civilized chat and-"

"With all due respect, ma'am," Liam interjected. His low, feminine voice cutting her off, "I'm no friend of that lying, low-life piece of shit." Liam's eyes narrowed when Mardi met his gaze, "You knew your pathetic little cock was the size of a fucking baby carrot and you didn't say [i]anything.[/i] Now i'm stuck with cursed with it! I [i]was[/i] going easy on you. Treating you like a friend. Now? Watch the fuck out, bitch, you made a powerful new enemy."

Mardi gulped. She wanted to tell Liam that he had never treated her like a friend or ally. She wanted to tell him to fuck himself, that she didn't need his help anyway. That he got what he deserved. But, instead, Mardi stayed silent and stared at the carpet.

Danielle chirped, "My, my, Liam. You never had this much contempt for our last contestant...You babied little Annabelle from the get-go. I guess you're finally starting to see these usurpers for what they really are. Welcome to the team! We'll work together to put this stupid cunt into her proper place."

Liam slowly nodded his head. He looked a bit uneasy agreeing with Danielle on anything. But his decision had been made.

Mrs. Polermo cleared her throat, demanding the attention of the group. Her voice was less cheery and warm, "With that in mind, we have a proposition for you, Mardi dear. We'll each propose one swap for you to consider. You can accept all, none, or any combination. For each that you agree to, you'll receive one powerup. Should you decline, you will be given a challenge to complete. Should you complete the challenge, you will not get a powerup, but you will not endure any changes from that individual. Failure to complete the challenge will result in one change. This could be anything. It may or may not be what was originally proposed. For example, I am offering you to take another five years from me. You've already done ten, five should be no problem at all."

Mrs. Polermo gestured to Danielle who piped up, "I heard you know a thing or two about the human body. I always wanted to try my hand at physical therapy. I'll trade you some knowledge that I don't find useful anymore."

Liam spoke next, "Not looking for too much, it's a change you won't even notice, honestly. But, it'll make a huge difference for me. I want your male DNA. I'll trade my XX chromosomes for your XY."

Mrs. Polermo spoke once more, "Go ahead and think about it for a bit."

Mardi's head was spinning. Three changes!?

Mardi began to critically assess her situation. Lately, powerups weren't really helping her out much...but that was mostly due to her using them wrong. She definitely still wanted them. But were they worth accepting these changes? Mardi absentmindedly scratched between her legs and swept her brunette hair behind her shoulders.

Her gaze found Mrs. Polermo's wrinkled smile. Five more years would make her thirty six. That was a far cry from her original age of twenty one. Was five years worth the risk? How far was Mrs. Polermo willing to take it?

She moved to Danielle. How much did Mardi value her knowledge of the human body? She could always re-learn everything she knew...but, with her decreased intelligence, it might be significantly harder this time around. Also, what knowledge would Danielle be replacing it with?

Mardi's eyes drifted to Liam. She was already a woman. How much would changing her chromosomes actually matter?

Liam rubbed his hands together and took advantage of the silence, "I dare you to deny my change. I [i]fucking[/i] dare you. I won't hold back on the challenge. And [i]when[/i] you lose the challenge, I can think of some pretty twisted shit to mess you up with. You thought the extravaganza was tough now? Try doing it with one lung and no arms."

Mrs. Polermo cleared her throat again, "Alright, Liam, that's enough of that. Let the young lady choose for herself."

Mardi, again, found herself lost in thought. Her concentration was suddenly broken by a loud cracking noise. Her attention turned to Danielle who was cracking her knuckles while staring Mardi down. So cold was her stare that Mardi shivered.

Mrs. Polermo scolded her daughter, "Danni, you need to better control yourself. Cracking your knuckles like that is very unbecoming of a young lady."

Danielle huffed and shrugged her shoulders.

Mardi was thankful to Mrs. Polermo for defending her from both Liam and Danielle. She tried to find Mrs. Polermo's kind eyes, to thank her and reassure herself that not everybody was her enemy. When she finally found them, Mardi inhaled a sharp breath. Where she expected to find comfort and security, she instead found calculated, cold, analytical and dead eyes. It was evident that Mrs. Polermo wasn't on her side and wasn't messing around. She desperately wanted Mardi to accept the swap and that was plain as day on her face. The sight or Mrs. Polermo's emotionless visage unnerved Mardi more than any attempt at intimidation coming from the other two.

There was a palpable pressure filling the room. An oppressively energy that Mardi simply couldn't overcome. She couldn't risk a change that made the game impossible going forward and it was always good to get powerups.

"A-alright I accept all three..." Mardi muttered.

"Excellent!" Mrs. Polermo chirped, while clapping her hands together.

Mardi's entire body felt electric for a few seconds. A stream of energy coursed through her veins and made her skin hot. She shook wildly. Her breath came in quickly and she grunted, feeling ready to run a marathon! She felt incredible! She felt light! Nothing could slow her down! Her heart pounded in her chest, she was ready to take on the world!

But, quickly, the energy drained away. The warmth in her veins cooled and quickly became icy. She felt herself slowing down. She stopped shaking, her heart beat normally and her breath normalized. Her body began feeling heavy. Everywhere, her skin became just a tad bit looser. She was, by no means, wrinkled or old, but she took on a more mature appearance. Her facial features sharpened, ever so slightly while shallow laugh lines formed around her mouth. A very minor ache began stirring in her hips. It wasn't a sharp, overt pain but one that was deep and dull.

Mardi took a deep breath and looked over to Mrs. Polermo who was busy shedding the years Mardi had gained. The crows feet and laugh lines on her face smoothed out a bit. Her skin lost a few age related blemishes and tightened up. Her hair gained a bit of youthful sheen. Her posture became more upright and her fingers became less boney.

"Wow, that feels amazing!" Bridgette shouted in her less haughty voice.

Mardi next felt a gnawing pulling in her head. She clutched her temples and squeezed her eyes shut. She could feel knowledge being drained away. Years of studying and cramming kinesiology, biology and nutrition faded. Every piece of information slipped through her grasp like sand from an hourglass. She tried remembering even the basics. The upper body muscles were the- they were the deltoid and- and the- it just kept slipping and slipping away. She couldn't hold onto any information for more than a few seconds before it was gone. Kinesiology was the study of- it's the study of something...And with nutrition there was some sort pyramid or...some vegetables and fruits in there wasn't long before her knowledge of the human body in motion and maintaining professionally healthy nutrition was completely gone. Mardi was now about as knowledgeable about these subjects as any thirty six year old woman with a low IQ who had never spent a day studying it in her life.

Mardi felt a gaping black hole in her head. Like a vacuum of information. The vacuum was hungry, it wanted something to occupy the space...and the vacuum got what it was looking for. Knowledge of a different persuasion was flowing into her head and quickly being gobbled up.

Vacuuming, decorating, sewing, preparing meals. A wide variety of domestic skills of all shapes and sizes filled the empty pockets in her mind. Fluffing pillows, making beds, folding laundry, scrubbing toilets. Gone were any memory's of muscle groups and proper exercising form, replaced with ironing techniques and refrigerator organization. She no longer knew how to scientifically craft a perfectly balanced diet, but she sure knew how to cook a homemade meal. A core pillar of her personality was ripped down and replaced. Hypothesis became tradition, curiosity became tried-and-true.

Finally, another wave of warmth spread across Mardi's body. It was pleasant. The warm feeling lasted for a few seconds before slowing winding back down. Mardi looked down at her body, was that Liam's change? She didn't feel any different.

Liam leapt out of his chair with a big smile stretched across his face. He quickly approached Mardi who locked up in fear. Mardi had forgotten how tall Liam was. Even in her heels, he absolutely towered over her. Mardi's eye level was around his Adam's apple. He grabbed Mardi's hand roughly. She fidgeted, but did not resist. Liam procured a small electronic device from his pocket and touched it to Mardi's captive hand. After a painful prick, the machine made a tiny beeping noise. Liam examined the device and his already wide smile became a toothy grin. He turned the machine to Mardi who read from a small screen, "XX - FEMALE" Mardi pulled her arm away from Liam and put her bleeding finger in her mouth. Liam did the same procedure to himself and, sure enough, "XY - MALE"

Liam slipped the device back into his pocket as he said, "From the bottom of my lab confirmed male heart, thanks, lab confirmed female! Just so you're aware, the change also swapped our hormone production - to better fit with our new genetic makeup."

Mardi rubbed her hands down her slight hips and fat butt. She could definitely feel her age starting to creep in. Now with her genetic makeup and general housekeeping knowledge she was really starting to fit the role of a middle aged woman. How would female hormone production affect her moving forward?

Liam, Danielle and Bridgette were all busy enjoying their newest changes while Mardi simply waited for the round to be done. Soon enough, Mardi was left in the darkness.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Mardi Elle Dawes

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

150 LBS






XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Mild itching between legs.


Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly need to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.






Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Fully developed, hairless vagina with noticible pussy lips.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Small/Medium fleshy mounds hanging from chest, around a B cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are large and feminine. Stomach is soft with respectable muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are large, smooth, masculine, without callous, reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with narrow hips. Deep red painted toenails.


Black heels.


Has dated members of both sexes but strongly prefers men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both her partners and herself. Enjoys long kisses, mostly with men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humilation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive hothead that's slow with her decision making, preferring other to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation.


Extremely knowledgeable with oral sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowlegeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Round 33


Round 31