Round 29

[b]Round Twenty Nine:[/b]

Marti appeared in a spacious doctor's office. It was clean and well lit. There was a comfortable looking chair in the center of the room.

Marti nearly fell over and braced herself on the chair. She wasn't wearing heels and was forced onto her tip toes. She looked down at her clothing which consisted of a simple hospital gown and pink socks. Her brown hair was loosely hanging down her back. Her calves were burning.

She quickly sat in the padded chair and immediately felt relief in her legs. The chair reclined a bit until Marti was almost laying flat. She looked down at her feet.

Marti felt a nervous twitch in her stomach. She knew a significant change had occurred between her thighs, but she was too afraid to look. Her mind didn't even want to think about it. She wished that everything at the pool had been a horrible nightmare - that she would wake up and once again have that pitiful, caged cock dangling between her legs. But she could [i]feel[/i] that there was something different. Even sitting normally, trying her hardest not to broach the subject with her thoughts; she knew there was nothing dangling, nothing sticking out. Anybody who looked at would know she was female. Any human being anywhere in the world could peek between her thighs and know exactly what she was. She was an 'innie'. A bit of extra head hair, smaller muscles and thicker lips didn't even come close to her most recent change.

The immense nature of her suddenly-inverse genitalia made Marti feel light headed. Her entire worldview was shifting in real time. Marti's view of herself and her understanding of her place in society's hierarchy, and the world at large, was being challenged and re-written. Her societal understanding about the roles of men and women were clashing and resolving.

Did having a va- Did having a vagin-

Did having female genitals make her a woman?

Marti took a deep breath and desperately searched around the room for anything she could distract herself with. Thankfully, a soft popping sound nearby indicated she was no longer alone.

Through the nearby door waddled Dr. Mona Johnson. Her beautiful, silky, dark brown hair loosely hung down her shoulders. Her open lab coat revealed an ample amount of cleavage courtesy of a lowcut black mini dress. The dress hugged her heavily pregnant belly. She carefully stepped to a rolling stool and plopped down. Her dark eyes focused on Marti and she grew a warm smile.

Her voice was as soft and warm as her smile, "Ms. Dawes? Welcome back! I'm glad we could meet in my formal practice this time around."

Marti folded her arms across her tiny breasts and huffed. She knew Mona was Anthony's wife and not her friend in the least.

Mona sighed and put her hand on Marti's knee. "Look, I know I was...less than polite with you when we last met. I apologize for what I said and how I treated you. I know you've recently gone through a a pretty big change and I'm here to make sure everything is okay. I may not be the nicest person in the world, and I know you don't trust me...but I know my stuff; and I want to ensure your body is adjusting safely."

Marti could see the softness in Mona's expression and hear the sincerity in her voice. Either she was an amazing actress or she was being genuine.

"I thought you were a fertility doctor? I- I want to believe you, but I don't know if I can..." Marti's androgynous voice trailed off, "Everybody here always says one thing and does the opposite. Nobody is ever really my friend..."

Mona sat back in her chair and reassured Marti, "I know, sweetie. I won't lie and say I'm your friend. But, as you're my patient, I promise to always have interest at heart. Give me one more chance at a first impression. I'm actually a pretty damn good gynecologist if you give me the chance."

The slow gears in Marti's head moved at a snails pace. She wasn't sure what was going on between her legs...a quick check from a doctor might help shed some light, "Okay, I'll give you one more chance. But, no tricks."

Mona's face brightened, she clapped her hands together and chirped, "No more tricks! Now, I'll need to see your new equipment. Go ahead and lay back for me."

Marti leaned back and rested her head on the head rest. Mona stood and waddled to the foot of the examination bed. Marti heard two clicking sounds.

Mona patted her hand on something plastic, "Now, put your feet in the stirrups, please"

Marti hesitated.

Mona pouted, "Come on, Marti, you promised to give me another chance."

Marti shook her head. What choice did she have? She gingerly opened her legs and placed her feet in the plastic stirrups. They opened her legs wide and she felt the movement stretching her pelvis.

A fraction of a second later, Marti felt a tightness wrapped around her feet. She sat up and saw her feet were secured in place with thick leather straps. She struggled against the restraints to absolutely no avail. Her legs were wide open and she couldn't freely move them. The gown was the only thing covering her vagina because Marti could feel she wasn't wearing underwear.

"H-hey, what gives?" Marti exclaimed. She struggled to sit up.

Mona put her hand on Marti's chest and gently pushed her back down onto the chair before sweetly explaining, "Marti, this is standard operating procedure. I have to secure your feet so you don't move around during the examination. It's a very delicate process. I know you don't have any experience with this, and that's okay! If you get uncomfortable at any point just let me know and I can take the straps off. They aren't locked, but they're necessary for what we're doing here today."

Marti hesitated again. Her words sounded so genuine. But, how could this be standard operating procedure? Was she suggesting that every female that ever visited the gynecologist was okay with having their legs wide open and their feet strapped down? It didn't sound right....but, Mona was accurate when she said Marti had no knowledge of the process. Maybe this really was standard operating procedure. And, everybody deserves a second chance.

Marti tried to relax and rested her head back onto the head rest.

Mona waddled to the side of the chair and smiled down at Marti, "Good, now we have to secure the anchor strap."

Marti gulped, "The...anchor strap?"

Mona reached below the chair and flipped up another thick leather strap. It flopped on top of Marti's stomach and across to the other side. Marti's eyes searched Mona's face for re-assurance.

She smiled sweetly and walked around the chair to the other side. Marti's eyes followed her the whole time.

"Don't worry, Marti. The anchor strap is pivotal in keeping you in secured for the examination."


Mona pulled the strap down and secured it tightly with a click. Marti took a few labored breaths. It was so tight! She was anchored squarely in place. Marti casually reached her hand below the chair, attempting to find the end of the anchor strap strap. She couldn't quite reach it. Marti gulped. She would be unable to free herself.

Marti lightly pulled at the strap around her midsection, "Is- is this really necessary, Dr. Mona?"

Mona walked to the head of the chair and answered, "I'm afraid so. You'd be surprised at some of the crazy things that have occurred from people failing to secure the anchor strap."

Mona was standing directly over Marti. She softly ordered, "Now, close your eyes and relax. You need to be nice and calm for us to proceed. I'm going to secure a patient's wristband around your wrist and we can finally get started."

Marti closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Well, breaths as deep as the strap across her stomach would allow. Mona gently grabbed Marti's right wrist and she felt something being secured to it, presumably the wristband. Once secure, Mona lightly led Marti's right arm down until it was dangling off the chair and towards the floor. Marti was actually starting to feel pretty relaxed. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Mona softly stepped to Marti's left side. She gently grabbed Marti's left arm and...secured a wristband and let it...dangle...

Wait, why would she need two patient wristbands?

Marti's eyes shot open, but it was too late. Her wrists were pressed together and she heard a metallic click. Her arms were painfully forced backwards and securely fastened behind the chair. Marti tried pulling her arms apart but could barely muster the weakest of resistances. Her arms were in such an awkward, painful position that she could do little but wiggle her shoulders.

Marti's feet were secured in stirrups which forced her legs wide open. Her midsection was strapped down restricting any movement in her pelvis or chest. Finally, her wrists were stuck together below the chair making any movement of her upper body weak and painful.

Tears welled up in Marti's eyes and she began to sob. She didn't say anything. She didn't think anything. She just sobbed. How many times would she have to learn this lesson?

There were no friends in Grungot's world.

Mona stared down at Marti and grimaced, "I'm sorry, truly I am. But I have a role to play, too. My options Our options are always limited...It's either you or me."

Marti sniffled as tears streaked down her face. She growled through gritted teeth, "You're no different than the rest of them!"

Then Marti screamed. The belt dug into her chest, her shoulders ached and her calves burned but boy did she scream. Nearly thirty rounds of angst and frustration were ejected from her throat. Mona closed her eyes and listened to Marti's agony in silence. Marti screamed until her voice became hoarse and quiet.

Once the screams died down, Mona lingered for a second longer before returning with a ball gag. She lowered it to Marti's quivering, puffy lips. Marti offered no further resistance and the gag entered her mouth. Mona locked the device in place.

Mona leaned over Marti and whispered, "Now you look as you truly we all truly are..."

Marti was now completely helpless and at Mona's mercy.

Mona shot Marti one final, empathetic glance before standing upright. She waddled to the door and stepped into the nearby hallway. Marti saw Mona motion as if inviting somebody into the room. Following Mona back inside were two women. They were dressed in blue scrubs. One had blonde hair and the other had brown hair. They were both very fit and wore smiles from ear to ear.

Their smiles faltered, however, when their eyes fixated on Marti.

The blonde spoke first, her voice was wispy and faint, "Dr. Johnson...what's happening here? I thought we were assisting with a patient examination?"

Mona nodded her head, "Indeed you are! All will be explained shortly, my dear."

A few awkward seconds passed in which Marti struggled against her restraints and hoarsely groaned into her gag, drawing the attention of everybody in the room.

Mona started, increasing her volume to overcome Marti's groans, "I suppose we should start with introductions, then." Mona pointed, with an open hand, first to the blonde, then to the brunette, "Dr. Hannah Dorsey and Dr. Katarina Bowen, two of the best and brightest senior residents in Obstetrics and Gynecological studies."

Katarina flashed a nervous smile while Hannah remained stone faced and concerned.

Mona's attention shifted to Marti, "And this prickly, little peach is Mary Dawes. She comes to us courtesy of Hargotts Correctional Facility for Women."

Marti screamed into the ball gag and continued to struggle.

Mona continued, "She's quite the trouble maker. You see, Mary was scheduled for an OBGYN exam last week but decided to try escaping while it was being performed. Apparently, male guards get a bit shy around OBGYN related procedures and left the room, and Mary, alone with the attending physician."

Hannah and Katarina's expressions hardened against Marti as they listened to Mona weave a web of lies.

Mona's voice became dour, "Let's just say that Mary's previous physician is still recovering from what she did."

Borth Katarina and Hannah's hardened expressions twisted into disdain as they peered down their noses at Marti. They looked at her like a dangerous animal whose only worth was to be studied.

Marti shook her head and screamed 'no' into the ball gag but it was clearly not changing any minds.

"This time," Mona concluded, "the staff of Hargotts restrained Mary so she would be unable to interfere with us. I agree, it's a bit barbaric, but she's certainly earned it."

Hannah and Katarina nodded their heads, satisfied with Mona's story.

Katarina gulped and piped up, her voice melodic and sweet, "I suppose we should start then?"

When Mona nodded and smiled devilishly, Katarina and Hannah approached the foot of Marti's chair. Katarina pulled a nearby, small table on wheels towards her. On the table were various metal implements and tools.

Katarina spoke to Marti melodically as she collected a strange metal implement from the table, "Mary, this will be so much easier and less painful if you cooperate with us."

Hannah sat down and shifted herself between Marti's knees, "Besides," She began, before flipping Marti's gown up and over her knees. She stared down at Marti's bare pussy with a calculated, analytical gaze,

"It's not like you have anything down here we haven't seen before."

Marti sobbed and squirmed while her cheeks turned crimson. She wasn't a girl...she- she could- She could- she still-

Marti's sobs deepened as the realization truly began to set in. She had two experts in female anatomy staring directly at her bare genitals and not batting an eye. She was about to have two [i]gynecologists[/i] poke around her [i]vagina[/i] for Christ sake.

She had no escape and no more excuses.

Over the next few minutes, Hannah and Katarina took turns inserting fingers, metal objects and god knows what else into Marti's new orifice. They prodded, poked, rubbed and checked organs that Marti didn't even possess two rounds prior. For Marti's part, she sat mostly silent, following the directions given by Hannah or Katarina but letting out the occasional yelp as new feelings and sensations emanated from her womanly parts.

When they were finished, Mona walked between them and nodded, "Alright, walk me through it."

Hannah poked a gloved finger down towards Marti's pussy and all three doctors watched closely. Hannah's wispy voice narrated her movements, "Labial majora, minora, clitoral and vulvar structures are all normal."

Katarina stuck her finger inside Marti, "Her Cervix is clear of any abnormalities, uterine and ovarian health are normal.

Marti still couldn't believe they were...talking about her...uterus and ovaries...

Katarina removed her finger as Mona asked, "Alright, what's our conclusion?"

Hannah chirped, "Barring anything abnormal returning from her pap? I would say Mary is in excellent vaginal health."

Mona took one more long look between Marti's legs before asking, "So, you didn't see anything abnormal?"

Katarina cocked her head to the side, her usual, melodic tone faltering slightly, "No, Dr. Johnson...Perhaps her labia majora are a bit large, but nothing out of the normal range. Did we miss something?"

Mona sat back and laughed, "Just making sure you didn't see a penis, testacles and testes hiding inside Mary's guts!"

A look of confusion crossed Katarina's face for a quick second before a grin replaced it, "Well, Doctor, if Mary had any male parts hiding in there, I would be the one to know! But I assure you, I probed her [i]uterus[/i] and personally felt her [i]ovaries[/i], she's [i]all female[/i]. Nothing male down there whatsoever!"

Mona smiled, "Thank you, Ladies. I expect the report on Mary's examination will be completed before the end of the day. You should head out and start working on that. I'll make sure Mary gets where she needs to be and cleanup the examination room. Thank you for your hard work."

Katarina and Hannah quickly replaced the tables and tools they had displaced. As they walked out, they offered Marti subdued and general well wishes and thanks before departing. Mona closed the door behind them.

She waddled back to Marti, "They're good Doctors, maybe one day they'll be great."

She stared down at a captive Marti and signed, "I have one job left to do."

Mona slowly opened a nearby drawer. She reached in and retrieved an object before raising it into view. It was a flesh colored, veiny dildo with a small, accordion style attachment.

Marti's eyes grew wide and the pain in her jaw, calves and stomach seemed to dissipate. She felt genuine fear mixed with...excitement? Arousal? Whatever it was, her pussy was responding positively to the dildo.

Mona clicked the white accordion in place near the 'balls' of the dildo. She pressed it gently and time seemed to stop as a gleaming white liquid plumed out of the dildo's head. Marti's wide eyes grew even more so and her increasingly aroused vagina became slick in anticipation. She could feel her breathing increase and a wet heat pulsing from between her legs. Marti couldn't help it, she wanted- no NEEDED that shining liquid inside her body.

Mona chuckled down as Marti squirmed in anticipation. Her free hand trailed down to Marti's clam and she popped her finger inside. When Mona removed it, just seconds later, Marti could see a trail of female lubricant connecting Mona's finger to her quiverring pussy. Mona lowered the dildo and positioned its head between Marti's glistening lower lips.

Mona asked in a sickly sweet voice, "Somebody looks ready for a nice dicking! This specimen is engineered to be the perfect length and thickness for female orgasm. It contains the most virile, densely packed semen science could produce. Also included is a potent cocktail of the most powerful fertility drugs ever concocted. Do you want this thick, manly penis inside your slick, womanly vagina?

The last of Marti's resistance crumbled away and she nodded her head rapidly, her long brown hair swishing back and forth.

"Then prepare to be a mommy."

Mona plunged the dildo deep inside and Marti slammed her head back into the head rest. She took nearly its entire length in one swift, gliding motion. The veiny toy filled her pussy completely and pleasurable shocks, the likes of which Marti had never experienced, blasted from her cunt like a volcano. Mona pistoned the shaft in and out, each time emitting a soft, wet *Squealch*. The dildo slid perfectly inside her interior walls. Marti moaned deeply around the ball gag while aroused heat rushed through her veins. Her hips were trying to thrust back against the toy but she was barely moving an inch. It didn't take long before the pleasure Marti was experiencing came to a crescendo. She bit into the gag and grunted while the dildo savagely beat into her cunt. With one final, primal moan, Marti's orgasm pushed her over the edge and waves of pure ecstasy exploded from between her legs. Like a tsunami of orgasmic bliss, wave after wave filled her body. Marti's eyes rolled into the back of her head, her limbs went completely numb, and she was shaking. Her womb, meanwhile, was being flooded with a torrent of hot, sticky semen. She could feel it gushing inside of her and soaking her ovaries. Mona then removed the toy with a deep *Schlop*. Marti was motionless, save for a few tremors, for a few minutes. The torrent of cum slowly trickled out of her pussy. She felt bloated and could swear her lower belly was puffed out from the sheer amount of liquid injected in her.

With her addiction momentarily sated, Marti regained control of her faculties and gained some clarity. Mona, meanwhile, put the dildo back in its drawer. She smiled down at Marti.

"Now wasn't that fun? Next time I'll likely be giving you some really great news! Pre-congratulations to you, mommy!"

Marti took a sharp breath. The cum continued to ooze out of her. What had she just done? She couldn't even try to remove the semen as she was still strapped down. Her womb, ovaries and vagina were all completely filled and she couldn't even try to stop it.

Mona casually removed Marti's ball gag. Marti stretched her jaw out.

Mona began to whistle merrily and appeared to be cleaning up the office.

Mona looked down at the floor beneath Marti's chair and giggled, "Messy girl!"

The scene began to collapse.

Marti hoarsly sputtered, "You're no better than him."

Mona stopped whistling and froze in place. She turned and stared into Marti's eyes. Her expression was blank, but Marti could see the wheels turning in her head.

Marti was left in the void and thankfully free of her bonds. She quickly curled her finger inside her vagina and scooped out as much semen as she could.

But she knew it was too late.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Marti Nelle Dawes

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

155 LBS






Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly need to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.






Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Fully developed, hairless vagina with noticible pussy lips. Dripping with potent semen.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Small fleshy mounds hanging from chest. Nipples are long and thick while areola are large and feminine. Stomach is soft with respectable muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are large, smooth, masculine, without callous, reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with narrow hips. Deep red painted toenails.


Hospital gown and pink socks.


Has dated members of both sexes but strongly prefers men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside his mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both his partners and himself. Enjoys long kisses, mostly with men. Is beginning to feel submissive.


Somewhat driven and dim-witted. A bit of a hothead that's slow with his decision making. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Not overtly afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence.


Extremely knowledgeable with oral sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowledgeable about the human body including fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Fluent in french. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Bonus Round 3


Round 28