Round 27
[b]Round Twenty Seven:[/b]
Marti appeared and immediately felt a powerful panic in his gut. His head and neck were encased entirely in thick, tight material. His mouth was filled with a gag. He could only breath through his nose and detected the odor of latex. His eyes were completely obscured which only served to heighten his anxiousness. He was on his knees.
"It's as simple as that. See?" Mistress Jennifer's strong alto voice chilled Marti to the bone.
The material around Marti's ears also dampened the sounds around him. It was like every sound was far away and unfocused. He could only discern the direction a noise was coming from with purposeful concentration. Mistress sounded as though she were explaining something to somebody.
Marti felt his small breasts surrounded by loose straps. He could also feel a metal leash tugging at a collar around his neck. He had loose panties on, but he couldn't feel much more than that.
"Did you see how I did that, Sandra?" Mistress asked.
"Y-yeah..." Sandra's low alto trailed off.
Marti tried opening his mouth to speak around the gag, even to say 'powerup', but only managed a muffled *mhhmmh* sound against it. A trickle of drool dripped down and splashed onto his leg. He grabbed at the blindfold and mask, searching for a seam or clasp to remove them. But, the blindfold was stitched to the mask so he couldn't remove it without taking the whole thing off. There was a zipper running up the back of the mask, but he couldn't get to the zipper's tab without removing the collar around his neck. A collar which itself didn't appear to have a seam or clasp. It was a frustrating exercise in futility.
Mistress explained, "It's very common for a slave to struggle like this, especially when they haven't been trained yet. I'm making it your mission to break her. She's not particularly feisty, so I trust you can handle it."
Marti pulled at the clasp on the ball gag. At least he could free his mouth and speak to Sandra. It didn't sound like Sandra knew it was him. Without seeing his face, hearing his voice, and with his body not quite looking like itself, he didn't blame her. She would have probably recognized his tiny cock too, but even that was covered up.
"Well, Sandra? Are you just going to let her take off the restraints without your approval?"
"S-stop slave!" Sandra yelled somewhat shyly in Marti's direction.
Marti hesitated but quickly continued fumbling with the clasp. If he could just get the ball gag off, he could-
Mistress Jennifer's icy, stern voice ordered, "Stop moving slave!"
Marti immediately froze in place. He had almost forgotten he was forced to follow her commands.
She continued, "Put your hands onto your knees and don't move until Miss Sandra tells you to."
Marti complied. His hand squished into a small pool of spit on his knee and he sat motionless.
Sandra sounded excited, "That was amazing! She followed your order without question! How did you do that?"
"Practice and discipline, my young apprentice. A slave, whether trained or not, can recognize authority though voice alone."
Marti wanted to scream. His skin was heating up and he was angry. He was only following her commands because he was forced to!
"I...I want to learn."
"You will, dear Sandra. In time you'll become just like me. Now grab her leash."
Marti heard soft footsteps and felt somebody, presumably Sandra, grab the leash.
"Feel the power. She's drooling on her knees. Bound and waiting to follow your orders. You control everything. She is YOUR slave."
A strong pull on the leash dug into Marti's wind pipe and forced him to lean aginst a smooth leg. A hand rested on the top of his head. He knelt silently as Sandra pet him.
"I'll call her Kitten."
Mistress Jennifer clapped her hands together, "A perfect name for a submissive girl! From now on, she'll be Kitten whenever you're near her!"
Kitten grabbed Sandra's leg and tried pulling himself to his feet. If he could just get himself upright, maybe he could get his ball gag off and explain the situation.
As he made the effort to stand, however, Kitten was roughly ripped back down onto the floor by the leash. He crashed down with a hard thud and groaned around the gag.
Sandra screamed down at him while holding the back of his neck in a strong grip, "That's a bad girl!"
She pressed his face into the hard floor and rubbed him back and forth.
"Bad girl!"
Kitten flailed under the pressure but was soon unable to as Sandra laid down on his back, pressing his chest onto the cold ground. Her full weight nearly knocked the wind out of Kitten's lungs. Nonetheless, he pressed upwards and tried wriggling Sandra off. If he could just get a few seconds to remove the gag he could convince her! Or even use a few powerups, he just had to get her off!
Despite his pushing, she was barely budging. He was so weak now! He was desperate- he had to do something! Kitten flipped onto his back. He still couldn't see Sandra, but he could feel her weight bearing down on him. Kitten only had one arm free, so he fumbled around, trailing his hand up Sandra's struggling body. His large, masculine hand found her neck and began to squeeze. His hand was large enough to wrap fully around the front. He would either choke her out or she would pull away from him. Either way, Kitten would have enough time to free his mouth. Sandra made a few gurgling noises while her hands shot towards Kitten's squeezing hand. She tried stripping his fingers away, but apparently his grip strength was still fully intact and he simply tightened them further. He still had the grip strength of a martial arts master, even without the knowledge.
He had the upper hand now. Sandra weakly dug her fingers into Kitten's wrist, but it was too little too late. When it was all but done, kitten felt a tingle in his fingers. He began to lose his iron grip on Sandra's neck. He tried to reposition his hand but found he couldn't quite fit fully around the front of her neck. Sandra coughed deeply and took a huge gasp of air. Kitten, again, tried to grab her neck but found he simply couldn't do it with just one hand. Either her neck had grown larger or...He tried a third time. This time he was a bit more desperate and he managed to wedge his new tiny hand deep into her tissue. Sandra pulled at his wrist once more. Kitten planned to just rebuff her as before...but things were different now. His wrist was small and fragile. His grip strength had gone away with his old hands, his power had drained away. She easily stripped his hand away. Before Kitten could react, Sandra had flipped him back onto his chest and pulled his arm behind him. Kitten groaned as pain shot up his arm.
Sandra coughed out, "You'll pay for that, worm!"
Kitten could only groan and wait. All struggle had seeped out of his bones.
Sandra grunted in a hoarse tone, "Bad girls will be punished!"
She forced Kitten's other arm behind his back as well. She held his arms together. Kitten felt utterly powerless. He heard a rustling sound and felt Sandra's weight raise off him. His arms were still held behind his back.
She yelled, "Don't move!"
Kitten stayed down, any small movement of his arms was painful. A few seconds later Kitten heard a soft hissing sound followed by a warm liquid squirting onto his back. The familiar stench of urine hit Kitten's nose.
She was pissing on him!
Kitten was instantly reminded of his last encounter with Sandra. Last time, Kitten was forced to do exactly to Sandra what she was now doing to him. But, as far as Kitten knew, Sandra was doing this because she wanted to. But she did't know it was him! She wouldn't do this if she knew, right?
The stream splattered on his upper back and rolled down his onto his arms and front. It pooled underneath him. He couldn't breath through his mouth so he was forced to smell the foul odor. It was warm and humiliating. He squirmed underneath the stream, but her grip was like iron. The golden shower lasted only a few seconds but it felt like minutes to Kitten. The main feeling he had was utter powerlessness. He was blind, deaf and dumb. He was being easily restrained by a tiny woman who was simultaneously marking him as her own. It wasn't just a tiny woman though. It was his [i]dom[/i]. She was stronger and better than him. Submissive thoughts and feelings were firing in Kitten's brain.
When the stream had ended, Sandra dripped out a few more drops onto Kitten's head before replacing her clothing, releasing Kitten's arms and standing. Kitten lay face down on the floor in a luke warm puddle of piss. Not only did he smell like a port-o-potty, he felt like one too.
Mistress Jennifer cackled before clapping her hands together, "Fantastic work, Sandra. I thought she was getting the better of you for a second, but you managed to turn it around. This is just the beginning of Kitten's training, though. The first of many lessons."
Sandra chirped back, the happiness in her voice was obvious, "Thank you Mistress!"
"Please, call me Jen."
Kitten rolled onto his back and away from the puddle. The pee still soaking him sloshed and dribbled down. He wanted to gag. As the scene collapsed, Kitten's hood began to melt away and he caught a very quick glimpse of Sandra. He nearly gasped. She looked so different. It was like there was some sort of...power about her. Not only a power but a coldness as well. It was the same type of aura that Mistress Jennifer gave off. She had a look of contempt on her face.
When his gag melted away Kitten screamed out Sandra's name. She didn't even acknowledge he was talking. She was soon gone as well.
He examined his hands. They were small, feminine and delicate: exactly as he feared. These hands definitely did not belong to a man.
He felt a sinking in his heart. Sandra was one of his few allies. Now? She might have turned, or at least was turning, into another enemy.
Marti sighed.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Marti Nelle Dawes
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
156 LBS
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly need to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Small, one or two inch micro penis with sad, shrivled balls. Smooth and void of any hair. Encased in a small, metal chastity cage.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Small fleshy mounds hanging from chest. Nipples are long and thick while areola are large and feminine. Stomach is soft with respectable muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are large, smooth, masculine, without callous, reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with narrow hips. Deep red painted toenails.
Strappy black outfit leaving breasts exposed. Loose black panties and heels.
Has dated members of both sexes but never stayed exclusive. Loves giving almost anybody oral. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes large tits, bit cocks and big butts (and he cannot lie). Likes seeing women with cum on them, but even moreso enjoys cum inside his mouth. Addicted to semen. Enjoys a bit of hair down there and has a preference for long blonde hair up top. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both his partners and himself. Enjoys long kisses with both men and women. Finds himself increasingly interested in men. Is beginning to feel submissive.
Somewhat driven and dim-witted. A bit of a hothead that's slow with his decision making. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Not overtly afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence.
Extremely knowledgeable with oral sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowledgeable about the human body including fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Fluent in french. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.