Round 28
[b]Round Twenty Eight:[/b]
Marti appeared and found himself standing in front of a large swimming pool. It was a gorgeous, sunny day and the surface of the water glistened happily. The pool was on a platform overlooking an upscale coastal town. Ships far off in the distance glided across a much larger body of water while mountains loomed wistfully in the background.
Marti examined his clothing. He was dressed for the pool with short black swim trunks and a red bikini top. He also wore tan wedge heeled sandals with red trim.
Marti's long, wavy brunette hair was pulled into a high ponytail, keeping it out of his eyes for the most part. Though, a few errant strands lightly tickled his face and neck. His puffy lips were coated in a shiny gloss giving them a wet, kissable appearance.
Marti felt a craving in his stomach. He was hungry, but at the same time he wasn't. His stomach gurgled dramatically and he rubbed along his aching belly with a delicate hand.
Appearing next to him was Mel. She wore black mens swim trunks and a white t-shirt. She was barefoot. Her shaggy black hair framed her pretty, if not somewhat androgynous face. She was fairly tall.
She quickly glanced around before her eyes found Marti. Her expression turned from mostly blank to one of sadness and pity.
Marti felt his cheeks heating up. He hadn't realized how much skin he was showing until somebody was looking at him. He wrapped his arms around his midsection and avoided Mel's gaze.
"M-Marti?" Mel whispered, nearly gasping in her medium alto. "What- what happened to you? Either I've been out longer than I thought or you've been struggling. You shouldn't be such a short amount of time."
Marti's stomach growled loudly. The burning in his cheeks only intensified as a feeling of shame swept over him.
Marti replied to her as calmly as he could muster in his androgynous pitch, "It's been rough lately..."
Marti's voice trailed off and the pair stood silently, letting his words linger.
After a few seconds, Mel nodded her head somberly, "For you and me both, sister."
"Actually," Marti interjected, "I'm still a man. I just might...not exactly look manly right now."
"Well, excuse me, [i]SIR[/i]," Mel responded with a giggle. "But your fat butt and bikini top say otherwise!"
"I still have my penis! And until that's gone, I'm a dude!"
"While technically true, I would caution you against putting too much stock in which gonads you happen to have between your legs. It won't be long until Liam claims your dangly bits for herself...I just don't want you to be devastated when it does finally happen."
Marti felt determination welling up. Mel didn't get it! He couldn't lose his penis, no matter how small and pathetic is was now.
Marti practically yelled, "It won't happen. I've got loads of powerups that I'll save just for her. Everybody else can change whatever they want, but she won't get my cock!"
Mel sighed and turned her attention to the pool. "You're just as hard headed as the last one was..." Mel paused and took a deep breath before continuing, her voice low and steady, "Make no mistake, Marti, it'll happen sooner or later. Maybe not this round, or the next one or ten or twenty from now...but sooner or later he always gets what he wants. It's about how you respond to it that makes the difference."
Marti quickly shot his hand up to sweep an errant strand of hair behind his ear. He returned the hand back around his midsection just as quickly. He closed his eyes and took a calming breath.
"You know," Mel started, "I'm a pretty damn good swimmer."
S.A.M. appeared wearing a cute little sun hat.
Mel blinked a few times and her posture changed. She adopted a more aggressive stance.
Liam's tone had a distinctly mocking vibe to it, "What's shakin' girlie? I see you've continued losing my body parts. I'm over it. I only really care about that big cock you're packin'. Once I have the nine inch monster between my legs I can work on looking less like a fucking twink bitch." She looked at the pool and laughed, "You're so fucking screwed!"
Marti kept a straight face and tried to ignore Liam. She might be a great swimmer, but Marti had powerups. Marti had decided: his penis was staying squarely between his legs.
S.A.M. started in his computerized voice, "Contestants will begin at opposite ends of the pool. A red and a yellow colored rock will be launched into the center of the pool. Mr. Dawes will be collecting the red colored rock while Ms. Gentry will be collecting the yellow. The rock must then be deposited into a basket back on the far side of the pool. Once deposited, it will be launched a second and third time. The first contestant to retrieve and deposit the rock three times will be the winner. Touching the other contestants rock will result in an immediate loss. Forcing the other contestant to touch your rock will result in your immediate loss. To maintain fairness in this contest, Mr. Dawes' high heel restriction is temporarily lifted until the end of the contest. Please proceed to opposite ends of the pool."
Liam cracked his knuckles and tottered over to to the far end of the pool. Marti felt a small pulling in his calf and carefully stepped out of his heels. He put his large feet flat on the concrete and felt a sense of relief. He examined his red painted toenails, it was a bit strange to see them without shoes. He felt so tiny without the extra five or six inches! He placed his heels next to a nearby chaise lounge.
Marti stared at Liam from across the pool. It was a long pool, he would have to end up swimming quite a bit to finish the contest. Marti thought about using a powerup right this second, but decided to wait. Maybe Liam was bluffing about her swimming skill. It would be a shame to waste a powerup if he didn't need to.
A trashcan looking object rose out of the ground approximately ten feet from the edge of the pool.
A red rock whizzed past Marti's head and plopped into the water, near the center of the pool, with a splash. A yellow rock did the same from Liam's side.
Marti catapulted himself into the pool. The water was warm and refreshing. Marti kicked and flailed his arms and legs wildly. He was determined to win. He felt himself moving quickly through the water. He bobbed his head up and saw that Liam had fallen a bit behind.
Marti reached the center and took a deep breath before diving down and collecting the small red rock approximately ten feet down. After claiming his prize, Marti put his feet flat on the bottom of the pool and pushed back up. Due to his weak lower body, he didn't quite make it back on the first push but managed to swim the rest of the way.
After cresting the surface, and catching a quick breath, Marti began flailing once again. This time, he headed back towards his side of the pool, clutching the red rock. He slipped through the water like a fish. He reached the side and tossed the rock up and over. Pulling himself over the side was made more difficult by his weak arms and shoulders; not to mention he was already fatigued from his first lap. With much difficulty, Marti flopped himself over the side and stood up. He grabbed the rock and deposited it back into the can. The rock clanged to the bottom and was immediately ejected back into the pool.
Marti turned and prepared himself to get back in. He could see Liam was just beginning to pull herself out of the water. He was in the lead! Marti took a deep breath, re-adjusted his bikini top and jumped in.
The second lap was much slower than the first. Marti's speed was diminished from his explosive start. He pushed himself regardless, but it was clear he was getting tired. Marti noticed Liam had slowed down a bit as well, though not nearly quite as much as he had. Marti and Liam reached the center almost in unison. They stared at one another, each trying to catch their breath. They each took a large gulp of air and plunged down.
Marti retrieved the rock and tried pushing himself upwards but, again, didn't quite make it. This time he only shot up about halfway. When he finally found the air, Marti took a desperate, deep breath and coughed. Despite his fatigue and lack of oxygen, Marti didn't hesitate to start the journey back.
The second rock return was significantly slower than the first. Marti's thighs were thick with fat, not muscle. His thin arms were numb and he was struggling to keep himself above water. When he finally reached the side, Marti held on and caught his breath. He tossed the rock over the side and mentally prepared himself to get out. Marti took one final breath and heaved himself over the side. He flew up and his chest skidded along the concrete.
He got up onto his feet and figured his skin must have been ruptured from sliding along the concrete. But as he patted his chest, he was amazed to find he was unscathed. His top, however, had taken the brunt of the slide and was torn in the middle. The cups of his bikini top flopped around uselessly. Marti quickly removed the flimsy garment and tossed it aside. His little tits pushed out proudly and were completely uncovered. His medium sized, feminine nipples poked out, likely from the light breeze blowing across his wet body. He had goosebumps across his body. Marti ignored his budding breasts and stuffed the rock into the can. It shot out for the third and final time.
Marti turned and saw Liam was already swimming to retrieve the third rock. He was also moving at a steady pace! Marti's chubby legs were slowly shaking from fatigue. It was now or never, he had to use a powerup. Marti focused. Specifically, he focused on the words, 'slow Liam down'.
With that in mind, Marti screamed, "Powerup!"
Marti's vision suddenly went dark and his hearing went out.
A few seconds later, his senses returned. He was immediately met with conversation and noise all around him. The pool was filled with people! There must have been over a hundred screaming, laughing, talking people of all ages floating and swimming in the pool!
It was an almost overwhelming amount of humanity crammed into a tight space. Marti saw Liam dodging people frantically and searching for her lost rock. Marti realized his breasts were uncovered! He had to hide before somebody saw! He hurriedly hopped into the water, his chest jiggling as he did. Marti looked around suspiciously. Much to his relief, despite the high volume of people around him, nobody seemed to notice.
Marti started on his journey. It was a whole different ball game traversing through a pool filled with people as opposed to an empty one. He moved in the general direction of the rock, trying to find the easiest path forward. He had to simultaneously worry about his exposed chest being discovered while continuing to move forward as efficiently as possible. So distracted was his brain that he almost completely forgot his body was fatigued.
Just as he was reaching a halfway point, somebody bumped into Marti's breast from below. The man surfaced. He had a shaved head and reflective goggles. He floated within arms distance of Marti and stared.
Marti got an intensely negative feeling from the man and quickly swam away, hoping to lose him in the crowd. No matter how many people criss crossed, darted and ducked around Marti, he could [i]FEEL[/i] the man with the reflective goggles following him. But, he was distracted, he needed to find that rock! He had no idea where Liam was.
"Powerup!" Marti yelled.
Marti felt something hard in his hand and looked down to see the red rock. He headed back to the side of the pool, trying to win but also trying to avoid the man with the goggles. It took Marti a few extra minutes but he could finally see the side of the pool! A positive energy took over and Marti felt confidence surging through him. He was in control. He would win this! He just had to get the rock into the trash can and this would all be over. It had cost him two powerups, but his penis lived to see another day.
Marti tossed the rock onto the side and prepared himself to flop out. He still didn't feel comfortable with people seeing his body the way it was, but he would have to grin and bear it.
With one final breath, Marti tried heaving himself up but splashed back into the pool. His arms were out of strength. They were nothing more than thin little noodles. Marti felt a pulling between his thighs but barely had time to react as the man in the goggles approached him from behind! Marti felt a pinching between his legs. Had his chastity cage gotten stuck on his suit? He didn't have time to think about it and he took another try at heaving himself up. Again, he slipped back into the water. Marti froze in place. The man was directly behind and Marti could feel his hot breath on his neck.
The mans' voice was barely more than a whisper in a thick russian accent, "Go up. I help pretty boob lady."
His words chilled Marti to the bone and his self consciousness was stronger than ever. The fear was short lived, however, as Marti felt a sudden and intense burning in his lower stomach. He clutched at his...bladder? Maybe he had developed a bladder infection from over exertion...somehow. Once the burning subsided, a tearing pain in his penis began. Marti nearly doubled over as his cock felt like it was being split open. He had to get out of the pool immediately! He was certain his cock had gotten caught on the chastity cage and he was bleeding everywhere. Marti was surprised there wasn't a cloud of blood pouring out of him. He reached down to try and find the chastity cage but couldn't seem to locate it, she wouldn't be able to fix it while in the water apparently.
Marti mustered all her strength and pulled up! - but, much to her frustration, slowly felt herself sinking back down. Her arms were shaking under her own weight. Instead of returning back to the depths, however, a strong set of hands caught Marti under her fat ass and began lifting her up. The man was helping her! ...While simultaneously groping her...but helping nonetheless! His hands kneaded Marti's fat as she crested over the wall. She fell on her exposed breasts and lay there, face down, for a few seconds, panting heavily. There was a tugging on her swim trunks. She didn't have the energy to stop the man as he slipped the trunks down her legs and collected them. Her feet were still in the water, and the man's head was directly between her legs. Was he...staring at her cock?
Marti could feel his hot breath between her legs and hear his voice over the hum of the crowd, "Very pretty pussy. Exactly as I expect. Good girl show pussy for everyone."
After his words, Marti felt a soft kiss between her legs and heard the man splash away. The kiss sent a small tingle up her spine. She scanned for the rock but couldn't seem to find it. She pushed herself to her feet and immediately felt light headed. She was exhausted! She staggered to the chaise lounge where her heels had been left and collapsed onto it. Her ponytail stuck between the vinyl slats of the chair, but she didn't really care, instead focusing on breathing.
After only a few seconds, Marti could feel people staring at her. But, of course they were staring. That weird Russian guy had stolen her trunks! Her caged cock was out in the open for everybody to see, not to mention her breasts!
She looked down at her wet, naked body and froze.
There was no cage. There were no balls. There was no cock. Between her thighs was empty space and a small, hairless mound. Marti started to shake and couldn't tear her eyes away from her new biology.
As she stared, a young lifeguard approached.
"Excuse me, ma'am." He started.
Marti absentmindedly stared up at the young man.
"This is a family swimming area. Swim suits are required and females are further required to cover their upper body."
Marti opened her puffy, glossy lips to respond and managed to sputter out, "I'm n-not a f-female though..."
The lifeguard looked her up and down, "Unfortunately, Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to return to the women's locker room."
Marti sat up, her hair tie got caught in the chair and her long, soaking wet, brunette hair flowed free and collected on her diminished shoulders.
"I need to go to the men's locker room..." Marti's androgynous voice trailed off.
A crowd of onlookers had gathered to watch the life guard argue with the confused, naked woman.
"Ma'am, I'll have to insist that you use the locker room designated for your sex. Please, collect your belongings and come along. Did you come with somebody today? Maybe a husband or a boyfriend?"
"No..." Marti croaked.
Marti reached her hand down and gingerly opened her labia with a delicate "V" shape.
"Look, lady, stop fingering yourself, okay? I don't care if you're horny, the men's locker room isn't the place to try and find a quick lay. Could you please get up and go back where you belong with the other women? You can be naked all you want in the women's locker room. There are families watching, you know. "
Marti swept her long wet hair from her face and looked around at the staring crowd. Most of the men stared with lust while most of the women stared in disgust. Parents were busy covering their children's eyes. Marti attempted to stand, but felt a tingle in her calves. A familiar burning forced her back onto her ass. She strapped on her high heeled sandals and started towards the direction the lifeguard was ushering her.
Marti walked in a daze. Every eye in the pool area was fixed on her. Her heels clacked along the concrete and her chest jiggled. Her ass swayed behind her and Marti felt totally out of body. Before, when her thighs rubbed together, she would feel the cage digging into her legs. But now? There was only empty space. Feminine curves rubbing against curves. She approached the door labeled, "Women" and stopped. Beneath the word women was a stick figure wearing a dress.
With a shaky hand, Marti pushed open the door to the women's locker room and stepped in.
Marti eyes adjusted to the dimmer lighting. There were quite a few clothed, semi clothed and totally nude women walking around. Marti walked carefully through the hallway. Some of the women looked up and noticed her. They would do a quick once over and go back to their business. Some would awkwardly smile when they noticed she was starting.
They weren't calling her out, they weren't disgusted she was in there. It hit Marti and stuck in her chest like a black hole. They weren't uncomfortable because she [i]belonged[/i] with them. The ultimate evidence was the hairless mound resting between her thighs, on display and open for all to see. The ladies surrounding Marti felt comfortable being undressed around her because they could see she was a woman! [i]Just like them.[/i]
Marti felt a bit woozy and tried finding a place where nobody would see her. She stumbled to the communal shower which was nearly full. Seven sets of naked female eyes rested on Marti and evaluated her. They ran up her curves, her small breasts, long hair, vaginal mound, smooth neck, diminished musculature and slightly masculine face. All seven eyes decided she had passed the purity test. They were comfortable with Marti joining them, and they went back to their business.
It was unbelievable to Marti. All her life she had dreamed of being in a women's locker room and getting to see all the naked chicks...but now, she was one of them. She was here - and she was one of them. Were there perverted, horny young men lusting to see her naked in the women's locker room, now?
She looked at the women, bathing and cleaning themselves and felt...nothing...None of the lustfullness she once felt. They were simply women. [i]Just like her[/i]. Marti even watched a woman cleaning the inside her pussy and felt no arousal. The woman was RUBBING herself, right in front of her...and Marti felt nothing. She found a woman with a huge set of tits and watched them jiggle as she struggled into a tight fitting top. Nothing. Another woman in thong bikini bottoms and a fat ass modeled them to a friend by bending over. Nothing.
Nothing, nothing, nothing.
An older lady in a black, one piece swimsuit tapped Marti on the shoulder and asked with worry in her voice, "Are you okay, young lady?"
Marti bolted for the door and flung it open. She sprinted into the sunlight and clacked her way over to the door labeled, "Men", ignoring all the stares, and barged in.
Inside was a large group of men in a similar state of dress and undress. All eyes were on Marti as she stepped into the room. Marti saw a burly, hairy man, drying his head with a towel. His exposed cock flopped around. Marti's stomach growled. Her eyes found a hairless stud with an intense, dark stare. Her eyes rested on his six pack. She felt her cheeks become flush and she bit her lower lip. They were all staring at her. Just like the women, these men were evaluating her too. They could see her femininity. She was other. She was different. She was female. She didn't [i]belong[/i] in this room.
"You lost, little lady?" A red haired forty something man in boxer shorts with a southern accent asked.
"I'm-I'm in the right place..." Marty said, speaking to a mostly captivated, quiet audience.
The red haired man responded for the group, "Don't mean to disagree with you, Miss, but this is the men's locker room. [i]Your[/i] locker room is on the other side of the pool."
"No, I'm a man."
A roar of laughter crashed through the room.
The burly, hairy man dropped his towel and postured towards Marti. He had been laughing the hardest.
His voice was deep and powerful. When he spoke, Marti felt tiny and insignificant. Her cheeks continued to be flush, but now she felt a tingling in her...her p-pussy.
"This room is for poles, not holes." He grabbed his thick, hairy cock, "Show us your pole and we'll let you stay, 'cause it sure looks like you have a cunt between those legs."
Marti stared lustfully at the man's fat cock and felt her mouth water, her vagina moisten and her stomach turn. She was mesmerized by his penis. What was it like to have one i-inside? He was so commanding, so confident. She sat on the wooden floor, opened her legs and showed the sexy stud she was nothing more than a dirty lil' hole.
Another roar of laughter shook the room and Marti felt a prideful smile cross her face. She was hypnotized by cock and enjoyed the attention from the opposite sex.
The burly man laughed and joked, "Does the girly, little hole want this big, manly pole?"
"Yes! I want it!" Marti responded desperately. She wedged her fingers between her legs.
"Then tell these men exactly what you are."
Marti flicked her fingers clumsily across her clit. She felt blood rushing through her body while her breathing increased. She wanted his cock inside her!
"I'm a little hole..."
"Come now, you can do better than that. If you want me to come over there and fuck you, that is. Why else would you come into the men's locker room?"
Marti began moving her hips wildly and fucking her fingers. A trail of feminine fluid dripped onto the wooden floor. Her long hair had fallen into her face and she used her free hand to trace around and squeeze her erect nipples. She was becoming completely lost in arousal. Her body wanted so badly to be stuffed with cock. Her stomach demanded cum. Her mind formulated a dirty response.
"I-I'm a sloppy, slutty, dirty, little whore with a drooling, wet, pussy! Come and treat my meat hole however you want!"
"Damn, you're a dirty girl, huh?" A man somewhere in the crowd yelled.
Marti giggled as she noticed multiple men around her were erect. Some were openly touching themselves.
"Get that sloppy hole outta here!" The burly man yelled in his commanding voice, "This ain't the time or place for this."
There were a few groans of disappointment, including a big one from Marti herself. But multiple men stepped forward to obey his command.
Manly hands pulled Marti to her feet and led her towards the door. She fought against their restraint, hoping to jump on a nice virile man and ride him into oblivion. While she passed multiple grinning faces, she saw one that wasn't happy. One angry face in a sea of smiles. Then she saw his tiny little cock.
Marti laughed. Serves him right.
The door to the men's locker room was opened. Marti giggled as she received a hard, open hand smack on her ass before she was shoved out the door.
Marti rubbed her stinging ass and, without a virile cock around, regained control of her focus. She was extremely worried. She- she had lost complete control of herself! How could she go through life if she had no self-control around a male appendage? How could she have degraded herself in front of so many people? Marti would have to really focus to maintain control of herself moving forward. Of course, with each passing round without semen, it would only get harder and harder. She sighed and watched the scene collapse. The hunger in her stomach tossed and turned angrily. She was a woman now. And, by the dampness in her crotch simply from thinking about a hard cock, she was a heterosexual woman. At least, until she got her semen fix.
Marti was left in the void.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Marti Nelle Dawes
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
155 LBS
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly need to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Fully developed, hairless vagina with noticible pussy lips.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Small fleshy mounds hanging from chest. Nipples are long and thick while areola are large and feminine. Stomach is soft with respectable muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are large, smooth, masculine, without callous, reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with narrow hips. Deep red painted toenails.
Red and white strappy wedge heels
Has dated members of both sexes but strongly prefers men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside his mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both his partners and himself. Enjoys long kisses, mostly with men. Is beginning to feel submissive.
Somewhat driven and dim-witted. A bit of a hothead that's slow with his decision making. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Not overtly afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence.
Extremely knowledgeable with oral sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowledgeable about the human body including fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Fluent in french. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.