Bonus Round 2
[b]Bonus Round Two:[/b]
Marty appeared on a familiar stage, overlooking a large, red theater.
Marty sighed before beginning a stretch. If this round was going to be like the last time he was in this location - he had to be ready for anything. He remembered receiving two penalties during the last bonus round...he needed to make sure a disaster like that didn't happen again.
Marty looked down at his body. He had done quite a bit of losing since the last bonus round. Some changes were much worse than others. Firstly, had long painted nails and longer hair. While some worrying mental compulsion appeared to come with them, they were relatively easy to correct. Some of the other changes were not as easy. His reduced strength - both upper and lower body - would be more of a challenge to fix. But, he could hit the gym and really commit to regaining his former strength. He flexed his little bicep a few times, nothing he couldn't overcome if he really wanted it. His expanded butt and comically small penis were probably a bit worse than the muscles. He would have to have surgery to fix his ass. His penis...well, that was something he could overcome with toys and...oral he guessed. But the worst of all was his intelligence. He had always been an extremely bright person. But now? He was below average at best. His thoughts felt labored and slow. The most important thing now was to win as many rounds as possible from here on out. The only way to keep the damage to a minimum was to stop losing!
He checked his clothes. A blue pair of basketball shorts and a blue and white long sleeve jersey. They fit strangely. The shorts were tight around his slightly chunky ass and a bit shorter than he was used to going up just above the knees of his thin, hairless legs. The shirt was tighter than Marty would have liked, particularly in the stomach area. Though the shirt did fit his shoulders and arms well. These were clearly female clothes.
On his feet were the trusty closed toe leather heels. He remembered throwing a fit before the last bonus round when he found himself wearing heels. Marty was definitely feeling much more comfortable in high heels now.
Marty checked behind him and noticed a large lever in the middle of the stage. It had a shiny red handle. In front of the curtain, which presumably lead backstage, was a white projection screen. He didn't like the look of this.
As Marty brushed his chin-length black hair out of his eyes, Doctor Grungot appeared holding a microphone. He was in his normal long white lab coat and wore a wide grin.
The Doctor took a few steps forward and spoke into his microphone. His nasily, tired voice had an injection of forced enthusiasm, "Welcome one and all to our second Bonus Round!"
A crowd suddenly filled the theater and began thundering applause. Marty wasn't surprised like he had been during the last bonus round. He sheepishly waited for the Doctor to say his piece. While Marty was determined to win, he knew interrupting the Doctor would do nothing but cause him trouble. He looked out over the crowd and felt their eyes staring at his ill-fitting (but increasingly appropriate) female attire. He nervously brushed the hair out of his eyes once again.
"Please give a round of applause for our fearless contestant, Marty!" Again, the crowd exploded with applause. Marty gave the crowd a lazy wave.
"Please welcome two of our favorite competitors, Liam and Mrs. Polermo!"
Liam and Mrs. Polermo both walked one after the other from behind the red curtain. They were waving and smiling at the crowd.
Liam had her chin length black hair pulled up with a black hairband. She stood over six foot with red basketball shorts and a red jersey. Her outfit was cut differently than Marty's and she appeared to be wearing male clothing. Her legs and arms looked beefier than Marty's while her face was pretty, youthful and feminine in a tomboy sort of way. Marty began to notice things about Liam that he hadn't before. He was evaluating her differently. He analyzed her sprightly, feminine gait, the proportion of her legs to the rest of her body, the small bumps underneath her shirt. He eyed he contours of her face, the smoothness of her neck, the size of her appendages, the angle of her shoulders, the details of her smile and the curve of her hips. These traits and parts could all be attached to him one day and he found himself imagining himself in Liam's body.
Mrs. Polermo's body, on the other hand, was much more difficult for Marty to imagine as his own. While she had already transferred some of the size in her lips and ass to Marty, she was still large in both areas. Her tits were massive and looked fake while her wrinkled face was heavily made up. She had long, curved and painted nails on her delicate but wrinkled hands. She had a slight sag to her skin which was due to her apparent age which Marty guessed was probably around fifty eight. Her hips and thighs were thick while her waist was a little bit pudgy. Her light blond, shoulder length hair was brittle and stiff looking. Marty noticed her legs had a few pockets of cellulite the beginnings of varicose veins and they sagged a bit. Her arms hung down like jiggling, fleshy wings. She had on a tight, sleeveless, leopard print dress. It left very little to the imagination and was extremely unflattering.
Both contestants waved to the crowd. Mrs. Polermo slowly wafted her hand back and forth in a graceful, refined way while Liam excitedly jaunted her hand from side to side. They joined Marty near the center of the stage. He could smell a strong, sickly sweet perfume emanating from Mrs. Polermo.
Liam spoke first in her friendly alto, "Hey, Girlie. You been taking care of my future body or what?"
Marty felt self conscious as the tall, lithe woman looked him once over. She frowned before yelling, "You already lost my big arms, now I can't even have strong legs? Did Anthony take those too?"
Marty nervously nodded.
"I'll have to talk to him, he doesn't even need more muscle. I bet he looks ridiculous now! Maybe I can convince him...You'd better stop losing against other people. I can make things very unpleasant for you if you don't kick it up a notch! That's not a threat, that's a promise!"
Mrs. Polermo piped up in her mature, low soprano, "Really now, Liam darling. I'm sure our young friend here did his best to safeguard what remains of his body. I wouldn't put too much blame on the poor boy. You know how the Doctor's games can be when he is fixated on an outcome."
"Hmf" Liam huffed, tossing her head to the side.
Mrs. Polermo continued, "It is wonderful to see you again, young man. I see you have gone through a few changes since last we met. How...exhilarating..." Her voice trailed off as she creepily stared at Marty, making him uncomfortable.
Doctor Grungot yelled into his microphone, "Let's give it up, one more time, for our contestants!"
The crowd cheered.
Once the clapping began to die down again, Doctor Grungot spoke lower and slower, "Now that we've gotten pleasantries and pageantry out of the way we can get down to business. Today our contestants will be answering a series of three trivia questions. When they get an answer wrong they have to pull the Lever of Mystery!" Doctor Grungot motioned to the large red lever sitting in front of the projector screen. "After three rounds, the person or persons with the fewest number of right answers will pull the lever one more time for each of their opponents."
Marty gulped. The last thing he needed was a trivia contest. It sounded like there were a lot of chances to lose as well. Marty clenched his fists. He really needed to focus to prevent that from happening.
Grungot cleared his throat and spoke, "This first question is for Mrs. Polermo and Liam only. After I finish reading the question, you will both say your answer after five seconds."
Marty shrugged. At least if he wasn't asked a question he couldn't get it wrong!
Grungot continued, "What is Marty's last name?"
Grungot counted slowly and methotically. When he made it to five, both Liam and Mrs. Polermo blurted out in unison.
Doctor Grungot nodded his head as he yelled, "Correct!"
The crowd cheered and both successful contestant appeared elated.
"Question two is for Mrs. Polermo and Mr. Dawes only. What is Liam's last name?"
Marty wracked his memory. He remembered hearing it multiple times. But...Marty had been more focused on the round itself and what was happening instead of what Liam's stupid last name was!
Grungot counted to five yet again. Maybe if Marty could just watch Mrs. Polermo and mirror her...He stared at her mouth and prepared to copy it as quick as possible.
"G-en-try." Marty quipped, pretending he knew it all along. But was it good enough to-
*BUUUUUZZZZZZ* a loud buzzer sound ripped across the stage.
Grungot laughed before chortling, "Good try Mr. Dawes! Truly an entertaining failure. Please pull the Lever of Mystery and see your fate!"
Marty approached the big red lever. The projector screen began flashing with all sorts of words that came and went at lightning speed.
Marty crossed his fingers for 'NO CHANGE'. He pulled the lever and with a mechanical cranking sound it sprang back to its starting position. The flashing words on the screen began to slow down until finally it stopped on, 'SOUND OFF ONE, TWO.'
Marty felt the air punched out of his lungs and he began to silently gag. He fell to his knees and clutched at his neck, desperately trying to take air in. His smooth knees rubbed against the polished wooden stage. His women's shorts did little to make sliding more comfortable. But Marty wasn't very concerned about a bit of rubbing on his knees. He continued struggling to breath as his voice-box and vocal chords restructured themselves. When it was finished, Marty managed to inhale a huge amount of air. He coughed and choked as he took a few quick safety breaths.
"T-testing...Hello..." Marty cautiously uttered.
His voice was androgynous now. If somebody closed their eyes and listened to Marty speak, they would be unlikely to have a strong opinion on if he was a male or female. Marty tested his new voice out a few more times. His vocal chords were shorter and thinner than before giving him a higher pitch with very little bass. Marty walked back to the center of the stage with his head hanging down. Another part of his identity had been warped or taken away completely.
"STOP LOSING MY SHIT!" Liam shouted at the dejected Marty.
Doctor Grungot walked over and patted Marty gently on the back. Marty began to recoil away from him but hesitated. He definitely did not want to piss the doctor off.
Doctor Grungot's hand remained on Marty shoulder as he spoke into his microphone, "I think you sound much better, Mr. Dawes. Now you're voice is like a little mystery. Who doesn't like a little mystery in life? This next question is for Mr. Gentry and Mr. Dawes. What is Mrs. Polermo's first name?"
Grungot began to count. Liam squinted his eyes and looked very confused. He quickly shot a glance over to Marty who shrugged in response.
"Five!" Grungot shouted.
Mrs. Polermo sighed, "Come now boys. My first name is Bridgette, if you must know. Though I expect you to continue referring to me by my proper name."
Marty and Liam both walked to the lever. Liam in her comfortable shoes and Marty in his heels. They were about the same height. The words and phrases popped in and out on the screen yet again.
Liam pulled the lever first and it slowly came to a stop on, 'BLEACHED AND READY FOR ANTYHING'
Liam gasped and reached her hand around, cupping her ass in the basketball shorts. Marty couldn't see exactly what was happening, but felt pretty confident he would find out in the form of Liam eventually cursing him with whatever it was.
Liam pulled her hands away and shifted her hips, something was making her very uncomfortable. She waddled away from the lever with her legs relatively open.
Marty approached and pulled it with a sigh.
A tingle began in Marty's nose. He reached up and felt his proud, masculine schnozz begin to shrink. It wasn't just the nostrils constricting, it was the bridge too. It became slightly upturned and tiny. His intimidating, prominent nose was now a cute button. It made his already large, green eyes look even larger. Combined with his smooth, hairless skin and larger lips his face was beginning to look decidedly feminine.
Marty turned to his competitors. Liam appeared pissed off while Mrs. Polermo complimented Marty's continuing embrace of his femininity.
Doctor Grungot approached Marty who was still standing next to the lever. Marty froze as Grungot stood directly behind him. He placed both hands around Marty's shoulders.
"Go ahead and pull it again." Grungot whispered, "You lost this round, you owe your opponents each a swap."
Marty shivered at Grungot's touch. He obeyed the Doctor and pulled the lever another time. This time, two phrases were left of the screen.
Marti's throat immediately felt like it was full of something - like something was lodged in it! His whole body was tingling and changing but his focus was squarely on his throat. Marti beat at his chest, trying to pass whatever was lodged there. When he finally did, he took a few, ragged breaths and scratched at his throat. It was smooth, just like it always was he didn't- Wait- smooth? He scratched at his throat a second time, he did have his Adams apple any longer, it was gone! He curled his chin length hair out of his big green eyes using his painted nails. He was really starting to look like a girl now. This was the first truly overt change that was undeniably female. Longer hair, smaller muscles and painted nails could all be explained away but not missing an Adams apple...that was much more complicated.
Beside his lost Adams apple, Marti noticed subtle changes to his body. His skin was a bit less tight and he felt a slight achiness all over the place, but particularly in his neck and back. He reached up to his face and felt his new button nose. He also felt that his face had taken on a bit more of an angular shape. As if the edges of his features were more defined. Additionally, he had a small bit of added heft to his mid section. Nothing too significant, but enough where he noticed it.
Marti glanced over to his opponents. Mrs. Polermo was rubbing her hands up and down her body. She looked younger. Some of the wrinkles on her face had disappeared while her flappy arms had tightened a bit. Her vericose veins were all but gone and the pockmarks of cellulite on her legs had nearly evaporated. Even her hair had a bit more life to it. She had lost ten years of age in an instant! Her short leopard print dress was still not appropriate for a woman her age, but she was much tighter and - well - sexier.
Liam, meanwhile, was rubbing at the Adams apple that formed on her neck. It was an undeniable symbol of masculinity. She appeared momentarily happy, but eventually glared over to Marti. They both knew what she was thinking. The ultimate symbol was still dangling between Marti's legs. But only Marti knew how tiny it truly was.
Mrs. Polermo spoke first. Her low soprano had a little more youth to it, "Thank you for the brush up, darling. I hope the years won't be too hard on your body. The thirties aren't that bad. The forties, however...oh, you'll find out before long!"
Liam waddled over to Marti, whatever had been done to her ass clearly still bothering her. "A small but necessary victory. We both know you still have lots of shit i'm coming for. See you soon, Girlie!"
Marti shook his head, still reeling from a host of changes. Had he really lost ten years of his youth? He turned to Doctor Grungot who was definitely in his personal space. The Doctor stared lustfully into Marti's eyes. Marti felt his pulse quicken, this was unlike any stare he had every received from a man. Marti froze in place. Doctor Grungot bent directly into Marti and took a long sniff of air. Marti could smell the strong stench of cologne. Up close, Doctor Grungot was even more sad and pathetic. Marti was disgusted.
Doctor Grungot, seemingly satisfied with his whiff, stood back upright and a grin settled on his face.
"Good night." He whispered at Marti. Marti felt a tingle crawl up his spine. How could his situation get any worse? He looked from Grungot to Liam to Mrs. Polermo. They all eyes him like predators. Nobody was his ally.
The scene collapsed and he was left alone in the void.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Marti Nelle Dawes
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
166 LBS
Straight, chin length black hair with long bangs. Silky and clean with a bit of sheen to it.
Androgynous, belonging to neither male nor female.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Small, one or two inch micro penis with sad, shrivled balls. Smooth and void of any hair. Encased in a small, metal chastity cage.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Flat pecks with little muscle. Nipples are small hard and masculine. Stomach is soft with respectable muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands are large and silky though masculine with deep red painted nails.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, stick legs with little muscle or fat. Feet are large, smooth, masculine, without callous, reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with narrow hips. Deep red painted toenails.
Blue and white long sleeve woman's basketball shirt. Women's blue basketball shorts.
Leather high heels.
Has dated exclusively women. Loves drilling a nice wet pussy. Loves making women scream in ecstasy. Likes large tits and big butts (and he cannot lie). Likes seeing women with cum on them (especially if it's his). Enjoys a bit of hair down there and has a preference for long blonde hair up top. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both his partners and himself. Likes having women call him 'Daddy'. Enjoys long kisses with both men and women. Finds himself increasingly interested in men.
Somewhat driven and dim-witted. A bit of a hothead that's slow with his decision making. Somewhat provacative and foolhardy. Not overtly afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence.
Extremely knowlegable with Jiu Jitsu. Knows multiple fighting techniques other than Jiu Jitsu. Martial weapons expert. Very knowlegable about the human body inclduing fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Learned french exclusively for the ladies. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.
Anthony Johnson: Round 1W, 10L, 12W, 19L
Annabelle Slut: Round 2W, 9L, 10L, 17L
Liam Gentry: Round 3L, 8L, 15L, 20L
Danielle Strauss: Round 4W, 10L, 16W
Cindi/Sandra Mode: Round 5L, 11L, 18L
Mrs. Polermo: Round 6L, 13L, 20L
S.A.M. / Samuel Kleiner: Round 7W, 14L
Mistress Jennifer: 14L, 18L