Round 21

[b]Round Twenty One:[/b]

Marti appeared in a doctors office. More specifically, the medical examination room of a doctors office. He was seated on a paper covered hospital bed. The entire room was clean and 'sterile' feeling.

Marti shifted his butt around causing the paper underneath him to crinkle. He still wasn't used to the extra padding down there. He gently rubbed a hand along his smooth neck. He was clearly in the end game now. He had gone through four changes in just the last round alone! One even took ten years of life away...if that was even possible. How much more could he possibly change? He was a pair of breasts and a vagina away from being a complete woman!

Marti brushed his chin length black hair out of his eyes. Maybe once the Doctor ran out of changes he would let Marti go. He could always start a new life as...whatever comes out the other side. He still had his martial arts knowledge - maybe he could start a female self defense course and-

NO! Marti pounded his fist into the crackling paper. He still had a penis between his legs. He was still a man despite everything this 'game' was doing to him. He could still beat the Doctor and all his cronies.

Marti checked himself. He was wearing a white hospital gown. It was tied in the back and baggy all over. On his feet were bright pink socks.

Marti didn't have any heels on. He was basically stuck on the hospital bed - unless he felt like crawling.

The door on the far end of the room opened and in waddled a stunning, dark haired woman. She was heavily pregnant and holding a red folder. She wore a lab coat over a lowcut, form fitting black dress and black flats. She stood around Marti's height. She had a very commanding, confident aura about her. She shot Marti a winning smile before plopping down on the wheeled stool. She placed the red folder on the table and opened it. She began reading.

Her attention turned to Marti who nervously smoothed out his gown and closed his legs tight. He struggled to meet her eyes and, instead, examined the tiles of the floor.

"Mr. Dawes?" The woman asked curiously. Her voice was soft and friendly.

Marti cleared his throat before answering in his androgynous tone, "Y-yes. That's me..."

His new voice would take some getting used to. It even felt different coming out of his mouth.

She quickly glanced back to her folder before extending her hand, "My name is Dr. Mona. I see you're here for a quick check up today?"

Marti grabbed her hand and gave it a quick shake. She was freezing cold. He was preparing to tell Dr. Mona he didn't need any medical check ups, procedures, operations - or anything of the sort. But...she bent over - just enough - and Marti got a direct view down her dress. She was stacked! His mouth was agape and he was lost in a mountain of cleavage. His caged micro penis sprang to life and strained against its metallic confines.

Marti, transfixed on Dr. Mona's mammeries, sputtered out, "Y-yeah, just a check up."

Dr. Mona released Marti's hand and her smile grew even wider as she struggled to her feet. She put her hands behind her back to brace herself. Dr. Mona lovingly peered down at her protruding belly and let out a soft giggle.

She sighed, "I'm definitely looking forward to taking some time off. Hard to do this job when you can barely get to your feet."

Marti noticed the wedding band on her left hand.

"How long until you're due?" He asked nervously.

"Oh, a little less than a month. You're actually one of my last patients until I go on leave." She brushed her shimmery, dark hair behind her shoulders before continuing, "With that in mind, lets get down to business. Go ahead and hike up your gown."

Marti was taken aback.

"E-excuse me?" Marti began, "'Hike up my gown?' What do you mean? What kind of doctor are you, exactly?"

Dr. Mona cocked her head to the side and her smile faltered a bit. When she spoke, her voice had lost a bit of its warmth, "I mean: pull the gown up to your stomach. Or take it off altogether, I don't really care. I need to get a sample to do the check up. You did come to the fertility clinic for a check up, didn't you?"

"Fertility clinic? Well...why can't I just get the sample myself?" Marti whined.

Dr. Mona groaned before answering. Her words sounded more like commands than anything,"I need to ensure the integrity of the sample. Plus, it's more enjoyable for the patient. Just sit back, relax and let me do my job."

Marti hesitated but found himself slowly raising the bottom of the gown up. She was very commanding. He didn't want to upset her. Besides, she was only doing her job. A bit unorthodox, but Marti couldn't turn down the opportunity to have a gorgeous woman trying to make him cum. The gown rubbed smoothly against his thin, hairless legs. His tiny cock was exposed and Marti felt his cheeks burning red. He expected Dr. Mona to react to his micro dick but she stayed very professional. She held a small plastic cup with a blue lid. He finally bunched the material around his stomach and laid back onto the crinkling hospital bed. He opened his legs and stared into a bright, fluorescent light.

"Go ahead and close those pretty green eyes, sweetie. Tell me when it's about to happen so I know for sure."

Marti closed his eyes as instructed. It almost felt...good to follow her orders. He felt a slight tug on his caged penis and a soft click. The cage was removed and Marti heard it softly drop onto the nearby counter top.

The slow cogs in Marti's brain began to turn. But how did she have the key to his chastity cage-

Dr. Mona's hot, wet breath washed along Marti's cock. Without the confined sting of the cage encasing him, Marti's dick quickly became uncontrollably aroused. All questions about the situation faded away. Marti kept his eyes shut and felt Dr. Mona's soft lips wrap tightly around his hairless member. She slurped loudly and pumped Marti in and out quickly. It was hot and wet but most importantly it was incredibly tight. Marti opened his legs wider and felt his hips bucking on their own. He hadn't cum in so long. That damn cage was the worst and he was so damn horny!

"I'm about to cum!" Marti screeched.

Dr. Mona pulled her mouth away at the absolute last second and a powerful orgasm ripped through Marti's entire body. He was practically convulsing on the bed and grunting loudly as, no doubt, a torrent of semen busted out of him like a cannon.

His eyes remained closed as the last few drops of cum dripped out. That was the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced! He laid peacefully on the hospital bed, enjoying the afterglow. He felt a numb tingle in the back of his throat. Marti cleared his throat in response, noticing the numbness subside.

"Open your mouth." Dr. Mona coldly commanded.

Marti obeyed without even thinking. When his mouth was fully open, a thick, cold, viscous fluid hit the back of his throat. His first reaction was to spit the substance out with a choke and a gag. But when his taste buds caught up with him, he swallowed the delicious fluid immediately. A second helping hit the back of his throat. He drank that down as well. It may have been the best tasting thing Marti had ever put into his mouth! Was it some kind of syrup? It was strangely salty and a thin film covered the inside of his mouth when the substance was gone. It also had a fresh, slightly salty scent. It was divine!

Marti slowly opened his eyes to see Dr. Mona standing directly over him. She had an open sample container in her right hand and a blue cap in her left. She brought the bottle to Marti's open mouth and tipped it towards him. Before he could react, a third helping of cold semen plopped into his waiting maw. He should have felt disgusted with his wad filling his mouth, but, instead, he instinctively swallowed the substance down. It was an invigorating, wonderful taste. The tastiest, most refreshing thing he had ever drank!

Marti sat up quickly, "What the-" Marti burped loudly, a bubble of cum popped from his mouth, "-hell is wrong with you? Do you think I want to drink my own cum? What happened to testing my sample?"

Dr. Mona screwed the cap back onto the bottle. She gave Marti a mocking laugh before responding, any warmth in her voice was now completely gone, "That wasn't your sample, genius. Your pathetic sample is right here," She held up another collection bottle, "All eighteen seconds- yes, that's right [i]eighteen seconds[/i] of oral yielded less than half a millilitre of semen. That pathetic little cock isn't even capable of producing that much."

Marti felt his cheeks burning and he hurriedly pulled the gown back over his legs.

"B-but if it wasn't mine then whose was it, Dr. Mona?"

"If you must know, it was from my bull of a husband. A REAL man. Oh, and please call me by my professional name, Dr. Johnson."

"A-A-Anthony?" Marti stuttered out, completely in disbelief.

Marti, without thinking, licked the side of his lip where a tiny bit of semen had dribbled. He slurped it down. He felt disgusted - he felt angry - he felt violated...But he felt good. He felt GOOD. It tasted GOOD. It was like energy was being pumped directly into his veins. He had three huge gulps of baby batter in his stomach - but he wanted more! He needed that rush again!

Mona retrieved the cage from the counter. Before Marti could really react she pulled up his gown and locked the cage back into place.

She stared at his groin, "What a truly pathetic penis you have." She shook her head, replaced Marti's gown and began again, "I heard from my husband that you've given him some trouble in the past. I know that isn't really the case anymore, seeing as you're almost weaker than me, but just to be sure, I've given you something that he once gave to me. Not only do you love the taste of semen now, but you also crave it. That is especially true for my husband, by the way. It will be almost impossible for you to control yourself around him. And If you haven't had any cum in awhile you'll do almost anything for it. You're a real cumslut now, just like our other little pet!"

Marti gulped. A wonderful taste was left in his mouth. He brushed his hair behind his ear and tested the aftertaste in his mouth again. It was as if the taste was part of his identity. Like a drug he was hopelessly adicted to. Each taste deepened his addiction.

"How about it," Mona started, shaking his collection bottle, "You want another taste? Won't be as good as my husbands, but it'll be all warm and gooey!"

She pushed the bottle towards Marti who turned his head away before shaking it.

Mona laughed derisively before turning towards the door and waddling to it. She turned back around and winked at Marti before exiting.

The scene collapsed.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Marti Nelle Dawes

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

166 LBS






Straight, chin length black hair with long bangs. Silky and clean with a bit of sheen to it.






Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Small, one or two inch micro penis with sad, shrivled balls. Smooth and void of any hair. Encased in a small, metal chastity cage.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Flat pecks with little muscle. Nipples are small hard and masculine. Stomach is soft with respectable muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands are large and silky though masculine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, stick legs with little muscle or fat. Feet are large, smooth, masculine, without callous, reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with narrow hips. Deep red painted toenails.


White hospital gown and pink socks.


Has dated exclusively women. Loves drilling a nice wet pussy. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes large tits and big butts (and he cannot lie). Likes seeing women with cum on them, but even moreso enjoys cum inside his mouth. Addicted to semen. Enjoys a bit of hair down there and has a preference for long blonde hair up top. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both his partners and himself. Enjoys long kisses with both men and women. Finds himself increasingly interested in men.


Somewhat driven and dim-witted. A bit of a hothead that's slow with his decision making. Somewhat provacative and foolhardy. Not overtly afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence.


Extremely knowlegable with Jiu Jitsu. Knows multiple fighting techniques other than Jiu Jitsu. Martial weapons expert. Very knowledgeable about the human body including fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Learned french exclusively for the ladies. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.

Anthony Johnson: Round 1W, 10L, 12W, 19L

Annabelle Slut: Round 2W, 9L, 10L, 17L

Liam Gentry: Round 3L, 8L, 15L, 20L

Danielle Strauss: Round 4W, 10L, 16W

Cindi/Sandra Mode: Round 5L, 11L, 18L

Mrs. Polermo: Round 6L, 13L, 20L

S.A.M. / Samuel Kleiner: Round 7W, 14L

Mistress Jennifer: 14L, 18L

Mona Johnson: 21L


Round 22


Bonus Round 2