Bonus Round 3
[b]Bonus Round Three:[/b]
Marti was sucked away from the void and appeared on a hard wood floor surrounded by darkness. She glanced around and immediately recognized the room. It was Doctor Grungot's stage. Marti felt a churning in her stomach. Was it time for another bonus round already?
The auditorium lit up.
Marti took a deep breath and checked her clothes. She wore a black blazer and dress pants alongside a loose white blouse with a plunging neckline and black heels. Her hair was collected in a ponytail draped across her shoulder. These were definitely women's clothes, but Marti didn't feel badly about that. She was really starting to become familiar with the feeling and fit of women's clothes.
Marti felt very professional. Like a lawyer or a businesswom- businessMAN of some sort. Marti glanced over her shoulder. A small swelling of pride bubbled up when she saw how well her thick ass and thighs filled out the pants.
Appearing with a pop was the cold stare of Danielle. She was dressed in a similar manner to Marti, but Danielle closed her blazer while Marti kept hers open.
Danielle stood a few inches taller than Marti. She cracked her knuckles slowly and methodically, "Get ready to lose, girly boy! Actually, I suppose it's just girly now. Whatever he's got for us, I'm going to win."
Marti shook her head and asked in her androgynous voice, "Why are you so horrible? I haven't done anything to you! The other contestants...some of them are nice, until the Doctor shows up, and it's like they become completely different people. don't do that."
Marti was taken aback as Danielle's dark eyes flashed gold for a split second. She grew a menacing grin, "Some of us are just better than the others...You'll find that out first hand."
A spotlight flashed to life and nearly blinded both contestants as it centered on them. The roaring of a huge crowd burst all around them as well. Marti tore her gaze from Danielle and scanned the room, noticing every seat was now full and all eyes were fixed on her. She nervously wrapped her arms around her stomach and stayed still.
A baritone male voice sounded from some unknown speaker on the ceiling. His words filled the packed theatre.
"You are about to enter the gender court room of Judge Harold Grungot. The people are REAL. The cases are REAL. The rulings are FINAL!"
Booming cheers and applause.
Two wooden tables appeared near Marti and Danielle spaced several feet apart. Each had a small placard. The left table was labeled "Defense" while the right was "Prosecution". The tables were facing the crowd and were covered in the front. The legs of somebody sitting down would be hidden from view.
The male voice spoke again, "All rise for the honorable Judge Harold Grungot."
The majority of the crowd rose to their feet.
Doctor Grungot entered from back stage clad in a long black robe. The crowd broke into raucous clapping. He waved to the crowd and flashed them a wide grin.
Doctor Grungot hoisted a microphone that looked like a gavel and spoke in his nasily voice, "You may all be seated." He gave the crowd a few seconds to sit back down and situate themselves before continuing, "Welcome, one and all to my gender court room! Today we will be hearing the case of Danielle Amanda Strauss Vs. Marti Nelle Dawes. The plaintiff, Ms. Strauss, will be attempting to convince this court that Ms. Dawes is female. On the other side, Ms. Dawes will be attempting to hastily scrape together the scarce remnants of her former masculinity and convince us that she is male. If Ms. Dawes is able to do so, I will allow her to reverse three changes she has sustained. All Ms. Dawes needs to do is convince more than half the crowd she is male. It should be easy for somebody that was male for 99% of their life! Aren't I generous?"
Marti joined the crowd in a collective gasp. Reversing three changes...she could get her muscles back, her beard...even her penis. She had to win! But how would she do that? She bit her fat lip, feeling the slippery lip gloss. At least her suit didn't have a skirt or something, but it was clearly cut for a woman. Marti figured that she would probably have to use a powerup, but it would be worth it. She just had to think of the right powerup.
Grungot spoke again, "Now, ladies, if you would please move to your respective tables. The crowd will be our jury today."
Marti avoided eye contact with Danielle as she shuffled behind the "Defense" table.
When Marti was seated behind her table she piped up, "But Doctor Grungot I-"
Doctor Grungot cut her off, "Please refer to me as Judge Grungot or 'Your Honor' if you would."
Marti sighed before starting over, "But [i]your honor[/i] how can we have a fair trial if you've already told the jury that I am [i]technically[/i] female at the moment?"
Grungot scoffed before sitting at a large wooden desk that appeared near the edge of the stage, his words only reaching Danielle and Marti, "If you had allowed me to start the trial properly, Ms. Dawes, you would have seen that our jury will be starting off with a clean mental slate. Be forewarned, ladies, once I wipe their minds it will not happen a second time. Your first impressions will be vitally important."
Marti checked down at her table. A wooden panel covered the side facing the crowd from the top to the floor. She thought about hiding under it and completely obscuring herself. Perhaps she could put a little bit of base in her androgynous voice and, if nobody could see her, she could convince enough of them that she was male with her voice and words alone.
Something seemed wrong though. Every time Marti had a plan or an idea of some sort, it always failed. The Doctor probably figured she would hide behind the panel. She wouldn't be surprised if the panel disappeared as soon as the court proceedings began. Marti thought about it. That was definitely what was going to happen! She had to use a powerup to make herself look more masculine, just in case. But, she would definitely hide under the table if the option was available.
Marti looked down at her pants.
She knew just what to do! She refined the idea in her head and focused on exactly how she wanted it to look before whispering, "Powerup."
Her pants shimmered and became sheer tights. She felt a floppy lump wedge between her legs and press into her thigh. She touched the new penis nestled there. It wasn't real, but it sure looked like it.
Marti felt giddy, the prosthetic cock looked very erect and very real. It also had a shriveled little ball sack for everybody to see. It was even better than how Marti pictured it in her head! The jury would be really surprised when she got up from the table with this hard cock. Even if she had feminine thighs and a fat ass, She would win for sure. She shook her hips back and forth, noticing the cock moving just as she would expect. It was surreal to see a hard cock tightly shake on her thigh without feeling the sensitive pinch of actually having a penis. All she had to do was show this to the crowd and she could get her real cock back. All thoughts of hiding under the desk were now distant.
Marti removed the pin from her ponytail and pulled her hair up into a bun. She clipped it into place. Marti wasn't exactly sure how to put her hair up properly and was inexperienced with the clips. She wasn't sure if her hair was more or less masculine looking this way, but she figured having a long, silky ponytail on her shoulder wasn't doing her any favors.
It didn't matter anyhow. All she just had to do was show the jury her stocking clad penis. She closed her blazer and buttoned it. She was ready.
Marti glanced over to Danielle who tapped her fingers on the desk nervously.
Doctor Grungot waited a few more seconds before banging his gavel on his desk with a loud *CRACK*, "If our contestants are ready, we shall commence."
He snapped his fingers and the whispering crowd became instantly silent. A few seconds later, their whispering began again. Presumably, the juries knowledge of Marti's sex had been wiped. Marti sat up proudly and shot the crowd a mean stare. She had to win this round.
He spoke again, "The prosecution may begin."
Danielle took a deep breath before standing and walking between the tables.
Her normally frosty tone had a bit of artificial warmth injected in it, "Ladies and gentleman of the jury, I come before you today as an expert of male and female anatomy and-"
"Objection," Marti growled, trying to lower her voice without sounding too obvious, "My opponent cannot claim to be an expert. It gives her credibility she hasn't earned and doesn't deserve."
After thinking for a few seconds, Judge Grungot declared, "Sustained. Ms. Strauss, I suggest you refrain from unsubstantiated claims. You're not off to a good start."
The crowd murmured.
Danielle looked visibly shaken for a few seconds. Marti watched her behavior. Speaking in front of crowds did not appear to be her forte. She gulped and nervously scanned the crowd.
She tried again, her voice was now quiet and trailed off, "L-ladies and gen-gentleman...If you look at my opponent, you'll notice she has long, shiny hair and lip gloss...She's wearing a women's suit and- and high heels. I have personally seen her genitals and I can say with confidence that-"
"Objection!" Marti hollered, "Your honor, Ms. Strauss has, under no circumstances, viewed my genitals and has no right to claim otherwise."
Danielle looked to Grungot and pleaded, "Your honor, I have personal experience with Ms. Dawes' genitals and believe I should be able to present my first hand knowledge as evidence."
Marti countered, "You're lying! I don't think you've ever been present while my pants were off. Your honor, this testimony is totally unfounded and I-
Danielle's face became red and she screamed at Marti while pointing, "That's not true! I saw your cock when you were fucking Annabelle just a few rounds ago! She's pregnant now from what you did to her, asshole!"
Marti sniggered into her hands. She had Danielle beat!
"Withdrawn." Marti mused.
Danielle was breathing quickly and didn't fully realize what she'd said until a few seconds later. She stared wide eyed into the crowd who murmured and talked amongst themselves. Marti rested her hands behind her head. Maybe she hadn't needed a powerup this round after all. Oh well, she would wait for Danielle's bomb show to conclude before sealing the deal with her prosthetic dick.
Danielle, flustered, turned and attempted to walk back to her desk before nearly falling on her face. She caught herself on the desk. Marti let out a chuckle, this couldn't be going any better!
"M-my apologies..." Danielle stuttered out. "Where was I...? She has a- a big butt and small breasts...but you can't really see those right now. So...uhm...yeah, my opponent is a female and it should be obvious to anybody that sees her. Thank you."
Danielle sat down and sank her head into her hands. She was horribly embarrassed. Marti felt a surge of confidence. She basically didn't even have to say anything. But, just to rub it in...Marti prepared to stand and properly rub Danielle into the dirt.
Judge Grungot banged his gavel, "Alright...I guess Ms. Strauss is done. Go ahead Dawes."
Marti chuckled to herself one more time, enjoying the feeling of superiority over her opponent. She glanced over to Danielle and saw her head was still squarely in her hands. She looked so tiny sitting there. Maybe she would start crying? Marti wished she would. It would serve her right. Danielle was always such a bitch for no reason. Marti stood and turned her attention to the crowd. As she passed between the tables, Marti heard Danielle's muffled voice speak into her hands. No doubt, it was probably some sort of frustrated utterance.
Marti strutted to the center of the stage and didn't notice her clothing changing. She placed her hands on her hips and smiled confidently. She opened her legs to the crowd. They were getting a great look, long look between her legs which would certainly put an end to the contest. Marti felt a draft and noticed her blazer was gone! She looked down. Her blouse had changed becoming much thinner. So thin, it was transluscent! Beneath the deep V neck her breasts and large, feminine nipples were easily visible.
She wrapped her delicate hands with long, painted nails around her breasts, serving only to push them together.
Marti looked further down and watched her tights receding up her legs. She froze in place. Her brain told her to run back to the table but her legs wouldn't listen. They shrank up and up and up leaving smooth, bare leg in their wake. When it shrank to the top, Marti's prosthetic cock began to teeter. She grabbed it and held it squarely in place. It even felt real! Even without the tights, so long as she held it in place it still looked like a real penis. So what if she couldn't cover her breasts, if she had a penis, she was a male! The tights shrank into a pair of tight, hot pink panties.
Marti stood center stage, in the spotlight with her long, silky brown hair in a bun. A nearly translucent deep V blouse showed her small tits with large areola. A tight hot pink pair of panties hardly contained her thick ass and mostly straight hips. Between her large thighs was a very realistic looking prosthetic penis that she held onto. She stood on tall black heels.
Marti licked her gloss covered lips.
She had to make it back to the table! The crowd saw the dick - now she could get back to the desk and worry about keeping her chest covered. She just had to get back to the table...She turned and started back towards safety but lost her footing at exactly the same spot Danielle had! Marti looked down as she tumbled and noticed one of the boards was sticking up! She crashed onto the floor and the prosthetic cock slipped from her hands. Additionally, her long, silky, brown hair came free from its shoddily clipped bun and draped across her shoulders and down her back. Marti desperately searched for any sign of the cock. She stood and turned back to the crowd, continuing to scan the ground taking a few steps from the tables, her hair swishing into her vision.
She froze and checked her groin. The hot pink panties dug into her pussy giving her a fat cameltoe.
Marti brushed her hair out of her eyes with a painted nail. Her small, but very feminine nipples were poking out and that cameltoe...she couldn't recover from this.
She was resigned to walking back to her table to await punishment. As if to add insult to injury, Marti tripped on the raised board AGAIN. This time, she caught herself on Danielle's table. Her ass stuck out behind her, towards the crowd, while her face was pointed towards Danielle who was smirking.
Danielle raised up Marti's prosthetic dick and cackled, "Looking for this?"
She shoved it forward. Before Marti could react, the dick was forced into her mouth and down her throat. She stood quickly and stepped away from the table. She slid the penis out of her mouth and threw it to the floor. It landed with a soft *Squelch*
Marti hung her head and walked to her table. She sat down and let out a sigh. She hadn't even said anything.
Judge Grungot cleared his throat, "Ms. Dawes - I mean...Dawes, do you have anything else to add?"
Marti shook her head somberly.
"Alright then, the jury will now vote using the keypads located in the arm rest of their chairs."
Less than a minute passed before Judge Grungot reached his verdict, "With ninety six percent of the votes in, the jury has decided, with a ninety eight percent margin, that Ms. Dawes is female!"
Mardi rolled her eyes. Where had she gone wrong? Had she gotten too over confident?
Danielle piped up, "I want to give her all of my submissiveness. I've worked so hard to counter my natural submissiveness, but it always seems to try and creep back in. By the way, did you like the show? I'm an extremely competent public speaker, just so you are aware. You think I didn't notice you're pathetic powerup?"
Mardi felt a tingling buzz in her head. She felt woozy and held onto the table for support. She opened her eyes and didn't immediately feel anything different. She looked down and noticed her hands were resting on her knees, palms up, in a submissive way. She flipped her hands over and held onto her knees. She peered over at Danielle who was standing and smiling. Mardi noticed her hands adopted the submissive posture while her attention was turned for just a few seconds.
What were the possible ramifications of this?
Mardi was left in the void.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Mardi Elle Dawes
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
155 LBS
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly need to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Fully developed, hairless vagina with noticible pussy lips.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Small fleshy mounds hanging from chest. Nipples are long and thick while areola are large and feminine. Stomach is soft with respectable muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are large, smooth, masculine, without callous, reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with narrow hips. Deep red painted toenails.
White, nearly transluscent blouse and tight, hot pink panties. Black heels.
Has dated members of both sexes but strongly prefers men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both her partners and herself. Enjoys long kisses, mostly with men. Is very submissive.
Somewhat driven and dim-witted. A bit of a hothead that's slow with his decision making, preferring other to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Not overtly afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation.
Extremely knowledgeable with oral sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowledgeable about the human body including fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Fluent in french. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.