Round 22

[b]Round Twenty Two:[/b]

Marti appeared in a sunny park. He was standing in a central area with a floor made of tan stone. A stone chess table and chairs were nearby.

Marti wore a loose black blouse and tight jeans. He also wore the leather heels. The outfit was not sexual or demeaning or anything - it was just obviously very female.

He used his painted nails to pull and pinch at the jeans. They were so tight, even on his thin legs. They were also higher waisted than he was used to and there was almost no room between his legs. His caged micro penis was practically suffocating in there. The blouse, on the other hand, was an airy, thin material complete with a very conservative cleavage window. The blouse was extra baggy in the chest area to support something Marti didn't have. He gulped. Hopefully it was something he would never have...

Marti was used to the shoes now, they were his trusty leather pumps. He flipped his chin length black hair and waited.

Annabelle appeared moments later. Her long blonde hair tumbled down her back and she had a pretty red flower pinned in it. Her extreme hourglass figure and globular breasts were barely contained in a black latex mini dress. Though contained, her tits still sported a deep valley of cleavage. Her thick lips were painted bright pink and she stood with long, sparkly nails on her hips. She wore flat black shoes which made her look hopelessly tiny, she wasn't even over five feet.

Marti noticed she didn't have the same vacant stare he was accustomed to.

"Already did a number on you, huh?" Anderson squeaked in her high pitch.

Marti bowed his head before nodding. He responded in his new androgynous voice, "Yeah, I guess so."

Anderson looked down at the chess table. "You'll stand a good chance against Annabelle, I imagine. Even if she's a bit smarter than you now. She's easily distracted."

Anderson stretched her thin little arms over her head and yawned. Marti's crotch stirred. Even though she didn't have the personality or brain of a teenage bimbo at the moment, she still looked like one. She produced a heart shaped pink sucker and popped it into her brace filled mouth.

"What's the point?" Marti began, "I can't win this game. The Doctor will never let me out of here. Why even try?"

Anderson pulled the sucker out with a soft sucking sound, "That's true. You're already stuck here like the rest of us. If you've already accepted that you can't win, then you're a lot further ahead than I was. Took me forever to come to terms with that. The only thing you can do now is try to stop things from getting worse. That's the only power you have. Because I've told you before and I'll tell you again, there are fates worse than death and the Doctor has quite the imagination."

Anderson and Marti stood silently for a few seconds. Anderson's words hung in the air like a fog. Was he really about to give up? Just like that? Marti shook his head, it all just seemed to hopeless.

S.A.M. appeared wearing a little bowler hat.

A curious white stain splashed across Anderson's chest. The strong smell of semen hit Marti's nose and instantly gave him an incredible craving. It felt like his stomach was collapsing in on itself. Marti's eyes were drawn to the cum on Anderson's dress and he licked his lips in anticipation. But, as quickly as it appeared, the semen dried leaving only a crusty stain. A pang of disappointment flashed inside Marti, but at least his craving began to die back down. He gulped. If a willing man was trying to coerce him into something...Marti didn't know if he would have the willpower to say no. Not with the intensity of a craving like that. A black choker snapped itself around Anderson's neck. She gagged and struggled to breath for a few seconds but quickly regained her faculties. Anderson looked down at her hands and furrowed her brow in confusion. The sucker clanked around her mouth.

"Still me...?" Anderson muttered.

S.A.M. spoke in his monotone computer voice, "Contestants will play a simple game of chess."

Chess pieces appeared on both sides of the board.


Marti took his seat and watched Anderson who still appeared to be very confused. She carefully sat down and crossed her legs unconsciously in a feminine manner.

"I'm- I'm still Anderson. Why didn't she take over?" Anderson whispered incredulously.

Marti moved his first pawn forward, "Probably because the Doctor knows you have a better chance of beating me."

Anderson moved her pawn forward with a shaky hand, "Yeah, I guess so..."

For the first twenty or so moves, it seemed to be almost neck and neck. Marti even thought he was pulling slightly ahead. He was positioning his pieces rather well, controlling zones and staying a few moves ahead of Anderson. Every trap Marti laid for Anderson she appeared to fall for. Marti flashed a smile as yet another of Anderson's pawns was captured. This girl was pretty bad at chess!

"Alright, I've seen enough." Doctor Grungot's voice sounded from the clouds.

Both Marti and Anderson stared upwards.

The Doctor continued, his voice as nasily as ever, "I thought I would give my old friend a chance to prove he finally joined the winning team. Clearly, I was mistaken. Here's the new terms: If you lose this round, Ms. Slut, I'll have you do another triple shift in the Hot Spot - as you are now..."

Anderson's stare faltered a bit, but her brow was still furrowed and Marti saw a fire burning in her eyes.

Grungot continued, "...With Darius and his whole crew. I'll give them the okay to do whatever they please - with every hole..."

Marti saw the fire beginning to fade.

"..And I think Mistress Jennifer would want to spend a nice triple shift training you to be a good girl. I'm sure she could come up with some fun activities..."

Anderson hung her head and sighed, "Alright, alright!" Anderson shouted at the sky. She sighed and turned her attention to Marti, "I'm sorry I have to do this, Maddie. If I let you win he would punish us both anyway."

Anderson moved her next piece. The game continued with a much faster pace. Anderson began playing so much better. It was clear after another twenty moves that Marti was completely outclassed. The tables were turned aggresively and quickly and it was Marti that was falling into traps and losing pieces to moves he didn't see coming.

Anderson expertly finished Marti off and put him into checkmate shortly after.

Marti groaned, he never stood a chance apparently.

Anderson started, "I need to both protect myself and make myself less of a target...I want his knowledge of fighting and muscle memory to do it. I'll trade my knowledge of oral sex and muscle memory to do it."

Marti's whole body shook. He shut his eyes and retreated deep inside his mind.

His thoughts shot instantly to long nights in the dojo. He had one particular bag that he kicked over and over. He kicked his own fray in the bag and one day, after countless hours of training, he busted it wide open and sand poured all over the floor. His leg grew a nice welt, but Marti had never felt so proud. He was strong and competent, powerful and disciplined.

The warmness of the memory washed over him, his arms and legs knew how to perform every move he had practiced so much, he could probably do them without thinking after so many repetitions.

But the warm feeling faded. His memories became fuzzy. Pieces of the dojo were changing. Details were becoming lost then returning as something different.

His thoughts shot instantly to long nights in the alley. He had one particular boy that he sucked over and over-

NO! NO! He had a bag that he...a bag that he...

He had one particular boy that he...

NO! He was in the dojo and he trained. He trained to...

What exactly do you train at a dojo?

Marti tried to capture the last remnants of his past but they slipped through his fingers like a dream.

Marti's body shook again and he could feel his brain was subtly rewiring parts of itself. Hours and hours of sweat and hard work in the gym were now hours and hours of cock and pussy shoved into his face. In dark alleys, restrooms, backseats, partys and concerts. The musky, hot stench of an aroused sex organ and the tickle of pubes of every color were familiar to Marti. Every ounce of fight training was painfully and meticulously replaced. Marti recalled he now had an affinity for a nice fat dick because he had always been addicted to semen. Since his high school days, he could always be found in the boys restroom or on his knees in the parking lot waiting for a creamy treat. He wasn't gay, he just craved semen. He could deep throat like a true pro and his tongue could go for hours. Whether exploring a wet hole or licking a long pole, he loved it all. He was such an expert at oral sex he could probably do it perfectly without thinking after so many repetitions.

When Marti opened his eyes, he knew something significant had changed. He couldn't quite remember why. He vaguely remembered something about fighting. He had never been in a fight in his whole life. In fact, he wouldn't know the first thing about fighting, really. One time Marti remembered punching a guy who was trying to force him to have anal after sucking him off. The guy must have thought Marti was gay or something, just because he deepthroated the guys cock and swallowed every drop of his cum. Though...Marti definitely remembered thinking about doing it for a few seconds.

Marti peered over to Anderson who was flexing her non existent muscles with an expression of wonder.

Anderson cracked her thin knuckles before turning her attention to Marti and somberly stating, "Try to stop things from getting worse, Marti. That's what my life is all about now. It should be yours too."

Marti nodded. As the scene collapsed, Marti felt his stomach turning. He knew what that feeling was. Where could he get his next fix?

[b]NAME: [/b]

Marti Nelle Dawes

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

166 LBS






Straight, chin length black hair with long bangs. Silky and clean with a bit of sheen to it.






Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Small, one or two inch micro penis with sad, shrivled balls. Smooth and void of any hair. Encased in a small, metal chastity cage.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Flat pecks with little muscle. Nipples are small hard and masculine. Stomach is soft with respectable muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands are large and silky though masculine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, stick legs with little muscle or fat. Feet are large, smooth, masculine, without callous, reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with narrow hips. Deep red painted toenails.


Black, baggy blouse with small cleavage window. Tight female blue jeans and leather pumps.


Has dated members of both sexes but never stayed exclusive. Loves giving almost anybody oral. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes large tits, bit cocks and big butts (and he cannot lie). Likes seeing women with cum on them, but even moreso enjoys cum inside his mouth. Addicted to semen. Enjoys a bit of hair down there and has a preference for long blonde hair up top. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both his partners and himself. Enjoys long kisses with both men and women. Finds himself increasingly interested in men.


Somewhat driven and dim-witted. A bit of a hothead that's slow with his decision making. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Not overtly afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence.


Extremely knowledgeable with oral sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowledgeable about the human body including fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Fluent in french. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Round 23


Round 21